Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 2

As I walked through the halls at school I got a mix of reactions. I'm assuming that almost everyone knows about my summer to be. I was wearing a summer dress my mom made me with a small heal…I told you I was the girl of the band…when I was walking to my locker I had a random girl come to me.

"Excuse me you're Laura right, the one that won the contest?" she asked
"Um, yeah" I said fixing the strap on my backpack
"Well you are stupid because we entered it and my band was runner up so you better watch your back! Oh and by the way, Nick is mine so back off!" she said throwing a cup of coffee on dress.

I gasped in shock and the hot drink started to stain my dress and starting to burn my skin.
There I stood, people laughing and pointing…great! I opened my locker and saw the pictures of Nick Jonas. I just looked into his eyes in one and just grabbed my stuff and slammed my door. My year was going to be long…I could tell.

As I walked to AP Physics I saw someone in the sub school principal's office that didn't fit there. I walked past but walked backwards to see…Joe Jonas? WOAH! Then I saw Kevin Jonas there. I started walking towards the office to say hi but I realized that I had coffee dripping from my dress, plus I was starting to smell due to the coffee.

I made it to class and sat next to Ryan who just had a pissed look on her face.

"Let me guess Alex Marianna?" she said
"Um, I think that's her name." I said
"Does she not know that your mother made you that? What a fucking bitch! You know what I should go find her and kick her ass!" she said standing up
"Ryan, sit down! She isn't worth it!" I said
"You're right! I don't know how you can stay so positive!" she said
"Well for every negative there are at least 5 positives." I said smiling

As class started, my pencil and paper made a great relationship dealing with projectiles and the velocity and acceleration of the paper airplane. Dr. Patterson threw the plane and I watched my life of boredom fly over top of my head. There was a knock at the door and a student assistant walked in with two passes. The girl handed them to Dr. Patterson and I only prayed that at least one of the slips were for me.

"Laura and Ryan, you're needed in Kennedy Hall." She said handing both of us our passes.

We just looked at each other confused. You were only sent of you were in trouble. What did we do wrong?

We got up and Ryan pulled me to her locker.

"Look I'm not going to let you go around school the whole day with coffee on your dress. Here wear this." She said handing me a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
"What do you have a whole outfit in here?" I asked
"Yeah I actually do, for occurrences like this!" she said leaning against her locker.

She pulled out a pair of chucks and socks with a huge grin.

"Now go change before we get in trouble for not being in Kennedy Hall." She said

I booked it to the bathroom putting the skinny jeans on and I noticed it was a paramore t-shirt and just smiled. She was the main rocker of the group, and I think that is why we've been friends for so long.

As I ran down the hall I finished tying the shoes and grabbed my Vera Bradley bag from her. I felt nervous walking to Kennedy Hall because I think that we've done something bad…but I don't remember if we did anything? Wait, I'm confusing myself.

"Hi, I'm Laura and this is Ryan. We were called here." I said handing her our passes.
"Oh girls, right this way. Mrs. Gordon will be with you." She said

We walked into the conference room to see Anne, Hailey, Rachel and Sam all sitting there…with the Jonas Brothers.

"Laura where is your dress?" asked Sam
"Umm, it's a long story!" I said suddenly nervous with the hottest boys on the planet next to me.
"No, Alex Marianna spilt her coffee all over her dress because she lost this contest." She said mad
"Thanks Ryan. It's kinda embarrassing now that you've told the Jonas Brothers." I said

She then looked next to me and her face grew. She was in shock too.

"I didn't see them there!" she whispered in my ear
"I didn't miss them how did you?" I asked back

"Ok girls, um I'm Joe as you guys know…" he started
"HI!" Sam said really fast and giddy

WOW! She just made a fool out of herself! I slapped my forehead and shook my hands on my head.

"We wanted to talk to you all before the tour starts. You all will finish your school year on the road, crazy enough you guys will be taking lessons with Nick over here!" he said slapping his shoulder

I looked over and a smile grew on my face but his face was cold and bitter. So I pushed my eyebrows together and sat in confusion with him. He just stared at me the rest of the meeting and never said a word.

"We've decided to let you guys play 5 songs per show, so if you need to you might need to write some more." Kevin said kindly
"That won't be a problem. You're standing next to the song writing sisters over there! They have at least 100 songs with music." Rachel said pointing to us

The visions of everyone came looking at me and Ryan.

