Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 28



As I woke up I felt like crap. My head was banging with a headache and I was going to be sick.

"Laura are you ok?" Nick asked with ice on my head
"Yeah…I think" I said looking up at Ally
"Sorry I made you faint" Ally said
"You just look so strangely like me…that's all" I said giggling and standing up
"Sorry though…I feel bad" she said
"I don't mean to make you feel bad. Just give me a hug right now" I said smiling at her

I hugged her and she was me. She was the same height, same hair color and she even wore the same perfume as me. I noticed she was even wearing the same shoes as me too. I let go and I looked at her. She had the same features just her eyes were more green then mine. Hers were forest green and mine were blue-green and her hair was the same length as mine.

"You're so pretty" I said smiling
"So are you" she said laughing
"I'm so excited to see you!" I said smiling
"I know, I've been trying to find you for years but I noticed you in nowhere nothing…I'm a fan also but I had to find my real mother" she said
"Real mother?" I asked confused
"The hospital never labeled us together as twins and I was never claimed. So I went into the foster system and I've been looking for you since I was 8" she said
"Well happy birthday!" I said to her
"Happy birthday to you too!" she said

We looked over at my mom and she was crying. She looked shocked that there were two of us standing in front of her…and I wondered why she never told me about her. I looked over at Nick and he smiled that infamous smile and it made my blood pump faster into my heart.

"Ok, now you two need to wear labels so I don't kiss the wrong one!" he said smiling
"Easy fix, I'll cut my hair" I said
"NO!" Nick, Ally and Ryan yelled
"Why not?" I asked
"You don't need to cut your hair for me" Ally said
"You will hate it" Ryan yelled
"I love your hair" Nick said
"No, I'm going to cut it!" I said smiling

I looked at Ally and I held her hands.

"I'm so glad we found each other" I said
"I'm so glad also" she said
"Let's party" I said smiling and looking over to Nick.

Joe started the music again and Joe made his way to dance with Ally. I walked over to Nick and he just smiled. I stood in front of him and smiled.

"Shall we dance?" Nick asked
"Most defiantly!" I said smiling back


I was sitting out on my porch, doing my homework while getting a tan and Nick came by.

"Hey" he said kissing me and sitting on my towel
"Hey" smiling back
"What are you doing?" he asked
"Homework…we're reading Hamlet! Forget my life!" I said
"Yeah I'd hate reading all that Shakespeare" he said

I had my sunglasses down and I went back to reading and annotating the book. Nick pushed my shoulders onto him and I laid against his chest. He started running my arm when he spoke up.

"Hey, Laura. I can't keep this from you any longer" he said kinda pushing me off
"Nick, what's wrong?" I asked pushing my sunglasses on my head
"Laura, I have to leave for the rest of the year to go on a European tour" he said
"When did you find this out?" I asked
"About 2 weeks ago" he said
"When are you leaving?" I asked
"uh…that's the question I don't want to answer" he said
"Why?" I asked
"Because I'm leaving once I leave from here" he said looking at me

I just looked away and held back tears. Why didn't he tell my about this earlier. I've been 18 for 1 day and he leaves me…at least I have Ally now. But that's not the point, he should have told me.

"Laura, are you ok?" he asked
"Not really" I said holding my knees to my chest
"I know but can you be ok with it?" he asked
"Nick, I'm not mad you're leaving…I'm mad you didn't tell me sooner!" I said getting up and walking into the yard
"Look, I'm sorry. I just didn't want to ruin your birthday" he said
"Nick, you wouldn't have ruined it. Nick, you don't understand the fact that you gave me a gift of my twin. Do you not understand that? I figured myself out now…we're exactly alike and you gave her to me. How could you have ruined that moment? I'll will always see you in her!" I said

He just looked down at his feet and tried walking towards me.

"Don't walk towards me! I'm mad at you" I said walking to the tire swing by the massive oak tree.

I sat on top of the tire swing and just stared at the ground. I was suddenly pushed lightly and was continually pushed. Nick would wrap his arms around my waist, then push off my back.

