
Berry Blue


The sound of birds, singing graciously and gaily, was accompanied by the pattering of light raindrops as they fell from the pregnant clouds. The late afternoon sun had long set; the last sliver of barley visible light falling behind the tree-clad horizon. The dark grey clouds rolled over lazily, blocking out the light of the moon and stars, only leaving darkness in the rain. And yet, it was peaceful – the warm kind of rain. The kind you dance in.
Violet danced around the kitchen, a bottle of tangerine Absolut vodka in her left hand, her right a cookie. The sharply sweet smell of cinnamon filled the kitchen as the music from the iHome blared through the empty house.
“Just dance, spin that record babe!” Violet sang in a shaky, untrained voice. (Just Dance – Lady Gaga)
Kayleigh laughed from her spot atop the counters of the kitchen, watching the timer above the oven as it ticked away slowly.
“May I have this dance?” Violet asked, bowing with the vodka-occupied hand behind her back and her free one stretched forward. A goofy grin was spread over her features.
Kayleigh laughed again, “But of course!” She said, hopping down just as Shake It (Metro Station) began to play on her iPod. Violet set the bottle of clear liquid down on the counter and began to jump around, swinging Kay with her as she spun, twisting herself and flinging her hair in a hectic manner.
“Come on, shake, shake, shake, shake, a shake it!” They both yelled at the top of their lungs, their breathing becoming uneven as they spun, knocking the flour off the counter and it exploding on the floor in a gigantic cloud of white fluff.
The brunette howled in laughter, leaning against a chair, attempting to catch her breath. The girls were covered in the white powder, smiling and giggling like idiots.
The timer tinged loudly and Kay got up to pull another batch of Snicker Doodles out of the oven. She gently pushed them onto the cooling rack with the other, already baked cookies. There were at least a hundred cookies already, and no way would the girls actually ever get around to eating them all. But baking was fun. Especially with vodka, according to Violet.
The sound of the metal pan of cookies running over the rack in the oven was accompanied by the song change. New Found Glory’s version of Kiss Me now lit the house with its upbeat style.
Violet hopped off of the wooden bar stool and took another swig of vodka – her face express sourness as the lukewarm alcohol stung her throat.
Looking up, Kayleigh had hopped back onto the counter, sitting whilst swinging her legs. She sang along to the song, her eyes closed as her body lulled back and forth with the beat.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or perhaps it was just hormones (but more likely the alcohol), Violet’s eyes trailed up and down the small form of her friend. She danced in place, her glasses sliding off the bridge of her nose once more. A grin appeared on her face as she put the tip of the bottle to her lips again, not taking her eyes off the blonde.
The taller girl pushed off the other counter, so she was standing directly in front of her friend. They were the same height now, since Kayleigh sat atop the high counters.
“Kiss me, beneath the milky twilight…” She sang, her head tipping from right to left.
She didn’t get a chance to finish the verse as Violet pushed her lips against the smaller girl’s, her free hand resting on the back of her head.
Kayleigh’s eyes snapped open. “Violet’s kissing me… She’s kissing me… Kissing… me… HOLY FUCK!” Her mind screamed, going a million miles per hour. The head rose to her cheeks, each strand of hair on her body standing on end. Her muscles tensed, but slowly relaxed.
The taller girl broke the kiss, leaning back on her heels to distance herself a bit from the blushing blonde.
Biting her lip, she cocked her head to the side.
The hazel eyes opened, widely, staring at the opposing girl with intense… confusion.
“Erm… V-Vi?”
“Mmm?” She hummed, biting into another cookie.
“W-why’d… why’d you d-do…that?”
“You told me to.” She said after a moment of chewing.
The hazel eyes clouded for a moment, a line appearing between the girl’s eyebrows as she stared at her close friend. A light went off, “T-the song lyrics?”
Violet hummed again in approval while chewing.
Kayleigh stuck her hand out, flexing it a few times as she tried to signal Violet for something. Quirking an eyebrow at the girl, she asked with mouth stuff with cookie, “Whu?”
She pointed to the vodka bottle. The brunette looked suspiciously at her, before handing the clear liquid over to her friend. The blonde took a huge swig of the liquid, coughing chaotically as it scorched her throat.
The brunette jumped slightly, moving closer to see if she was okay.
“I-I needed that.” She muttered, handing the bottle back to her friend. The tint of pink in her cheeks had not yet faded.
♠ ♠ ♠
NOTE FROM BEGINNING: Okay, just so everybody knows… This isn’t all one continuous timeline. This is like… all over the place. The first chapter started in November, prom is in April, and right about now is… I’d say mid-May. I just wanted to clear that up, because now all this stuff is going to take place in Spring; and I didn’t want people going, “Why are they half dressed in December? Do they live in Hawaii?”

No. Pennsylvania.

Anyways, back to the author’s notes… I am evil! Muahahahahaha. I love this chapter, Kiss Me was a great muse. Anyways… Uhm…. Not much else to add here…

Next chapter will be up soon… Esque. Yeah.