Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 24

I was shoved and pushed against the wall as David and Nick made their way out of the automatic doors and into the parking lot.

"Come on pretty boy! Let's see who's more of a man is!" Nick yelled
"Really? Well I'm the only man between the two of us!" David said
"STOP!" I yelled running out to them

Within seconds Nick punched David right across the face. David them rammed Nick into the wall and started hitting Nick in the stomach and face.

"STOP!" I yelled trying to separate them
"NO, back up Laura. I need to teach your boyfriend who is the real man here!" Nick said punching David
"JUST STOP!" I yelled starting to cry

David pushed me aside and I fell on the ground looking up at the two of them. I was in shock…David just pushed me to fight my ex. I like that he's defending me but not that he is fighting my ex for no reason.

"Come here you fagot!" Nick yelled throwing David against the wall and punched him once, knocking him unconscious.

"David?" I yelled crawling to him
"Nick, what'd you do?" I yelled looking at him balling my eyes out

Nick stood there with his hands out and he looked at me. I checked David's pulse… it was slowing down and he was bleeding.

"Nick help me get him up!" I yelled
"NO!" he said back to me

I stood up and smacked him across the face.

"I'm so glad we're not together anymore. You are a waste of time and you were a waste to be born. I swear you're not humane because you're so damn selfish Nick. Next time you fuck up a relationship don't come to me!" I yelled to him

He just looked at me, eyes dilated, hair messed up and hands reaching out to me.

I bent over to pick David up and I was able to drag him. I held onto his arms and pulled him to the emergency wing.

"EXCUSE ME! HELP?" I yelled
"What's wrong with him?" a tall, male nurse asked
"My boyfriend just got in a fight and he's unconscious. Last I checked he was bleeding…a lot" I said
"We'll take him" the nurse said picking him up like it was nothing and rolling him away on a bed.

I ran back to the lounge and I stood there. Sam instantly got up and ran to me hugging me.

"Don't ever let me get back with Nick…ever" I whispered to her
"Do you need to talk?" I asked

Suddenly, a cop came over to the lounge. He was wearing all black with a coat and his hat on.

"Excuse me, is there a Laura here?" he asked
"Yeah, that's me" I said

I was tired of drama tonight so I wasn't really enthused about going to talk to the cop.

"Yes, I have in custody a Nicholas Jerry Jonas. He was caught on camera with your fiancé fighting and we need you to verify him." He said
"Sure" I said

OK, DAVID ISN'T MY FIANCE!! Thank you, just wanted to say that!

The cop lead me out to the car where Nick was in the back seat, handcuffed and staring at me as I walked towards the car. The officer opened the door and Nick looked at me with his busted eyebrow and a black eye forming.

"Is this Mr. Jonas?" the officer asked
"Yes, but make sure he knows I never want to see him again" I said looking at Nick and slamming the door shut, hitting his ribs.

I watched him weep in pain inside the car and watched me. It slowly started raining and I watched Nick's pain continue.

"Bye Laura" he said as the car left
"Bye Nick" I said as the car drove into the dark raining night.


"Yeah so they arrested him" I said to Ryan as she listened to what happened
"Wow, drama" she said
"I know" I said

I held her hand and she had a passive patch of gauze on her neck and her head was wrapped with the same material. I felt like it was my duty to be by her side, but now I have two people to attend to.

"Laura, go visit David. I know you want to!" she said smiling then coughing
"Alright, you'll be ok?" I asked
"Yeah" she said

I hugged her and smiled. She was my best friend and I wasn't going to let her go and she wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"I'll be back" I said
"See ya later" she said smiling

Sam walked into her room as I walked out and she smiled. The other girls knew where I was heading and they smiled. I was standing at the elevator when the doors opened and Joe and Kevin stood there…mad.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked
"You caused our brother to be in jail. Don't talk to us" Joe said

I was already in a bad mood…that didn't help. I walked into the elevator and started crying. I hit the button and went up to David's floor. As I stepped out I was still upset but I attempted to shake it off but it wasn't working. I walked into David's room and he was hooked up to a breathing tube, IV's and a heart monitor. His chest slowly moved up and down, hearing him heave in and out. He was peacefully asleep with his chest rising up and down to the heart monitor.

"Hey beautiful" he said
"Hey, how are you" I asked walking to his side
"I'm…ok" he said coughing in between
"David, I'm so sorry" I said
"Laura, just kiss me and I'll forgive you" he said

I smiled with a tear running down and leaned in and kissed him. He smiled but started coughing.

"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, just hard to breathe" he said
"What is exactly wrong with you?" I asked
"My lung collapsed. They were able to save my lung but I was in pain for quite a bit." He said
"I'm so sorry" I said covering my mouth in shock

I suddenly got a call on my phone.

"Hold on David" I said walking outside
"Hello?" I asked
"Laura?" I heard
"Who is this?" I asked confused
"Nick" he said
"What do you want?" I asked
"Can you come get me out of jail?" he asked
"What for? You caused my boyfriend to have a collapsed lung" I said starting to cry
"I know. I'm sorry but I wanted to make it up to you" he said
"No Nick. I'm compromise with you, we won't press charges if you do your whole time overnight in jail" I said
"Laura, why? I'm 18 years old and you're making me pay the price?" he asked
"Nick we're a month apart and I'll be 18 in days so don't play the age card and yes I'm making you pay the price. You may have physically hurt David but you hurt me emotionally also." I said
"I'm sorry" he said
"You should be" I said giggling and joking around
"I love you Laura" Nick said giggling

There was an awkward silence…

"It just slipped out" he said
"Don't worry about it" I said
"Could you maybe come get me in the morning?" he asked
"Sure, but don't tell anyone" I said
"Ok, I love you got to go" he said hanging up

Wow, he said I love you twice…I need to forget about it. I walked back into David's room, said goodnight to him and left for home.


