Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 21

I quickly shoved the bag and my other binders in my locker…I got nervous.

"I have to get to class" I said turning away shutting my locker
"You still love me too, I know you do!" he said grabbing my arm
"No, I don't" I said pulling my arm away and walking to class
"Just admit it!" he said following me
"Admit what?" I asked turning around to face him
"Admit that you love me just as much as I love you" he said
"Never" I said walking away

Nick broke my heart into a jigsaw puzzle, I'm not letting him get to me again.

"Laura, walking away proves you still love me" he said
"Oh, and dating someone while you're with someone else isn't either? That's cheating, adultery, it's against the law. Yeah, it's love alright for Miley. You made your decision Nick and you and I aren't meant to be together I guess." I said an inch away from him with anger in my voice
"Will you stop! Laura, I love you so much and you still want to be with David! WHY? This is the exact reason I'm not going to chase after you!" he said
"If you aren't chasing me, then what are you doing here?" I asked as a tear fell down my face as my face laid calm
"I don't know!" he said

The bell rang…I was late for class with Nick Jonas standing in front of me

"Well Nick…" I said wiping my tears away
"Like I said, you made your decision. I just don't want to get hurt again. David's a good guy, I promise, he'll never treat me wrong but you I doubt that. Goodbye Nick, I have to get to class" I said taking my friendship bracelet off of his and handing it to him
"Just know, I'll always love you" he said as I walked away

I didn't say anything, I really didn't want to see him again but I still love him just as much if not more than him. I walked into Oceanography and sat next to Ryan. I gave her a cold stern look for leaving me and I didn't talk to her the rest of the day.


Sitting on my bed that night doing homework was the hardest night of my life. I was reading none other than…Macbeth and doing my Calc BC homework but I was so frustrated with the situation I threw the book across the room and cried face down on my bed. I was so emotionally attached to Nick, well he was amazing, no he is amazing, but I love both him and David. I heard a knock at the door so I quickly wiped my eyes and got my calculator out making it look like I was doing work.

"Come in!" I said
"Hey Beautiful!" I heard
Oh no! It was David and I didn't want to have to explain myself, but I knew I was going to have to.

"Hey" I said keeping my head down
"What's wrong?" he asked

See, I told you he was going to ask it!

"Nothing, I'm just frustrated with Macbeth. Hints why it's on the floor" I said pointing to it

It was a really good lie I though. I would have never thought of something like that if Nick was around.

"Oh, well I wish I could help but I hated Shakespeare in school." He said
"Yeah so do I" I said giggling
"See there is my girl's smile!" he said staring at me

Nick use to say that…all the time. NO STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!

David leaned over my books and looked me into the eyes. He smiled and kissed my forehead.

"I brought you something" he said
"Aww, you didn't have to" I said smiling
"Well, I know we've only been together for a few days but we were together a long time before so I decided that this was a good time to give you this" he said smiling

He pulled out the infamous blue bag with silver lining aka the Tiffany's & Co. bag
and pulled out a jewelry box.

"Open it" he said handing it to me

I was afraid to open it, but with my hands shaking off the box I opened it.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled as my eyes bulged out of socket
"I knew you'd like it!" he said kissing my cheek

I could only imagine what this would have cost! This is way too much! Now I really cannot choose…this made my life even more miserable.

"Well I have to go to L.A. for a few days so I just wanted to give you that and say see ya later, and I love you" he said
"Well I'll miss you" I said
"I'll miss you too" he said kissing me
"That I will miss" I said smiling
"Here let me put the necklace on" he said

He turned around behind me and hooked the clasp in the back. Once it was on, the necklace was really heavy…but it was so beautiful.

"Thank You David" I said smiling
"You're welcome!" he said kissing me
"I'll see you later" he said leaving my room

After leaving I immediately ran to my mirror and looked at it. It was huge, but not like massive but you defiantly couldn't miss it!

I heard another knock on the door so I got back in bed, made it look like I was doing my homework and I finally got settled.

"Come in!" I said
"Hey, can I talk to you a minute?" I heard
"Who's there?" I asked giggling
"Me" Nick said walking through the door still with his coat on
"Oh, um sure I said moving the stuff off my bed giving him a spot on the bed.

