Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 30

Ryan, Ally and I were in my backyard one afternoon and we were jumping on the trampoline.

"So we leave on tour in 2 days and I'm not packed" I said jumping up and down
"Neither am I" Ryan said
"Ally, you're coming right?" Ryan asked
"Yes" she said
"Awesome, now we have another Laura!" she said cheering

I jumped in the middle and did a back flip when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Laura" I heard

I saw Miley Cyrus standing there.

"Hey Miley, what's up?" I asked coming to the edge of the trampoline
"Look, I came here not to be a bitch but to tell you that you won" she said
"Miley what are you talking about?" I asked
"About Nick. I love him but I realized not as a boyfriend…as a friend. I wanted to tell you that I'm not fighting you for him ever again. Actually, Justin and I got back together" she said smiling
"Well I'm happy for you and Justin. Would you like to hang out with us?" I asked
"Sure" she said smiling

Ok, as much as I don't like Miley…I respect her for what she just did. That's hard to do and I know it would take a lot for me to do that.

"Wow, there is two of you" Miley said looking at Ally and I
"Yeah, we found each other on our 18th birthday" I said smiling
"That's so awesome" she said bouncing with us

"It's cool for me because I love Laura and now I get two of her" Ryan said
"She is a cool girl I'll admit that" Miley said smiling
"Thanks" I said jumping higher and smiling

"Wanna play Indian and the chief?" I asked
"Oh yes!" Ryan said sitting and being the chief

Ally, Miley and I all started jumping up and down around her as she flew into the air. We all ended up squealing the whole time as we watched Ryan fly up to waist level from all the bouncing. She suddenly holds her hands up in the air and is looking like she is going to be sick.

"Ok, I need to get my brain back in order" she said standing up then falling down

I caught her and she just giggled.

"I'm saying now, I do not know what it's like to be drunk…but I think I feel drunk right now." She said

I just giggled when I felt my phone ring in my pocket. I looked at it and I saw it was Nick calling.

"Guys, I'll be right back" I said getting off the trampoline and onto the back porch

"Hello?" I asked laughing as I saw Ryan fall on the trampoline again
"Having fun without me?" he asked
"No, just having fun to keep our minds busy" I said
"I can see you smiling through the phone." He said
"Well you must know me well then" I said

There was a pause and I continued to see Ryan literally stumble everywhere…I think her equilibrium is off.

"So how's Ireland?" I asked
"Great, we're playing in an hour so I figured I'd call you" he said
"Aww, you didn't have to" I said smiling

"I LOVE YOU NICK!" Ryan yelled at the top of her lungs

"Did you hear that?" I asked
"Yeah, tell her I love her too" he said smiling

"HE SAYS HE LOVES YOU TOO!" I yelled back

She gave me a thumbs up and I saw suddenly the three girls start running around the edge of the trampoline like they are chasing each other.

"So are you somewhat alone?" he asked
"Yeah" I said sitting in the lawn chair
"Good, because I love you" he said
"I love you too" I said
"How've you been holding up?" he asked
"I'm ok, it's only been a week" I said
"I know, I just miss you like crazy" he said
"I miss you too" I said
"Oh, just telling you there is going to be a gift when you get on the bus. It will be on your bunk." He said
"Oh, now I want to go on tour now!" I said smiling
"Do you remember that necklace I gave you…a long time ago." He said
"The four-leaf clover? Yeah I wear it when I go on tour and perform" I said
"Good, I was just saying that you should wear it for good luck" he said
"Trust me Nick, you're my good luck charm" I said
"If I was there right now I'd kiss you" he said

I just giggled and smiled at the thought of him next to me.

"So how's the David thing?" I asked
"It's bad, he wants to kick my ass" he said
"Nick, you fought him once, don't do it again!" I said
"I won't. I'm not going to because I don't want to get kicked off the tour" he said
"Ok, well just ignore him" I said
"I can't when he's dedicating songs to you!" he said frustrated
"Look, I'd do something if I could but I can't" I said
"I know" he said sighing

I knew that he was rubbing his forehead and his temples out of confusion.

