Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 20

I stood there at David's front porch, with my clutch in front of me. My feet hurt from my heals and I was nervous. I haven't been with David in a long time and I don't want anything from our pasts to come up. I rang the door bell and my nerves jumped. I was excited but scared, who knows how this is going to go down. The door opened and there stood David, wearing a white button down shirt, black tie, black pants and chucks. The chucks made me giggle. His hair wasn't gelled… just there, how I loved it.


"Hey beaut- wow, you look…amazing" he said smiling and shocked
"Oh, well thank you. You look admirable yourself." I said smiling

He took my hand and brought me inside, locking the door and taking my coat off of me.

"Here, take your shoes off. Those look painful" he said smiling
"Thanks, I was about to ask you where I could put them" I said smiling
"No problem" he said smiling

We walked to the kitchen and I walked over to the pot, but David stopped me before I could open the top.

"Hey, you're my guest. No cooking, I know you too well. You'll end up cooking the whole meal" he said laughing
"Fine, if you insist" I said smiling and leaning in

David pushed me against the island slowly and brought me closer. My butt bounced off the island causing us to get closer. He slammed his lips onto me and I ended up smiling into the kiss.

"I missed that a lot!" David said

I just giggled and smiled at him

"Alright, let's make dinner. You can it at the island and watch" he said pulling out the chair a t the island for me.
"Thank you kind sir" I said

He ran to the stove and stirred whatever was boiling and came back.

"So…" he said staring at me
"So…" I said smiling back
"I'm really glad you're here" he said
"I'm glad I'm here too. I mean you and Macbeth were playing a tight first" I said leaning in
"Really? You're cheating on me now with Macbeth and Shakespeare?" he asked kissing me.

I placed my hands around his neck and into his hair. Kissing him was really fun!


Nick's POV:

Ok, let's get something straight! I…love Laura. Not Miley, well not anymore. I thought that I was in love with her but I realized I really am in love with Laura. I really screwed up with her but I have to be with Miley because she's with David. I don't want to make it look like I'm desperate. I mean hello, I am Nick Jonas, and I'm the "sensitive, serious" one! Guess that's what I'm going to have to live with. She's probably with him right now, snuggling maybe necking…Eww David and her. If only that was me! I'm not going to chase after her because it's not worth it. I'm afraid she'll pick David and not me…

"Nick! Honey, come bring the popcorn!" I heard Miley yell
"Coming" I said not paying attention

I couldn't get Laura out of my head! I probably won't but as of now I need to get over Laura and fall back in love with Miley. Well here is my step forward!


Laura's POV:

I was watching T.V with David when my phone started ringing. I had to reach for it because I was lying on top of David on the couch.

"Hello?" I asked disappointed
"Laura, it's Ryan! How's it going?" she asked

She doesn't know that I'm here!

"Oh, well I'm ok but I'm about to take a shower can I call you back?" I asked
"Sure!" she said

I hung up and laid back down on David's chest.

"Is everything ok?" he asked
"Yep!" I said snuggling back into him


The next morning going to school I was in a really happy mood. I was fighting to not smile. I was at my locker when I got a text from David.

Hey, I miss you! Last night was fun, I'll call you tonight!

I just smiled and changed my books for my first period.

"Well, Well, Well, looks like Laura is happier than ever!" I heard

I expected to see only Ryan but all 5 of the other girls. Each one of them had a smile planted on their faces. I knew now that David and I together was their plan.

"Maybe!" I said smiling

Rachel pulled out her camera and of course started video taping me.

"So Laura, who is this lucky guy?" she asked
"David Archuleta, the greatest boyfriend ever. Oh and he's adorable. He'll hold you like it's your last time together forever, every time!" I said spinning around
"So what's it like to be with him?" she asked
"One word…perfect!" I said smiling and winking into the camera
"So what about Nick Jonas?" she asked
"Nick who? HA, he made his choice and I'm making mine!" I said
"Well there you have it an interview with Mrs. Archuleta herself!"
"Yeah and Mrs. Archuleta needs to go to class!" I said waving bye
"Say bye guys!" Rachel said showing all the girls

Sitting in English I kept doodling about David.

"So uh, I can see your paper is uh kinda filled" Ryan said looking over
"Oh, yeah" I said twiddling my pencil and putting it down….mortified.
"So have you talked to Nick?" she asked
"No, but I think I want to." I said
"WHY?" she yelled
"Mrs. Marino, please, no yelling!" Mrs. Morris yelled
"Sorry!" she said
"WHY!" she whispered
"Ryan, I still love him more than anything!" I said
"Well, you should get over him!" she said
"I know!" I said

Walking to my locker with Ryan after class was conversation filled.

"So Macbeth is going to conquer my life for the next 178 days" I said
"I agree with that" Ryan said
"So after Macbeth we read Hamlet" I said
"Great guys who think creeping with their sisters isn't…creeping" she said
"You're the greatest" I said smiling and laughing

As we got to my locker, we stopped in our tracks…Nick was standing there.

"Laura, go!" Ryan said pushing me

He saw me and smiled, staring at me now.

"Ryan come with me!" I said pulling her along

"Hey Laura" Nick said once we were near him
"Hey Nick" I said smiling
"I came by to say hi…and I got you something" he said smiling and revealing a gift bag.
"Oh, that's nice of you" I said opening my locker and confused
"Well are you going to open it?" he asked

I shoved my binder in my locker when Nick stared into my eyes

"Um, sure" I said

I looked around and didn't see Ryan anywhere…she'll get it later. I opened the bag and saw that it was a purple sweater, a purple notebook and a purple card. Yeah…purple is my favorite color, he never forgot.

"Oh, thanks" I said smiling without teeth
"See the sweater, I saw when I was in the mall with Joe and Kevin, the book is for your song writing…getting the juices going and the card is self explanatory…you'll see." He said
"Thanks Nick, but I don't mean to be blunt but why are going doing this?" I asked looking at him
"I wanted to" he said
"Nick, you have Miley now. You should be doing this for her" I said holding the bag
"Laura, you're killing me" he said looking at me
"How? You dumped me remember?" I said
"I know, but I love you" he said

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! So i love this story! I'm addicted to writting it and i try my hardest to please everyone while pleasing myself. Trust me, anytime that your stomach flutters and goes into a knot...mine does 20X because i'm writing it! AHHHH! The ending has my stomach in the tightest knot ever! (lol)

Well Comment and Message!!
