
Bubble gum

Kayleigh escaped the luminous classroom, short of breath. She scratched the back of her head, not entirely sure that that entire conversation had just happened.
“’ey love.” Came a familiar voice. She turned up and smiled down the hall. “You look like hell, what’s up?”
She straightened up slightly, turning to follow Violet down the hallway. The taller girl walked with her hands entwined behind her head, leaning back. She was completely relaxed. The blonde fiddled with the strap of her backpack, their footsteps echoing down the empty hallway.
“Just a meeting with Mr. Creslar.” She mumbled, glancing away. Violet paused, causing Kayleigh to knock into her at the sudden change in movement. She looked up as the girl turned. A look of intrigued curiosity painted upon the elder’s face, her blue eyes shining down upon her. She didn’t even need to say a word.
“Ahh, uhm… Have you two had your meeting yet?” The tentative teenager asked, trying to veer the attention off herself.
Kayleigh surpassed her friend, continuing down the hallway.
A moment later, Violet’s steps started up again behind her.


“You know, we only have half a month left.” The short girl mumbled from her spot on the floor. She twirled a mechanical pencil around her fingers for a moment, before leaning down to etch a line in a notebook, then returned to twirling.
“I know, I know. God, you sound like my mother.”
“Vi,” The brunette turned to her, she was sitting at the desk on the first half of the loft bed Kayleigh had in her green coloured room. She was currently typing away at the blonde’s laptop. “We graduate in two weeks. Deadlines for applications are in a month.” Her voice surprisingly steady.
The brunette paused, standing up, only to join the blonde on the floor of the room.
Californication (The Red Hot Chili Peppers) played lazily in the background.
“Maybe I don’t want to go to college, ya know? Too much shit happens there, it’s like… high school, times twenty.”
Kayleigh chuckled.
“Ya know, genius, you never answered my question from the hallway.” The girl shot the brunette a questioning glance. “What was that meeting about?”
The girl gulped, looking back down at her spiral notebook. “I-I…” She began shakily, “…I got accepted…”
There was a short pause of silence before Violet screamed in excitement. “Where, where, where, where, where?!” She shouted.
The hazel eyes opened widely behind thick rimmed glasses, “Uhm… T-the Art Institute… in York…” She muttered.
The brunette squealed, hugging her friend tightly. The blonde tensed slightly, but didn’t push the older girl away. “That’s amazing! So you are going to be an artist! AHH!” She screeched again. Kayleigh winced at the noise.


Violet twirled a lock of her brown hair around her finger absentmindedly, sitting on the beaten white couch in Kayleigh’s media room. Sunlight shun through the large glass doors, exposing the green backyard, alive with spring colours.
“Isn’t college when all the girls turn bi?” She asked out of the blue.
Kayleigh tripped on the last step, slamming into the wall opposing the staircase. She looked at her friend, a bewildered expression on her face as she entered the room.
“No, no, seriously. I hear about it all the time! That college girls think that it’s the right time to try out both sexes!” She exclaimed, rolling over slightly on the deflated couch.
“Uhm… O-okay? I dunno.”
“Don’t turn bi, Kay.” She said, staring intently at her shifting friend.
Kayleigh’s head twitched as a hurt expression fell over her face. “Wh-what?”
“I have enough trouble knowing so many guys want you, what if girls start wanting you too? We’ll never talk again!” She said, a smile cracking over her face.
She was joking.
The blonde let out a shaky breath, sitting on the floor. She propped her back up against the couch, tilting her head forward.
A gentle breeze caused the trees to dance in the afternoon sun. The television blared the colourful child’s cartoon gently, the volume very low.
She didn’t really respond besides picking her head up.
“You alright?”
She nodded.
Violet paused, “You…” She began, but then stopped completely.
After the silence carried on for thirty seconds, the shorter of the two turned again from her place on the floor and looked at her friend.
“What?” She asked, her eyebrows creasing in question.
“Uhhh… You’re not bi, are you?”
A pierce of pain pulsed through Kay’s body. Her shoulder’s tensed slightly as she bit her lip.
“I’m not bi, I’m a lesbian. How could you have not realized it by this point?” “N-no, I’m not.”
Violet looked at her quizzically for a moment, before shrugging, “Just making sure, you seemed kinda… bothered.”
Kayleigh nodded, and before she could think, the words tumbled out of her mouth, “Are you?”
The elder paused momentarily; a thoughtful expression passed her sharp features. A bird-like creature on the television screamed, “Coco!” at the top of its lungs, keeping the room less silent.
“Not really, no. Sure, girls are okay to fool around with maybe once… ever… But I definitely prefer dudes.” She smiled, biting one of her manicured nails.
“O-oh…” Kayleigh let her shoulder’s sink slightly, staring absentmindedly at the cartoon. Her vision blurred slightly, and she hid her face in her knees. After a few minutes, the spastic show switched to a commercial about a new movie coming out. Kayleigh allowed her eyes to trail over to Violet.
The brunette let out a short puff of breath – she was fast asleep.
Kayleigh let out a short, exasperated sigh, resting her cheek bone on her knee, which was drawn up to her chest. Staring at her friend for a moment, she mumbled, “I’m sorry… but I’m not going to see you after graduation…” She paused, but soon turned again to face the television.
One of Violet’s blue eyes cracked open, her eyebrows pulled up to a hurt expression as she looked at the form of her small, close companion. She let her eyes close again, swallowing her tears.
“She’s leaving… like everyone else.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got beaten over the head with as stuffed panda for the last chapter. It was a lot better than the plastic sword, it didn’t leave a mark.


And yes, the cartoon they were watching was, in fact, Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. :]]