Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 18

"ERIKA WAKE UP!" I heard my mom yell

I looked at the alarm clock…5:30 AM that means its school time…again.

"You're going to be late!" My mom yelled again

Yep, I'm back to normal life…well I hope. My summer sucked…well the rest of it was, after the tour. I haven't talked to Nick since the fight…and this fight was stupid. I wasn't going to let my senior year be ruined because of some…dick.

At school the girls and I were looked at differently now. We had our paths cleared for us, girls wanted to join the band, girls wanted to be our best friends…girls wanted to be us. Lunch was the most interesting part of my day. We normally sat outside in our court yard table, running around, singing being the weird girls but now we're the biggest girl sensation to hit the planet.

I bought lunch and walked out to our table to see Sam and Anne there.

"Hey guys!" I said sitting down
"Hey" they said
"What's up?" I asked starting to eat my pizza
"Nothing, just going through the day" Sam said
"Is it me or are we like isolated in a weird way?" I asked
"We are" Ryan said sitting down
"Yeah, everyone is so nice to us in a way I don't like" Hailey said
"I kinda want the old us back" I said

Eventually we were all there eating lunch but it wasn't the same.

"You know what, screw them! If I want to be retarded then the whole damn school is going to know about it" I said getting on the table and dancing around
"Laura, get down!" Ryan said
"NO! Dance with me girls!" I said skipping around the court yard.

We got up and danced to an old Aaron Carter song when my phone rang.

Everyone stopped and stared at my phone…I haven't heard that ringtone in months…

"Answer it!" Ryan yelled
"NO!" I said loud
"WHO IS IT?" Rachel asked confused
"No one!" I said running for my phone and ending the call

I got up and dumped my lunch. Nick was calling and I just wasn't ready to talk to him yet…not after 2 months of misery without a phone call…but now that I am back to normal life he wants to call?

"Hello?" I asked
"Yes, is this Laura?" asked a female voice
"Uh, yeah…can I help you?" I asked
"Yeah, you can. This is Miley, Nick's current girlfriend, and I wanted to tell you that you really broke his heart after you broke up with him." She said


"Oh, well I'm here to tell you, we never really did break up. We were fighting but as I can tell he went back to get his sloppy seconds" I said fighting back with her

I knew this struck a nerve because she paused and then said what she thought would work.

"I'm not sloppy seconds, I'm a real girl not like your tomboyish ass!"
"Really, so you're wasting your airtime on your phone to call me and tell me that I'm a tomboy? Bitch you should have just told me that to my face. Bitch, I'll send you 10 cents for the phone call." I said

She really didn't have anything to say because she was wasting NICK'S airtime…not hers. She probably got my number from his phone…sneaky bitch.

"Miley, what are you doing with my phone?" I heard in the background
"Nothing" I could hear her say

Suddenly I hear a voice that always made my skin grow goose bumps speak.

"Who is this?" He asked mad
"Who is this? You should be asking why your so called 'girlfriend' called me while I was at lunch Nick" I said
"Oh god, Laura" he said sighing

I could tell he left the room because the background went silent and I head a door click.

"How have you been?" he asked nervous
"I've been good. Just getting use to the famous life and getting calls from Miley Cyrus wanting to beat the shit out of me." I said making the last part sarcastic
"Look, I'm sorry. She shouldn't have done that and she shouldn't be bothering you" he said
"Yeah, I agree. So enjoying your sloppy seconds since I didn't know we broke up" I said very stern
"Oh, I figured you knew from the tabloids that I was dating Miley again" he said
"Nick, you can't date someone if you're already taken!" I said getting more angry as I talked to him
"Well, I thought that us fighting was the end." He said
"Nick come up with another lame ass excuse because I don't believe you!" I said
"Why?" he asked
"Oh I don't know because my ex- well my boyfriend that I thought I had started dating his back up or second seconds. Nick I didn't know you moved on, but it all makes sense now since I watched Larry King Live and Joe flat out admitted it." I said
"I know, I'm…sorry" he said
"Oh you're sorry? Really now? You going back to your sloppy seconds isn't satisfying for you?" I asked
"She's not my sloppy seconds ok! So stop calling her that! She's my girlfriend now so get over it!" he said

He defended her…is he kidding me?

