Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 16


"I spy something green" I said looking around the bus
"Uh, the grass outside!" Sam said mono-tone
"Nope, try again" I said looking at Nick across from me

He kept looking at me like this:


(I had to find a picture of him…he is SO f*cking hot!)

I just winked at him and he smiled

"So, what about Nick's shirt?" Kevin asked

I noticed that the shirt he was wearing was a Nowhere Nothing gear from the merchandise stand. Derek, my brother, yeah remember him, he walked in and was so loud.

"Yep that's it!" I said smiling

Nick and I stared at each other just watching each other blissfully. His eyebrow began to cock up and his foot suddenly found my foot leaving my bare legs with goose bumps.

"Hey big sis, how was everything while I was gone?" he asked sitting down next to me
"Nothing much Derek. Just touring the states…doing what a band does on tour." I said smiling as Nick kept messing with my foot and leg which tickled.
"Really now? Because I saw your incident with what's his name…DAVID ARCHULETA" he said as his eyes popped out of his head
"Yeah, we just didn't work out" I said not in the mood to play footsie now
"Sure Laura…sure" he said getting up and going to visit Ryan

It's so awkward between me and her now that my brother was in the middle of our fight. Nick and I still sat across from each other and looked at each other. I loved the way he looked at me when he was thinking hard or staring at me. It just…made my stomach jump.

"So Laura, are you doing something tonight? Since today is our night off and all." He asked looking at me
"Nothing that I know of, why?" I asked taking a sip of water and smiling
"Would you like to take a walk with me tonight?" he asked
"Sure" I said smiling

He looked around and leaned forward, there he grabbed my hand. He brought it to his face and kissed it. He kissed each knuckle carefully and then kissed the top of my hand, slowly and as soft as can be.

"I can't wait until tonight!" he whispered smiling
"Neither can I" I said whispering back

I got up and kissed him on the head before walking back to my bunk. Nick and I are still hiding our "relationship". He never has really asked me but we consider each other taken…by each other.

I started reading my book when I came across a section that made me think of Nick. The kind, generous person he's become.

He never hesitated a second on to looking at me. His eyes were beaming at me as though he was going to sweep me of my feet, take me away by horse back and ride into the sunset. Yeah, but that isn't him…well that's what I wish I could have. He is the type of guy who doubts his motives, always second guesses what he wears, has the curliest hair and with a smile that drives me off the wall. Sure he really could ride me off into the sunset but I'd prefer to stay right by him here…now.

"So, guess where we're at?" Sam asked bopping her head into my bunk.
"I have no idea to be honest" I said
"Colorado, but what's funnier is that it's snowing…can you believe it? We went from hot weather in Florida to snow in Colorado." She said smiling
"Really? This is going to be fun with the snow." I said smiling
"Yeah we're staying at this lodge, not some hotel. Actually, from what Kevin said the concert is in one of the concert halls there." She said
"That's awesome." I said

Joe passed by us and we both stared at him. Neither has said anything and I'm dying to know now… but I'm going to be a real friend and wait until she speaks.

"Well isn't he adorable?" she asked
"Sure, but what's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing" she said getting down and going to the bathroom.

I got down from my bunk and walked over to Nick, who was lying down on the couch. I laid next to his head and rubbed his hair back out of his face and kissed his cheek.

"Hey, that felt nice" Nick said opening his eyes
"Sorry, but I wanted to know if I could join you?" I asked
"Sure" he said lifting the covers

I slipped my dark purple chucks off and slipped my hoodie hood on. I laid next to Nick and he brought me close into him. He kissed my forehead lightly and then kissed both my cheeks, ending by kissing my nose.

"So what's wrong with Sam and Joe?" Nick asked
"I have no idea, but I want to help them so much." I said
"I know, as much as I hate to admit this, I wouldn't mind seeing their PDA to know they're ok." Nick said smiling

He made me giggle…well he always made me giggle. He made me smile when I needed it but sometimes made me cry when I didn't but I realized now that I truly love him. Before I felt like I was just saying it but now I realized that I felt it bubble in my skin, feel it in my throat and feel it grow in my stomach getting bigger and bigger to the point that I was about to explode.

