
Toasted Marshmellow

Tick… tick… tick… tick… tick… Said the generic, black and white clock; which hung upon the blue wall of the Spanish room.
The blonde was staring at it, intently. Daring it to move any slower than it already was.
Another noise came into the area they sat at, and sandpapery noise. She blinked, and turned to her side where Violet was filing down her chipped pink nails. The blonde bit her cheek and turned back to scan the classroom.
Strewn about the room were sixteen seniors, like themselves, who looked like they were about to die of boredom. They were required to spend half the day at school for the last week, even though they had all finished their exams. The clock ticked on.
Tick… tick… tick…
Violet’s eyes glanced over at Kayleigh. The blonde’s distant hazel eyes said her mind was elsewhere. Anywhere but here was probably a good thing. If your mind stuck around her long enough you’d probably go mad. She chuckled lightly to herself before glancing back down at her chipped nail polish and heaving a sigh. They still had to be here for another hour, until the lunch break. Then they were allowed to leave and not come back.
That is, of course, until the next morning.
Where they had to sit in a dreadful, freezing room by the name of “study hall”, quietly. For hours.
The brunette rolled her eyes, and rested the vision upon her friend, who had put her hood up and her head down on the table.
Her shoulders shook slightly – the room was quite chilly.
Smiling, in spite of herself, she took the jacket off the chair she was leaning against and draped the lavender zip-up over the small blonde girl.
Kay glanced up at her, startled, but soon let her features melt into a calm smile.
Violet returned the smile, but slowly – hesitantly.
She tipped her head back, staring up at the tiled ceiling of the room and closed her eyes.
I love you.” Her eyes squeezed harder to be shut, trying to rid herself of the memory. Of the emotion.
And what was with that kiss?
Kayleigh was such a prude! It was so incredibly… chaste.
Violet let out a short groan, but couldn’t help but let her tongue run over her lips at the memory. Mentally smacking herself, she tried to keep her mind zeroed in on another subject.
Blue walls, four desks in a rectangle, twenty two chairs, ten boys, six girls, one very old teacher, one clock, teacher’s desk, squeaky swivel chair, two whiteboards with gibberish (Spanish) written on it, a few posters of Spain, Mexico and Puerto Rico lined the room, cabinets, one window, one bookshelf with exactly one hundred and sixty two text books, Spanish/English dictionaries and source books on it.
Nothing at all could distract her from thinking back to the impending memory, which happened less than forty eight hours before hand.
Tick… tick… tick…
Violet slammed her head down on the desk, the thud echoing around the room and remained for moments even though the action was done.
Kayleigh jerk up as the desk vibrated violently, and stared at her friend.
The brunette was unmoving beside her, the curtain of hair blocking her face and splayed across the desk haphazardly.
The blonde blinked, pulling the purple jacket closer to herself. The jacket smelled like Violet, like cigarettes and vanilla, but still somehow comforting.
She jumped as her phone vibrated in her back pocket.
Glancing over to the Spanish professor – who looked as bored as the students – she found it safe enough to take out her phone and hide it under her purse.
“We need 2 talk” from Violet was in bold, black font on the tiny screen.
Her heart jumped, but she sent back, “OK lunch?” before repeating Violet’s action and slamming her forehead into the wooden desk.
The sleeping students, in return, jumped awake and looked around in confusion for the second time in the past five minutes.


Kayleigh snapped the chopsticks together repeatedly, nervous hands shaking.
This is it, she’s going to tell me that she’s disgusted, we’re going to stop being friends, and I’m never going to see her again,” Her mind kept processing the situation, kept repeating the same thing.
Violet sat down across from her friend, handing her the plate of noodles and keeping the plate of rice and sweet & sour chicken for herself.
The restaurant was fairly busy, the noise meshing into one single drone, the occasional clank of metal upon a plate for those poor, unfortunate souls that were inept to the ways of mastering chopsticks.
Kayleigh smiled, staring at the fried noodles with shrimp, and carrots and other, unidentifiable vegetables.
She’s going to tell me that she hates me…” Her mind repeated.
“I want an eggroll!” She stated, louder than she had wanted and began to stand up.
“Kay!” The brunette said, catching her wrist before she turned away.
Sparks went off in both their systems, their blood boiling as a twisted nervous feeling fell into the pits of their stomachs.
Well that was weird,” They thought, unknowingly, in unison.
The blonde begrudgingly sat back down, tucking her chin to her collar bone in attempts to sink into herself, to get out of this situation.
“Kayleigh,” The blonde glanced up momentarily, “Kay…” Violet tried again.
The hazel eyes finally froze into place, unmoving and the brunette smiled.
“I just wanted to say…”
A plate crashed into pieces beside the table they sat at. They jumped at the sudden noise, piercing the tension momentarily.
As a waitress hurriedly apologized and went to fetch a broom from behind the counter, their eyes met again.
“Ah…” Violet coughed awkwardly, glancing down at her food that she was flipping over continuously with her chopsticks. “We… We’re still friends, right?”
Kayleigh’s heart was torn between sinking and jumping for joy. “F-friends? Yeah! O-of course, we’re friends.” She smiled broadly, but something was in those eyes.
We’re friends…” Her mind repeated. “I know I should be happy with that, but…
♠ ♠ ♠
HAH! Since classes are out, and my awesome-abusive friend cannot get to me (at the moment, she will find a way), I have not been beaten for the last chapter!

Yaaaaaaaaaay! …This’ll be a short lived victory, won’t it?

Woohooo, sixteen! :D