Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 29

Nick and I went back into the bedroom and we just lay down on his bed. I was laying on his chest when I spoke up.

"So, you're not leaving tonight and not two weeks ago" I said
"Yeah" he said
"I'm asking this calmly and I promise to not freak out but why did you tell me that day on my back porch that you were leaving then…if you're leaving now?" I asked
"I honestly don't know" Nick said covering his face with his hands
"Hey" I said softly uncovering his hands from his face
"It's ok. I understand and I'll admit I over reacted but just for now on tell me, please?" I asked
"I'm sorry and yeah I'll tell you everything" he said smiling and kissing my head

I just laid on his chest and closed my eyes. Nick placed my hand on his chest and just brought me closer leaving me to bury me head into his neck. He held my hand and would kiss my forehead constantly just leaving little trails of bliss to me. I sat up and smiled.

"Oh no! Not that smile" he said looking up
"No, why are we sitting around in the last few moments we have together? We should be out having fun!" I said
"I don't know" he said sitting up
"Well I know I haven't been ice skating in a long time so do you want to go?" I asked
"Sure" he said smiling

He just kissed me and lightly laced his head on my forehead.

"I'm sorry. I really feel terrible" I said
"Don't worry about it" he said kissing my cheek and got up
"Oh, I'll leave so you can change" I said
"No, stay" he said

I just lay down on his bed and cuddled into his pillow. I tried not to watch him change…but it was hard not to.

He was taking his shirt off when I saw him turn back around to me and I hovered into the pillow giggling.

"I see you over there. Being all CIA on me and spying on me" he said smiling
"No, I'm not looking at all" I said giggling again into the pillow
"Do you need to go by your place?" he asked
"Yeah so I can change" I said
"Ok" he said putting jeans on…not skinny jeans…I didn't know he owned regular jeans

He walked into his closet to find a shirt but I was right next to his visible bare chest…it made me happy for sure. He then put a t-shirt and hoodie on with a pair of Chucks.

"Wow, you really are changing up your style here" I said
"Yeah, I just wanted to be relaxed today" he said leaning down and kissing me
"Ready to go?" he asked
"Yep" I said getting up

We walked down the stairs and made our way down to his car. I stepped in and it felt nice to be in his car again…especially in my seat…the passenger seat of course! As he backed out and drove down the street he kissed me hand and turned right down to my street. The drive was only 5 minutes because I live one street over from him. I stepped out and I waited for Nick to come around and I kissed him while holding his hands. Letting go I just looked at him and winked. I looked up and it was about to rain so we ran together to the porch and into my house.

"Mom, I'm home!" I said

No answer…probably with Dave

We walked up the stairs and into my room. I noticed my brother wasn't there either so I just ignored it and went with Nick into my room. I shut the door and locked it, just incase someone would come in.

"So what should I wear?" I asked opening my closet and looking at Nick
"Well you've got amazing clothes but go relaxing" he said smiling
"Ok, so t-shirt and jeans?" I asked
"Yeah" she said sitting Indian style on my bed

I went to my dresser, got out a school t-shirt and grabbed ribbon to put in my hair. Our school shirts are orange so I got orange ribbon out of the box. I ran to my closet and grabbed my dark skinny jeans and my black chucks. I set them on my bed and I looked at Nick.

"Do you want me to leave?" he asked
"No, it's fine" I said taking my shirt off

He suddenly turned the other way but I turned him back and I smiled at him. I put my hand on his jaw and kissed him.

"Don't be nervous" I whispered as my lips lingered on his
"I-I-I-I'm not" he said swallowing hard

I put my t-shirt on and rolled the sleeves up partially. I then slid my pants down to the ground and Nick's eyes just about popped out of his head. I grabbed my jeans and slid them on and placed my shirt down over top of the jeans. Nick now had his legs on the floor and I got on the bed and straddled both sides of him and kissed him. He instantly laid down and I continued to kiss him.

