Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 31

The concert started and I was so pumped for it. I had my uncle, my girls and my boyfriend all here to rock out with. I had on a pair of pants…which normally happen during a concert, my checkered vans and a Blondie shirt. I changed my image for the show to see how people reacted and …it was positive. Anne and I switched for our songs and I stepped up to the mike and smiled.

"Hello Dublin!" I yelled
"Are you ready to rock?" Ryan yelled

The more we said anything, the more they freaked out. I loved this and I knew then that we were world icons.

"I want to tell you guys a story" I said getting a guitar hooked up around me
"We were just a band that had a you tube site and we had a gig here and there but thanks to you, the fans, all over the world, we are world know artists. This is our dream and I think the girls would agree with me saying I could do this for the rest of my life" I said smiling
"So thank you, for all of you and I want to tell you all we love you!" I said smiling and strumming the opening to our next song.


As I ran off stage I wiped the sweat that ran down my face and ran to the dressing room. I was laughing with Ryan because we were doing the "Cheese Jerky" rap from Hannah Montana.

"I'm the man who had the cheese" I said
"I'm the man who had the jerky!" she said
"We Put 'em both Together and yeah it really workey" I said
"Cheese Jerky" we chanted
"Say What?" I battled
"Say What?" she battled back
"Cheese Jerky" we chanted
"Say What?" I said
"Say What?" she said
"Mozzerella moose, swiss and mugooda turkey!" she said
"Just one taste and it'll drive you bezerkey!" I said
"Cheese Jerky" we chanted
"Say What?" I said
"Fricka Frika Frika Fresh!" we said finishing

We just laughed finishing it. We both agreed we didn't like Hannah Montana that much but we love that episode.

"That was so funny" I said high fiving her
"I know, I love that" she said smiling

I turned into my dressing room and I chilled in my director's chair. I put my hair up in a pony tail and started taking my make up off. I was brushing my hair out when I heard my door open.

"Hey Nick" I said knowing it was him

It was quiet but then again Nick isn't much of a talker…even to me. I was about to get up when I had someone cover my mouth. I saw in the mirror reflection it was Brian…my rapist. I was so startled by him that I tried screaming but he was starting to choke me on the floor.

"SHUT UP!" he yelled

I stopped fighting him and I just followed what he wanted me to do.

"Nice to see you remember me. I came back for some more of you. I need a refill" he said smiling…grossly
"NICK!!!!!" I yelled as he uncovered my mouth
"SHUT UP!" he yelled holding my mouth and pushing me into the floor harder
"You're going to listen to me!" he said starting to undo my pants

I started getting upset because I really felt helpless. Nick always said he'd be there and I hope he keeps his word…I just hope he heard me. I felt my pants slowly being pulled down my legs and they were halfway down my thighs when he stopped. He pushed my shirt up and held it up above my bra.

"Well, well, well, you've gotten bigger in this department from last time" he said kissing my stomach

I really was crying knowing Nick wasn't coming and I really was helpless. He accidently let go and I screamed Nick's name one more time. If he didn't come, I knew he wasn't coming.

"NNNNNIIIIICCCCCCKKKKK!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

Brian punched me in the face and slapped me. He was about to rip my shirt off when the door came flying open. I saw Nick standing there breathless and he saw me on the floor with the damn creeper on top of me. Nick ran over to him and he punched Brian straight in the jaw and I crawled into the corner and pulled my shirt down. I just cried, balling my face and scared to death. I heard Joe and Kevin come running and I heard them enter the room. The next thing I knew I felt Nick's arms around me and hugging me. I just cried in his shoulder as he hugged me.

"Come here Laura" he said helping me stand up

I pulled my pants up and buttoned them up and I just hugged Nick. I noticed that as I calmed down so did the room. Joe and Kevin I'm assuming got security to get Brian out because it was severely quiet.

"Laura, are you ok?" he asked looking into my red eyes
"Nick, I thought you weren't going to come" I said sniffling
"I did! I told you I'd be there" he said leaning in and hugging me again

I kept crying and he just rubbed my back slowly just calming me down. It was so hard for me to breath and it was hard in general to deal with all of this mentally. I felt another tear fall and I just gripped Nick harder. Suddenly, I was lifted up, bridal style and carried me to the bus. We were out in the parking lot as he carried me and people were all over me. My uncle looked lost but I smiled at him as I looked over Nick's shoulder and gave him thumbs up. I'll text him later about it.

