Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 17

Closing the show last night was so hard. We all were sweating and the crowd wanted encore after encore. The boys are so generous that they really couldn't say no so they kept playing song after song but Sam eventually got the smartest idea. She ran off stage and pulled the curtains closed.

"Thanks, I can't thank you enough" Joe said to her

So now they're talking to each other? What?

"Oh, you're welcome!" she said happily

We all walked off stage and Nick came up behind me and scared me.

"Oh MY GOSH! You scared me there" I said as he held me at my waist
"Sorry, just wanted to touch you" he said smiling

We were walking down the hall to the dressing rooms, when Nick pulled me aside and down an equipment hall. He waited until we were in the complete dark and pulled me toward him. His guitar was now behind him and I was between his legs. His hands were on my waist and his lips were attached to me. He lightly pressed his lips on mine leaving kisses on my heart and leaving the sweetest moments of my life. He brought me closer and he took a breath.

"Laura, I love you" he whispered
"I love you too" I said whispering back

My breathing left me in a rush of surprise and a spike of fear. I had to quickly remind myself that I trusted Nick and he meant her no harm. His arms pinned me on both side of my body and his head dipped, his warm breath teasing the fine hair at the edges of my face.
“The last thing I want to do with you is talk, Laura.”

My stomach muscles tightened and my breath caught.
“I didn’t know you were attracted to me like this” I whispered. “You gave me no reason to think so.” I said jokingly

“I’m giving you reason now.”
His voice was low and melodic in a raw, masculine way. He spoke right next to my ear, sending shivers through my body.
My breathing hitched. Yes, yes he was giving her a reason now, ample. So much it was making her head spin.
His hand dropped an inch, toyed with the seam of my dress.

“And if I can’t make myself walk away right now, I’ll give you even more reason.”
"Well we need to change that." I said walking away
"Hey, where are you going?" he asked yanking me back and kissing me

"LAURA?" I heard Derek yell
"Oh no" I said to Nick
"Don't say anything. Keep quiet" he whispered and kissed me again


He stopped then turned around and walked back.

"We need to go" I said
"Ok" he said
"Count to 60 in your head then leave. We cannot blow our cover!" I said smiling
"Ok" he said

I walked away and shook my hair. I knew it was going to be a mess so I pulled it into a pony tail. I stopped by a mirror and fixed my make up that Nick totally trashed…somehow. I made it to the dressing rooms and Derek jumped up.

"Where have you been?" he asked
"I was talking on the phone and I want some privacy" I said

Lie, complete lie but it worked!

"Oh, well you and Nick weren't back so we all were thinking you guys were making out or something." he said laughing
"No, I'd never kiss Nick. That's really, really, really gross" I said

Oh but it's the complete opposite! He is so….amazing with his lips! He should do it for a profession…with me! After another minute Nick strolls through the door.

"And where have you been?" Rachel asked
"I was signing some autographs for some fans. They made their way back here and I just was talking to them" he said
"Then why do you have red lip stick on your lips?" Joe asked

I laughed knowing I had red lipstick on.

"One girl gave me cool-aid!" he said sitting down on the couch
"I love that stuff" Sam said
I cannot believe that our lies were decent enough to pas by them.

"Alright well let's head out because we need to get on the road now" Joe said getting up
"Yes! Sleep, that is what I need right now" I said smiling
"Laura I'll race you" Rachel said
"You're on!" I said running

We were making our way down the hall when we turned a corner where the floor was wet. We were running on the wet floor when I slipped on the floor. I felt my skirt ride up and my whole butt became wet. I screamed as I fell and I just laughed at the point that my butt was wet. Rachel was right behind me but she fell face first landing right next to me. I looked at her and she looked at me and we just laughed.

"That hurt so bad!" she said smiling
"Yeah, my whole butt is wet now" I said
"My whole chest is wet" she said smiling
"That was really fun though!" she said

"Are you guys ok?" I heard Kevin say running to us
"Yep, my butt just hurts" I said
"My chest is just wet" Rachel said
"Ok, as long as there are no broken bones" he said

"Here, need help?" Nick asked giving me his hands
"Yeah, thanks" I said grabbing them and lifting me up

He pulled me into a hug and he held me tight just holding me.

"Alright, let's go, safely!" Kevin said

We all walked out on onto the bus and I ran to my bunk.

"RALPH!" I said grabbing my stuffed cow in my bunk and jumping in
"Ralph? Are you cheating on me now?" Nick asked in a whisper next to me
"Yes, I am cheating on with you!" I whispered back
"Aww, that's too bad." He said smiling

He moved back to his bunk as I got out and grabbed a t-shirt and shorts from my suitcase and to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and fixed my ponytail before I changed but when I started changing the bus moved.

"AHH!" I squealed

I finally stood up and composed myself carefully walking out.

"Are you ok?" Rachel asked
"Yeah, just another fall" I said smiling
"I know that one" she said laughing
"Hey, I'm going to do my homework do you want to do it with me?" I asked her
"Sure, let me get my stuff." She said

I grabbed my notebooks off the couch and I went to the table but Nick was sitting there.

