

Within a small, two bedroom apartment in southern Pennsylvania, one could witness the Universe, and fate, working at its best.
A young woman tossed within her bed, in her tiny, four walled room. Her blankets and sheets tangled around her, trapping her even further into her subconscious.
Willing her – no, forcing her to think.
Forcing her to know.
She groaned and twisted again in her mass of sheets, her eyes squeezing shut in force, but she remained asleep.
She continued dreaming.


The sky was of noodles.
Really! The noodles. There were bowties, and angel hair, and ziti. It’s was bizarre, all the noodles covered the sky. Making the clouds, and the birds, even the rain.
The rain that she didn’t feel.
The rain that consisted of macaroni.
Violet stared at the falling pieces of tan noodles, as they rained down in bizarrely random splotches, covering the unknown – yet familiar, place with pasta.
A fish ran, screaming, down the road. A man in a yellow slicker ran behind it, waving around a butterfly net like a madman.
From closer inspection, the man seemed more and more familiar.
“Dad?” She asked quietly, watching him chase after the fish, out of sight, down the road.
“Dad!” She exclaimed, trying to chase after him, but falling.
Falling, falling, down, down, down. She fell for hours, for days, the wind passing over her face in gusts, as if trying to lift her up.
But still she fell. Screaming the way down, never losing her voice. Never winding herself. She screamed and she fell.
“Would you like some rum?” Came a soft, sweet voice from beside her.
Turning her head, she witnessed Kayleigh. She was sitting in a rocking chair, falling at the same speed, without truly falling.
Her hair wasn’t ruffled by the wind, her clothes untouched by the force. Unlike Violet, who was completely disheveled from the continuous falling.
“Rum?” The blonde answered, attempting to fill a shot glass with the honey-coloured liquid. But gravity apparently decided to work in this case, for no real reason. The rum began to fall up, and the blonde bit her lip.
She turned the shot glass upside down and held it within the stream of rum, filling it.
With a smile of triumph, she handed it to her brunette friend.
“Erm, Kay… You don’t drink.” She tried to remind the smaller girl, but watched in horror as she took a rather large swig of the rum.
She licked her lips, smiling, “What are you talking about? You were the one who told me to lighten up. Besides, you do it all the time, why can’t I?”
“What!?” She screamed, finally coming into contact with the ground.
It didn’t hurt, but a shock went through her.
Momentarily, the girl woke up, but soon was dragged back into the dream – nay, nightmare.

“Kayleigh?” The brunette looked around frantically, “Kay, where are you?” She said, louder.
Pausing, in the darkness, a spotlight came on.
The blonde laid on her side, facing away from Violet. She lay motionless, her breathing too shallow to witness from six feet away.
Fear pumped through her system, her heart aching painfully, dragging itself outside of her chest.
No response.
Dragging herself closer, she felt like she was moving against time itself. “Kay, come on, get up. Stop joking.” She laughed nervously.
Turning her friend over, she screamed.
Her hazel eyes were wide and lifeless; her mouth hung ajar, her body paler than usual. Stone-like.
“You did this to me.” Was hissed out of her throat, her mouth and eyes unmoving.
“No, no, no.” Violet chanted, pushing her fists to her head. “No, I didn’t. I didn’t mean to!”
“Ah, but you did. You always treated me horribly. I loved you, Violet. Why don’t you love me?” The voice hissed from her throat, reminding the brunette distantly of the snake from The Jungle Book.
“K-Kay, I-I…”
“Why don’t you love me?!” She screamed, suddenly snapping to life and grabbing Violet’s shoulders.
Violet felt hot tears fall down her face, closing her eyes tightly, willing the place away.
“Vi?” Came a quiet voice.
The blue eyes tentatively opened, blinking a few times in the sudden light.
They were at a park now. The brunette sat at the end of a metal slide, her shoulder’s slouched in exasperation.
“You okay?” Kayleigh smiled a little. In her own, cute way, her innocence. Her kindness.
It was portrayed in front of the brunette.
“I love you.” Kayleigh said, smiling. A little blush crossed her face, like it did the last time she had confessed.
Violet stared at her for a moment before saying, “I love you, too.”

The blue eyes opened to stare at her white ceiling. Blinking for a moment, she attempted to detangle herself from the sheets, failed, and ended up splayed on her floor.
“Ow.” She muttered, freeing her arms to rub the side of her head.
“I love you, too.”
She gasped, touching her fingers to her mouth in surprise. Realization.
“I-I… I… I’m… in love with my best friend.” It dawned on her – finally. She laughed suddenly, surprise still completely evident. “I’m in love with Kayleigh!” She shouted; laughing loudly and letting her head fall back on the mattress.
♠ ♠ ♠
I love dream sequences. I don't know why, but they're just so much fun. I guess pushing reality is always entertaining.

I HAVE A BANDAID. I skinned my knuckle with a cheese grater last night.... I've never done that before. Now I'm a bit afraid of it.

I went to the zoo the other day. A cow licked my face. I have no idea why.

Only two more chapters to go! :D