Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 1

As I checked my email on a Saturday morning I realized that…I have no life. I checked my email 12 times the night before and now I have none. You know how sometimes you get excited when you see "50 Inbox" trust me I do.

"Laura, come for breakfast. Get your brother too." My mom yelled up to my room.
"Ok, be right down." I said locking my laptop.

I walked into my brother, Derek's smelly, boyish, stale food smelling room and woke him up.

"Derek, wake up. Mom, said so." I said nicely
"Ok" he said throwing his sheets back.

My brother is 13 and he just started high school and I'm a 16 year old and a junior. He claims he knows more about high school then I do…whatever. I love my brother to death but he has got to wake up and realize that…he is really not smart in that department.

I sat down at the table and my mom plopped an omelet on both our plates and saw bacon. Derek and I both reached for the piece of bacon.

"Derek, give me the bacon" I said
"No, I should get it." He said
"I'm sure you do." I said sarcastically
"I'm sure I the Jonas Brothers were here you wouldn't be fighting with me." He said

I let go of the piece not realizing I lost and sat in shock…because he was right.

"Yep, this piece of bacon tastes good. Too bad that Nick isn't he to consult your loss." He said taking another bite.
"You are a stupid brother you know that!" I said throwing a piece of toast at him.
"I bet Nick wouldn't like that!" he said
"MOM! Make him stop!" I said
"Derek stop tormenting your sister. You'll thank her one day." She said
"HA! See I told you I win!" I said

After sitting down and eating breakfast, I forgot I had band practice today.

"Mom I forgot to tell you i have band practice at Ryan's house today. Her mom cleared the basement so we could have our area." I said excited
"That's great honey! What time should you be home?" she asked
"Um, around 6-ish." I said
"Ok, that would be fine. Just don't forget your cell phone this time." She said
"Promise Mom!" I said getting up and putting my dishes in the sink

After taking only 10 minutes to get ready, which is a record for me, I drove to Ryan's house for band practice. I was having a hard time grasping what Derek said. Maybe I was obsessed with the Jonas Brothers too much?

I pulled into her driveway where I saw 3 other cars signaling that Anne, Hailey and Sam and I think Rachel were already there…I was late…I think.

"I'm here!" I said carring my bass case in the house.
"Down here!" I heard Sam yell

I walked down to see all of them crouded around a computer.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked getting my bass out of its case.
"Well, we found this contest…" Ryan started
"And this group is holding auditions…" Anne started
"To see who wanted to be their band that played on tour with them." Hailey said
"Awesome, well who is it?" I asked

They looked at me like I was going to scream, by covering their ears and Sam was starting to squint. I saw Rachel, our YouTube channel/ camera girl with the camera coming around and video taping it.

"Laura, they're the Jonas Brothers." She said calmly.

Within seconds I did scream and I was jumping up and down.

"Ok so what do we have to do so that I can see me man everyday for my summer vacation?" I asked
"We have to send in a video of us and a tape of one of our songs." Hailey said
"Ok, so when is the deadline." I said walking over to the computer
"It's in 2 weeks. So we need to do it today so it can be in L.A. by the end of the week." Hailey said
"Awesome, well in the name of scary spice 'What the hell are we waitin' for?' "I said in a British accent

Ok, let me give you the low down. Ryan is my best friends of all the girls, she is our drummer. Best drummer I've ever known…well next to Nick Jonas… :)
Sam is our lead guitarist and she is amazing. I will swear on my grave she is the next Estefan.
Hailey and Anne (said like Annie) are twins. Anne is our lead singer and Hailey is our 2nd guitarist and back up vocals…like me.
Then you come to yours truly. I'm the bass player/ lead singer. Anne and I switch off back and forth but I'm mainly on bass. Ryan and I write the songs. Sam and I put the chords together and we are one big happy family…sometimes.

We decided on a song that was reasonable. (Author's note: I don't trust the internet so I'm NOT posting my bands real songs, plus since we're signed now…we don't own them now.)

We decided on "I'm Going To Make Him Mine (Tonight)"

I'm going to make Him Mine:

He's so glitchy, he's so cool.
He's the rabbest in the school.
When I see him walk our way
My friends all talk and I don't know what to say.

He will never look at me
How am I gonna make him see
'Cause all the kids are going out alright
And I gotta look around tonight.

