Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 33

Waking up the next morning was a little a hard. I was tired out of my mind, considering Nick and I didn't go to bed until 3 AM. Sitting up I hit my head on the top of the bunk and almost screamed profusely.

"Shit!" I whispered rubbing my head

I got up and started walking to the bathroom to take my shower. I got in and I felt my headache slowly ease away as the heat from the water traveled down my body. I washed my hair with my raspberry shampoo and conditioner nick loves and washed up in my bath and body works soap. As I finished I realized I forgot my clothes, so I wrapped a towel around myself and walked to my suitcase. I had to tip-toe around since the bus was still moving and everyone was still sleeping. I grabbed a t-shirt and shorts along with my bra and underwear. Pushing them to me I made my way back to the bathroom when I was thrown into my bunk by an arm.

"I was wondering where you went" Nick said
"I had to shower so I wouldn't smell silly" I said getting up again
"My head hurts a little" he said
"Take a shower, that's what helped me." I said kissing his cheek

I made my way back to the bathroom and I changed into a pink tang-top and purple plaided shorts while I brushed my teeth. I came back to the table to start homework when I ran into Nick…literally.

"Oh" I said accidentally hitting him and almost flying back
"Wow, hey I got ya" he said catching me
"Thanks" I said smiling as he brought me up

I looked at his hair and it was out of control, just the way I liked it.

"Your hair looks adorable!" I said smiling
"Well thank you. I call it bed head" he said acting like he pushed it behind his shoulder
"Haha you're so funny" I said walking past him with my toothbrush in hand
"Hey!" he said pulling me back at the waist

I just smiled at him and he kissed me lightly with a peck. I pulled away and I walked away sitting down at the table. I was working on homework…that last class I have to take to graduate…English 12. I was not reading Shakespeare for once…I was reading F.Scott Fitzgerald, well more like The Great Gatsby and I hear a scream and Nick land next to me, hovering into my shoulder.

"Nick, what's wrong?" I asked
"Kevin…Ashley….naked in the shower!" he said
"NICK!" I heard Kevin yell
"I'm not going to go in there again!" he said looking at me
"Ok, well sit here with me while you wait" I said laying my head on his shoulder

I kept reading and we both propped our feet on the bench on the other side, just relaxing. The wedding was tonight at 6:00 PM so we had all morning to go get ready and prettied up.

"So are you ready to gain a sister-in-law tonight?" I asked
"Yeah, I know Ashley is right for Kevin and he deserves her." He said putting his arm around my shoulder
"Well, I love her! She's so funny and just genuine. I swear she is going to be one of my new best friends" I said smiling while I was 'reading'.
"You know what would make today even better?" he asked
"What?" I asked looking at him in the eyes
"If it was you and me getting married today" he said smiling
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, I know were too young now but one day I would love to put a ring on your finger" he said smiling

I just looked at him smiling with my eyes wide and I kissed him. If he asked me then and there to marry him, I'd say yes. I agree we are way too young to be getting married but I am glad to know he feels the same way I do.

"So is that an early 'I do'?" he asked
"Maybe" I said going back to reading to torment him

He just held me as my head rested on his shoulder and snuggled closer. I then saw Kevin and Ashley walk out of the bathroom and past us, in robes.

"Hey, sorry you saw that" Kevin said awkwardly
"Yeah, I, uh" Ashley started
"Guys, it's ok. You're going to be getting married in a few hours. It's really ok" Nick said
"Really?" Ashley asked
"Yeah, I understand" Nick said smiling
"Thanks Nick. Can you not tell anyone else about this?" Kevin asked
"No problem" he said smiling

The two walked off the bus and onto the Nowhere Nothing bus. I looked over Nick to notice that Joe and Holly were no where on the bus.

"Nick, where is Holly & Joe?" I asked
"On the other bus" he said
"Oh, I hardly even noticed they were gone" I said
"I know, Joe being quiet is….weird" he said

He got up and went to the bathroom. I heard the water turn on and the curtain shut again, so I walked into the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I was about to say something when the shower curtain flew open.

"WOW" I said covering my eyes with a magazine I was about to look at
"Oh, sorry" he said shutting it again

"Sorry, I should have told you I was in here" I said smiling and trying not to laugh
"It's ok" he said smiling
"So…are you ready for tonight?" I asked
"Yeah, it's going to be fun" he said

I started looking at my magazine when he stuck his head out and looked at me.