"I wish you never dated him!" he said throwing something
"I'm sorry" I said
"Well, I guess I better go. I don't want to take my anger out on you" he said
"Alright, well remember I love you Nick. Only you ok?" I asked
"I love you too Laura…and I know you do." He said
"I'll talk to you tomorrow" I said
"Alright, love ya"
"Love ya"

The call ended and I went back down to the trampoline a little frustrated but I didn't let it get to me!


I was sitting in the airport playing with my phone with the girls and our new manager Trevor came to us.

"Alright, here are your tickets" he said passing them out to us
"Were are you sitting?" I asked Ryan
"12-A" she said
"13-A" I said high-fiving her
"Ally where are you sitting?" I asked
"10-A" she said
"Aww, that sucks" I said
"I know but I'm sitting next to Sam" she said
"Good" I said smiling

I got a text message suddenly and it was Nick
I love you, can't wait to see you on tour! XOXO

I smiled and I texted him back and I closed my phone.

"Flight 3298-A to Dublin, Ireland now boarding at terminal 5!" we heard
"THAT'S US!" I yelled excited

I stood up and grabbed the handle on my suitcase with my bass and waited for Ryan. She and I rolled our suitcases to the terminal and smiled. I've never been to Ireland and I have family there but I hardly ever see them.

"Ticket please" the girl said as I handed her my ticket

She looked at the name and her face lit up.

"OMG! YOU'RE LAURA FROM NOWHERE NOTHING!" she said jumping up and down
"Yeah, I am" I said smiling
"Can I have your autograph? Oh my gosh, you're so pretty in real life!" she said
"Thanks" I said signing her sticky pad she handed me
"OH, you're all here!" she said smiling

I just passed it down the line and she handed me my ticket. I saw the rest of the girls follow as they were handed their tickets and signed the sticky note. We walked onto the plane and we took our seats in first class. I was putting our bags up in the over head compartment when all the girls came in.

"SHUT UP! I HAVE LEG ROOM!" Ally said smiling
"Wow Laura, she really is your twin" Ryan said laughing
"Shut up" I said sitting down next to her and reclining back

"Pillow? Blanket?" I heard the flight attendant say
"Oh yeah, I'll need both" I said taking both

I like to nap on plane rides because I love sleep and if I get the opportunity. After getting comfortable I texted Nick.

I'm on the plane. Only 5 hours till we're in the same country

I immediately got a text back

Can't wait! Don't forget your surprise
I love you
I love you too

I snuggled into the pillow and was about to go to sleep until I got another text message. I looked at it and saw it was a picture message. I opened it under the pillow to see a picture of Nick…shirtless. My eyes grew huge and I squealed. I texted him back and I was not wanting to go to sleep now.

Not fair, wish I was there. One word…hot!

I got up and "went to the bathroom". I locked the door behind me and I got a text back.

Thought you'd like that!

I just smiled and I sent a message back to him.

You've got one coming your way!

I was wearing a red v-neck shirt and a pair of navy blue running shorts so I noticed this was going to work out great. I lowered my shirt…a lot and took my hair out of the clip and hiked my leg up on the sink. I got the picture part of my phone on and took about 4 pictures. I fixed my clothes and went out of the bathroom then sitting down in my seat. I snuggled up with the pillow and I saw my phone light up. I saw the text message and all it said was:

O_O. Killing me!

I just smiled and fell asleep in bliss. When I woke up I was shook to death.

"Laura, wake up" I heard from Ryan
"Oh, I'm getting up" I said taking the pillow and blanket with me

I grabbed my carry on and I fixed my hair back in the clip then exited the plane. As I walked out of the terminal I caught up with Ryan and the girls.