"You're amazing at that!" he said smiling
"At what?" I asked
"Driving me mentally crazy!" he said smiling

I got off of him and went back to getting ready. I put my bangs in a bump and put my hair into a pony tail. I finished it off with the orange ribbon in my hair and I applied lip gloss. I sat next to Nick and put my socks and shoes on.

"So are you excited to go on tour?" Nick asked
"How'd you know that?" I asked
"Laura, come on, it's me" he said laughing
"Well I'm really pumped to be in the same region as you" I said
"I know, I think we have like two shows next to each other" he said
"Really? Who's your tour mates?" I asked
"Demi and uh….David" he said scratching his head
"WOW, good luck on that one" I said sarcastically and tying my shoes
"Well do you know who your tour mates are?" he asked
"No, Ryan won't tell me" I said getting up and spraying perfume
"I do" he said
"Oh, tell me, tell me, tell me!" I said
"Not without a price" Nick said

I jumped back on him and kissed him. We were laughing more than we were kissing.
I was lying on top of him and my elbow was propped against the mattress.

"So tell me who is it?" I asked
"Promise not to scream?" he asked
"Promise" I said
"Paramore!" he said

What did I do? Scream!

"OH MY GOD! SHUT UP! NO WAY!" I yelled jumping up and down
"Yeah, I'm really jealous" he said
"I cannot believe that I'm going on tour with Paramore!" I said smiling
"I pulled some strings to make that happen for you so it's another birthday present" he said standing up
"OH MY GOD, THANK YOU SO MUCH!" I said jumping on him and hugging him

He caught me and he was holding me up as my legs were around his waist. I smield down at him and he just laughed.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked smiling
"More than ever!" I said
"Let's go then" he said
"I want to take my car" I said
"No we're going to take my car" he said smiling
"Race me to the car" I said bolting down the stairs

I locked the door and then I was almost at my car when Nick pulled me over to his car.

"Not fair" I said laughing and smiling
"Yes it is. Nothing but the best for my girl" he said kissing me
"I forgot my coat inside" I said
"I've got 2 in here, now get in" he said smiling

I knew he knew my plan to try to get in my car, but I did forget my coat though.

"Ok fine, but you'll pay for this later" I said kissing his cheek

When we got to the ice rink Nick handed me his coat. I placed it on me and it fit perfectly around my shoulders and hips. Nick grabbed my hand and we went into the ice rink. I got a whip of cold air that hit my face and it was freezing.

"2 Adults" Nick said to the cashier
"Must be nice to say that now" I said linking both my arms with his left arm.
"Yeah, it does make things a lot more convenient" he said smiling
"$16.50" the girl said

Nick paid and we got out skates. We were inseparable…literally. I went to go sit down before him and he pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" he asked laughing
"To sit down" I said smiling
"Oh, I thought you were running away" he said hugging my side

We sat down and we took our shoes off and I started lacing my blades up. I stood up and I noticed that Nick was just getting his first boot on.

"Need help?" I asked
"Uh, yeah" he said smiling and kinda embarrassed

I got both of his boots on and I was tying up the last boot when he smiled a lot more.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked looking at him
"Nothing, just thinking" he said
"Oh, ok" I said pulling his pants leg down and standing up

He took my hand and we both stepped out onto the ice…slowly. I skated ahead of him and was teasing him.

"How are you so good at skating? Did you use to figure skate?" he asked
"Psh, no! I played Girls Ice Hockey" I said smiling
"Ok I'm going to be honest, that's hot" he said smiling
"Actually, I quit to go on tour" I said
"Well, I wish that you could still play. That'd be cool to go to one of your games" he said
"Yeah, normally the girls are on the team too, well that's how we met and I normally only have my mom and Derek in the stands" I said smiling and coming to him
"Well when you are on tour, you'll have to have roller hockey games" he said kissing me
"Yeah, and if you come visit we can play too" I said smiling
"If I visit, I don't know if we could talk" he said
"WHY?" I asked laughing
"I'd be kissing you way too much" he said giggling and kissing me

I turned around and I skated away from him. He smiled and tried to catch up to me but when I turned around I saw that the wall was coming. I slammed into it and fell on my butt in the ice. As Nick came over…worried I was laughing so hard it was challenging to breathe.