"You really looked great in your dress" he said smiling
"Thanks" I said looking at him with a huge grin

His hair was really cute and wet and if fell a little into his face. I love his Elvis look he's done to his hair and it is so adorable. He grabbed the towel off the rack…oh wait I'm supposed to be looking at my magazine, I put my head down into my magazine but still was able to see Nick. The curtain flew open and I saw a towel around his waist…but I couldn't help but want to stare.

"You know you want to look" Nick said as my head was still down at my magazine
"Nope" I said smiling

He took the magazine and held it above his hand and smiled. I started looking up at the magazine but my eyes "accidentally" made their way down his body.

"I saw that!" he said running away with my magazine
"HEY!" I said running after him and jumping on top of his back

We fell to the floor and laughed like crazy.

"Laura, my towel has fallen off" Nick said as I laid on top of his back
"Really?" I asked laughing really hard.
"Yeah" he said giggling

I got up him and turned around so he could fix himself.

"Ok, fixed" he said

I turned around and he didn't have his towel on.

"Oh, shit!" I said laughing and covering my eyes

He just ran to me and hugged me…covered. He kissed my cheek and I giggled to death…practically, not literally.

"We need to get dressed soon" I said
"Yeah, let me call Kevin and see where he's at" Nick said sitting next to me at the bench

"Kev! Where are you?" Nick asked
"Oh, got it!"
"You moved it to when?"
"That's in 3 hours"
"Ok, I'll tell her"
"Bye Bro"

Nick hung up and I looked at him.

"The wedding is in three hours. Do you think you and the girls can get ready in time?" he asked
"Yeah, but I need to start curling my hair now!" I said jumping over him

I called all the girls and Nick left leaving us to get dressed on our bus.

"Yeah, we left you and Nick alone because we didn't know how it was going to end last night" Ryan said winking
"It actually didn't end like you thought!" I said while brushing my teeth with hot rollers in my hair
"Really?" Ashley asked
"Why did you and Kevin end the way I thought?" I asked
"No, we're waiting until tonight!" Ashley said

I high-fived her and I smiled knowing today was Kevin's last day as a virgin…and the last day the Jonas Brothers were all pure! (you know you want to laugh)

I finally finished and all the girls were in the front of the bus either curling hair or doing make-up. I did my own make-up and I put my contacts in. I saw Ashley come out with her hair all curly and had her tiara in her hair.

"Ashley you look so beautiful!" I said smiling
"Thanks" she said
"Today is your day, don't let anyone ruin it!" Ryan said

After another 5 minute trip we all realized we were there…and none of us had our dresses on. So we all made a mad rush to get dressed. I threw my bra off and put a strapless one on and I threw the dress on. We all were getting dressed when we finally finished and lines up to walk out. We saw the boys were walking to the Eiffel tower, oh, did I forget to tell you? She's getting married under the Eiffel tower! I was right in front of Holly who was in front of Ashley. We were all bride's mates but Holly was the maid-of- honor. I felt honored to be honest.

We all walked off the bus with our flowers handed to us on the way off the bus. We all walked so happily to the spot and I saw that there were a lot of people there. Of course I saw the Jonas family but I saw a lot of Ashley's family. I only knew that because they looked a lot like her. (who would have thought?)

Once we were there we saw Nick and Joe hanging off to the side.

"Laura, Holly, Nick and Joe are escorting you two down. I forgot to tell you" Ashley said

I just smiled at Nick and Joe smiled at Holly.

"I didn't think there was going to be a problem with it!" she said smiling

The girls lined up and walked down the isle one by one leaving purple roses down the…purple isle. After Ryan went down, Nick extended his arm like a hook and I laced my arm through it. I smiled at him and we walked to the beginning of the isle. I slowly walked down and I realized this could be me…with Nick. I was so happy to have him at my side and actually helping me walk in these heals a little. I made my way to the end with Nick and we separated watching Holly and Joe walk down the isle. They are so cute and adorable. I love them so much and I want them to stick together so much. Ever since the break-up with Camilla, Joe wasn't the old Joe and thanks to Holly, he's back!

I heard the famous "Brides March" begin and I saw everyone stand up. Then Kevin stepped forward looking nervous and excited at the same time. Once Ashley emerged with her father she glowed, almost as if she was an angel. Kevin's face lit up and a tear fell from his face…he was excited now, you could see it in his face. His eyes were glowing and they were so huge I thought they were going to pop out of his socket. His smile grew larger and larger the closer she got and you saw tears falling from her. Happy tears are always some of the best tears for the soul. They make you feel grateful for what you have and what you really love in life.

