Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 12

I laid there on Nick's pillow and stared at him. He stared at me and just wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close. Our foreheads touched and I just closed my eyes and sighed.

"Laura, why didn't you want to tell me?" he asked as his breath lingered on my lips
"I was so scared of your reaction." I said as my eyes glossed over

Nick took a strand of hair that fell in my face and pushed it back behind my ear and smiled afterwards.

"Laura, I would never judge you. Especially with a matter like this" he said
"Well I know that now." I said smiling

He just smiled with me and our noses were touching but he brought me closer and I felt…safe. It was the first time in a long time that I've been in someone's arms that will protect me and…not take advantage of me.

"Now, tell me everything. Don't leave any detail out. I don't want to have to make you repeat this ever again." He said rubbing my cheek with his thumb
"Alright…" I said but I sighed
"Take your time. We have 16 more hours on this bus." He said smiling

I didn't smile, I just got my mental mind ready to say what happened.

"Ok, so before I got here I was hanging out with this guy named Brian. He was a really nice guy and I started liking him." I said
"What happened with him?" he asked
"Well, it was strange how he had so many things in common with me. Like, he'd always bring me a book I haven't read and he suddenly started reading Sylvia Plath, who is my favorite poet. He would always know when something would be new with my life, even if I didn't tell anyone. It was like he was reading my mind." I said

I started to break down. I knew that I had to tell someone but I didn't know if it was the right time for me. I just cried feeling every tear hit Nick's pillow as he watched me. I was crying so hard my body was shaking and anytime I breathed I shook harder.

Nick brought me completely against him and I just sobbed into his chest. I started screaming and grabbing his shirt because I felt like as I was retelling the story I was living it as it was happening again.

"Laura, it's-s-s-s-s ok" he said trying to grip me harder
"No-o-o, I have to finish the story." I said with my face now 2 cm from his lips

I looked at him and stared at my lips but I ignored him.

"So I came home from school one day and I was talking to Ryan on my phone and we were talking about you guys and how we were going to be famous, but we just laughed it off. When I was in my room I felt like I was being watched. So I just ignored it and I started changing into shorts but as I was undressed…" I said swallowing hard

Nick just continued to rub my back and cheek but was listening closely.
I closed my eyes and I felt more tears building in my eyes and it was burning my eyes. As I opened them three tears fell at one and I noticed some mascara I missed last night was rolling down my cheeks.

"Laura, it's ok!" he said
"Is it?" I asked
"Yes it is, now if you're not ok with continuing I'm ok with that. You'll tell me when you're ready." He said
"No, I have to continue!" I said

"I walked over to my vanity to put my hair back but I saw his reflection in the mirror behind me. I turned around and was still shocked so I grabbed my blanket off my bed and covered myself up but he had this smirk on his face…ahhh it haunts me in my nightmares. He had a look like he had an evil plan in mind and he was going to take his plan out one way or another. He just stood there with his teeth showing and smiling like a pervert and he jumped on top of me. He forced my hands into handcuffs that were suspended over top of my head and I was so scared then. My heart was pumping so fast and I couldn't calm down."

Nick was staring at me in the eye, not daring to look away or blink and it felt nice to know he was listening. He kept attempting to bring me closer but our legs were already entwined and we were sharing carbon monoxide as it was.

"So he threw me on the bed and started to kiss me all over. I just kept telling him to stop but he didn't. He'd tell me things like 'I see the way you look at me. I know you want me!' and 'Baby, I'll take care of you. You're nice and soft. I'll be easy…for a little bit' but him being inside of me is the last thing I wanted. He kept running his hands down my sides and putting his fingers down my underwear but he suddenly handcuffed me to the bad and I was kicking and screaming at him but he just slapped me across the face. He literally ripped my bra and underwear off and just forced himself on me so hard I screamed at the top of my lungs and started crying out. He kept telling me to shut up but I refused to but the more he pushed harder the louder I screamed. I needed someone to hear me but no one could respond!"

I kept getting louder the more I talked as though I was yelling right now for help but Nick just covered my mouth with his hand and kissed my forehead.

"Just calm down. You're not in harm, I promise." He said still 2 inches from my face and holding my cheek now

"He just kept going and going but it was killing me. I could feel my insides ripping out and I was so close to just telling him to kill me because I was in so much pain but after he finally finished he unhand cuffed me and spit on me. Leaving me there to cry but afterwards I just ran to the shower and sat there in the scalding water just hoping that it would get me clean." I said as I balled now.

"Laura, I'm so sorry." He said
"Nick, it's not because I did something horrible!" I said
"Why?" he asked
"He got me pregnant and my mom made me abort it." I said
"Laura, that's different. He didn't deserve to have a child in his life, nor were you ready. Laura, trust me. That is what the doctors normally make rape victims do." He said wiping my cheek
"Nick, I trust you." I said
"Laura, I trust you even more." He said

We looked into each other's eyes and I felt amazing with him arms around me.
I inched my head a centimeter and Nick forced his lips on mine and gave me the kiss that I've dreamt of my whole teenage life.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that it is short but i wanted to see everyones reaction before i post the rest of the chapter. That is just the sugar coated version but i felt that some of you don't need to hear it all so i hope that it was enough to give me a glimpse. All i can say is that personally if you're sexually active, just think twice...PLEASE! I wasn't sexually active before that incident and now i don't even know if i consider myself a virgin! Just remember that anyone you say anything to or anything you say can turn against you.

Hope you all enjoy and i would LOVE to hear your comments *wipes tear*

Alright girlies! I Love You All!