"Are you ok?" Nick asked
"Yeah. Babe I've taken the wall numerous times…it was just funny this time!" I said smiling
"Good" he said smiling and handing me his hand

I pulled him down with me and he fell next to me. We both were laughing uncontrollable and my stomach hurt so bad I felt like I was getting a massive abs workout.

Nick and I skated another 2 laps when the music changed and the couples light came on…it was couples skate. Nick skated in front of me and pulled me into the center f the rink and attempted to dance in the middle.

"I'm going to miss you" he said smiling
"I'm going to miss you too" I said

He looked at me in the eyes and pulled my hair tie and ribbon out of my hair. I felt my air fall and then he took the bobby pins out of my hair from the bump and smiled handing them to me. I just looked down and giggled.

"I just want you to know you don't need to primp yourself to be around me. I love you with or without make up." He said
"Really?" I asked looking up at him
"Yeah" he said rubbing my cheeks
"Well sorry I've got make up on" I said
"No, you look gorgeous with make-up but when it's just you and me-" he said
"You can be yourself" he whispered pushing back the hair on my left

I leaned in and hugged him. I loved him so much I didn't want to let go…somehow I felt that I was just going to conjoin myself to him…forever. Nick grabbed my waist and began to slow dance with me on the ice. I thought it was going to be hard but it was a lot easier than I thought. People started gathering around the ice to watch us dance and it was fun but awkward. As Nick raveled me into his arms he lifted me up and spun me around bridal style and I giggled. My air was spinning in the wind and to honest I felt like the most beautiful girl ever. He placed me down and the song ended. Everyone was leaving from the center and he looked at me panting and smiling.

"I love you" he said
"I love you too" I said

He leaned in and kissed me but his lips were cold and I nominated myself to help him warm them up. I heard it change to everyone skate and Nick and I never separated. This was the last few hours we were together and I didn't care if people were watching us kiss.

"Come on, it's almost 7:00" Nick said taking my hand and skating to exit the rink
"Ok" I said grabbing his butt as a joke

He looked at me like "OH MY GOD!" but was laughing

"Sorry, I had to do it!" I said smiling

As we were sitting down to get our boots off I bent down to get our shoes and Nick pinched my butt.

"Hey!" I said smiling
"I have to admit, you look hot in my coat but I'd love to see you in your jersey" he said
"I'm sure you would" I said handing him his shoes and looking at him like 'uh huh, yeah right, not happening'
"Come on, we got time to kill!" he said smiling
"Fine but I'm just putting it over my clothes!" I said
"Fair" he said

As I got my chucks on Nick stood up and smiled.

"You can have the jacket, that is if you want it" he said
"Thanks, I really do. I'm going to miss you when we both go on tour" I said
"I know. I love seeing you practically all day everyday" he said

I just hugged his arm and held his hand at the same time as we walked out. The ride home was fun, we sang along to almost every song and played red light. It was probably one of the best car rides of my life. As Nick arrived at my house my heart fell. This is the last time I'll see him for the rest of the year. Nick parked the car and turned it off. He sat there looking at me and I was looking at him.

"Well, I could stay like this forever" Nick said
"Personally, I'd like to be a lot closer" I said smiling
"Well come closer" he said
"I meant in my room" I said smiling
"Oh, ok. Race you!" he said jumping out of the car

I bolted out along with Nick and I caught up with him and got ahead of him. I was standing at the door and he looked at me, both of us panting.

"Password" I said

Nick smiled and leaned in and kissed me.

"Password accepted!" I said smiling and unlocking the door

We ran up to my room and I locked the door. I looked at my clock…7:15 PM.
I sat on the bed and kissed him.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked
"Well first I want to see you in that jersey" he said
"Really?" I asked
"Yep" he said

I went to my closet, got my hockey bag and pulled out my jersey. It was white with red and blue stripes on the side and it said "Women on Washington" on the front…we were an all girls team…from Washington D.C., when we moved I just kept the stuff.

