Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 22

I was finishing my Macbeth readings and starting my analysis of it when the doorbell rang. I walked down stairs and saw no one.

"Derek? Mom? Are you all here?" I asked

No answer… I went and opened the door to see Nick standing there. I was shocked but I kept staring at him.

"Um, can I come in?" he asked
"Sure" I said

I was thanking myself for wearing what I wore to school that day because that's all I need is Nick to see me in my pajamas all the time. I was wearing my skinny jeans, my infamous chucks and a white cami with his purple sweater.

He came in and he took his shoes off at the door, I guess this means that he's staying awhile. He took his coat off and placed it on the coat hanger by the door. I watched his carefully and making sure he didn't make a move I wasn't ready for. He turned to me and smiled putting his hands in his pockets.

"Uh, I was just wondering if we could hang out" he said
"Sure, I've kinda got homework but you can watch, I guess" I said
"Ok, that's fine" he said

I started walking up the stairs but he grabbed my hand as we walked up. I stopped…and looked at him. He just smiled and took two steps up and kissed my cheek. I was enjoying it but I didn't want to cheat on David…not again. We got to my room and he sat at my desk as I sat on my bed. I took my shoes off and laid down on my stomach and started writing my analysis. My mind couldn't concentrate on this analysis because Nick was on my mind. He was right in front of me and all I wanted to do was jump on him and kiss him…but I couldn't. I finished writing the first paragraph when I looked up at Nick. He was fiddling with his watch and staring at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him
"Nothing" he said
"Nick, you look depressed" I said sitting up on my elbows and twiddling my pen
"You could say that" he said looking outside my window
"Then talk it out with me" I said
"No, I don't really want to" he said
"Ok, I know you'll tell me when you're ready" I said looking at him concerned
"Yeah, I will" he said

I went back to my paragraph but I saw him staring again but I heard him sniffle. He was upset and I knew that he was trying to hide it. I got up and walked over to him. I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. By now he was really upset and he was trying harder to hide it.

"Nick come here" I said

He didn't respond nor did he move. He was ignoring me. I pulled his shirt causing him to land on me and I hugged him tight. He grabbed onto me and hugged me so tight he was pulling my clothes practically off. I know I was hurting him but he's hurting me too. I could feel him weep harder and it caused me to start to cry. I just cried in his shoulder, leaving my numerous mascara and eyeliner tracks on his shirt, heavy breathing in his neck and starting to shake. We were still holding each other so tight my arms were getting numb and I didn't want to let go. Nick slowly pulled away and I finally saw his face-blotchy, red, and glossy from the numerous tears and his eyes were the prettiest brown I'd ever seen them. He just held both of my hands as we both sniffled and held back more tears.

"I don't know what to say, or why I just did that" he said
"I'm sorry I threw you into me" I said trying to lighten the mood

It didn't work. He just sat there mono-tone with no facial expression.

"Nick, why are you afraid to talk to me?" I asked
"Because, I don't know if I want you back" he said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"I don't know if you're the one. You're with David and I'm with Miley and to be honest I think that we're with the people we're supposed to be with." He said

That stabbed my heart. Now I felt the same way he did-hurt, confused and crying on the inside.

"Oh, I see" I said getting off of him and sitting back on my bed.
"I didn't know how to tell you that without breaking your heart" he said looking at me

At this point I was crying my eyes out. I was balling my eyes out, wanting to cry out and change things but now I can't. Nick walked over to me and hugged me but I shoved him off me.

"Get out!" I said
"What?" he asked
"GET OUT!" I yelled standing up
"Oh, ok. I guess that's fair" he said

He turned on his feet and walked out of my room. I followed him to make sure that he was leaving. He put his boots back on, got his coat back on and put his sunglasses on. I opened the door for him and he turned around to say something but I couldn't stand to look at him in the eye. I shook my head no as he opened his mouth and shut the door in his face.

"Laura?" he asked

I just walked back up to my room and cried. I changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt and my cow slippers. I walked down stairs and finally read the note I was looking for before Nick showed up.

I'm on a date tonight so make you and your brother dinner. I know you've got a lot of homework just here lately but take a 30 minute break just for me. You look stressed here lately. I bought you your favorite Ben & Jerry's and put it in the freezer for you. I love you and don't forget to take a break!