"Nick I love you" I said
"I love you too Laura" he said
"No, you have no idea. For the first time I feel like I'm in love. I thought I knew what love was but now I have the greatest feeling in my heart that is sending my heart into overdrive. Nick every time I see you all I ever want to do is kiss you and keep you to myself because I'm afraid that this feeling will end or slip right through my fingers." I said looking at him in the eyes.
"Laura, you're never going anywhere. I'm not going to let myself fall through your fingers and I love the way I make your heart feel because you make my heart feel the same way. You send love pumping in and out of my heart. I want nothing more than you everyday and every night." He said

He leaned in gracefully kissing me. I love him…I love Nick Jonas…with all my heart.


I heard a knock on the door so I answered it. I was in my room in the lodge, thinking it was the maid I was in my robe. I just got out of the shower since Nick and I are taking our walk later. I opened the door and Nick was standing there.

"Hey" I said shaking my hair
"Oh, I caught you at a bad time." He said
"No, come in" I said smiling

I opened the door farther and he walked in. As I shut the door he sat on the bed and I sat down next to him.

"So you're early, is something wrong?" I asked
"No, well kinda, I was just wondering if you would like to sit down by the fireplace and talk with a blanket instead of a walk?" he asked
"Sure, that gives me more reason to get in my pajamas early!" I said getting up and getting them out of my suitcase.
"Ok, I'll wait" he said

I didn't want to wear anything too embarrassing so I decided on wearing my orange sweats with my infamous cow slippers. When I walked out Nick was already changed…guess he changed while I was in the bathroom.

"You're really orange" he said smiling
"Hey, I have to support my school at home." I said smiling and kissing him
"I like orange. I could get use to wearing it more for you." He said
"Nick, you don't have to wear orange for me." I said
"Well it's a cool color too" he said smiling

I just hugged him tight because he really is trying to sacrifice things for me. I smelt his cologne and it sent me into overdrive. I settled myself into his shoulder more and smelt him more.

"Your hair smells amazing!" he said kissing my head
"Thanks, you smell so good too." I said sniffing his hoodie
"Let's head down there" he said

We exited out of my room, grabbing the key on the way out, and to the elevator.

"I cannot wait to snuggle next to you" I said to him
"I can't wait to hold you" he said smiling

We walked into the elevator and smiled at each other in our reflection of the elevator.

"You're so cute" he said
"Well you're so handsome!" I said
"You're funny too" he said
"Well you're funny too" I said
"You like to argue" he said
"You like to argue too" I said
"Are you having fun?" he asked
"Are you having fun too?" I asked
"Come here" he said bringing me in and kissing me

The elevator dinged and they opened. We walked into the lobby where no one was at and sat down on the couch by the fireplace. It was dark out and the room was darkly light…very romantic if you ask me. Nick sat down and held the blanket up for me to get under and I smiled at him. I snuggled up next to him and he put his arm around me…holding me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked
"Well I wanted to ask you something important." He said
"What is it?" I asked knowing perfectly well what it was
"Well, I've never really asked you this but we act like it, uh…" he started
"Nick spit it out" I said giggling
"Laura, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked
"Of course" I said smiling

He kissed my head, making me smile even more. Now I'm Nick's girlfriend…just what I asked for.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! I love this chapter...idk why but i really like it. It gave me butterflies in my stomach :) Well i got the JoBro's CD this morning at 12:00 AM and it's amazing...but there is just one or two songs i'm like "this is ok" not "OMG I LOVE IT" like they usually are...yeah well i hope you all enjoyed reading!

The banner is by somebody_who_cares she is AMAZING! LOVE THE BANNER!

If anyone else wants to make one i'll add the as i get them :)

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