Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 11

Sitting on the couch with my physics book and homework, I flat out couldn't concentrate. I was thinking too much about Nick and his infamous letter. Was I ready to tell him? Should I tell him? Did I respect him enough to tell him my deepest secret?

As I finished my first problem about wave lengths, he sat dawn next to me.

"Hey, can you help me with this?" he asked pointing to the problem I just finished
"Sure" I said non-enthusiastically.
"Are you ok?" he asked looking at me
"Yeah, I'm just tired." I said
"Ok just know if you need to talk then know that you can talk to me." He said
"I know" I said not looking at him
"Alright, well I don't get any of this crap!" he said
"Ok, so suppose that a hand holding the first coil of a slinky is moved back-and-forth two complete cycles in one second. The rate of the hand's motion would be 2 cycles/second. The first coil, being attached to the hand, in turn would vibrate at a rate of 2 cycles/second. The second coil, being attached to the first coil, would vibrate at a rate of 2 cycles/second. The third coil, being attached to the second coil, would vibrate at a rate of 2 cycles/second…" I started
"Is everything moving at 2 cycles/second?" he asked
"Yeah actually." I said
"So what's that mean?" he asked
"This rate of 2 cycles/second is referred to as the frequency of the wave." I said
"And that is…" he asked
"The frequency of a wave refers to how often the particles of the medium vibrates when a wave passes through the medium. Frequency is a part of our common, everyday language. For example, it is not uncommon to hear a question like "How frequently [i/i]do you mow the lawn during the summer months?" Of course the question is an inquiry about how oftenthe lawn is mowed and the answer is usually given in the form of "1 time per week." I said
"OH, I get it! So the wave's frequency is how many times the coil spins?" he asked
"See, you get it!" I said smiling
"Sure." He said then putting his arm on the back of the couch

I went back to work sitting there Indian style on the couch in my sweats.
Nick was in sweatpants and it was the first time in my life that I saw him…relaxed.
Then, he asked the dreaded question I could be asked.

"So did you read my letter?" he asked
"Yeah" I said not looking at him
"And…" he said

I just sat there. I didn't know what to say, yeah I liked him but I like David also.

"So what do you think? Are you really hiding something?" he asked

Great! Strike one and two all within one sentence!

"Um, no…" I said hesitating
"Yes, you are!" he said reading my mind
"Well what if I'm not ready to tell anyone?" I said getting a little mad
"I just want to know something about you that's important." He said
"Look, what happened….happened. I'm not ready to talk about anything negative in my life." I said still mad
"Well, I just wanted to get closer to you." He said
"And why would you do that?" I asked
"Because you need someone who can stand up with you!" he said
"No I don't!" I said
"You know I thought that I really knew you but I don't" he said getting angry
"You? How about me? I was one of your biggest fans coming here, you treat me like shit and because I have a past I am made the bad guy. So, I'm sorry I won't allow that. I was perfectly fine with no one knowing!" I said
"So you're telling me that whatever this thing is that you're hiding your best friend Ryan doesn’t even know?" he asked rudely
"Can we not talk about this?" I asked
"No, I think that if you're going to tell me then you're going to tell her also." He said calling Ryan

She came in looking at me on the verge of tears and Nick sitting there mad.

"Nick, what do you need?" she asked
"Laura has something to admit to." He said
"No, I do not." I said
"Yes, you do." He said
"Laura do you have something to admit?" she asked
"No!" I said as a tear fell
"Yes, she does." Nick said
"Nic, if Laura had something to tell me, she'd tell me when she's ready. I'd never pressure her!" she said walking away

I looked at Nick now crying and he looked at me mad.

"Why would you do that to me?" I asked crying
"You need to be more open…with me especially" He said
"You know what Nick?" I asked so angry at him I slammed my book and threw it across the bus.
"Do you want to know what happened to me?" I asked in his face now
"Yeah, I do" he said turning caring

I kept pacing back and forth trying to not tell him but I was so angry with my hands in a fist as I paced I just screamed it.

"I WAS RAPPED!" I screamed

As soon as I screamed it I covered my mouth and my eyes went wide. I couldn't believe that I just said that. Nick looked at me shocked and worry filled his face. He got up and started stepping towards me.

"No, don't touch me or talk to me." I said walking off

I passed Ryan still with my mouth covered by my hand and just ran to the bathroom. I just sat on the toilet and cried. I haven't felt this low since the rape itself. I knew after this I was going to be at me lowest low and there was no way I was going to be getting out of it anytime soon. I heard a knock at the door and I heard Hailey's voice.

"Laura, there is a lovely David calling on the phone!" she said not knowing what happened
"Just tell him I'll call him back later." I said

I sat there and thought about it for a minute.

"Wait, Hailey. I talk to him." I said grabbing my phone from her

"Hello?" I asked
"Hey Beautiful!" he said

His voice made a small smile form on my face that was filled from that horrid memory.

"Hey Handsome!" I said
"How's the tour?" he asked
"It's awesome. We have been having fun and I already miss you!" I said
"Oh baby, don't even get me started about how much I miss you!" he said

I could see him smile through the phone and that made me happy.

"Well I'd make my day if you told me how much you missed me." I said smiling
"Well here goes nothing…" he started

We talked for about another hour and I finally left the bathroom. I jumped right into my bunk and fell asleep. Tonight was officially the worst night ever.

Waking up that morning I was not going to be dressing to impress at all today. I got out in my black sweatpants and my Pittsburg Penguins t-shirt while putting on my cow slippers. I smelt coffee being brewed and it sounded appetizing so I put my glasses on and walked to the kitchen. I saw Joe there and he was sitting there on the bench so I just sat down next to him and lid on him.

"Sorry I'm borrowing your shoulder for a minute." I said
"It's ok." He said

I was lying there and he was wearing his glasses too. It was really cute and I was jealous of Sam.

"So what happened last night?" he asked
"You didn't hear it?" I asked
"No I did, but I wanted to know what was the rampage for?" he asked
"Why don't you just ask Nick and he'll explain his side, then come talk to me." I said getting up and getting coffee

I just sat there and stared off into space as my eyes were fixed on my cup of coffee. I hated the fact that I was hiding it so I went to someone who I knew would listen.

I opened their curtain and pulled the covers back and climbed into the bunk.

"Laura is that you?" they asked
"Nick, I'm ready to talk." I said snuggling against him
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok let me clarify something. The characters of Nowhere Nothing and the occurences that happen with us are REAL. We've NEVER toured with the JoBros...although there was a real contest but we were too young to enter. What happened to me is true and i'm just applying it to the story so that it could help me a little with the mental aftermath.

Ok, well i hope you all enjoy this chapter, this chapter and the next one will be REALLY personal :)

Love you Girlies!
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