Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 26

I was sitting in my last class of the day…Latin and I was sitting next to Ryan. It was kinda awkward since the whole "Don't talk to me" thing earlier today. The group ate lunch together but it was silent the whole time so sitting next to her in class was awkward. I was taking notes about the vocabulary and she slips me a note.

"I'm sorry I was a bitch earlier. You saved my life and a true friend will support you no matter what. I'm really sorry…forgive me?" she wrote

I would never ever deny Ryan and I to not be friends…unless she slept with Nick, then I'd hate her.

I doodled a heart on the paper and wrote what I felt was in my heart:

"I was thinking about saying no, but I decided that I can't! You're my sister, my twin…I swear we are lost twins found 17 years later and I saved your life. I made sure you could live another day while you stained my brand new sweats from school. Ryan I love you and I will always forgive you as long as you forgive me!"

I passed her the note and she read it slowly. Her eyes grew watery and we both just looked at each other…we really are meant to be best friends.

She mouthed thank you and smiled. After class I walked out and stood there waiting for her. We always walked together and went to our lockers together and today we continued that tradition.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" Ryan asked walking out
"I honestly don't know!" I said laughing
"Really? Well I have something in mind and it's already in my closet at home" she said
"No way! What's you get me?" I asked
"Laura I may be stupid but I'm not that dumb" Ryan said hugging my shoulders

We just laughed about how we really aren't intelligent together…at all. I was wearing a usual outfit and we were somehow matching. Ryan was wearing a pink shirt as mine was yellow. We were making our way down the steps when we both slipped and fell to the bottom. We got up and looked at each other laughing hard and uncontrollable. We finally made it to our lockers and opened them.

"So how are things with you ant Nick? Better?" she asked
"Yeah, they are a lot better. We're getting along much more and we defiantly have given that bump back into the relationship" I said smiling
"Well as long as you're happy and he doesn't hurt you, I'm perfectly ok with you two" she said
"Thanks so much Ryan" I said

I looked into the mirror in my locker, applied lip gloss and put everything I didn't need into my locker. Still carrying the Macbeth book in and my binders I placed my planner into my bag.

"Laura you look beautiful, now let's go" Ryan said
"Thanks but I was putting my binder's away thank you!" I said giggling and shutting it

We walked away from the lockers and made our way out of the school. We both saw Nick sitting against his car waiting for me so we separated.

"See ya tomorrow?" she asked
"Yeah!" I said smiling

We hugged each other tight and smiled.

"I'm glad you're my best friend" she said
"I'm glad you're my best friend too" she said
"Do you want your friendship bracelet back? I know I haven't given it to you since the tour but I felt you needed it back" she said
"Thanks, I did need it" I said

She placed it around my wrist and tied it for me.

"See ya tomorrow!" she yelled as we separated
"Bye!" I yelled

I turned to see Nick smiling at me…waiting patiently. I ran down the 7 stairs we had and walked confidently to him. Once I was close enough to touch him I smiled.

"So have you been waiting long?" I asked
"No, probably like 5 minutes" he said pulling my waist close

I was leaning against him and we both giggled and smiled. He kissed me lightly and infamously blew my mind. When he puts his hand on my neck or around my jaw it sends chills down my spine and that he did to me. He snaked his angelic hands around my jaw and brought me closer. He slowly let go and separated from me.

"You look cute today" he said smiling
"Well you look cute too" I said kissing his cheek and stepping away
"Well your peach lip gloss was cute too" he said pulling me into him again

We both giggled and laughed at that. He really was dreamy and one of a kind. We finally got in the car and I was reading my Macbeth book so try to finish it. I have a 12 page essay to write about it, thank god it has to be double spaced because I don't know if I could write 12 single-spaced pages about 2 retarded guys.

"You're not done with that book yet?" Nick asked
"No, I'm behind actually. I have to write an essay in 2 days" I said
"That's not too bad" Nick said
"Not a 12 page essay" I said
"Ok, that's not good at all" he said laughing
"Yeah, I'm not excited about it but I have to do it" I said

He took my hand and kissed it leaving another kiss on my heart and the touch of love. I shifted my weight and continued reading.

"Hey Kevin wanted you to meet Ashley tonight at the rehearsal dinner, is that ok?" he asked
"Yeah, when do I need to be at you all's house?" I asked
"Like in 2 hours" Nick said pulling up to my house

I smiled and looked at my house then back to Nick.