Nick put me on the bus and once he put me down he realized we can't stay together on the bus. I stood up from his grasp and kissed him. I just brought him as close to me as possible and cried kissing him. We were passionate about the kiss and it wasn't just a lousy peck it was full of love and….god, I can't even put it into words. I love this boy SO MUCH!

As he let go he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead.

"I love you. Text me or call if you need anything" he said
"I will" I said smiling

He walked off the bus and that was the hardest night of my life. I spent it quiet, alone in my bunk and falling asleep to the ripples in the road that night. London…here we come!
I just laid there, looking out the window and looking at the stars. I remembered the night Nick and I spent out looking at the stars…that meant a lot to me. That night was life changing for sure.

I saw the bus stop and the driver got off. I couldn't take it anymore, I needed Nick. I grabbed my pillow, blanket and clothes for tomorrow and ran off the bus. I ran onto the JoBro's bus and I set my bag down on the couch. I tip-toed back to Nick's bunk and slowly opened the curtain. I saw him peacefully sleeping so I lifted his covers and slid in next to him.

"Laura?" he whispered opening his eyes
"Yeah, I'm sorry I woke you. I just need you right now" I said back
"It's ok. Come here" he said pulling me into him.

I adjusted my pillow and when I laid down Nick kissed me lightly.

"Are you ok?" he asked
"I'm just…not myself right now" I said
"I understand" he said rubbing my cheek
"I wanted to thank you for saving me" I said
"Laura, I love you. It's my job to take care of you and I'm not going to let a guy take advantage of you again. I love you and I promised you that I'd take care of you and that's what I'm doing." He said
"Thank you so much though. I can't thank you enough" I said hugging him
"No problem" he said rubbing my back

He looked me into the eyes and I looked back at him. He really was amazing and I can't get over that.

"Not to ruin the moment but David is in the bunk behind us" he said
"We'll deal with that when we have to. In the mean time you can kiss me to make it up to me" I said smiling
"You got it!" he said smiling


When we were on stage the next day I was sitting on the edge when someone sat next to me.

"Hey Laura" I heard

I looked over and it was David

"Um, hey" I said now awkwardly sitting there
"I heard about what happened last night at the Dublin show, I'm sorry" he said
"It's ok. I'm just taking it day after day. That's all I can do" I said looking out into the stadium
"Well, I'm glad there we a lot of people around and your, uh, boyfriend was there" he said
"Yeah, he did save me and I'm really grateful for that" I said smiling
"Well, I'm here if you need me" he said rubbing my back
"Thanks" I said


I looked back at Nick who was walking with Demi towards me.

"Nick, just chill ok?" I asked him calmly getting up
"No! I don't want him anywhere near you" he said
"Nick, please?" I asked
"No, I want to know why the hell he was touching you" he said
"He was telling me he was sorry about yesterday" I said
"Can I not talk to your girlfriend, my ex-girlfriend who I had before you came along?" he asked sarcastically
"No, you can't" Nick said pulling me along and to the back of the stage.

"Nick, look we were talking fine until you had to go all overprotective dad on me" I said
"I'm just protecting you. I don't trust anyone anymore" he said
"Nick, just let me make my own mistakes for once ok?" I asked
"Why?" he asked
"Nick, I'm 18 years old. I'm an adult and I want to make some mistakes on my own. Wait, why are we fighting about this?" I asked confused
"I don't know" Nick said sitting down on the set riser and rubbing his head
"Nick, I love you ok?" I asked hugging him
"I love you too. I'm sorry" he said
"It's ok" I said smiling and kissing his cheeks

I got up and I saw Ryan standing there.

"What's up?" I asked
"Roller Hockey is what's up!" she said smiling

I started running with Ryan to the back lot and I saw Nick coming up behind me. I got to the bus and got the roller blades with my name on them. I instantly clicked them on and skated over to find a hockey stick.

"Laura, your hockey stick is in the pile" Ryan said

I smiled even more. She knew that I only played with my stick…it's like someone who prefers to eat something one way…you can't help it.

"Let's play" I said rolling over to the girls with my stick in hand
"Nick you wanna play?" Ryan asked
"No, I kinda want to watch" Nick said as he sat with Joe, Kevin and David
"Demi, come play with us!" I yelled
"Ok, I don't know if I'll be any good but oh well" she said smiling and laughing

"Ok so I want to play against Ryan" I said smiling
"Good, wouldn't want it any other way" she said smiling
"All right, I'll take Ally and Sam" I said smiling
"Fine I'll take Anne and Halie" she said
"Demi, you want to be ref?" Ryan asked
"Yeah, because I think I'm dangerous in these skates" she said almost falling
"Ok" we all said laughing
"Tennis ball please" Ryan asked

The ball was plopped in the middle of our sticks and Demi made her way in front of us.