I realized then that I was in a cami and plaid pajama pants…my boobs were my main concern. Nick likes to…..O.O if you know what I mean. I got up acted like I was shutting the door more and grabbed his sweater he gave me and put it on. I needed it but I didn't want to make him feel bad about the gift…plus the sweater is adorable. I wrapped it around me and walked back and sat on the bed.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked
"You've been crying" he said
"No I haven't" I said
"Laura, you've always been a bad liar" he said
"Nick, I haven't been crying" I said
"Maybe you were crying because you've got a $4,000 piece of jewelry around your neck" he said
"It can't be that much" I said
"That's right, you don't trust me so you won't believe me!" he said sarcastically

I just stared at him…hard. He wasn't going to come into my house nor my room and be rude to me…he can go.

"Sorry, I came over here to talk to you about today" he said
"Well what's there to talk about?" I asked
"Us! Laura I know we still love each other" he said
"Nick, I can't trust you to love you again" I said
Lie, absolute lie. I love him unconditionally and I'm surprised I'm pulling this off with him.

"Why won't you break up with David?" he asked
"Because, I love him!" I yelled covering my mouth
"Oh…I see. Well, um, I'm going to leave now" he said getting up

He had his coat on and was about to leave.

"Nick!" I yelled

He kept going, running down the steps and out into the yard. I grabbed my flip-flops put them on and took after him. He got to his car before we both were out of breath. I took his keys from him and shut his door.

"You're not going anywhere" I said panting

I looked into his eyes to see a tear falling from his face. Oh no, I hurt him…maybe crushed him. There is only one way to settle this.

"Nick look at me!" I said

He didn't even move. He kept his face in the "away" position and was staring at the rock. I moved his head and slammed into a kiss to him. He instantly wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as we kissed.

"Sorry, you weren’t paying attention" I said apologizing for his neck
"It's ok" he said

I started walking away with our hands together and I saw Nick smile. I knew he knew then I still loved him and he had another chance, but he had to work for it.

As I walked back into the house, I got a call from Kevin.

"OH MY GOD PEOPLE, STOP WANTING TO TALK TO ME!" I yelled out of nowhere

"Hello?" I answered gracefully
"What?" I asked unenthused
"I'M GETTING MARRIED!" he yelled
"WHAT? TO WHO?" I yelled back
"Her name is Ashley, I'm coming over now so you can meet her!" he said
"Kevin, not now. I have family over, how about tomorrow?" I asked
"Oh, sure!" he said
"Bye Kevin" I said
"Bye!" he said

Once in my room, my phone went off again.

"Well, there is the Laura I love!" I heard Nick say
"Oh, sorry, Macbeth is getting to me" I said
"That's ok, I just wanted to thank you for being honest with me" he said
"Honest about what?" I asked
"How much you love me" he whispered hanging up


The next day at lunch I was texting like crazy…to maye not David

"Will you chill with the texting?" Sam asked
"No, I miss him" I said smiling
"No, you need your phone taken away" Ryan said taking my phone away
"Who is this N guy?" she asked

N was…Nick…guess I'm busted

"Just a fan!" I said
"Really? So a fan will say 'Laura, really enjoyed the talk we had last night. The ending was the greatest. I'll call you tonight', correct me if I'm wrong but fans don't send you texts about being in your bedroom last night" Ryan yelled across the table
"FINE IT'S NICK!" I yelled and got up without my phone and walked to the bathroom.

Right now was the first time in a long time I needed both Nick and David. What did I get myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
SO...don't throw anything at me but ive got the best paln for this story and the ending i promise you will NOT have read before in ANY Mibba Nick Jonas Fan Fic, i know because i read everyone that Mibba has and none of them have this brilliant ending. Although, there is a twist coming up so be prepared. Strap in your seatbelts girls be you're going on a drama rollercoaster!

Hope you all enjoy! Comment and Message!


PS: Banners and Publicity would Rock! Tell all your friends about this story, i really want alot of sucess with it! :)