"Thanks for driving me to school. It means a lot" I said smiling
"No problem babe" he said leaning in and kissing me
"I'll see you in 2 hours?" I asked
"Yep" he said

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I shut the door and I could feel his eyes on me as I walked away. Once I was at my door I waved to him, blew him and kiss and opened the door. He drove off after I locked the door and I was glad he cared so much.

I ran up to my room and pulled out my red dress out of my closet and added the red heals with it. I got in the shower and got ready all within 20 minutes. I did it so I could read my book and not be rude at the party. Once I finished it I ran around my room and jumped on the bed.

"I hate this book! I hate this book!" I repeated dancing on the bed
"Really, I never read it but I heard it's pretty bad!" I heard

I fell onto my bed to see Nick standing there in a semi-suit.

"How'd you get up here?" I asked
"Your mom let me in" he said pointing behind him
"Oh, well come in" I said walking to him and shutting the door
"So are you done yet?" he asked
"Yep, now I have to write the essay" I said grabbing my laptop

I was sitting on my bed and Nick sat next to me and wrapped his arm around me. He would always try to tickle me or play with me.

"Nick I can't concentrate with you tickling me" I said
"I know, fine, I'll sit over at your desk" he said getting up and moving to the desk

I looked over to see him looking at my photo album of us. I kept all the pictures even though I wanted to burn them so bad. He would chuckle here and there but mainly had a straight face within the whole time. I got through about 5 pages of the paper and Nick looked at his watch.

"Alright, it's time to go" he said
"Ok, let me finish the sentence and we'll go" I said

I then shut my laptop and jumped off the bed. I made my way to my dresser, picked up my Ralph Lauren Romance perfume spraying it only to run to the bathroom. I checked my hair and nails and put my shoes on.

"Ready?" he asked
"Yep!" I said smiling
"You look…" he said scaning me up and down
"Look bad? Oh god, you need to give me 10 minutes to-" I started
"No, you look…" he started but looked around.

He suddenly pulled me into him and kissed my neck lightly

"Sexy" he said letting go
"Hey, I must need to stay away from you tonight!" I said slapping him with my clutch
"Nope, you're going to be right next to me so no one else can look at you" he said holding my hips.
"Ok cowboy, let's go" I said

I walked down the stairs and grabbed my pea coat from the closet and we left.


I stood with Nick at the door step and he had his arm around my waist. It was turning cold since the late October air has settled in and I was freezing to death.

"How long does it take someone to answer the damn door!" Nick said banging on it

Suddenly Kevin opened the door and saw us where is face grew with joy.

"NICK, LAURA! THANK GOD YOU'RE HERE!" he said pulling me
"Kevin, no, let the girl get settled first!" Nick said pulling me back

He wasn't kidding about keeping me to himself. He looked at me and I undid my coat and revealed my dress. Once again Nick's eyes grew larger as the coat fell. I handed it to him and he took his off immediately. We looked at each other and he held me around the waist and walked over and into the kitchen.

"Laura! So great to see you around again sweetie!" Mrs. Jonas said kissing my cheek
"Laura, I missed you" Frankie said hugging my leg

Nick shoved Frankie off both of us knowing why Frankie likes hugging legs.

"Kevin, congrats on the wedding! I'm so happy for you!" I said
"Laura, I want you to meet Ashley" Kevin said revealing Ashley

She was a small framed girl with blonde hair and gorgeous eyes.

"Hi Laura, I've been dying to meet you" she said hugging me
"Oh, it's so nice to meet you too!" I said smiling and hugging her

She was beautiful and Kevin made a wise decision choosing her. She seemed really sweet and genuine but you can mainly see she loves Kevin. Kevin just hugged her and kissed her head and it made me smile…she is really cute with him.

"LET'S EAT!" Joe yelled pulling the ham out of the oven

Nick and I laughed when we saw the hat Joe was wearing…typical. He was wearing a chef hat that said 'Danger: To Hot To Touch' on it.

"So when can I go barf from Dinner?" Nick asked looking at Joe
"Shut Up!" Kevin said hitting him upside the head

I just kissed his cheek and we sat down to eat dinner…
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another edition and YES ASHLEY HAS MADE IT INTO THE STORY!!! YEA!!!!! *claps hands* Well i'm going to continue it in the next chapter...i have alot in store!

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