
Very Cherry

The house practically pulsed with the beat of the extraordinarily loud music. Strobe lights decorated the room, shining colours across walls and the shadows of dancing teenagers grew upon the red painted walls of the host’s house.
Girls screamed in laughter, people’s voices melded together into one, loud, droning noise.
Red plastic cups lined the room, some lay on the floor, forgotten along with the bitter liquid they all contained.
A brunette girl dressed in nothing but a pink miniskirt and white v-neck shirt giggled contagiously, falling against the wall. Her own red cup sloshed liquid over herself and the floor, but she just howled in laughter as a guy grabbed her wrist, pulling her to the dance floor.
The shifting, twisting, swaying bodies of the grinding circle made it almost impossible to move anyway besides the beat everyone kept.
The brunette giggled again as the boy grinded his jean-clad hips into her buttocks. She pushed back against him, rotating her hips slowly, teasingly.
She was completely wasted.
The fast beat of the hiphop music pulsed through the room, shaking the walls. This went unacknowledged.
Violet howled; her ass pressing into the unnamed boy’s hips again, grinding against him. She lifted her hands up, the red cup forgotten as it poor clear, sour liquid over the top of a bleached blonde dancing less than three inches from her.
The blonde screamed as the cool liquid splashed over her messy, volumized hair.
She shot a look at the brunette, who was giggling like crazy.
“Bitch!” She screamed at her, grabbing a fistful of brown hair and tugging it down viciously. Violet screeched in pain, digging her nails into the wrist that held her brunette locks.
The blonde yelped in pain, trying to dig her hand away from Violet’s sharp nails, but failing as they dug deeper into the skin. She slammed her clenched hand into the tanned girl’s cheek bone, knocking her down and out of the grinding circle.
She pulled the bleached girl down, “Da fuck, whore!?” She screamed, crashing her fish into the girl’s nose.
Some of the dancers had stopped, watching the fight with interest.
“You fucking dyke! I just had my nose done!” She ripped the fistful of hair again, this time taking the roots out with her. She shrieked in pain, pinning the blonde down and slamming her head into the tile floor.
Some of the dancers, who were also, presumably, drunk by this point, cheered, yelling “cat fight!” continuously.
A few sober, or mainly sober, people pulled the girls off each other before they killed each other. They both screamed and tore at each other, ready to continue their brawl but the sobers held them back.


“Kayleigh, can you close up for me?” Ask the tired looking woman with greying hair. She looked up at her boss, nodding slowly as the bags under her eyes seemingly got heavier every second.
The woman left, and Kay flipped through the last page in her magazine. Glancing at the clock, she figured it was close enough to eleven to close the small coffee shop. Scratching the back of her head, she grabbed her green purse from behind the counter, slipping off the black hat and purple apron.
Digging through her purse, she jumped as her cell phone suddenly spun to life, ringing viciously.
“Hello?” She asked slowly, fishing her keys out and turning to lock the door.
“Hola love-bucket!” A familiar voice slurred through the receiver.
“Yep, yep, yeppers!”
“Why did you call me?” She asked, scrunching up her face in a questioning manner as she walked to her car.
“Ya know that Jude was throwin’ that party tonight and all that stuffs.”
“I kinda got thrown out by the uptight sober people.”
Kayleigh groaned inwardly, but her heart also skipped a beat, “Are you okay?”
“Mhmm, my head sorta hurts and I think I bruised my fayche, but yeah.”
“Okay…Jude lives o-on Weaver Street, right?”
“Okay, I’ll be there in a minute, w-wait out front. And. Don’t. Move.”
Kayleigh sat in the driver’s seat of her yellow Ford Focus, clicking the “end” button on her phone. She laid her head against the steering wheel, letting out a shaky breath.
“I’m her best friend… Best bloody friend. And I still let her do this stuff to herself…” She muttered.
After a few more moments of sitting like that, she started the engine and pulled out of the empty parking lot.


“Seriously, I owe you. Like really. This time, honestly, I will find you someone PERFECT.” Violet spread her arms out, apparently trying to maximize the meaning of ‘perfect’ even more.
“I’m good, thanks.” Kayleigh murmured, smirking slightly at her drunken passenger.
“You’re mad.”
“N-no, I’m not.” She said, letting out a breath.
“Yeah, yep, you are. See, look there. You’ve got that crease between your eyebrows again. So pissed.”
“Am not.” She interjected quietly.
The car was silent – or it would have been, but Violet was humming in the backseat, to neither an actual beat, or anything recognizable as a song.
“You can just drop me off at my place.”
“N-no, I think I’d b-better… watch you. Just tonight.”
“Mm, kay.” She said, sounding sleepy.
“Your face is bruised, w-what’d you do?”
“Got ina fight with some bimbo-whore.”
♠ ♠ ♠
TOLD YOU it’d be more interesting! HAH. Okay, anyways, yeah I updated twice in one day. GO ME. But I didn’t have homework, and I was bored. So yeah. I’ll try and update again sometime this week.

Comments make me happy. I have cake.