Suicide Missions

Chapter 1

“Frank!” I hollered as his small frame faded into the darkness.
“Yeah,” He called back, turning my way.
“I love you,” I called, tears still staining my face.
“I love you, too.” He hollered back, his hand rising up into a wave.
“Don’t do anything stupid,” I whispered as he walked into the darkness, until I couldn’t see him anymore. “Don’t do anything stupid.”
- - -
I had known Frank for two years. Frank was what you could say was my best friend. We never really got around to dating, and honestly we were more like brother and sister anyways. His smile and upbeat attitude always kept me in an awesome mood even in the worst of times. Even when it seemed that all my other friends had become female dogs, he was still there, with that smirk. Through it all, he was there, and that’s how I wanted it to be forever.
But he changed.
For weeks he became very distant. His smile came around less and less, and his eyes had lost that spark of life that once shown so brightly. Of course, when I asked about it he’d turn and beam that smile saying, “Madysen, don’t worry, I’m fine. Schools just been stressin’ me out a bit you know?” For some reason, that always put me at ease. He was so convincing that you weren’t able not to believe him, but as always I worried. Still, I believed every single reassuring word that came out of his smirking lips.

As weeks and weeks continued to pass, he seemed to lighten up again. With every greeting his hugs continued to get better and better. Our conversations became more fun and enjoyable. It seemed that Frank’s dark side was finally gone, and I had my nice, funny Frank back. At least, I thought I did, until I found him with a friend a few days back. That day, in that awful smelling park, that day damaged my image of Frank forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
This ones short, longer to come.
Comments would be nice :)