I woke up the next morning refreshed. I showered and was wearing the usual, but I knew what I had to do today. So I made it a day I was going to run through positively. I walked down the stairs grabbing my coach clutch and my aviators with my cars keys, heading out to go get Nick.

I stood at the desk in the station and had my sunglasses on my head.

"Can I help you?" the officer at the desk said
"Yes, I'm here to pay bond for Nicholas Jonas" I said
"He's getting ready now, $850" she said
"Ok, here" I said counting out my savings money and giving it to the officer
"He should be out in about 5 minutes" he said

I waited for him, sitting in the seat with my legs crossed and looking at my phone. I was playing Tetris when he came out. I saw his hair was kinked on one side and to be frank, looked like shit. I stood up, put my phone in my bag and stood up to him. He was walking up to me and he ran to hug me.

"Oh god Laura, I missed you so much" he said
"It's ok Nick" I said

He hugged me tighter and was holding me.

"Excuse me, please exit the station" an officer said
"Let me go Nick" I said

He picked me up and carried me bridal style out of the station and to my car.

"Sorry, I wanted to do that" he said
"Ok" I said unlocking the car and getting in

I backed out of the parking garage and made my way down the street. I was driving him to his house when he threw an envelope on my lap.

"Nick what is this?" I asked looking down at it and driving
"It's money" he said
"Why money?" I asked
"I know you didn't have the money to bail me out so I know it's from your savings. So take it!" he said
"Nick no!" I said throwing it back to him
"Laura, take it!" he said throwing it back to me

It sat there the whole ride but Nick tried to distract me.

"You look beautiful" he said

I just slid my aviators onto my face and ignored him.

"Did you hear me, I said you looked beautiful" he said
"I heard you" I said
"Why didn't you respond?" he asked

I didn't respond to that either… why would I agree with something I really don't believe.
Suddenly, Nick pulls the emergency break in the middle of the street.

"NICK WTF?" I yelled
"Pull over and talk to me or we're sitting her all day" he said looking into my eyes
"Nick we're holding up traffic!" I said looking around
"Pull over to the side then." He said

I put the car back in drive and pulled over, shut the car off and put my emergency lights on.

"Alright Nick, what do you want?" I asked
"I want to know why you won't answer my question" he said

I didn't respond…and Nick took my hand. He rubbed my cheek and I started crying. Nick took my sunglasses off to reveal a crying girl.

"Laura, why are you crying?" he asked
"Because I don't believe you" I whispered

Nick looked at me and rubbed my cheeks more and kissed my forehead. I just cried knowing that I felt terrible about everything I did. I seemed to always be cheating on David with Nick because I still love him. Nick kissed my nose then kissed both my cheeks, leaving kisses on my heart. He kissed my chin but then leaned closer and kissed my lips lightly. He repetitively lightly pecked my lips and I leaned over to him and got heavier. Nick held onto my left hip as I held onto his hair and neck.

"Do you have somewhere we can go?" he asked
"Yeah, my house" I said throwing the car in drive after starting it and driving up the hill

I opened the convertible on my beetle and let my hair out. I was acting crazy right now but I had a crazy feeling in my stomach. Nick leaned over and held my hand and kissed it.

"You're crazy!" he yelled
"You bet I am!" I yelled smiling back

Once we got to my house the door flew open. My mom was upstairs in her room with Dave…her new boyfriend. It wasn't until we walked in we heard grunting and shaking…mainly squeaking.

"DAVE!" he heard

Nick and I looked at each other and laughed. We knew EXACTLY what my mom was doing. We ran down to the basement and locked the door behind us. I ran down to the couch and Nick sat next to me. He slowly leaned over me and kissed me. He was so cute and giggling about everything. He picked me up and ran me around the basement piggy back style.

"Nick! Put me down" I said giggling

He threw me on the couch and landed on my back He landed on top of me and smiled laughing.

"My mom always told me to find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, "thats her"....and that's who I hope is you" I said smiling

"You know what? Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control." Nick said looking at me and smiling

That quote made me feel beautiful and loved…I love Nick Jonas, not David Archuleta.

"Come on, it's about to rain. Come dance in the rain with me" I said pulling him off the couch

Nick and I ran up the stairs outside from the basement and we ran to the front yard and into the street.

"Laura, it's not raining" he said standing there
"Not yet!" I said smiling and skipping around him

He caught me and raveled me into his arm and wrapped his arms around me. He was behind me and he picked me up and ran me around.

"Oh my gosh, put me down" I said giggling

The rain then started falling and Nick put me down. I grabbed his hands and skipped around with him just enjoying the rain when it started pouring and Nick pulled me close to him.

"I love you Laura!" he said
"I love you Nick" I said
"This was never over. We were never over!" he yelled kissing me as it rained heavier

He kissed me and spun me around. He was right, we both were in love with each other and we're never over each other. I love Nick Jonas and Nick Jonas loves me. He put me down and we looked at each other as the rain turned to hail.

"I love you so much Laura. I can't tell you how much" he said hugging me
"Nick I love you so much more." I said

He smiled and kissed me one more time…we were never over and we're still together!
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, well i love Nick WAY too much to keep them apart! Well what did you think? I love the quote about falling in boyfriend told me that, so i decided to add it! :) I really hope you all enjoy, and Ashley i promise you and Kevin will be in the next one! :) Well girlies you rock and thanks for aking me have over 600 readers! ROCK ON!

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