Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 32

She wants to touch me (Woah), She wants to love me (Woah), She'll never leave me (Woah, woah, oh, oh), Don't trust a ho, Never trust a ho, Won't trust a ho, Won't trust me! I heard

"Hellllllo Kevin!" I heard
"Let me guess? I have 3oh!3's Don't Trust a Hoe as my ringer?" he asked
"Yeah, how'd you know?" I asked snuggling into Nick's arm
"Lucky guess" he said smiling
"Well what do you need?" I asked smiling
"I called to tell everyone, Ashley and I are getting married tomorrow…in Paris" he said
"WHAT?" I yelled

I stood up and started jumping around like a pogo stick. Nick looked at me like ' is she ok?'

"When? Oh, I have nothing to wear! What time is? Ashley was never thrown a bachelorette party!" I asked
"Laura, chill. We have dresses for you girls! You and Holly are her bridesmates" he said
"Really?" I asked excited
"Yeah, now give the phone to my brother. You will be stopping at the dress shop in like 5 minutes so…get dressed" he said
"Wait, so when are we going to giver her and you a party?" I asked
"Tonight! We wanted to get married tomorrow because we wont have time the rest of the tour. I want to get married now! Give my brother the phone while you're at it!" he said
"OK!" I said handing the phone to Nick and running to the back of the bus

I redid my hair and got dressed in rolled up jeans, t-shirt and flip flops.

"Alright Kevin, see ya bye" he said hanging up

"Oh, I'm your background?" he asked looking at my phone
"Yeah" I said smiling

He started going through the pictures when he ran across the "airplane pictures".

"Man, I love those pictures" he said kissing my cheek and winking at me
"I'm sure you do" I said smiling

There was silence and I got up to get water when Nick spoke up.

"What's up with you having all these pictures of David in here?" he asked
"I just haven't deleted them, that's all" I said
"Uh, huh" he said looking back at my phone

I really did forget to delete them but I kinda wanted to keep them just for memories sake.
We arrived in both busses at the dress shop and I saw Ashley and Holly waiting for us on the side of the street.

Nick and I were on the Jonas bus and Kevin, Joe and the girls so we were really alone. Nick gave me my phone back and I smiled. He kissed me lightly on the lips and rested his forehead on mine.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered
"You're my everything" I whispered back
"Don't ever leave me" he said looking at me with our foreheads still touching
"As long as you never hurt me again" I said lightly kissing him

He just hugged me and held me until the bus stopped. He had such a grasp on me that it gave me a sense of love and…comfort.

We got off the bus and I ran to Ashley & Holly.

"Ashley, Holly!" I yelled to them
"LAURA!" they yelled together

I ran to them and hugged them and smiled.

"Are you excited to get married?" I asked Ashley
"Oh yes, I need Kevin now! I'm so glad we're getting married in Paris!" she said
"PARIS?" I asked excited
"Yeah, Kevin didn't tell you?" she asked
"NO" I said really excited now

I saw Kevin come up and I jumped up on him and hugged him.

"KEVIN I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU FOR PARIS!" I yelled hugging him
"Ok, you're welcome!" he said hugging me

I've never been to Paris and I'm so excited for it. Nick came up behind me and wrapped his left arm around my hips.

"I can tell you're excites about Paris" Nick said smiling
"Oh yes!" I said smiling
"Let's go inside" Holly said

I saw Kevin's around Ashley and Joe's arm was around Holly's…it was so cute, I loved it! We entered the dress shop and the woman walked up to us.

"Ello, how can I help you?" she asked

She had a British accent…so cool!

"Yes, we're here for the Jonas Wedding pick-up" Ashley said
"Oh, ok I need the bride's mate and the maid of honor" she said

Holly and I looked at each other and walked to the back room with the woman.

"Ok, I'm going to ask you all to try these dresseson" she said

They were the greatest color…of course! I took mine with Holly into the changing room with the shoes and started undressing. I slipped the dress over my head and I walked to Holly to zip me up.

"Hey Hol, can you zip me up?" I asked
"Yeah, can you zip me up too?" she asked
"Yep!" I said smiling

We zipped each other up and I walked out putting the shoes on.

"Alright, Laura. Stand on the box and I'll measure out the him" she said

I got to the 3-way mirror and I smiled. The dress was beautiful not to mention my favourite color but I was so astounded.

"WOW!" was what I heard

I saw the boys sitting on the side then and Joe and Nick we're "oogly eyes". Holly came out and Joe jumped up out of his seat and ran to her…he really likes her and it's cute.

I looked at Nick and he was smiling at me. He was smiling so much that I was confused. I gave him a cocked eyebrow and my hands on my hips.