"Hey, I'm just the bass player!" I said throwing my hands up
"No, you're the leader of the group!" Anne said

"Are you the one who sent the tape in?" Joe asked
"I mailed it, but Ryan found the contest." I said pointing to her

Joe laughed and smiled at Kevin…then Kevin started laughing too. Nick just sat there…staring me down. What the hell is his problem? Was there something in my hair? Face? Teeth? Can he smell my breath all the way over there?

"What is so funny?" Ryan asked in confusion
"Oh we just saw 3 lip prints with lipstick on the bag so we wanted to know who wanted to kiss us so bad!" Joe said

I instantly turned beat red and was blushing so hard I was probably mortified.

"We mainly came here to tell you all, today is your last day of school. You have 2 minutes to clean out your lockers and meet back here. You'll turn your textbooks in here when you're done." Kevin said

Did he just say what I think he said? Am I really leaving today?

"Um one question, uh, we're not packed so what does this mean? Do our parents know? Um and my mom said my brother has to come…or I can't go" I said
"That'd be great!" I heard Nick mumble

I instantly gave him a dirty look. What an ass! He doesn't even know me and he is already judging me.

"Ok, yes your parents know, you get to pack when we drop you all off and your brother is actually already heading home to pack!" Joe said
"That booger is going to mess with my stuff. I'm going to hurt him if he messes with my suitcase!" I said to Ryan
"Do you and your brother get along?" Joe asked
"Yeah, he's just a dweeb at times. We love each other it's just constant pranks that's all!" I said smiling
"Awesome! We can have another prankster on the bus!" Kevin said high-fiving Joe

GREAT! Now I KNOW I'm going to be pranked on this tour.

FF 2 days:

I was sitting at the table doing my physics homework, watching the country side pass me by. I saw Nick diagonal of me at the couch doing his homework and staring at me again.

"Hi, I'm Laura" I said holding my hand out
"I know!" he said with an attitude
"Oh, well if you need help with physics I can help. I'm really great at it" I said
"Look, I don't need your help!" he said looking at me sternly
"Ok, well offer still stands if you need it!" I said going back to my TI-83 and my physics book

I turned my iPod on and started listening to the Jonas Brothers. I turned it to Hello Beautiful and within a minute into the song the ear bud was yanked from my ear.

"Can you not listen to me and my brothers? We are right in front of you." He said
"Why do you hate me?" I asked firing back
"I only hate you because…." He said
"Why?" I asked getting pissed off
"I just hate you ok!" he said walking away.

SCREW HIM! I'm SO not helping him with his physics homework now.
Sam and Anne walked in with their AB Calc books and I helped them.

"Ok so here you would use tangent to figure it out because it's opposite over hypotenuse." I said pointing with my pencil.
"Ok so the same thing like in the acceleration problems in physics, right?" Sam asked
"EXACTLY!" I said high-fiving her

Nick's POV:

UHH! She is so annoying, that Laura girl. She is so bubbly and positive. It's annoying, am I aloud to have a negative moment? Can I have some me time?

"EXACTLY!" I heard he annoying voice say

She seems nice but I don't know if I can deal with her! She seems like she's hiding something, like she is being positive so no one can see her in pain. Well who cares…I don't and no one else should.

I sat down to do my physics when I was stuck. NO! I'm not asking her to help me! I refuse to. As I sat in my bunk staring at my book I was think about Selena and what went wrong. I know I'm negative because of the break up but I don't care. I was heartbroken and guys heal their hearts differently then girls do. I just grabbed my novel I was reading and pushed my physics aside. I'm not dealing with that right now!

Laura's POV:

I was finishing up my history reading notes when I heard Nick come walking through….great!

I didn't give him any attention…because he wants attention so I'm NOT giving it to him.

"You're still doing homework! What a nerd!" he said getting water out of the spicket
"No, I'm being responsible…not like some idiot I know" not looking at him once
"Oh, I'll tell Joe for ya" he said smirking sarcastically.
"Whatever. I tried to be nice to you but as I can tell I'm wasting my time!" I said
"Yeah you are because I don't like you!" he said
"Nor do I!" I said

As he left for the bunk area I just laid my head down on my textbook…and cried. I never believed that saying…what was it…Oh yea, "Never meet you heroes!"

I never realized that meeting the Jonas Brothers would prove that quote right.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey 2nd chapter! Well all the peoples names are real. I'm really in a band and this story is the most real to my life so comment on any questions you have about the story line.

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