Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 27

Dinner was surprisingly delicious. Joe hadn't burnt anything nor was anything under cooked…I say he cheated someway some how.

"So Ashley, how did you and Kevin meet?" I asked her

She lightly wiped her mouth and smiled.

"We met in the bookstore actually. I was looking for a decent book to read when I noticed Kevin was following me. I thought he was really cute so I took the book in front of me and wrote my number in it. I figured if he wanted to take me out on the date he might as well buy a book I wanted!" she started smiling and giggling
"So how long did it take him to call?" I asked
"10 minutes. I was in DSW trying on a pair of shoes and I got a call. So I answered it and we went on our first date that night" she said smiling

I kept smiling at her and knowing that the story was adorable. Kevin was blushing like crazy but he was loving the attention at the same time.

"AWW that's it so adorable!" I said smiling and taking a sip of water
"So how did you and Nick meet?" she asked
"Well…" Nick started

He placed his napkin on his plate and put his arm around me.

"We actually met on tour. You know she is Laura, the bass player of Nowhere Nothing right?" he asked
"NO WAY! I love you guys! I knew you looked so strangely familiar!" she said smiling
"Thanks, but yeah that's me" I said smiling
"We actually hated each other" he said
"…but we both opened up about our past and we were inseparable after that" I said

She smiled at that and I knew then that her and I would be getting along so well.

"I heard in the news that you all broke up and I swear I was heartbroken. I can't believe Kevin never told me!" she said hitting his arm
"I figured you'd find out eventually" he said smiling
"Well I'm so glad you all are together again" she said smiling
"Thanks, I won't let her go this time" Nick said kissing my cheek.

She smiled and made an 'awe' face just as I did when she told her story but the net question I was afraid to answer.

"So how'd you guys get back together?" she asked

I was about to answer it but Nick saved me.

"We were both dealing with relationships in the tubes and we both knew we had feelings for each other. We would hang out all the time and I eventually just told her. I actually told her in the ra-" he started but I got excited about it so I finished it for him
"He told me in the rain and it was so romantic! We were skipping around, well I was skipping around, and it started raining and he brought me in and we looked into each others eyes. The rain started pouring harder and we were completely soaked from head to toe and all he says is 'I love you' " I said
"But she told me she loved me so I had to throw the ultimate romantic card out by saying.." he said then looking at me
"This was never over…we were never over. Then I kissed her" he said smiling

When I looked at Ashley she was crying. I got worried instantly about her.

"Are you ok?" I asked
"Yeah, that was so romantic!" she said wiping a single tear from her eye
"Well Nick you did a fine job!" Joe said
"Nick we raised you well" Mr. Jonas said

I smiled and blushed slyly trying not to be the center of attention.

"Well, I have to get going! I have a midnight curfew." I said putting my napkin in my lap

Mrs. Jonas stood up as I did and she came over and hugged me.

"You were always my favorite! If you need anything just call" she said

She released me and smiled. Everyone except Nick was sitting but was smiling…I guess at my dress.

"Well Kevin congrats again and Ashley it was amazing meeting you!" I said leaning down to hug her
"Trust me, I'm flabbergasted that I met you. You're great!" she said
"Aww, thanks! You're perfect yourself so don't change" I said smiling
"Bye Joe" I said hugging him from behind

As I finished saying goodbye to everyone Nick brought me my coat.

"If you really had a curfew, I wouldn't have kept you out until 11:30" he said
"Nick, I set your watch an hour fast" I said smiling
"Oh, I get it. You want us time" he whispered
"Exactly" I said kissing his cheek

"Bye guys! Thanks for dinner!" I yelled leaving
"Bye Laura!" I heard

As soon as I got outside the cold air hit my legs.

"Oh, it's freezing!" I said running for Nick's mustang

He tormented me by walking very slow and barely lifting up his legs. I just looked at him and he smiled.

"You'll pay for that later!" I said as he came to the door
"Really now?" he asked looking into my eyes
"Yeah" I said staring at his lips

He just lightly kissed me and backed me against the car. Slowly kissing me he unlocked the door and smiled.

"Ma Lady!" he said opening the door
"Thank you kind sir" he said smiling and shutting the door

As he drove onto the highway, he held my hand rubbing my thumb and lightly kissing it here and there. We drove down a dirt road and we came upon a cliff.