"Look, if you're going to be a brat about this then I'll leave!" he said
"Why is it always my fault?" I asked
"Why is it always my fault Laura?" Nick asked
"If you're going to argue with me, then get the hell out of my face" I said pointing to the front lawn gate
"Fine, I'm leaving!" he said throwing his hands up and walking away

I instantly jumped down from the swing and ran after him. He was walking blissfully fast and I was having trouble keeping up with him. He was almost in reach when I jumped to grab his arm. His glance back to me was anger and he pushed me back and I fell to the ground. I didn't chase after him…I just sat there. I hope this means we're not over…


Two weeks later we had a meeting with the record company.

"Ladies, we need to set another tour. Your album is selling itself but we're going to have to get it world known" the president of D.C. Flags Records

That's right we didn't get signed with Disney…but we did get signed with D.C Flags…a rock label

"So where are we going?" I asked
"Europe mainly, Asia and Australia" he said
"We can't just up and leave! I want to walk across that stage for my graduation!" I said
"I'm sorry, you might miss it" he said


"Ok, tour will start in 6 weeks. You'll know your tour mates within 3 days" he said
"Thanks" Ryan said

We walked out of the corporate office and I walked to my car.

"Laura!" Ryan yelled

I looked at her and she was walking to me.

"Look, I want to walk across that stage and I know the girls want to. So you know what, I say we fly back to D.C. and walk at our own graduation. I promise you" she said
"Thanks Ryan" I said hugging her
"Bye" I said getting into my beetle

I got home and I felt like crap. Nick is gone, we left on bad terms…again and I might not walk with my class when I graduate. My brother was home and I saw Ally was in the backyard with a boy…wait with a boy? I ran to the patio window enough so I could see her and she couldn't see me. I looked again at her and I saw her kissing this boy. I got really excited but it was really weird because I was kinda watching myself kiss someone else.

"Do I really look like that when I kiss someone?" I asked
"Well I've only seen you kiss Nick once and…yeah!" Derek said walking by
"Shut up" I said pushing him

I saw her starting to come inside so I went out of the room and went to the backyard through the front door. Ever since the fight I've done nothing but sit on this tire swing…waiting for Nick to come back and rescue me. As I sat on the tire I let gravity swing me back and forth; I was depressed, lonely, sad and more confused than ever. I felt someone push me and I saw Ally.

"You know you need to call him" she said
"I know but what do I say?" I asked
"Just be like, I love you we both over reacted and I'm sorry" she said
"Ally, it's a lot harder than that" I said sniffling
"I know it is but you have to gain the courage to stand up and tell him your feelings" she said
"You really do sound like me" I said to her smiling
"I know, because I am your other half" she said smiling
"Thanks Ally" I said looking at her
"Well, I just wanted to mainly tell you before you leave to go on tour" she said
"How'd you know that?" I asked
"Remember, we're twins" she said
"Well atleast we'll be in the same region as them" I said
"We?" she asked
"Yeah, you're coming with me! I cannot live a day without you!" I said jumping down
"Oh, I love you" she said running to hug me


I was sitting in Ryan's basement and we were playing Go fish…the only game we could all compromise on.

"Ok do you have any 5's" I said to Halie
"No, go fish" she said
"Ally do you have any 5's?" Ryan asked
"Yeah, damnit!" she said
"Man you really are like Laura" Ryan said smiling

Suddenly, I heard Katy Perry's 'Waking up in Vegas' on the radio and I ran to turn it up.
I started dancing around the table and singing

"Shut up and put your money where your mouth is! That's what you get for waking up in Vegas" I sang
"Get up and shake the glitter off of your clothes. That's what you get for waking up in Vegas" Ryan sang back

All 7 of us got up and started dancing around the room when the song changed to 3oh!3's 'Don't Trust Me' came on and we were jumping around the room like we were at a rock concert or something.

"She wants to touch me (Woah),
She wants to love me (Woah),
She'll never leave me (Woah, woah, oh, oh),
Don't trust a ho,
Never trust a ho,
Won't trust a ho,
Won't trust me.

Shush girl shut your lips,
Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said, Shush girl shut your lips,
Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips.
I said, Shush girl shut your lips,
Do the Hellen Keller and talk with your hips."

"Wait, what's the Helen Keller?" I asked thinking about it to hard
"I honestly don't know" Ally said
"No duh, you two have the same brain" Anne said
"Well, I think the Helen Keller is like this hip shuffle" we heard

We looked up the stairs to see Ashley at the top of the stairs.