"Alright, all done" she said

I got off and Nick gave me his hand to help me down the steps and into his arms.

"You look so beautiful!" he said smiling
"Thank you!" I said kissing his cheek

I went to the back to change and when I turned around in my dressing room Nick was there.

"Nick, you bad boy!" I said walking to him and smiling
"No, just crazy bout my girl!" he said kissing me

I needed to change so I tricked him. I pushed him against the wall and kept kissing him but I unlocked the door, threw it open and shut it in front of him. I was laughing so hard just because the look on his face.

"Hey, not fair!" he said
"I've got to change! That's what you get!" I said

After giving the woman my dress to be hemmed at that moment I sat on the couch. I saw Ashley come out in her dress and I was flabbergasted. She wanted Kevin to not see it until tomorrow so we sent Joe with him.

"Ashley, that's beautiful" I said touching the train
"I know, I'm excited in the dress!" she said smiling
"It actually doesn't need hemming!" the lady said looking at it
"That means it's perfect" I said smiling
"I can't wait until tomorrow" she said smiling
"You look gorgeous Ashley!" Nick said
"Thanks Nick, you think Kevin will like it?" she asked
"He'll love it!" he said smiling

Suddenly, Kevin came back into the shop and Ashley ran back to the changing room. I just laughed and my dress was laid on top of me in a bag.

"It's ready" she said handing it to me
"Thank you" I said smiling and getting up to pay for it.
"$234.98" she said at the register

I was surprised that…that was chunk change compared to what I'm making off of this tour! I handed her my credit card and paid for the dress. I just sat down and held it in my lap waiting for Ashley to come out.

"All ready?" she asked
"Yep!" Ashley said

The woman quickly loaded the dress into the bag and handed it over to Ashley.

"Have a nice day" she said
"Thanks" Ashley said

We walked out of the shop and we all stood around in a circle.

"Ok, so Ashley your party is booked at the Batofar in Paris. So you girls need to get going" he said
"Thanks Kevin" Ashley said kissing him
"See ya tomorrow beautiful" he said

She just smiled and started walking back to the bus. All the girls pied on the Nowhere Nothing bus and the boys loaded onto theirs. I got on the Jonas bus to kiss Nick goodbye when I saw David.

"Why do you two have to be near each other all the time" he said passing us
"Yeah, she's my girlfriend" Nick said
"She was mine, when you technically cheated on her!" he said getting in his face
"Well she's mine now!" Nick said
"What's her favourite animal?" David asked
"Cow! What's her favourite color?" Nick fought back
"Purple, not light lavender dark purple. What's her favourite food?" David yelled
"She doesn't have a favourite. She likes Mexican and Italian! What's her-" Nick yelled back

Both of them looked at me wide-eyed and I was mad. I was tired of the fighting and I didn't want this to last the whole tour.

"It's either stop arguing or I'm not going to be with either of you!" I said standing between them
"I'm sorry" Nick said
"It's ok" I said
"I'm sure he's sorry" David said
"Look, you're not fucking helping the situation! Get over each other, we're not in high school anymore! UHHH!" I said running off the bus

I was walking back to my bus when Nick stopped me.

"Laura, wait" he said
"Nick, I'm sorry. I just want you two to get along" I said
"I know" he said kissing my head
"When you two are done fighting, then I can talk to you but right now I can't" I said walking away

I got on the bus with my dress bag and hung it up in my closet. The drive was fun and kinda long but we were laughing mainly the whole way.

"Ok, so are you and Kevin ready to…you know?" Halie asked Ashley
"Hahaha, yeah I think we are. I'm just glad to have him to myself!" she said laughing
"Yeah, I'm sure Laura and Nick or Joe and Holly are next to get hitched!" Ryan said

Holly and I looked at each other and smiled. We were laughing about it and it was true. Ryan and her boyfriend have been together for…gosh, like 5 years I swear they're going to be getting married. Chris is a great guy for her. Halie and Anne aren't really into relationships right now and Sam has a girlfriend so we're all kinda caught up.

"So what do you think we're doing tonight?" I asked
"I hope some fun!" Ashley said

I got a text message from Nick and I think he really was upset about it but I wasn't going to give in until they agreed.

I'm sorry, I know that we need to get along but know that I love you!

I just smiled and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Guys I'm going to change my clothes ok?" I asked
"Ok, we all should!" Ryan said

After coming out of the bathroom, everyone was getting ready and was all wearing dresses like mine.
I saw Ryan and she was wearing a short black dress and I acted like I was a guy.

"Hey sweet lips, can I have yo numba?" I asked
"HOT DAMN! YOU LOOK HOT!" she yelled
"YOU LOOK HOT YOURSELF!" I said smiling

Ashley came out wearing a whitedress and she looked…hot!

