Sequel: Jamie All Over

Cuts on Paper Hearts, They Can Be Awful Deep

If You Wanted A Song Written About You,

“It’s cold in my apartment as I’m changing all the colors from the brightest reds to grays.”



I’ve been writing a lot lately and I decided three days ago that I would paint the apartment. I just finished that today. Everything is in a different place and there’s nothing to remind me of her. Of course it’s not like I need any reminders really but still. The apartment is mostly gray and white, colors like that. I guess the walls are cold like I always seem to be. This place used to be warm and alive and bright and now it just seems dead. Jamie had the walls painted reds and bright colors to keep the place alive but when she left I started to wonder. I think that she was really the one who kept this place alive and warm and kept it feeling like a home. When she left she took the life with her. I haven’t heard from her in about a month and when I tried to call her it said her number was disconnected. I haven’t broken my promise though… I miss her everyday.
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Last chapter, maybe a preview of the sequel? I haven't deicded yet. Comments are love and I hope you guys read the sequel too!!