"Wow, you really are a joke. I don't know why I let my guard down for you!" I said
"Laura, just don't hang up!" he said
"Too bad lunch is over. Have a nice life Nick Jonas" I said
"No Laura" he said
"Sorry Nick. You had your chance with me" I said hanging up

I got up from the bench I was sitting on and walked back to class, confused whether I was hurt or mad at Nick. I hated that he was with Miley but I hated that he basically broke up with me over the phone.

Sitting at home that night I was working on my English homework. We were reading Hamlet, and I was lost…it was the first day and I already have reading homework. This is so retarded and confusing!

I decided to look online at the cliff notes. Cliff Notes have been my best friend since I had to read a boring book in high school. Nick and I use to…oh, never mind. I need to forget about him…forever. That's going to be hard but I'm going to fight the urge to rip every picture I see of him.

"Hello Clifford! I haven't seen you since Julius Caesar!" I said to the computer when cliff notes started

I was logged onto AIM when I saw Joe popped up IM-ing me.

djdangerx1000x: LaurBear! How have you been?
bxlinerx1969: Hey Joe, I'm ok. How are you?
djdangerx1000x: I can tell something is wrong. You're NOT CAPITALIZING EVERYTHING and ADDING!!!!! EXPLAINATION POINTS!!!!!! EVE!!!!RY!!!WHERE!!!!!

Joe knew how to make me laugh, even when I was in the worst times.

We talked for about another hour and he asked the dreaded question….

djdangerx1000x: So I guess you heard about Nick…
bxlinerx1969: uhhh….yeah. You could say that.
djdangerx1000x: Well whatever your opinion is upon the issue just know he still loves you!

That made me laugh. Nick will always be Nick and he'll never change. Nick has turned into the old Nick that loved to mess with me…my Nick was gone.

bxlinerx1969: Thanx Joe. I need to go..hw :(
djdangerx1000x: That's fine. LaurBear, no matter what you can talk to me!
bxlinerx1969: I know! Miss you! Off to Macbeth!
djdangerx1000x: I miss you too Laur! I'll text you later! <3XO<3XO

Joe was a good friend and I missed hanging all together with them. Sam and him haven't talked in forever! I really want them to get back together!

I heard a knock at the door and I saw my brother walk in…great this will be interesting.

"Hey, um, I wanted to talk to you about something" he said
"Ok, what is it?" I asked
"Why did you and Nick break up?" he asked
"Nick and I never broke up. We fought and it ended up he thought we were over nad moved onto Miley." I said
"Well there was rumors saying you broke up with him. I wanted to ask." He said
"It's good to ask but, Derek…" I started as tears started

Nick really has gotten to me and it has been killing me that he has touched me.

"Derek, I wouldn't be crying nor confused about this ordeal if I broke up with him." I said

He just walked over to my swivel chair and sat on the edge of the bed, hugging me.

"I know you didn't break up with him because you're my sister and I know you better than anyone in the world!" he said smiling
"Thanks Derek" I said sniffling
"Here" he said leaning over and grabbing my box of tissues in my room.
"Thanks again for everything!" I said smiling
"It's my job, otherwise…I'd hate you!" he said jokingly
"Yeah thanks!" I said joking too
"When's band practice?" he asked
"At 7:00" I said
"Well have fun and you should talk to the girls about this" he said
"I know, I'm going to" I said
"Well I love you" he said
"Love you too Derek" I said
Then my phone went off…it was Nick. I just threw it on my bed and let it vibrate…vibrate out of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, have you heard the news...Nick and Miley are back together...i found out when i was in Girl State...totally ruined my day. I'm just going to let them ride it out but he'll realize that i'm right for him...jkjk lol

Hope you all are hooked on this story like i am! I'm glad that you all are so into this story! I have 357 subscribers! Can you believe that? That's CRAZY! That's more than my Joe Jonas story! Thanx SO MUCH!

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