
Strawberry Jame

“Technically speaking, we’re already graduates.”
Kayleigh glanced up from where she had been studying her rainbow toe-socks, to give her friend a questioning and suspicious glance.
“Just saying!” The brunette scrambled to say, holding her hands up in defense and giving the shorter an innocent look.
Kay smirked a little, then went back to staring at her feet.
Violet popped another colourful bean-shaped candy into her mouth, chewing momentarily before proclaiming, “Cherry!”
Followed a moment later by the blonde’s lighter voice saying, “Green apple!”
They locked eyes for a moment, before glancing away and laughing awkwardly.
“Bizarre,” Violet muttered for a moment, but shook her head and grabbed another candy and pressed it between her lips without looking at the colour.
“Hmm… Orange juice!”
Kayleigh stuck out her tongue, “I don’t like orange juice.” She mumbled childishly.
“What!? Why not? That stuff is delicious! Especially wi-” She cut herself off, about to say, “Especially with vodka.” But decided not to mention alcohol at this time.
It had been a week since she last touched any alcohol, and her mind had been suffering slightly. She was so used to coming home and just opening a beer, to drain away the stress of that day. Of school, and work, and her mother’s absence.
But something had been stopping her every time she reached for the bottle.
That image, one etched into her mind. Seeing Kayleigh dead – not really, just a fair assumption from the incidents.
And knowing it had been her doing.
The brunette snapped her head back at the closeness of her friend, who had moved in front of her while attempting to get her attention.
“Hm, yeah, what?” She asked awkwardly – hurriedly. Nervously.
The blonde started slightly, moving back on her heels so she distanced herself from the brunette.
“Y-you spaced out.” She said, smiling a little.
“Ohh, yeah, sorry.” She muttered, popping another candy into her mouth and gagging after a moment of chewing.
Kayleigh cocked her head to the side, staring at her friend momentarily as she repeatedly stuck her tongue out, trying to get the taste off.
Leaning forward, the blonde attracted the elder’s attention as the distance between them lessened even more.
“Err,” Violet began, but stopped thinking as smooth lips pressed to her own in a shocking, and quite spontaneous kiss.
Kayleigh’s pink tongue trailed against her friend’s lips momentarily, before she sat back and said,

Violet toppled over on her sleeping bag, the bowl of Jelly Belly’s splaying across the carpeted floor.
“V-Vi!? Are you okay!?” The girl asked frantically at her petrified friend, who laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling in an offending way. As if to ask, “What the fuck was that?”
“Hm?” She glanced over to her friend, whose blonde eyebrows were drawn together in confusion.
“Uhm… what was that?”
“Oh… Nothing…” She said in a sing-song voice, but remained laying in her exasperated state.
“Did I really just imagine that?” Her mind questioned. “Why? I’ve never thought of her like that before… Wait, do I want her to kiss me?” The slides of questions came in frantically and chaotically as her teenage mind attempted to figure out this foreign feeling.
“Kay!” She startled, sitting up on the sleeping back.
Only to notice her small friend had curled up into a ball on her own sleeping bag, and was currently letting out short, steady breaths.
“Oh,” She said, biting her lip at the sight of her slumbering acquaintance. “How long was I thinking?” She mumbled, glancing back to the ceiling, then towards the young graduate, “Hm, it can wait.” She said, getting up to switch off the lights.
“The question is… What is ‘it’?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I haven't written in a spell, I was a counselor at this camp in Chorley for a bit. I got to direct a play! :]] It was exceptional, I enjoyed it thoroughly.

Anyways! Yeah, short chapter, it's okay though, 'cause all the rest are going to be longggggg. Believe me. It's gonna take forever to write them! Plus, though it's depressing, yes, this is coming to an end. Only three more chapters to go! Ahh!!

Thanks for sticking with it guys! And no! I didn't get beaten over the head this time, either! I HAVE STRAWBERRIES! <3