

A cool, drizzling evening in mid-November was drawling along in silence. Any sensible person was tucked away in their cozy homes, avoiding the almost negative degree weather. It was calm, only the sounds of rain pattering upon long-dead leaves and a few slow birds here and there – those who had not left yet for warmer settings.
A scream pierced the silent night.
It was blood curling, loud, and maybe even a bit over-dramatic.
The sound of uncontrollable laughter followed the scream. Not evil, not victorious, but the kind of laugh you get when someone tells a joke at the precisely best moment.
This laughter belonged to a teenage girl by the name of Violet Straus. She was lying upon a beaten, almost deflated looking couch, holding her sides as she laughed out. The room she occupied was dark, flooded with only the light glare of a television. This television was the source of her laughter.
“Kayleigh, you suck at picking out scary movies! This is hysterical!” She said, trying to catch her breath after the fit of hysterics.
Sitting on the floor, was a girl with short blonde hair. “Sorry,” She said sheepishly, adjusting her rectangular glasses on the bridge of her nose.
The brunette sitting behind her let out a sigh on contentment and brushed her hand through her hair idly. The two fell silent once more, watching the old horror flick displayed upon the wide screen in front of them.
The rain outside the glass doors, only feet from where the two girls were preoccupied with their B-movie, came down in harsh sheets. It was as if the rain wanted to break through the glass doors and reach into the place of subtly where the two so easily forgot their troubles.
“Hey Kay, close the blinds wouldya? The rain’s terrible.” Violet said, not taking her eyes from the screen.
The blonde stood up, pulling her tank top down to cover the sliver of her pale stomach which was exposed from the position in which she sat. The girl trailed easily over to the rain, and grabbed the strings connected to the white blinds. She pulled them, as a particularly vibrant strike of lightning cracked through the sky, illuminating the grassy yard and the trees swaying in protest to the wind.
Kayleigh screamed and fell backwards, landing gracefully on her backside.
A loud rumble of thunder seemingly shook the house as Violet chuckled, restraining from bursting out and laughing at her friend.
“You are hopeless!” She called from the couch, and stood up. She reached down and helped her shorter friend up, who was mumbling an apology. Violet shrugged, pulling the strings of the blinds to watch them move horizontally across the glass to shield them from the outside world.
The two girls stood in silence for a moment, the room flickering slightly as the movie continued to play. The sounds of murderous screams and pounding rain seemed to melt together as the girls simply stood.
“Want some food?” Violet asked suddenly, causing the other girl to twitch slightly in surprise.
“Y-yeah, sure!” She said, straightening up as they climbed the stairs to the kitchen.


“Oh yuck, I had the popcorn ones!” The brunette girl yelped from her desk. She was turned around in her seat, talking to the girl behind her. The blonde glanced up behind her glasses at the opposing girl – who was currently scrunching her face up in disgust. She set down her pencil, studying the incomplete sketch in her notebook of a butterfly she had spotted outside the classroom’s windows earlier that day.
“Then maybe you should look at the jellybeans before you put them in your mouth?” She suggested, with a small smile.
“Where’s the fun in that!?” Exclaimed Violet with a look of innocent curiosity on her face. The blonde smiled a bit more.
“Here, you taste it.” Offered the brunette, holding out a bright yellow jellybean. She hesitated, but took it and chewed slowly. Violet watched with interest, staring at her face. When the girl didn’t seem disgusted she threw her arms in the air, “You are so weird!”
Kayleigh smiled a little, “Sorry.”
She huffed in annoyance, and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ears. Her long ponytail was unruly, but still very smooth as it reached the middle of her back. Her button up blouse was missing a few buttons which probably should have been there, but were not.
Kayleigh turned her head to the side a bit, her eyes trailing from the bridge of the girl’s nose, down to her exposed cleavage. She blushed and hastily looked away. Violet took no notice to this and stuck another jellybean into her mouth. She chewed idly, staring out at the sunny day when only hours ago it was storming.
The blonde yawned, stretching her arms over her head. Violet turned and smirked a bit.
“You know, you look like a kitten when you do that.”
Kay’s face burned like a fat man in the sun.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, hello there! Willow here, this is my first story on this site! I feel accomplished, for no real reason actually… It’s break here, no classes and such, so I might be updating often. But once school starts again, it’ll take a bit to update. Anyways, just some warnings…
Yes: This is a girl/girl love story.
No: Nothing graphic is planned.
No: I do not accept hate mail. If you send it, I will laugh, and it shall be deleted.