The two stood together at the podium as her father gave her off to Kevin. With a light peck she kissed her fathers cheek and he revealed her beautiful face from her veil. Kevin was on cloud nine and he looked at though he wasn't letting go of her for now on.

"Please be seated" the minister said

Everyone faced to them and I saw Nick staring at me. He just smiled and sent an air kiss my way. I just smiled lightly and looked at Ashley and Kevin.

"Two lives, two people, so very different, yet so similar. Together we stand as one, sharing our future as it comes. The past is that past. Buds are yet to blossom, with care and trust, the best is yet to be revealed. Honesty and kindness are the fruits of love. Lord bless this day and always to enrich us so our love will never end. Before you are joined together in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these your family and witnesses, I am bound to remind you of the solemn and firm nature of the relationship into which you are about to enter. Marriage as most of us understand it, is the voluntary commitment of a man to a woman and a woman to a man to the exclusion of all others and is entered into with the desire, the hope and the firm intention that it will last for life.
We shall now say your vows."
I looked and saw Kevin smiling more than anything. He was excited and I knew exactly how he felt…well not the getting married part but the loving someone part.
"I Paul Kevin Jonas II affirm my love to you Ashley Lynn LaPoint as I invite you to share my life. I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness, unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to. To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you Ashley to be my lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health while we both shall live." He said smiling
"I Ashley Lynn LaPoint affirm my love to you Paul Kevin Jonas II as I invite you to share my life. I promise always to respect your needs. I will endeavor through kindness, unselfishness and trust to achieve the warm rich life we now look forward to. To this end I call upon all present to witness that I take you Paul to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health while we both shall live." She said finishing
"The rings?" the minister said

Frankie comes walking up the isle and he has the rings on a pillow.

"Ashley with this ring I thee wed. Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share." And he slowly slipped the wedding band onto her finger
"Kevin with this ring I thee wed. Take it and wear it as a symbol of all we shall share." She said slipping it onto his finger

"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited, it is never rude or selfish, it does not take offense and is not resentful. Love takes no pleasure in other people's faults, but delights in the truth. It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope. It is always ready to endure whatever comes. True love does not come to an end.
Minister: You have declared before all of us that you will live together in marriage. You have made special promises to each other, which have been symbolized by the joining of hands, taking of vows and the giving and receiving of two ring's. By the authority vested in me as a Minister in Paris, France I now pronounce you to be husband and wife. Now that the ceremony is over and the experience of living day by day is about to begin, go and meet it gladly. You may now kiss the bride" he finished shutting his bible
Ashley and Kevin leaned in lightly and kissed. Nick was looking at me smiling and clapping and he was mouthing something.
"I love you so much" he said
"I love you too" I said smiling

"Now I have the pleasure to announce to you all Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kevin Jonas II!" the minster said

They faced the isle and ran down it into a limo. They were having a reception at the hotel we were staying at and I was excited for it. We all rode in the busses together and made out way over to the hotel. Nick and I sat next to each other on the ride and he kept playing with my spiral ringlets my hair was curled into.

"I love you so much" he said softly to me

There was a conversation going on while we were talking.

"I love you too Nick" I said looking into his eyes
"That whole time, I was jealous" he said
"Why? For Kevin? Do you like Ashley?" I asked jokingly
"No, I just wished that was us." He said kissing my cheek
"You know what?" I asked
"What?" he said
"I thought the same thing" I said smiling

He brought me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled into his neck. I had my prince charming…I just needed to wait.

The reception was amazing, party times and a lot of dancing but I was dancing with Ashley when Nick pulled me away.

"Nick, what's wrong?" I asked worried
"Nothing, do you trust me?" he asked
"Yes, of course" I said
"Then let me put this blindfold on you" he said
"Where are you taking me?" I asked
"Paris…my way" he said putting the blindfold on and kissing my cheek.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so late! (Ashley sorry i had to make up a middle name for you! lol) My sister is actually getting married in Hilton Head South Carolina this coming week and i'm leaving tomorrow for the beach! I'm sorry you have to wait a week to hear what happens but i believe in you! :)

Leave me lots of comments! :)
