Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 13

As I pulled away I realized what I just did…I kissed Nick.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked worried
"Nick, I just kissed you!" I said
"Yeah, it was great." He said smiling and leaning in again
"Nick I can't. I just spilled my story to you and all you want is to kiss me. Personally, I don't like that and I'm still with David." I said
"Oh, I forgot about…him." He said letting go and rolling onto his back
"Look I need to get dressed, so thanks for listening." I said smiling
"Hey Laura" he said
"What?" I asked before leaving
"Can I have one last kiss?" he asked
"Sure" I said

I was about to say no but he did listen to me and he has a mascara stained shirt on his hands.

I leaned down on him and hovered over him. He smiled and held onto my waist just staring into my eyes. My lips were about an inch away from him when he said something.

"Now I wish I could have this." He said
"Nick you had your chance." I said shrugging my shoulders
"I know" he said

He just pulled me down and I kissed him lightly. I wasn't going to make the situation worse then what it already was. I just got up and went to my bunk. I saw Ryan up and dressed but she was reading…she only read when she was mad.

I ignored it for a second then went to the bathroom changing into a white sweater with a white cami underneath and skinny jeans with dark purple chucks. I let my hair down and make it curly with the diffuser and placed a head band on the top. As I finished my make up I looked in the mirror and I felt ashamed of myself. I really didn't like the fact that I kissed Nick, but I had to just keep my mouth shut. It's just easier that way.

I walked out to put my shoes on and I sprayed my body spray, Magnolia Blossom, and was on my way back to the bathroom but I was stopped.

"You smell amazing!" Nick whispered in my ear
"Thanks." I said

He continued to look at me in my eyes and I felt a sense of pleasure. He finally saw the pain he put me through and flat out…karma is a bitch.

After finishing up I sat down with my laptop and started my homework. I'm starting to get behind on my homework so I have to keep up. I grabbed my physics binder and started working on my final exam packet. As I watched the road, I saw we were in the middle of nowhere Missouri. It started raining and got dark on the bus so I switched on the overhead light. As I finished my seventeenth problem Ryan sat down.

"Hey what's up?" I asked
"Um, can I talk to you?" she asked
"Sure. What's wrong?" I asked
"Laura, why did you tell Nick the story before me?" he asked calmly

I really didn’t know why I told Nick before her. Maybe it was because he pushed me about it.

"Ryan, I honestly don't know. I think it was just because he pushed me about it." I said putting my pencil down
"Oh, so now I need to push everything out of you?" she asked yelling now
"No, Ryan chill out!" I said
"Ryan what are you trying to say?" I asked
"We're done! We're not friends anymore. I'll stay on tour but once it's over I'm quitting the band." She said walking off.

I just sat there and a tear fell from my eye. I just lost my best friend because of a boy. Great, I'm officially the biggest idiot ever.

I went back to my physics but I was distracted. I just slammed my head onto my papers in my binder and sighed.

"Hey beautiful, what's wrong?"

It was Kevin.

"Hey, um nothing." I said
"Well Ryan crying and you crying is not ok. What happened?" he asked
"You might want to sit down for this one." I said

He went to the cabinets and pulled out a bag of fun sized m&m's. That made me smile and I needed it. I explained the story…minus the kiss and he just nodded his head.

"She'll get over it. I promise!" he said
"Thanks Kevin!" I said

He hugged me and left. There I was me and my physics…great.

Later that day we arrived at the theatre. I just decided that I was wearing what I was wearing now to the show. I really wasn't in the mood to change nor was I in the mood to play a show but the show must go on.
I walked out on stage and sat on the edge of it and stared out at the stadium. We were filling every seat in the house…how'd we do it? I know people have talked about us and our popularity but I wonder what made us "big".

I was staring up at the nose bleed seats when Nick comes and sits next to me.

"Hey, how you holding up?" he asked
"Not well at all." I said
"Really? What happened?" he asked

I just sat there. I was afraid I'd make someone else mad if I said anything to him, but I ended up telling him the story.

"Well I guess I'd be mad too." He said looking away
"But you know that I love you and you can tell me anything." He said

Oh no, he's throwing the L-word out there. I know that I have feelings for him but I'm in love with David. Scratch that, I'm in love with both David and Nick.


Nick and I looked over and saw David walking through the arena. I just looked at him and gave an apologetic look.

"Go be with him!" he said standing up and kicking the symbals as he left.

Great! Now I have TWO people hating me. I just jumped down and ran to David. After having two people hate me I needed a hug.

"Hey Beautiful!" he said
"Hey Handsome!" I said
"I missed you!" he said
"I missed you too!" I said

He leaned down and kissed me sweetly….it didn't feel the same.


Nick's P.O.V.

I love that girl and I know she does too but she's got another man in her life. You know I think David is like a bug on the windshield…they're hard as hell to get off. After I left I looked from back stage and watched her. She's so wonderful and I kick myself now for some of the crap that I put on her. I just wish she understood my problem…but she doesn't.
Once I saw him lean down to her to kiss her, my heart broke. I felt tightness in my chest and pain that I haven't felt in a while. That's the reason why I don't trust anyone. I just wished that I was David. Holding her in my arms, taking care of her, telling her everything's going to be ok…but I'm not.

I walked away from them and just went to the dressing room. I need to think of a plan to get him out of her life…fast. Think Nick think!

Laura's P.O.V

"SO do you want to go get some lunch or something?" he asked
"I can't leave. We have rehearsal." I said
"Oh, well I guess I'll see you later than." He said pissed
"Wait, what are you talking about?" I asked confused
"Laura, I flew out here 3 hours to eat lunch with you, but as I can tell you're too busy so I wasted my time." He said walking away
"DAVID DON'T GO!" I yelled

I tried running after him he was too far gone…great 3 strikes you're out!

The show that night I was out of it. When we were performing I never danced or jumped around like I usually do. I had so much on my mind right now I don't know what to do. When we finished I walked off stage and went straight to the bathroom. I locked the stall and paced back and forth. I couldn't think and all I wanted was everything back to normal. I hate this whole concept of having to disappoint everyone. I can never please everyone and I just wish I knew the key idea of what I needed to do.

"Laura, where are you?" I heard

I opened the stall and saw Nick there locking the door. As I stood against the door he walked to me and held onto my hips.

"Are you ok? You sped off a little fast back there." He said
"I'm ok" I said lying

He just gave me a look that was obvious saying "You're lying!"

"Ok, I'm just tired of disappointing everyone. Ryan is mad at me, you're mad at me and David is mad at me for not making time for him, but he shows up in the most random time!" I said frustrated
"Hey, come here." He said smiling and putting his forehead on mine.

"Listen, I'm not mad at you. I'm just confused why you're with David when you know that I love you more." He said
"Nick, I want to be with you and him." I said
"Well then we'll just have to keep us on the down low." He said

He just kissed me and pulled away. He started walking backwards and smiling.

"I'll see you later gorgeous!" he said smiling
"See ya cutie!" I said

After he left I felt even worse…now I'm in two relationships…and I love both of them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! I'm really excited, the summer is almost here and then it will be FUN IN THE SUN! So who watched the live webchat? haha i did and i LOVED it like usual. A couple of those songs just screamed "ITS ABOUT MILEY!" or "ITS ABOUT SELENA!" lol i'm sorry i found it funny when they were trying to hide it because it was obvious! lol

Comment and Message!


PS: Can anyone make a kick ass banner for me? I'll love you for life! :) If you can just comment my page!