Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 15

"Hey everyone I'm Laura"
"I'm Sam"
"I'm Hailey"
"I'm Anne"
"I'm Ryan"
"And I'm Rachel"
"Nowhere Nothing in the house!" I yelled

We were finishing up our webcast but we wanted everyone there…even Rachel who had to leave with my brother earlier in the tour…but both of them are back. Sadly, my annoying little brother…remember him, yeah, he's back so we'll see how this goes.

"We wanted to tell you all that we are going into the studio to record our album. We've already got about 80% of the album wrote we just need to make it sound cool and stuff?" Hailey ended with a question
"Yeah make it cool sounding" Anne her twin said
"Soon you'll her us through your speakers anytime anyplace!" Ryan said

We looked at each other and she just looked away. It's almost the end of the tour and she still hates me. I don't know what to say or do because she is not even giving me the time of day.

"Well guys what do you think of the tour so far?" I asked
"Leave a comment on the video and well see it. Who knows maybe your comment will be commented by us!" Rachel said

We continued for another 5 minutes then shut it down. We were heading to sound check right now and I was pumped for it. I had on a pair of Bermuda shorts, flip-flops and a Jonas Brother's t-shirt…who wouldn't have guessed? Once I saw the stage I ran out onto it and did a cartwheel. Once I stopped running around I saw that there was a large electric billboard with our faces on it floating from the ceiling…it was amazing.

"Guy's come here!" I yelled

They all walked over like it were a Sunday drive but once they saw it they were shocked like me. It changed from JoBro's to us…like a battle. 6 vs. 3 that's totally fair right?

"Is that my face…on a big screen?" Sam asked
"Yeah" I said

Joe's face came right after hers and she walked away. Her and Joe broke up like I said before but she hasn't told anyone why, nor has Joe. Maybe it was mutual...but Sam was in love with Joe. Oh well, I won't push it so she'll talk when she's ready.

"Hey, so what's it like to have your face on the big screen?" Nick asked coming up behind me

Ryan gave him and I a cold look and walked away leaving us alone.

"It feels good. I feel like our YouTube channel is just a baby version of what we really are." I said
"I'm glad because you all deserve some respect. Then again it's not like you see a girl punk band everyday either." He said smiling

I slapped him and ran to my bass. It was my sanctuary, my home when I needed some me time…plus I just wanted to mess with Nick right now so it was fun.

"Can I see your bass?" Nick asked
"Sure, that is if you know how to play it because Shelia doesn't like to be played the wrong way." I said
"Shelia?" he asked
"My bass is named Sheila." I said smiling
"Got it, well how about you just teach me" he asked
"Sure, ok sit on the amp here." I said
"Now put your pointer finger here" I said pointing to the first fret
"Play the bottom string only" I said adding
"There you are….C" I said smiling

"You know what my favorite note is?" he asked
"No, what is it?" I asked
"C" he said
"You're saying that because I just taught you that." I said smiling
"No, because it's the one note that I've ever played on bass that sent goose bumps on your skin." He said pointing to my arm

I looked down and he was right. I had goose bumps on my arms…and it excited me.

"You're so beautiful, I don't know what I was thinking treating you the way I did" he said staring into my eyes
"Nick, you're so serious and you have gorgeous brown eyes that I love staring into because it not only sends me into this over drive but I get an adrenaline rush every time I look at you." I said
"Laura, you're the complete opposite. You're so goofy and full of life, so bubbly…but I love staring into your eyes because they're unique…just like you. You're a special girl not only to the world but to me. You're the first girl I realized that I didn't need to protect myself from. I could open up to you without failing to have a response of advice. You're my mom because my mom isn't around. This is our first tour without them and well I get home sick without them here and you remind me of my mom. You know what they say guys pick girls that are like their mothers." He said smiling
"I really remind you of your mom?" I asked
"Yeah, you're almost exactly like her…that's why I love being around you." He said smiling
"I love being around you too" I said
"No you don't understand I love being around you so much I wrote a song about you…well for you" Nick said reaching behind my amp for an acoustic guitar
"It's called Turn Right" he said starting it
Pick up all your tears
Throw them in your backseat
Leave without a second glance
Somehow I’m to blame
For this never-ending racetrack you call life
He never lost sight of my eyes and he kept staring into them like he was in deep thought.
Turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You wont be alone
You might
Fall of this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line
Driving all your friends out
At a speed they can not follow
Soon you will be on your own
Somehow I’m to blame
For this never-ending racetrack you call life
Turn right
(turn right)
Into my arms
Turn right
(turn right)
You wont be alone
You might
(you might)
Fall of this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line
I did all I could
I gave everything
But you had to go your way
And that road was not for me
So turn right
Into my arms
Turn right
You wont be alone
You might
Fall of this track sometimes
Hope to see you on the finish line
As he finished…I was in tears. It was one of the most beautiful songs I ever heard and it was equal to if not better than "Hello Beautiful". I kept my hands over my mouth in shock because it was so beautiful.

"You hated it, god, I knew it was too soon" Nick said
"No, Nick. I'm crying because I swear that is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my life." I said
"Sure, you're just saying that." Nick said looking down
"Nick, *sniffle* would I be in complete tears if it sucked?" I asked sniffling again and looking him straight in the eye just an inch away from his face.
"No, you'd be sitting there and smiling…trying to hide it." He said
"See you know me very well" I said kissing his cheek
"I know I do" he said
"Thank you, so much" I said hugging him
"You're welcome" he said


During the show the boys decided to play my song as Nick calls it. He kept telling me to wait until the whole piece is together…then I could cry.

Nick started out and the minute I heard the violin and the piano together I broke down. This song changed my heart and my feelings about Nick. I thought I loved him before but I know now that I am head over heals, falling in love, white picket fence dreaming love with Nick Jonas. I may be young but I know that I'm crazy about him and if he got down on one knee…I'd marry him.
♠ ♠ ♠

I was kinda dissappointed hearing this b/c he's supposed to graduate in 2010...with me but i'm so jealous that he got out before i did!

OK and turn right, has made me cry everytime i hear it. I just love it...i think it's better than hello beautiful too. I dared to say that but yes i said it. It's amazing and Nick Jonas can sing it to me it fit the story well too:)

In honor of Nick's graduation, i posted it early :)

Comments and Messages!!

Can comeone make me a kick ass banner? pweeze?

Laura-Jonas lol