Love You,

I smiled at that-my mom always knew when I needed ice cream. I found another note but this one was from my brother.

I went to John's house. We have to do a project together for Biology. I hope its ok with you but I'm going to spend the night at his house so I'll see you tomorrow. I left his house phone number and address on the fridge if you need it. Thanks sis!


I really was alone tonight. I guess I was meant to be doing that. Remembering there was ice cream in the freezer I ran to it and grabbed a pint and walked back up to my room. I sat there thinking Nick and I are like Macbeth & Banquo vs. the witches. I tried to stop the Nick from a lot of things just like Macbeth & Banquo did to the witches that passed by the Scottish Military Camp. My life wasn't artistically written out but my life was drama filled…just life Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet are.

I was watching T.V. and lying on my bed, still crying, my phone rang. I picked it up and I heard David's voice.

"Hello?" I asked
"Hey beautiful, how are you?" he asked
"I'm good, just got done with my homework and I'm watching T.V" I said
"Oh, well I wish I was there to cuddle with you. I'm lying in my hotel room just calling you. I miss you" he said
"I miss you too" I said

Lie, I mean I did but I am still getting over Nick.

"How has school today?" he asked
"Boring, just wanting the school year to end already" I said
"Well you only have what 178 more days?" he asked jokingly
"Yeah" I giggled
"Are you excited to graduate?" she asked
"Yeah, I'm ready to get out" I said
"What are you going to do after high school?" he asked
"I'm not sure yet. I'm probably going to keep up with the band but if not I'm probably going to take online classes though." I said
"So what do you want to major in?" he asked
"English Literature, well mainly the writing aspect of it" I said
"Oh, I never thought you'd choose that" he said
"Yeah well I love it!" I bit back
"Well babe I have to go." He said hanging up

Great! Now I'm depressed about 2 guys. I just kept eating my ice cream and watching T.V. I ended up falling asleep but I was woken by my brother.

"LAURA GET UP!" he said shaking me
"What's wrong?" I asked
"Ryan's car is up the street wrapped around a tree! We need to call 911!" He yelled at me
"WHAT?" I asked running out of the house.

Today wasn't the day to be losing my best friend. I slipped my Nikes on and ran down the street to her. I saw her car was wrapped around the main oak tree.

"RYAN!" I yelled crying
"Ryan?" I asked still crying and got to the car.

She was unconscious and she was bleeding profusely. She was bleeding at her neck so I did what a best friend should do to save her…I plugged her artery with my fingers. I pulled my phone out and dialed 911.

I stayed with her until the ambulance came. The paramedics and the firefighters got her out but she was still bleeding. My brother was running down the road at me and I finally got to him.

"Derek I need you to stay here, ok?" I asked
"NO!" he said
"FINE!" he said running back to the house

I got up into the ambulance and rode with her to the hospital. Once there I was running in with the paramedics in and I was stopped by nurses.

"Miss you have to stay back here." She said
"She's my best friend, I can't leave her" I said
"Ma'am you're going to have to stay here." She said

I just gave up and walked into the lobby. I walked over to the lounge area and saw everyone there.

"How'd you all get here?" I asked sniffling
"Derek called me and I called everyone else" Sam said
"Oh, well i..uh…" I said looking down at my blood stained sweats
""I clogged her artery while he called you guys" I said crouching down and crying
"Come here" Joe said

He hugged me but I didn't want to stain his clothes but he wouldn't let go.

"It's ok, she's going to be ok." He said
"I hope so" I said

He handed me off to someone but I didn't know who. I just grabbed whoever it was and cried into them. It wasn't until I smelt who it was I pulled away and looked them in the eyes…it was Nick. I just looked away and let go, sitting on the other side of the room. I didn't need his sympathy plus I wasn't going to let him get to me ever again. I just sat in the corner and cried. I was depressed about Nick and now I get be more upset about Ryan. I can't lose both of them.

"Laura?" I heard
"Yeah" I said looking and seeing Nick
"Wanna take a walk?" he asked

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, i'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until Sunday. I'm going to Drum Major Camp down at UVA. I'm sorry for leaving you all hanging but i needed to end it here. The next chapter is going to be filled. I love you guys and keep reading!

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