Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 19

"No, you're never talking to him ever again!" Ryan said when I told her the story
"If he dumped you for her,he doesn't deserve you Laura!" Sam said
"Guys, I still love him!" I said
"Then you need to move on…he did." Ryan said

I had 5 other eyes staring right at me…wanting to murder on boy

"Ryan that's a lot easier said then done!" I said
"Laura, what about when David saw you and Nick? How do you think he felt?" Sam asked
"Like shit!" I said

Suddenly the girls all looked at each other…they had a plan.

"Oh god, what now?" I asked
"Nothing, we have an idea but you're not going to know about it!" Anne said
"Fine then! I have to go finish Macbeth so I will see you girls tomorrow at school." I said

I got up hugged them and grabbed my cell phone and wallet. I pulled my keys out of my back pocket and started my beetle. I was backing out when my cell phone started ringing. I just answered it and to my surprise I was glad who I was talking to.

"Hello?" I asked
"Laura…it's David" I heard
"Oh, hey, how have you been?" I asked turning down the street and heading out onto the main drag
"Actually, kinda crappy…um, I really need someone to talk to right now, could you possibly come over?" he asked
"Sure, I have homework but I'll bring it with me." I said
"No, do your homework. I'll just talk to you later than. I don't want my favorite girl to fail" he said
"Well thank you for think about my education. Are you sure you don't want to talk now?" I asked
"No, I'll talk to you later" he said
"Ok, well text me tonight if you want" I said
"Awesome, and Laura?" he asked
"Yeah" I said
"I forgive you" he said
"For what?" I asked
"I know what you're going to say and just know I forgive you for everything" he said
"Ok" I said
"Well I'll text you later" he said
"Alright, have fun!" I said
"Oh, I will!" he said
"Bye" I said
"Bye" he said

Was that their plan…to set me up with David? I really don't know but I decided just to swing by his house just to say hi. I stood at his house, after ringing the doorbell and waiting impatiently. I hoped what I was wearing was ok too. I was wearing dark jeans, my dark purple chucks, a purple baby doll shirt and a white sweater with my curly hair pined on one side up while hanging down.

"Laura, what are you doing here?" David asked opening the door
"I was just wanting to at least say hi…and to give you a hug" I said smiling

He stepped down from the door and grabbed my waist. He looked me into the eyes and slowly brought me closer. His hand made its way onto my jaw and held it there, making sure I was about to enjoy this as much as he was. He leaned in and our lips landed on each others. I felt great again. Like Nick and Miley, I felt there was unfinished business with us and I'm glad we are going to start resolving it.

"I'm sorry for being blunt with the kiss" he said
"David don't worry about it, I needed that" I said smiling
"You look so beautiful right now" he said
"Really? I just bought this top and I didn't think that it would go well with these-" I started but I was cut off again…with another kiss.
"Yes, you do!" he said smiling

I kissed his cheek and just hugged him. He was stern with his grip, very protective…very safe. I liked it…a lot.

"Laura, you should go. You have homework" he said
"I know, but can I come over tomorrow? We can talk then" I asked
"Sure, do you want to spend dinner with me?" he asked
"Yeah, that'd be nice" I said smiling

He leaned in and kissed me one more time. Leaving marks on my heart is hard…for me at least but I think that David just trampled over Nicks marks.

"Alright, you have to text me tonight!" I said as our foreheads still touched
"Trust me beautiful, I was planning on it!" he said smiling
"Bye handsome" I said
"Bye beautiful!" he said

I walked back to my car, well more like skipping back to my car with so much joy and happiness. I was finally getting over Nick…slowly but surely.

Diary Entry That Night:

Well, today was an interesting day. I went from single to taken within one day…well I guess David and I are together! Well I already wrote about the Nick and Miley thing…sloppy seconds that's going to be her new name. *giggle* yes, laugh you know you want to Laura! Why am I talking to myself, well in a diary isn't that what you do…you write/talk to yourself? Huh, maybe…whatever, I'm talking to myself. Well I told the girls…Ryan was pissed like usual and Sam was surprising me the most…she sided with Ryan. To make a long story short I got a call from David and I went and visited him…the rest you'll have to read next entry!