"ASHLEY!" I yelled
"Hey Laura! I brought my friend Holly with me is that ok?" she asked
"Of course!" I said

She walked down the stairs and we all started dancing. Lady Gaga's 'Love Game' came on and we all were laughing through the whole song.

"Love Stick!" Anne said laughing
"Hey, you know what that is right?" Ryan said
"Uhhh, no" she said
"Goodness gracious!" I said

The girls just laughed…minus Anne. We were dancing when we all saw Joe in the middle of our mob circle.

"Joe! What are you doing here?" I asked laughing
"To talk to you" he said yelling over top of the music
"Oh, well after this song" I said smiling
"Agreed" he said

He made his way over to Holly and I looked like they were getting a little close. He was dancing with her and it seemed as though they were close to each other. Ally, Ryan, Ashley and I formed a little dance circle and we were jumping as though we were going insane or something.

Suddenly, we heard a crash and saw Joe's butt against the stereo and the speakers on the floor.

"Wasn't me!" he said smiling and pointing to me
"How is it my fault?" I asked laughing
"I don't know but it is" he said smiling

We were standing around and we went back to cards. We re-dealed all 10 of us cards and we played capitalism.

"You know Caps is REALLY hard with 10 people!" I said laughing
"I know" Joe said
"So what did you need to talk to me about Joe?" I asked
"um, Nick" he said
"Ok" I said
"Can we talk alone?" he asked
"um…sure" I said getting up with him

We walked upstairs to the kitchen and sat at the table.

"What do you need to talk about?" I asked
"Well, Nick has been really down. I know you all had a fight but I was wondering if you all could like make up. It's killing Kevin and I seeing him this low" he said
"Joe, I'm just mad that he didn't tell me about the tour" I said
"I know and he is literally kicking himself for it. He is really miserable…he thinks he lost you again" he said
"Joe, I can't give in every time he screws up!" I said
"I know" he said
"Wait what are you doing here?" I asked
"We leave at 9:00 tonight" he said
"Oh, well I can come talk to him but I don't know if I'll forgive him" I said
"That's good enough!" he said
"Oh, and who's that Holly girl…she's hot!" he said
"Ashley's friend! She's really nice" I said

I told the girls where I was going and I walked with Joe to their house.

"So I hear you're going on tour again" Joe said
"Yeah, I'm just mad because I might not be able to walk with my class at graduation" I said
"Oh, that sucks." He said
'I really want to walk that's all" I said putting my hands in my pockets

There was a long awkward pause the rest of the walk. The air was severely cold and my pea coat wasn't helping out at all. We finally made it to the door step and Joe rang the doorbell. Great! There's a chance Nick might answer…

Kevin opened the door and hugged me instantly. I just hugged him back and he was gripping me…hard.

"Help us!" he whispered
"Ok" I said back

He opened the door more and I walked in. I took my coat off and set it on the coat rack in the foyer.

"He's upstairs in his room. Beware he might be…scary" Joe said
"Joe how can Nick be scary?" I asked

I made my way up the stairs and I came upon the hall on the right that lead to the bedrooms. I knew that his room was at the end of the hall and I knew that he'd be in there. I walked past the bathroom and Joe's room when I stopped. I was debating talking to him and I was scared to. I turned around and was about to walk back down the hall when I heard a door click.

"Laura?" Nick asked tired

I turned around to face him and I saw a faint picture of him so I walked closer to him.

"Yeah" I said right in front of him.

I looked at him and 2 weeks really can do something to him. His hair was messed up and it looked severely dirty. He had bags under his eyes that were probably darker than I've ever seen them and his body looked pale and limp. He was wearing long shorts and a white t-shirt with his dog tag.

"What are you doing here?" he asked holding my waist now
"I'm just here to talk to you" I said

He kissed me and it made both of us smile. I hugged him and I just let him hold me in his arms…best feeling in the world.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to Ashley and Rubymoon3 for the beautiful banners! :)

Secondly, i hope you all are happy with the story. I want you all to know if ou really don't like something you can message me or comment and you might just be able to get me to rewrite the chapter for you! :)

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