"Nick, where are we?" I asked
"Mt. Griffith, it was named after a important politician a few years back. I mainly took you here not to pressure you at all but to look at the stars." He said pointing up to the sky
"That's so sweet" I said kissing his cheek

He jumped out of the car and opened the trunk revealing two blankets. I stepped out of the car and he smiled. Reaching for something in the back seat he pulled out a Hershey kissed kiss.

"Aww, you're so adorable" I said
"Take your shoes off" he said smiling
"What?" I asked
"Take your shoes off. They look painful" he said

I was glad he said that because my feet were burning in my heals. I took them and placed them in the bottom of the floor board. When I turned around Nick was lying down on the blanket with his shoes off and waiting for me. I kneeled down and laid down on Nick's chest. I nuzzled into his nook and he just held me there.

"Being out here with you is amazing" he said
"Really?" he asked
"Yeah" he said rubbing my back

We laid there and enjoyed each other's presence when Nick spoke up.

"Laura can I say something?" he asked
"Always" I said
"I'm sorry for hurting you" he said
"It's ok, well I mean it's not ok but-" I was cut off
"No, Laura I love you" he said sitting up
"I love you too Nick" I said
"I don't want to be with anyone other than you, ever" he said
"Nick, I don't want to be with anyone other than you either" I said

He just kissed my head and smiled.

"You know, last night I looked up into the stars and matched each one with a reason why I love you. I was doing great until I ran out of stars." He said giggling

My heart melted hearing that and I instantly kissed him. He always finds a way to make my stomach flip or get butterflies and he always knows when to say I love you. He's just…amazing!

"Do you remember the flowers I got you numerous times?" he asked
"Of course" I said smiling
"You want to know something unique about them?" he asked
"If you held up 11 of those roses into a mirror, you’d be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world" he said looking at me

I stared into his eyes as he hovered over me. I loved him and his quotes that get me every single time but I saw something amazing in his eyes…I saw me. I know now that he has my heart and I'm going nowhere. If we break up again, I know that my heart would be shattered again but it would get terrible. I felt safe and happy again though, I was so happy to be with him I had a rush of emotions.

"I love you Nick" I said looking up at him
"I love you too!" he said

I just hugged him and I laid back into his chest.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" he asked
"You" I said
"No seriously" he said giggling
"I honestly don't know" I said thinking hard
"Well I've got you something I know you'll love" he said
"Really? Can I have a clue?" I asked
"Nope!" he said
"You suck" I said lying there
"I know" he said kissing my head

We laid there for another 10 minutes before I realized that I was going to be late if I didn't leave now.

"Let me take you home" Nick said sitting up
"Thanks for tonight though, it was amazing" I said smiling
"No problem" he said winking

He stood up and then took my hands and helped me lift myself up. I folded both blankets and threw them in his trunk then leaving to go back to my boring house.

When Nick arrived at the doorsteps of my house, I didn't want to go in. I wanted to be with Nick all night and not let him go or just lay with him around me. Maybe even marry him…

I got out of the car and I stepped into the doorway. I shut the door happy but sad that the night was over. I was in my room, changing, when I got a text message.

Tonight, was truly amazing. I love you! See you tomorrow morning, oh and I forgot, Happy Almost Birthday! Tomorrow is the day, don't forget my surprise!

I just smiled and fell onto my bed. Tomorrow was my birthday and I totally forgot about it. I'm turning 18 and I forgot? Wow, I'm an idiot. I changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt then pulling my hair back into a pony tail and turning the light out. I laid in bed thinking about the day and I spoke out loud looking at the stars.

"Goodnight world, goodnight stars! Thank you for being so beautiful" I said then rolling over and falling asleep.


Waking up the next morning was exciting. I hit the alarm off and kissed the framed picture of Nick and I on tour earlier that year. I finished loading my bag when I heard a knock at my door. I had curlers in my hair and I was in the middle of putting my make up on when I saw Nick.

"Oh shit!" I said slamming the door on him
"Laura?" he said laughing

I opened the door again but this time slowly just barely showing my head on the side. He just smiled and I saw that he had something behind his back.