"Ok, now if you're going to sit here you can't disrupt me!" I said
"Oh, I won't" he said kissing my neck
"Nick!" I said giggly
"Laura!" he said back jokingly
"Nick, Rachel is coming" I said pushing him off of me

He just smiled and went back to him book.

"Hey Nick, are you going to do homework?" she asked
"Sure, just hand me that notebook over there." He said pointing to the black binder
"Thanks" he said as she got it

We worked for another hour with constant pokes from Nick and flirting that I love but Rachel was starting to notice.

"Ok, I won't tell anyone but are you two together?" she whispered

We looked at each other and Nick spoke before I could.

"No, we've just gotten close in the past month" he said
"Ok, fair enough. I know people always jump to conclusions about men and women saying they can't have friendships." Rachel said

I looked down at my last government homework assignment when Nick passed me a note.

I'm sorry, I just don't want everyone to know yet

I just smiled at him and wrote him back

Don't worry about it. I'm not mad at all

He just smiled and took my right hand under the table and held it as we did our work. I'm left handed so it was nice to be happy at the same time as I'm bored.

I love him.


FF 6 Months:

This week is the last show of the tour and I'm sad. I'm still with Nick but Ryan hasn't talked to me since that fight almost 7 months earlier.

"Alright, this is our last show. Let's make this one fun!" Ryan yelled in group huddle
"Let's leave them breathless!" Joe yelled
"Over the edge I'm just breathless" I said

Everyone just looked at me…yep I feel the embarrassment coming to my face.

"You're cute Laura" Kevin said

We played our show and Nick pulled me off stage. We ran to the bus and he locked the door once we were in there.

"Nick what are you doing?" I asked
"I'm doing something I've wanted to do this whole tour!" he said
"What's that?" I asked
"Alone time" he said

He kissed me softly and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he carried me to the couch. He kept kissing me and I was on top of him just enjoying the time I've been dying for. Nick pulled away and looked up at me.

"I love you so much" he said
"I love you too" I said
"You're so beautiful" he said rubbing my cheek
"You're perfect" I said leaning down to him
"No I'm not!" he said
"No, you're perfect for me" I said smiling and kissing him

I was kissing him when he started unzipping my dress on the side. He lowered my dress off my chest but I stopped him.

"Nick, not now" I said
"Why not?" he asked
"Nick, I don't want to do anything on a tour bus." I said getting up and holding my dress up
"Whatever" he said now mad
"What'd you say?" I asked
"I said whatever! You know you've been acting weird lately like you don't want to be around me or something. Guess we're falling apart!" he said
"Nick, I haven't been distant at all. I have spent practically every minute of this tour with you! How dare you think just because I don't want to take my clothes off when we make out doesn't mean I don't care!" I said walking to the bathroom
"You know what? When you're done being stupid and a bitch call me because you're not the girl I fell in love with anymore!" he said going off the bus

The bus door was slammed shut and I was mad. He has no right to even tell me that I am not caring and that I'm 'distant'. He can throw a fit but I'm not going to let him take me down with him. I fixed my hair and make up, zipped my dress up and walked off the bus. I wasn't going to let him be an ass either.

The bus ride home was quiet and long. I was listening to my iPod and doing homework majority of the time but when I got up to go to the bathroom I always got a dirty look from Ryan and Nick so I ignored them. I took my glasses off and splashed water on my face. I thought it would help but it made my face redder.

"Why me?" I asked myself

I looked at the mirror and just washed my face. It was nice just feeling clean and I needed it. I walked back out to the bunk and went back to my homework.

After 18 hours I was home. I was standing with my brother at my driveway taking our stuff off the bus. The guys all came out to help us pull our numerous numbers of bags out. My mom wasn't home…that was weird.

"Well I guess this is goodbye!" Kevin said
"Yep, I love you Kevin!" I said hugging him

I went down the line hugging the girls telling them I'd see them tomorrow but once I got to Ryan I looked at her and she hugged me.

"I'm sorry. I never should have jumped on you about everything" she said
"It's ok" I said still hugging her
"See you tomorrow" I said to her
"Most defiantly" she said

I stopped at Nick and he was looking down, kicking the rocks and his hands were in his pockets.

"Nick, can I have a hug?" I asked

He didn't respond. He just kept kicking the rocks so I just hugged him lightly and turned away.

"Well it was fun guys! I'll keep in contact!" I said
"Bye Laura"
"Bye Derek!" we heard

We rolled our luggage up to the door and I unlocked it opening it and letting my brother in. We put our stuff in and I was about to shut the door when I saw Nick standing there watching me. I stared at him as he stared at me, but Joe called him and he got on the bus leaving me to shut the door. I slid down the door and cried. I should have made up with him…
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so i'm going to be gone on Sunday to Saturday because i'm going to VA Girls State! I'm going to be away from electonics for a weeks so i'm going to hand write chapters then type them up! I hope you all enjoy!

Comment and Message!