Ryan pulled me away and I grabbed my bass and suitcase within a second. We got into a Tahoe and we didn't all fit…nor did our stuff. It was the most uncomfortable ride of my life. We were sitting on top of each other and it was weird. I really wanted the bus to be off the plane but it wasn't. We had to drive to get it…made no sense!

Once we arrived at the bus stop we saw…not Paramore's bus.

"Guys, I know that is not Paramore's bus. I've seen it in real life…that's not them" I said pointing out the window
"Who is it then?" we asked
"I have no idea" Halie said

We got our stuff out of the Tahoe along with ourselves and we rolled our stuff over to the bus. We finally saw our bus arrive but we were still confused on who was on that bus. As we loaded our stuff onto the bus we saw another Tahoe drive up and arrive at their bus.

"GUYS COME ON!" I yelled

Everyone ran out of the bus and we all started running to the other Tahoe. Once we saw who stepped out we all ran faster…it was the Jonas Brothers.

"LAURA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" Nick yelled dropping his stuff and running to me
"TO CATCH OUR BUS!" I yelled still running to him

I got to him and he kissed me and held me.

"Well surprise, surprise! We changed the tour so you two can rock together." Trevor said
"I LOVE YOU TREVOR!" I said hugging him
"Laura, get off of me" he said as I hugged him
"Get on your busses and I'll see you at the arena" he said
"Can we ride with the girls?" Kevin asked
"Sure, but not the whole tour" Trevor said
"Awesome!" I heard Joe say

We all loaded onto the bus and I was smart enough to claim a bottom bunk this time and not a top bunk. I slid into my bunk and suddenly Nick slid in on top of me and closed the curtain.

"Wow, hello!" I said smiling and giggling
"Sorry, just wanted to be with you right now" he said

"There they go again!" Joe said to the bus

Nick got off of me and we snuggled closer and he kissed me. He just rubbed my shoulders and held me. He took care of me and I knew that he'd me more careful this time round…considering we did "break up" while on tour.

I was lying on top of him when I sat up and smiled looking at him.

"What?" he asked
"Nothing…just thinking about what I would have done if I did this without you" I said smiling

He just smiled and put his hands behind his head. He was wearing his famous white t-shirt with dark skinny jeans and chucks…which I thought he looked REALLY hot in! I just smiled as he relaxed until I started ticking him.

"HEY!" he said smiling
"What?" I asked
"Cheater" he said going back to his "relaxation mood"

I just sat up and still straddled him but put my hair in a pony tail and just fell next to him. I looked out the window to see we were on the Irish countryside with fields of wheat and corn. I realized that I was almost at home. I loved Ireland and I was where my mom and my whole family came from.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Nick asked
"The countryside? Yes, I feel like I'm home" I said smiling outside the window
"I meant you" he said giggling
"Aww, you're so cute" I said kissing him

As we arrived at the arena, I was confronted by the worse nightmare…David was really here. David really was here…on tour…with us.

"Shit" I whispered while holding Nick's hand as we headed to the stage
"I told you!" he said back

David noticed me and I had to pull it off…at least attempt it. I was in my dark skinny jeans, an old N'Sync shirt and checkered vans so I was hoping I didn't look like shit. I went past him and I saw my uncle standing there.

"UNCLE JAY!" I yelled
"Ello, Laura! How have you been?" he asked in his Irish accent
"Oh, I missed you Uncle Jay" I said hugging him
"Who is thiz?" he asked
"Nick, my boyfriend" I said holding his arm
"Nice to meet you sir!" he said shaking his hand
"You're a good man, I've heard your music" he said smiling
"So are you staying for the concert?" I asked
"Yez, I'm here to see you!" he said smiling
"Yes!" I said doing a funky dance

"LAURA, GET OVER HERE! SOUND CHECK!" I heard Trevor yell
"alright, well I'll see you two later" I said walking away

I'm glad I have my uncle, my boyfriend and my band…not David…but there's Demi…right?
♠ ♠ ♠
Here is another installment. I have to go to bed so i'll see you all in the morning! :)

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