"WOW, we are going to make boys jealous tonight" Ryan said

The girls all came out and we all looked at each other. Holly and Ryan were wearing the same dress but personally Holly looked better in it.

"Well I think we're going to have fun tonight" I said smiling
"Yeah, and we're technically legal age to drink!" Ryan yelled
"Wow, I knew you'd get excited about that!" I said

We were almost there when we saw a line out the door. We all lookeda t each other knowing we'd be going in front of all of them. We got off the bus and walked up to the bouncer.

"Evening ladies, name?" he asked
"Jonas…Ashley" she said looking at us
"VIP Area #1. Enjoy ladies" the guy said checking us out.

We all walked in and smiled at each other hearing the music and suddenly our path was cleared for us…like we were the party. We all sat around a big table in the corner and we had a rope cleared for us. As we sat down we had shots waiting for us around the table.

"Ladies welcome. All night drinks on us so anything you want just ask. Enjoy" the waiter said

I looked around and we all were looking confused. We weren't legally at age to drink in the U.S so we have never really drank before.

"Well girls let's just try it, on 3 ready? 1….2….3…!" I said

We all chugged the shot down and surprisingly it was kinda good. It burned a little going down but it was good.

"WOOO" I heard Halie yell
"I second that!" I said smiling

We had about 5 more shots when I had to go to the bathroom so I started getting up.

"If I don't come back take my clutch!" I said
"Ok, have fun" Ashley said

I was on my way to the bathroom when I felt someone against me. I pushed them away but I smiled at who it was.

"Nick what are you doing here?" I asked smiling at him
"Well the bachelor party is here too and I saw you come in." he said looking at me up and down
"That's great" I said smiling

He pulled me in and whispered into my ear.

"You look so damn hot tonight" he said bringing me closer
"Too bad for you" I whispered back and walked away and into the bathroom…smiling

I did my business and I walked out to Nick pulling me into him. He was against the wall and I stood in front of him smiling.

"You wanna dance with me?" he asked
"Oh yeah!" I said smiling and pulling him by the tie.

We got on the floor to see Ashley and Kevin dancing together…I saw that one coming and I looked to my right to see Holly and Joe…ALL OVER EACH OTHER.

"Get him girl!" I said

That was defiantly the shots talking! Nick held onto my hips and we started grinding. We danced for 8 songs when we went to sit down.

"I'm so hot!" I said pulling my hair back
"I know you are" Nick said

My head started to hurt and I knew that I wasn't going to be drinking anymore.

"Laura, do you want to get out of here?" he asked
"Yeah" I said grabbing my clutch

He grabbed his hand and we walked out of the club. We started walking to the right where the busses were and I could feel the alcohol wearing off. Nick unlocked the door and opened it for us. I had to take a big step up and I was in the bus. Nick was right behind me where he then collapsed on the couch.

I took my shoes off and sat on his lap.

"The alcohol is making me want to do something with you very bad!" Nick said with slurred speech
"I'm sure" I said somewhat conscious but with a massive headache
"You really did look hot tonight" he said kissing my shoulder
"Nick, I think you're too drunk right now to think" I said
"No…oh god!" Nick said

He looked like he was going to hurl. I ran for the trash can and let him puke in the trash can. I rubbed his head as he hurled and I tried my best to take care of him. He looked up at me and I took his coat and shoes off as he purged…gross but he needed to get them off. My head ache was pounding more and I was about to freak out. I hate alcohol now and I'll never drink again because I hate this feeling I'm in right now. Nick was done puking and he went to the bathroom. I took that time to change into my shorts and t-shirt but as I was putting my shirt on Nick came out.

"Oh sorry" he said
"No, it's fine!" I said

He walked out and I put my shirt on. I looked at him and I saw he brushed his teeth but he needed to sleep. I looked through my stuff to find another shirt and shorts…I picked out pink ones for him and a white shirt. I gave them to him and he just smiled.

"You would give me pink!" he said smiling
"Yeah, I did" I said giving him a long kiss on the cheek

I went into the bathroom and took some ibprophen for my headache and came back out to see him in my pink shorts.

"Wow, you look hot!" I said looking at him
"You're wearing yellow, why couldn't I get yellow?" he asked tired
"Look, you're tired and about to start getting hung over. You don't know what you're saying, so just lay down in my bunk" I said

He laid down and I got into bed with him.

"I swear I'm never drinking again!" he said
"Me either!" I said lying on him extremely tired

We suddenly heard Kevin and Ashley get on the bus…making out, so we just shut the curtain and kissed each other lightly.
♠ ♠ ♠
YEAY!!!! So i've been to France...drinking age is 16 so i was like "Ok let's change this chapter up!" lol

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