"Alright, let's play a clean game and no cat fights" she said
"Break!" she yelled

I instantly stole the ball and got around Ryan. Ally was right beside me and I passed it to her. She skated around Anne and Halie and passed it to me scoring.

"WOOO!!" I yelled high-fiving Ally
"THAT WAS HOT!" Joe yelled
"Thanks Joe" I said smiling and waving

Sam came over and we were sleuthing out a plan. I knew already that Anne and Halie were the weakest link and Ryan was by herself. Anne and Halie have played the least and had to quit first so they haven't had the most ice time.

"Alright, let's make it easier on Ryan's team…*cough*" I said coughing then brushing my shoulders
"Since she, uh, can't play" I said joking with her
"Oh, heeeeeeellll no!" she said
"Wanna play?" I asked smiling at her
"Let's do this!" she said smiling

We checked it again and Ryan and I went at it. I ran into her and I passed it to Ally. Ryan was right on my back and I was trying to get rid of her so I did what a hockey game should do…I shoved her into the ground. I looked back to see her pissed. She knows we don't play like that and that it wasn't a fair play. I saw Sam get the puck and suddenly I was thrown to the ground.

"Don't push me down!" Ryan said punching me
"WHAT THE HELL?" I yelled protecting my face

I punched her in the jaw and we both stood up. I clicked my blades off and she followed me. We were in our socks starting to fight each other. She punched me in the eye and I went back at her.

"GIRLS!" we heard

I felt someone pick me up from behind and pull me away from her

"LAURA CHILL!" Nick said to me

I felt blood running from my mouth and nose.

"Am I bleeding?" I asked joking
"Yeah, you're banged up" he said

I sat on the chair Nick was sitting on earlier and he got a towel.

"Man, I thought it would be hot to see two girls go at it" he said joking
"Hey!" I said hitting him

He dabbed my lip and was cleaning my face off. He blotted my eyebrow and held pressure onto it. He smiled at me and was looking into my eyes.

"So beautiful" he said smiling
"So adorable" I said to him

He just smiled and looked at my eyebrow and then rubbed under my eye.

"Ouch!" I said squinting and pulling away
"Sorry" he said innocently
"It's ok" I said

I saw Ryan come over and we were smiling at each other. We rough house all the time so it's not abnormal to see us bleeding.

"Truce?" she asked
"Truce" I said smiling and hugging her

Nick looked at me as she walked away and he was smiling

"So you all beat the crap out of each other all the time?" he asked
"Yeah, but we don't normally bleed…it was kinda fun though" I said
"Do you fight a lot?" he asked
"No, I've gotten into 3 fights on the ice but I didn't start them. I always end up being the victim" I said
"Well, to me you're the instigator" he said
"How?" I asked confused
"I'm a victim of your love" he said kissing my hand and walking away

How does he do it? I swear he should write a book of the entire pick up lines he uses.

I ran up to him and jumped on his back. He caught me and held onto my legs.

"So I was thinking after the tour the whole gang could go to like Disney world or something" I said lying my head on his shoulder
"I'd love that. I'd be fun to hang out with you in a land of fun" he said throwing me up and adjusting me on his back
"I went with the music department my junior year and it was so fun! Uh, I have to go back!" I said smiling
"Well I'll take you if you want" he said looking back at me
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, I'd do anything for you" he said facing forward

I just kissed his cheek and laid my head on his shoulder on the way to the bus.

I got on the bus and ran to the bathroom to fix my hair. Nick walked in to see the holy mess that we made. Curling irons, flat irons, hairspray, fingernail polish, hair ties, make up…you name it, it was all over the floor and sink.

"Wow, how do you all keep up with your stuff?" Nick asked laughing
"Labels, see mine is-" I started
"Purple" he said finishing
"Yeah" I said heating the curling iron up

I applied more mascara and fixed my bump. As I turned around, I saw Nick looking up at me. I arched one eyebrow and he laughed at my numerous facial expressions.

"I swear, you're one of the weirdest girls ever but I love you" he said standing up and kissing me
"Yeah, I'm your weird girl" I said smiling
"Wouldn't want it any other way" he said smiling
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY GIRLS! Well, i'm back from a busy week. Here is the update! :)

Comment and Message!


PS: Did you hear Joe Jonas and Breanda Song are dating? I really like her, personally :) She's good for him :)