"Sorry, you scared me." I said
"Yeah, since you're attempting to get better T.V. signals with those things in your head. I have to admit it's kinda cute" he said walking in
"Let me go take them out and I'll come sit with you" I said running to my bathroom

I was taking them out when I got a tangle in one. I had to almost rip it out of my head to get it out but I managed. I sprayed my hair and ran out to Nick. When I saw him I saw at least a dozen balloons by my windows and red roses sitting on my nightstand.

"Happy 18th Birthday babe" he said walking from my left
"Thank you so much." I said kissing him
"No problem" he said smiling

I walked over to the roses and smelt them feeling butterflies in my stomach and love in my heart.

"You didn't have to do this" I said smiling
"Oh, you think this is too much? Just wait, it gets better" Nick said
"No, you already did enough" I said walking over to him and wrapping my arms around his waist and hugging him.
"Oh no I haven't." he said pushing me away from him

"Go sit down on your bed" he said

I walked over to my bed and sat by my nightstand waiting for him to come over. I saw a purple bag…should have known and purple tissue paper. He knows me WAY too well.

"Open it" he said smiling
"Ok, if you insist" I said smiling

I looked down and saw boxes. I was confused until he opened it for me and I saw pictures. They were both his and my pictures we took while on tour. I was procrastinating it lately and I needed to just flat out develop them.

"Nick you developed both of our pictures?" I asked
"Yeah, there is specifically a box of just us" he said looking at me

I just smiled and kissed him lightly on the lips. I pulled away and looked at him.

"You have no idea how much these pictures mean to me." I said

They meant a lot. Those were memories that will NEVER hit the internet and they are my secret pictures.

"Look at the bottom" he said

I pulled out a leather box that was shaped for a necklace. I pulled it out and I just looked at him.

"Open it" he said

I opened it and I loved it. It was simple and perfect and not too massive like David's was…it was me. I looked up from the necklace and I felt a tear run down my face. I was so happy and I loved Nick so much I honestly was full of so many emotions.

"Nick, I love it" I said smiling
"I knew you would" he said scooting over closer to me so he was next to me
"Will you put it on me?" I asked sniffling and giggling
"Yes" he said smiling

I stood up with the necklace in hand and held my hair up for him. He unlatched it, brought it in front of me and latched it behind my neck. He kissed the back of my neck and brought me close to him at my waist.

"I love you" he whispered
"I love you too!" I said


I was in the car with Nick, going home when we passed my house. I was REALLY CONFUSED.

"Nick where are we going?" I asked
"Um, we have to stop somewhere" he said
"Where do we need to stop?" I asked
"Uh…the wedding store for Kevin" he said
"Ok" I said smiling

We pulled up to the Jonas house and Nick opened the door open for me.

"Nick I thought you said we needed to go to the store?" I asked
"We are after we stop at the house" he said

I laced my fingers with his and held his hand as we made our way to the door. Nick rang the door bell…that was strange. Suddenly Kevin opens the door and scared me.

"SURPRISE!" I heard

I looked in and saw everyone I could think of. I was excited for this gathering suddenly and I was glad everyone was here.

"Happy Birthday Laura" Nick said kissing my cheek
"I can't believe you did this" I said smiling at him
"I did" he said smiling
"I love you way too much!" I said before I ran to Ryan

"AHHH!" we yelled jumping up and down and dancing
"I can't believe that you're 18 now" Ryan said
"I know, I'm glad Derek and my mom is here too!" I said smiling
"Yeah, I'd never be able to party without her!" she said
"I'll be right back" I said

I was there for about another hour and then it was present time. I sat next to Nick and him and my mom went first. Wait, him and my mom had a gift? WHAT?

"Laura, Nick and I are giving you a gift that you are going to be a little scared about." She said
"Nick, what is it?" I asked

He smiled at me, kissed my head and winked.

"Come on out Ally" he said

There walked in a girl who looked exactly like me…I got my long lost twin for my 18th birthday. Suddenly, I fainted…
♠ ♠ ♠
TWIST!!!!! lol well my twin is being played as none other than LoveStruckAlly ! We realized we really are long lost twins because we're mainly both bass :) Well i hope you all enjoy this chapter...I LOVE NICK INN THIS CHAPTER! THAT SIMPLE!

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PS: Answer me this question-
1) What is the most romantic thing that Nick has said to date to Laura?
2) What do you think Nick should do romanticly to completely "Jell-O" Laura?

lol jell-o...sorry i'm eating jell-o :)