
Red Apple

“What do you suppose it is? Does Hamlet actually see his dead father, or does he wish to see him?” The balding teacher paused for a moment, his tired eyes scanning the room of teenagers. “Come on people, this is one of the greatest works of literature of all time, you have to be at least a bit interested in it.”
Violet absentmindedly twirled a lock of brown hair around her finger, chewing on a piece of gum she snatched from someone earlier. One of the students finally raised their hand, and began to speak.
Not that she was actually paying attention enough to hear what they were saying, but she did keep in mind that someone, was in fact, speaking.
She leaned back in her chair, pretending to stretch, but dropping a folded piece of paper on the desk behind her.
Kayleigh was snapped out of reading when the paper dropped onto the sentence she was scanning. She looked up to see her friend scratching the back of her head nonchalantly, and then go back to leaning on her elbows on the desk.
She unfolded the paper:

I’m invading today, right? At this rate, we’re never getting sleep again! :)

The corners of her lips turned up to a smile as she reread the note another time before writing in her cursive:

I don’t have a problem with it. My parents will be gone for the weekend, so stay as long as you like!

The blonde leaned forward, but paused as the teacher stole a glance in their direction. She turned her face to the side, the guilt of not paying attention seeping into the pit of her stomach. She turned back; his attention was directed upon someone on the far side of the room. She dropped the note over Violet’s shoulder; it hit her desk with a soft ‘wap’.
She read it, and tipped her head back, smiling at her.
“Violet! Pay attention!” The teacher scolded from the front.


“Honey, I’m hoooome!” Echoed through the empty foyer of the home. A stifled giggle was heard afterwards as the door closed.
“The house is empty.” She mumbled, hiding her smile as she turned into the kitchen.
Violet followed her, dropping her bag behind her in the hallway. “That means it’s just the two of us.” She said coyly.
Kayleigh stiffened as she opened the fridge. She turned her head to the side, exhaled, then said, “Don’t joke like that.”
The brunette gasped in mock hurt, “Oh Kayleigh, why have you forsaken me so! I thought our love was so true, so pure!” She clasped her hands over her heart as if it hurt. “I was mistaken!” She collapsed backwards onto the couch.
Kay couldn’t help but giggle lightly at her antics. The brunette popped her head over the couch and watched her.
The short blonde had put a kettle on the stove, and she offhandedly heard water beginning to bubble. She reached over to remove a scarlet box from the cabinet, having to stand on her tiptoes to reach it. Violet cocked her head to the side slightly, watching the girl.
Her eyes trailed from the floor, up her entire form. Her feet were tiny; size six, maybe. Purple scars covered the backs of her heels, from previous blisters. She had bowl legs, the brunette added to her description, and thin calves. Her hips still had that gentle curve of adolescence which opted up to the tiny waist line she had. Her shoulder bones stuck out of her back like wings. The nape of her neck was starkly pale, like the rest of her. Her short, choppy blonde hair hung over her ears.
“You’re cute, you know that?” Violet said suddenly.
The blonde jumped, dropping the two tea bags she had in her hand. “Wh-what?” She turned slightly, her eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
Her eyes were slightly slanged, a ski-slope nose, which explained why her glasses kept slipping down. The thick, rectangular frames hid her hazel eyes, which held a shifty gaze of nervous confusion.
Violet shrugged, “It’s true, ya know. Why don’t you have a boyfriend? There’s bound to be a million guys at the school that want you by now!”
She mumbled something incoherently as she turned to take the screaming kettle of the heat. In a matter of minutes, she approached the couch with two steaming cups of tea. The house was filled with the smell of honey and spice as the blonde sat next to Violet.
Gratefully, she took one of the cups and inhaled deeply, “Mmm…”
She smiled sheepishly, taking a sip of her product and leaned her head back on the couch.
Violet slowly sipped her tea, watching the girl as she savoured the sharp taste of chai tea.
“That was a serious question ya know.” She said, taking another slow drawl of the hot drink. The steam curled around her face, fogging her vision slightly and putting slight amounts of moisture on her cheeks.
The blonde paused, opening one of her eyes to study her curious gaze. “I’m not sure.” She concluded.
“Come on! That was a pitiful answer!”
“It’s true!” She said, sitting up slightly, “I don’t know why I don’t have a boyfriend.” She said this part a bit quieter, looking down to her side.
They fell into an uncomfortable silence. That is, until Violet huffed and sat back, “You should so be coming to prom with me.”
A small smile was evident in her voice, “Then who would take of you when you have a hangover?”
Violet let out a sharp laugh, “True, true. Oh man, what would I do without you?”
She opened her mouth to respond, but promptly closed it when realizing how offending her response might have been.
“You know that cute senior, Jude?” The blonde nodded slowly, taking another sip from her tea. The steam fogged up her glasses and she blinked a few times. “Yeah, well, I think we’re kind of going as an item, ya know? He’s giving me a ride there, and… home.” She stifled a laugh.
The room fell into a queasy silence as Kayleigh ran her fingers along the rim of the white, ceramic cup she held.
“Oh… Do you like him?” She asked after a few, tantalizingly silence moments.
Violet sputtered, “How could I not? He’s positively gorgeous!”
Kay looked down, scratching the back of her neck – a nervous habit she had picked up.
“Well then… Congrats!” She said with a smile.
Violet hummed in agreement, taking another sip of tea.
“Why don’t you have a boyfriend?”
“Because… I don’t like…
♠ ♠ ♠
Yeah, I’m a quick writer. Mainly because I actually have an outline for this one, so I know what I’m doing in each chapter, so I can focus on writing more than figuring out what happens next!

You know what taste funny? Root beer jellybeans. I got a pack of Jellybelly’s today and wow, these things have the WEIRDEST flavours. Anyways, new chapter. I will probably write another one today or tomorrow. I’m not doing much today and tomorrow so I’ll be… here… ish… Maybe…