"With or without shoulder pads?" I asked
"Without" he said winking

I just sighed and tried not to laugh. I looked at my jersey and I started getting emotional…I missed it. I played center and I miss the team, well more like the fun the team had together. I placed it over top of my shirt and started to walk over to Nick but I decided to torment him. If he's leaving the rest of the year…better make it memorable. I went to the bathroom and took my pants off and took my shirt from underneath off. Afterwards, I took my make up off and brushed my hair. The jersey fell to my mid thigh and I know it would drive Nick crazy. I stepped out of the bathroom and Nick suddenly looked tense.

"Why so tense?" I asked as I leaned against the bathroom door frame
"You suck, you know that" he said staring at my legs and smiling
"Oh, I know. I just wanted you to remember this before you left" I said walking over to him
"This is so…unfair" he said smiling
"I know" I said kissing his neck
"You're killing me" he said laughing

I got on top of him and he just held me as I kissed his neck. He tightened his grip on my waist and put both arms around me pulling me down with him lying flat on the bed.

"You're a bad girl" he said
"I know, but I love you" I said smiling

I took his coat off and we managed to get his t-shirt off and it was at the foot of my bed.

"Nick, we need to stop" I said panting
"Why?" he asked
"I don't think we should go any farther" I said
"Oh, ok." He said sitting up and getting his shirt and putting it on
"Look, I respect you way too much. I don't want you to break your promise, plus my family's promise would go down the tube" I said
"You have a purity ring?" he asked
"Yes, my family is Irish. You're never heard my mom's accent?" I asked
"haha no" he said smiling
"See look" I said getting up and grabbing my claddagh ring from my jewelry box
"This ring was passed down in my family for 4 generations. It's made out of real silver and I wear the sterling sliver one so this one can still be pure." I said handing it to him
"Wow, I heard of them but I didn't know they were really important to your heritage" he said
"Yeah, I got mine on my 13th birthday but I got this ring on my 16th. I'll wear it when I get married" I said smiling
"Hopefully, I'll be the one to put that on your finger" he said smiling
"That's what I want" I said smiling

I put the ring back in the jewelry box on my dresser and put shorts on under my jersey. I walked over to Nick and he turned my T.V. while sitting on the bed. I laid next to him and smiled. He kissed my head and smiled.

"Thank you for respecting me" he said
"No problem" I said smiling

After another 45 minutes I changed into another shirt, sweatshirt and flip-flops and helped Nick load his stuff on the bus. I stood there on the sidewalk and there stood Ashley and Holly. I felt bad for Ashley; they had to postpone the wedding due to the tour. I saw Nick come off of the bus and I knew that this was it. He came over to me and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him as hard as I could and he held onto my waist to the post I felt like I was going to suffocate but right now I didn't care.

"I love you" I said starting to cry
"Aww don't cry, now you're making me cry" Nick said as his eyes glassed over
"I just love you so much" I said wiping my nose with my sweatshirt
"Hey, give me a kiss." He said winking

I kissed him and we didn't let go for the longest time either. It turned into a make-out session in front of everyone.

"Guys, it's time to go" Big Rob said

We continued on kissing and we were ignoring him. I need Nick…a lot. He ended up separating us and we looked at him…like a pissed off kid.

"I'm sorry, we have to go. Now hug her, give her a light kiss and go" he said to Nick
"Ok" Nick said disappointed just as I was

Nick brought me in and kissed me lightly and hugged me.

"I'll miss you like crazy!" he said
"I'll miss you more!" I said
"I'll see you on tour…hopefully" Nick said
"No, I will" I said smiling and letting go
"I love you" he said walking away
"I love you too" I said

The guys were already on the bus and I felt a little embarrassed by that. Nick looked back at me while he was on the first step and smiled and waved. It was dark out and I swear his smile glows in the dark. He continued on the bus and the bus pulled away within seconds leaving me standing with Ashley and Holly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, the claddagh ring is true. i do have a ring passed down in my family and yes, i do play hockey! i love it! :)

Ok, so what did you guys think? I hoe it cleared up some questions we had from last chapter :)

Comment and Message :)
