Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 10

In the middle of our performance I looked down to see a slip of paper. I ignored it and I kept staring at it through the corner of my eye. It was killing me because I wanted to know who it was from and then what it said. As we finished our number, the riser for Kevin, Nick and Joe started rising up and at the moment I had I opened the note. It was folded in half and it was as though it was crumbled up but flattened out. I unfolded the note and saw it was Nick's straggly, ugly handwriting. I sat there hidden behind the amp towers and started reading:

I know we haven't gotten into the best terms this trip and I hope that we can…

That was as much as I read until I heard the drum cue that Ryan gave when we were starting the JoBro's song. I instantly ran to my guitar and tucked the note into the slot it was at before. Something told me this note was going to be…interesting.

After playing our numbers with the Jonas Brothers the show ended and our lifts dropped all of us below the stage. I grabbed the note as I waved my hand and smiled. Once the lights went out and the lifts stopped I walked off with Ryan and Anne by my side.

"Hey Laura, Hailey and Rachel wanted to go get ice cream after this you want to come?" Ryan asked
"Is everyone coming?" I asked
"Yeah, well us girls are but we haven't asked the guys yet." She said
"Ok, it's ok if you invite them but there is no saying that I'll be nice to Nick." I said
"Fine, but Laura can I say something?" Ryan asked
"Anything." I said
"Can you just keep trying to work with Nick because I don’t' want my experience to be ruined because of teenage love." She said then covering her mouth
"What'd you say?" I asked
"Nothing. We leave in 5 minutes, meet us by the bus." Ryan said running away.

I held a question to what she was bringing up but whatever, she is random all the time. I went into the dressing room to see a dozen purple roses. I had to look twice since they were purple. I walked over to them and sniffed them to have the aroma of fresh picked roses. I just smiled thinking of David. Without hesitation I pulled out my phone and texted the phone.

thanx for the roses, they're beautiful. Btw where'd u find purple?

I set my phone down and started undoing my hair from the bobby pins. My hair was stilled curled from before the show so I just let it go. As I was taking my shoes off, I heard someone open the door and come in. I saw it was Nick and I instantly remembered the note.

"Hey Laura." He said shutting the door and sitting on the couch
"Hey what up?" I asked looking in the mirror and taking my make up off
"Nothing just wanted to find somewhere to hang out." He said
"Oh, well the girls are going out to ice cream, you should come" I said

I remembered what Ryan asked about the "experience" and I respected her so I decided to at least try.

"Really? You wouldn't want to invite David first?" he asked

At perfect timing I heard my phone ring David's ringtone:

Laura, I didn't send u them…Nick did. I saw him walk in w/ them after u started

Once reading that my head shot up and looked at Nick. He sat there and was playing with my bass. He really was cute in real life, but living with him had made feelings grow in and out about him.

"Hey Nick I'm going to go say goodbye to David. I'll be right back so stay here." I said smiling
"Ok, I'll be here…alone" he said

I ignored his last comment and put my cow slippers on. I loved them because every time that I walked in them they mooed. It's so cute! I was running to the stage entrance and I saw him standing there.

"Hey!" I screamed to him
"Hey beautiful!" he said picking me up and spinning me around

I just kissed him and smiled as he looked at me.

"I'm going to miss you." He said putting me down
"I know, but we'll text all the time and talk everyday." I said smiling
"We better keep up." He said smiling
"We will. I have faith in us." I said

"LAURA LETS GO!" I heard Joe yell

"Well that's my cue stage right." I said
"Guess so." He said looking at me innocently
"Well I'm going to miss you." I said

He just kissed me and gracefully placed his hand on my jaw just sending me into heaven. The way his cold hand hit the nerves in my neck sent me into an adrenaline overdrive.
I pulled away and David just smiled.

"Well I'll see you when the tour is over?" he asked
"Most defiantly!" I said kissing him again
"You better go" he said
"Yeah, bye David" I said
"Bye Beautiful." He said letting my hand gracefully go

I ran back to my dressing room and grabbed my stuff that was left and grabbed my vase of roses. As I walked out Nick was standing next to me and he assisted me.

"Hey, let me get those." He said taking the roses
"Thanks, I needed some assistance." I said smiling
"These are gorgeous. Who gave them to you?" he asked

I guess he is that curious to see if I know it yet.

