Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 23

I was scared to talk to Nick. He was sending mixed messages to me and I'm really clueless about him.

"Sure" I said getting up and walking out into the lobby. I crossed my arms and just stood against the wall, waiting for him. My hair was up in a high pony tail and I had my glasses on…so I really didn't want Nick to see me at my worst. I pulled out my cell phone and I got a text from David.

I love you! Miss you baby, I have a surprise for you when I get back

I smiled at that and texted him back.

"So…you texting David?" he asked walking next to me
"Yeah, I miss him…a lot" I said
"Oh, well that's cool" he said walking away

I followed him and I caught up with him.

"So why did you want to take a walk with me?" I asked
"Because I wanted to make sure we were cool after you know…earlier" he said
"Yeah…I guess we are. I mean we both are moving on, so" I said
"Ok, well I didn't want you hating me for dating Miley again" he said
"Oh…well I can't say that" I said
"Sorry though" he said
"Why be sorry, you only lied to me for, what… 3 months?" I asked
"Laura, don't do this" he said getting frustrated
"Nick, this is the exact reason I didn't want to come talk with you" I said
"Laura, you're the one being stupid. We were talking like normal people and now you're starting shit back up" he said
"Whatever, I'm going back to the lounge" I said turning
"No, wait" he said grabbing my arm
"Why? You had all the time you needed when you were together. Why should I give you more time to waste?" I asked

He just stared down and walked away the other direction. I was about to walk down the hall when I was slammed into a hug. I smelt the person's cologne and it was David.

"Oh I missed you David!" I said hugging him harder
"I missed you more Laura" he said picking me up

I smiled and looked at David. He was glowing and was happier than ever…it seemed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked
"Well I heard about Ryan and I knew you needed a support system so I flew out as fast as I could" he said
"Thank you…so much" I said hugging him

I looked over to see Nick watching us…more like staring. I just ignored him and buried myself into David's neck. He continued to watch every minute of us hugging. He was being really creepy about the whole situation and it was making me feel awkward.

"Come on, let's go sit down" David said kissing my cheek
"You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute" I said
"Ok" he said walking back

Once he was out of sight I walked over to Nick behind the door.

"So, you're following me now?" I asked
"No" he said
"Nick why are you following me?" I asked
"I honestly don't know! I don’t know why I care about you because I've got a great girl at home who is waiting for me." He said
"Really? Because I feel that you're wasting my time here. I don't care about you at all. I have one of the sweetest guys ever waiting for me and flew out of his way to support me, something you'll never do. I'm over you" I said
"Really so if I kissed you, you wouldn't feel a thing?" he asked
"Nope, nothing!" I said

He kissed me with a peck and I just looked at him. I felt a spark transferred through us and I didn't like it. I just walked backwards as my eyes grew wide and ran. I ran into David in the process to get back to the lounge.

"Hey babe are you-" he started

I kissed him, I had to make sure that I was in love with him. I felt a bolt of lightning come between us and I smiled into the kiss.

"I guess you're ok" he said smiling
"Yeah, I just missed you terribly" I said

We sat down next to each other in the lounge. Everyone was confused knowing that I walked out with Nick but came back with David.

"Look who I found?" I asked
"David, nice to meet you again man" Joe said extending his hand
"Likewise Joe" he said

David put his arm around me and I cuddled into his neck. I saw Joe and the girls transfer looks and they looked confused. Nick soon came back with a bottle of water in his hand and he was kinda mad. David was sitting in his spot…

"I guess I'll sit over here" Nick said
"Yeah, I guess you should" I said has he sat down on the other side of the room.

After 3 hours my mom showed up and the doctor was arriving to our area. He was attractive…to be honest. He looked really young so I couldn't help but just enjoy his presence.

"Hi, is Laura here?" he asked
"That's me" I said standing up
"Ok, is it ok to talk about her condition to everyone or should be private?" he asked
"You can say it publicly" I said
"Ok, well let me sit down with you all" he said pulling a seat next to me

"How is she?" Joe asked
"She's fine" he said
"Joe…shut up" I said
"Well, actually I have to commend you for your bravery Laura" the doctor said
"Why?" I asked really confused
"You plugged her artery which saved her life. She was bleeding profusely and we were afraid that she wasn't going to make it, but you were able to stop the bleeding and we were able to stitch her up. She does however need blood, she's A Positive so does anyone have that blood type?" he asked
"I have O Positive" I said
"That will work. Come with me" he said

I grabbed David and he came with me as I followed the doctor. He was walking so fast I couldn't keep up. I ended up tripping over my feet so David picked me up and carried me to keep up with him. The doctor stopped and threw a door open revealing the blood donor room. David sat me down on the chair and he sat with me in the other.

"Doctor, I have A Positive blood. I'll donate to her also" David said

I looked at him and jumped over to kiss him. He really is amazing; he is donating blood for my best friend. I love him

"That's perfect" he said

The doctor came over and had the bags in hand. He had the pressure ball in my hand and he smiled.

"Well, I can see you have donated quite a few times" he said
"How?" I asked
"You have track marks but don't let that stop you" he said
"Thanks…I guess" I said smiling

He slowly inserted the needle and didn't feel a thing.

"Continue to pump your arm every 15 seconds and I'm going to set up your fiancé bag" he said

David and I looked at each other and just laughed…we're not engaged at all.

"Ok you need to keep your arm pumping for every 15 seconds also" he said

As David and I stared at each other as blood pumped out, we heard the door fly open.

"All three of us have A Positive blood, we want to donate also" Joe, Nick and Kevin stood there
"Great" I thought

"Alright, thank you so much! Go sit over there. Don't worry about paper work we'll fill it out later" he said pushing them down into the chairs.

Nick "somehow" sat right next to me and was getting his blood taken from the opposite arm, leaving our arms close enough to touch. My left…his right. David grabbed my right arm and smiled at me. I smiled back at him and blew him a kiss. Suddenly, Nick grabs my index finger and causes us both to drop our pressure balls.

"Doctor Morris, I dropped my pressure ball" I said getting out of his trap
"Ok" he said picking it up and handing it to me

After another 15 minutes my 3 bags were filled and I was finished. Dr. Morris put gauze on my arm.

"What color do you want for your wrap?" Dr. Morris asked
"Purple!" Nick shouted

We looked at him and he acted like it was "obvious"

"Actually, I'll take green" I said

Nick hated green…but David loved green. David finished and we both walked out gimpy hand in hand, but once I kissed him we were broken apart by Nick who walked right through us.

"Hey man, if you've got a problem with me you need to say it to my face!" David said
"No, you need to settle it right! Outside…now!" Nick said
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, Laura here! Well i'm leaving in the morning for my uncle's house in PA! I hope you all enjoy and leave me TONS of comments! Hope you all enjoy!


PS: This really happened but i was in the car accident and Ryan had to donate blood...what a great friend! :) Love you guys! Have any stories like this, tell me...we could so make a convo out of it!

PSS: OH AND THE JOBRO CONCERT WAS AWESOME IN WASHINGTON D.C. :) I got a pic with Nick Jonas and Jason from Honor Society! I'll post them! :) Love you all!