I closed my diary knowing I still had home work to do and went back over to my desk. I was almost done with the first number of pages I was instructed to read, but I got a text message from none other than…David.

I missed you, will you be my girlfriend again?

I stared at the text…I knew it was a good idea to get over Nick but I didn't know if it was the best way. You know what, life is about taking risks and chances and I'm going to take a chance with David again.

Yes! I missed you too!

I closed my phone, pleased with myself. Not only am I moving on but I'm going to make someone mad. Revenge is beautiful and you should know…never mess with Laura!


Walking into school the next day was different girls were starting a pointing…like usual but today felt different. I walked upstairs to the third floor where my locker was and that hallway I was bombarded with more pointing. As I opened my locker Ryan comes running up to me and hugs me.

"I love you so much! You're so smart what you did" she said
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked
"Look, you're on the examiner!" she said

There I saw a picture of David and I, last night kissing on his front porch.

"Archuleta takes Jonas's game! Archuleta-1 Nick-0" it read

"Oh no! We were just…oh, I didn't want everyone to know just yet" I said
"Well they do now!" Ryan said
"I know, but I'm not sure if I'm ready" I said

Suddenly I hear a bunch of slow clapping gradually coming towards me and I heard girls screaming. Ryan and looked at each other confused…this was just weird. Then I saw David there walking towards me and I smiled.

"I haven't seen you smile like that in a long time" Ryan said

I just smiled to myself and let David come closer to me, taking a long stride with every step.

"Hey" he said
"Hey" I said holding my books to my hest
"I wanted to wish you luck back at school. I saw the pictures so I figured I'd just say it in person" he said smiling
"Well I just found out about 2 seconds ago" I said hinting towards Ryan
"Hey Ryan, thanks again" he said smiling
"No problem. You two need each other" she said
"You were behind this idea?" I asked
"Guilty as charged!" she said raising her hands up
"Well thank you!" David and I accidentally said at the same time.

I blushed as did he and Ryan smiled

"My work here is done!" she said walking away

David smiled back at me and looked into my eyes

"So I'll see you tonight for dinner?" he asked
"Yeah, is 6 ok?" I asked
"Sure, my mom and dad aren't home…" he started
"Really now?" I asked

The 5 minute bell rang and David leaned in and kissed my cheek.

"See ya tonight beautiful" he said winking at me
"See ya tonight Handsome!" I said smiling and waving as he left

I walked to class so giddy and happy, knowing I was happy again.

"Hey guys" I said sitting down at lunch
"Hey Mrs. Archuleta!" Ryan yelled
"Yeah, I heard from Ryan he came this morning!" Anne said
"Yep, he did." I said smiling

They don't know I have dinner tonight with him…alone :)

Getting ready that night was hard. I couldn't decide on what I was going to wear, I mean hello, it's David Archuleta…alone!

Oh, it is love from the first, time I pressed my lips against yours...

I didn't pay attention picking up the phone and I thought it was David…I was wrong.
"Who the hell is this?" I asked really confused
"You know damn well who this is!" he said
"Oh, Nick, well nice to hear from you" I said
"Why are you and David together?" he asked
"Why are you and Miley together?" I asked
"I….i don't know" he said
"Well, Nick, you're wasting my air time because I am eating dinner with David tonight, later!" I said hanging up on him

I pulled out my white dress with brown ribbon running through it and smiled. My phone would ring off the hook for the next 30 minutes, but once I was at David's I turned my phone off…I am with David not Nick. Now he'll know the pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep, here is another one. MrsKevJonas thought that was the end...SIKE! lol (love you girl!) I will promise you all this, this story will be LONG like my Joe Jonas story. I've got the whole thing planned out and an ending that you've never seen in a fanfiction of the JoBros.(..well atleast all of the one's i've read... )just think this is chapter 19 of what...60...70...100?

Time will tell! Happy Forth of July Ladies!

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