(Tonight) I'm gonna make him mine
(Tonight) I'm gonna make him mine
(Tonight) I'm gonna make him mine
I'm going to get in his pants tonight
And I'm gonna make him right
I'm gonna make him mine

After school we go downtown
Where we chow burritos down
Here he comes. Oo-oo-oo
He's sitting alone, but I don't know what to do.

I'm gonna wait 'til no one's around
Then I'm gonna take him down
'Cause I'm gonna tell the kids alright
And I'm gonna take a chance tonight


(Tonight) I'm gonna make him mine
[Repeat x12]

(Credit to The Donnas :) )

After about 10 times we went through and edited the flaws of the video. Then Rachel came up with the idea of making introductions of the members.

Everyone made their videos and then it came to me. I had no idea what to say. Personally I was the most girly out of the band and I ended up making the biggest fool out of myself.

"Hey, I'm Laura. I'm 16 years old and I'm the bass player. I've loved you guys ever since I saw Mandy premiere on TRL and since then you had me. You should really pick us not because you need a band, well you do, but we are probably the most down to earth girls you will ever meet. We're so fun and you'll always come out with a stomach ache from laughing. We've been together for so long and I hope you give us this amazing opportunity!" I said smiling and showing my pearly whites.

Later that night I sat and ate dinner with the family. I guess you're wondering where my dad is, well my dad is in the military and is over in Afghanistan right now. My mom and dad were divorced for a year and it tares me up still. The idea of never having someone to walk me down the isle, no one to share a father-daughter dance and no one to be your kids grandfather and tell your kids about his times when he was growing up. It puts me to tears every time I think about it. I have an older sister but she is married and has kids but I hardly ever talk to her. It's sad that my brother and my mom are my best friends, not to mention my mom is out band manager. Props there!

The next day I walked to the post office and before I sent it off I literally talked to the package.

"Dear little package. You have the fate of all our lives in your hand. Please convince them that we are it" I said kissing it and hugging it.

After two weeks of waiting I got a package in the mail and saw it was from L.A. I instantly started screaming. I called Ryan and she called everyone else to come over to the house. I sat impatiently in my living room and holding my fate in one bag that made my heart beat faster and slower at the same time.

As Ryan ran through the door and ran to my living room everyone was there within 5 minutes. They we're panting and staring at me.

"Ok are you ready?" I asked

My hands trembled and shaked ripping open the bag and seeing a letter and a…tape?

I grabbed the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear Nowhere Nothing,

We as the Jonas Brothers, have come to a conclusion. After 35 entires, we have come to a conclusion. Before we tell you the results we must say, we loved your audition tape. It was so cute that you all made personal messages. The best, Joe thinks, is the bloopers…" I looked at Rachel
"Rachel what bloopers?" I asked
"Oh, nothing!" she said crossing her legs and having bug eyes.

I continued to read the personal letter to us.

"The part where Ryan tripped on her drum set and when Laura started saying the weather to fill time was hilarious. You girls are hilarious and down to earth. That is why we want to welcome you all to the World Tour '09. Nowhere Nothing you are our winners! Congratulations! There is a personal lape for you all to watch! Congratulations again!
See ya' on tour this summer!

Love always,
Kevin, Nick and Joe

I closed the note and I looked at the girls in shock.

"OMG!" I screamed

We just got up and screamed, jumping up and down and I was the one that broke out I tears.

I showed my mom the letter and she looked at me shocked.

"Laura, girls, I'll only let Laura go under one condition." She said
"What?" I asked
"You need a new manager…a professional one and your brother has to come." She said
"Mom, you have rocked at our manager. And fine Derek can come" I said
"Yeah, but you all are going to get big and I don't know how to handle that!" she said
"Then I vote Rachel as our manager!" I said raising my hand
"All in favor raise their hands NOW!" I said

Everyone even my mom raised her hand.

Rachel was our new manager and we're going to be on tour with the Jonas Brothers…I'm one step closer to meeting Nick…ok maybe it's more than that!
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, it's a my Nick Jonas story. My Joe Jonas story has made some records here on Mibba so i wanted to see how a Nick Jonas story would do!

Hope you enjoy this story, and thanks to BayleeSpiritDB & underdogx705 for the support of the start of this story!