"Oh, they're from David" I said messing with him
"Oh, well he's a great guy." He said
"Yeah, I'm really happy with him." I said smiling and rubbing it in

Once we got to the ice cream shop I was practically first in line.

"Laura, no line cutting!" Ryan said
"Hey, I'm younger!" I said
"So I'm older." She said
"Well I'm taller." I said
"No you're not. I'm 5'9, you're 5'8 ½ " she said
"So!" I said

I went up to the window of the mal and pal ice cream shop and ordered.

"Small chocolate with sprinkle please." I said smiling
"And a small vanilla." Nick said interrupting me
"$ 2.50" the girl said
"Here" he said handing the girl a 10
"Keep the change." He said
"Here you go!" said the ice cream maker
"Thanks" I said taking it from her

We walked away and sat at a table.

"Thanks for the ice cream" I said
"No problem." He said

We sat there and I was just thinking about everything when I remembered I had homework to do.

We raced onto the bus and grabbed our supplies. I grabbed Nick's & I's ice cream and shoved them into a bowl. I just ran and sat down with my laptop and binders all set up in front of me.

"Wow, your ice cream job is funny." He said
"Well I just wanted it so we could eat, talk and work at the same time." I said
"Thanks." He said
"You're welcome." I said

After being on the road for about an hour, Nick and I spoke for the first time.

"I swear if I have to do one more problem about calculus I'm going to want to shoot myself in the foot." I said
"Trust me, I hate having this Government homework." He said
"Hey how about a break?" I asked
"Well what do you saw we do?" he asked
"Just talk to each other." I said
"I'd like that!" he said

I placed my books on the floor and turned to him.

"Ok so tell me 5 things about yourself and then I'll tell you 5 things about me" I said
"Fair." He said smiling
"Go on!" I said smiling and placing my feet on the bench in front of me.
"Alright, well I'm boy…" he started
"No really?" I asked joking
"Hey…anyways. I am secretly a fan of the color of green even though my favorite is blue. The minute I saw the dolphins at Sea World I wanted one as a pet. My favorite place to go other than Hawaii is the Bahamas. I've always wanted to spike my hair into a Mohawk and I've always love the smell of girls hair right after it was washed." He said
"Really, I love the way my hair smells after I shower. I just wish the smell lasted." I said smiling
"It does. Trust me your hair smells amazing." He said
"What's it smell like?" I asked
"I've always thought it smelt like Raspberries." He said
"That's right." I said excited now
"Alright missy, 5 things about you." He said
"Ok, I'm the type of girl that loves to curl up by the fire in a blanket and read a book. When I grow up I want to be a history teacher. I hate artificial grape flavor. I love Mexican food will all my heart and I wear a size 10 shoe." I said
"Ok we just blurted out 5 random facts about each other." He said
"Yeah but it was fun." I said smiling
"Yeah, it was" he said

I grabbed my stuff off the floor and placed it back on the table opening my calculus book and starting to work. I could see out of the corner of my eye, Nick there, staring at me with a smile.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked
"Nothing" he said getting back to work

He thought I didn’t hear what he said next but I did.

"I never hated you, I love you." He said to himself

FF to that night:

I lye in my bunk reading my book when I remembered the note. I instantly pulled it out.

I know we haven't gotten into the best terms this trip and I hope that we can fix things between us. I've had a lot of things happen to me in the past two years and you have to understand that I don't trust anyone. Joe, Kevin and I all have learned this through bad experiences and I mean in both the music industry and relationships. I know in the beginning you had a crush on me, and I thought that was really cute. I felt bad all those times when I would hurt you or make you cry because that is just not who I am. I'm the type of person who is very insecure about themselves. I am also severely shy about everything…including girls. I mainly wanted to say that I'm sorry and I never have meant to hurt you in anyway. I'm shaking writing this and I'm afraid to tell you this but I like you more than David does and what's the best part is I know you secretly like me too. Laura, I know you're hiding something from all of us, including the truth to yourself. Whatever it is just know you can talk to me anytime and anywhere.

Hope you don't hate me now because I could never hate you,


Nick was right, I was hiding something…I was raped.
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Hey guys, like i said before i'm making this story connected to my real life as much as possible and i feel i'm almost ready to tlak completely about what happened. I hope you all enjoy this chapter :) Comment and Message :)
