Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 34

I was lead upon a journey that I was surprised was amazing. I'd expect nothing less of Nick and his hidden romantic side that I love dearly. We walked out of the party and were lead to a car I'm assuming but I wouldn't know since I was blindfolded. I stepped in and Nick helped my place my dress in the car, then shutting the door and getting in on the other side. I was holding Nick's hand when he spoke:

"Pour 4e rue s'il vous plaît? Et marcher dessus!" he said to the driver

The car suddenly took off and Nick brought me closer and kissed my cheek, holding my waist and resting his head against mine. He start to whisper something in my ear and his breath hitting my neck sent goose bumps to travel down my spine.

"I love you…so much" he whispered into my ear

I feel for his jaw and kiss him rubbing circles on his neck causing him to smile into the kiss. We sat there with each other's foreheads against each other just smiling, enjoying the presence of each other.

The car suddenly came to a stop and Nick got out of the car and opened my door. I stepped out and he paid the driver, I'm assuming then hearing the car speed off. Nick pulled me onto the sidewalk but I stopped.

"Nick where are we going?" I asked still blindfolded and really confused.
"Do you trust me?" he asked holding me
"Yes" I said
"Then, stop being impatient!" he said laughing and kissing my cheek
"Fine" I said smiling

He took my hand again and lead me into a building. I heard my heals click against the asphalted floor and lead to a loft. I heard the gate close and bells ding, suddenly we were moving up. I didn't really know what was going on so I grabbed onto Nick and he just smiled and laughed as he held onto me and kissed my head. I heard the loft ding again and this time Nick unlocked the gate, pulling me out of the loft and I heard my heals click again against the asphalt. He kicked open what sounded like a door and I felt the temperature change of the inside to outside with a cold brush. Nick walked me to a position and he wrapped his hands around my waist and whispered into me ear.

"As long as we've been together I've had to say that I've never seen anything more then what's happening in front of me" he said
"What is?" I asked

Then the blindfold was taken off me, revealing the Eiffel Tower and the sun setting on the city of love.

"Oh Nick, it's so beautiful!" I said covering my mouth

It truly was stunning and I was shocked at how the pink and yellow mixed well with the blue and purples that were lit up the sky.

"That my be but, I was talking about you." He said holding me from behind as I rested my head onto his shoulder.
"You're too sweet" I said kissing his cheek
"I know, it's your beauty that makes me do these things" he said holding me tighter
"Well, you don't have to always do things like this for me. I love the little things in life, like you telling me everyday you love me and the way you'll kiss me on the head randomly tells me you love me and you're not going anywhere" I said looking at him

We sat there looking into each others eyes. My arms were on top of his and he placed his hands around my waist. He kept scaning my eyes thinking there was something he's missing, like he can't read me.

"Nick, hun, what's wrong?" I asked starting to get concerned.
"Laura, I honestly keep looking at you…" he started but then began to get upset
"I keep looking at you and thinking 'She's so beautiful, there is no way that God sent her to be my soul mate, she's an angel!', and I know it's true" he said smiling as a tear fell down his face and he looked down.

He looked into my eyes and I smiled as a tear fell down my face. I quickly wrapped my arms around the back of his neck and kissed me passionately not wanting to let go. He brought me closer and started deepening the kiss making me realize I really am in love with him. Nick is everything I've ever wanted in a guy, if not even more. My mom always told me to find someone who respects me, loves me for me and will let me be me…and Nick does just that. Yes, he has broken my heart more than any other boy but, no one ever said love was easy did they? We knew we were soul mates all along, we just were playing hard to get…

He pulled away and sat down on the roof of the building then patting me to sit in between his legs. I sat down then leaning against him and he kissed my head making me smile. I took my shoes off and placed them next to him which made him giggle.

"I swear those things make women's legs look beautiful but they look so painful at the same time" he said holding them up and examined them
"Trust me, they are" I said smiling and laughing
"I love your laugh" he said leaning his head down onto mine
"I love everything about you" he said
"I love everything about you Nick" I said smiling and looking up at him
"Don't move" he said pulling his camera out of his pocket

He took a picture of me looking up at him and smiling but I don't understand why.

"Sorry, the sun was hitting your eyes ever so perfectly that they made them glow…and sparkle like I love them. I haven't seen them sparkle like that in a long time, so I…took a picture." He said smiling
"You're perfect" I said kissing him and taking his camera from him

We kept kissing and I was able to shoot a picture of us kissing. I'd have to remind myself later to get these pictures from him to put in our picture book. I didn't want this to end up I knew the sun was almost set and that we didn't have much time left until reality will settle back in.

"We better be going. Everyone will be getting worried" Nick said
"True" I said getting up then bending over to get my shoes
"I'll get those" Nick said taking them from me after he got up
"Thanks" I said kissing him again

We walked off the roof hand in hand and through the door…back to reality.

The next morning I remembered that Kevin and Ashley weren't here and weren't going to be here. We were sent back to the states for a week, not only for a break but for Kevin and Ashley to be "alone". The flight back was long and boring, causing me to sleep 99% of the way with Nick drooling on me. It was mutual though, we both were tired.

The girls and I got off the plane with Nick and Joe behind us…carrying a lot of bags. They insisted on carrying our bags for us, so Ryan of course took them up on that offer and so did the ret of the girls, I didn't. Haha, but I was funny to see them struggle. We got into the airport lobby and the boys dropped all the bags right there.

"Uh, that was extremely heavy" Joe said sighing loudly and dropping the last bag.
"You can say that again" Nick said sitting down

I walked over to Nick and sat next to him and grabbed his hand kissing his cheek.

"I like my men strong, so if anything you sweating is turning me on" I whispered in his ear

He smiled at that and placed his arm around the back of the chair to hold me.

"So, Nick you're staying with Laura I'm assuming?" Joe asked
"No, I'm just going to stay with you" he said
"Yeah, about that…Holly you ready baby?" he said looking to her

She just smiled and nodded. He grabbed both their bags and looked at us.

"So wanna hang out tomorrow or something?" he asked all of us
"Sure, we can have band practice. Is that ok girls?" Sam asked
"Yeah cool by me" Ryan said
"I'm ok with it" I said
"Ok so I'll see you ladies later tomorrow and Nick, behave yourself!" Joe said
"Thanks Joe, that's exactly what I need!" he said

He was grumpy from the flight and he was still tired. He placed his head on my shoulder; well it ended up being my chest, and started falling asleep. We were waiting for the girls to leave so we could leave.

"Nick, baby, we're last. We've got to leave" I said kissing his head and waking him
"Ok" he said half awake

He stood up and I placed my coat on me and grabbed my bags. He followed the same move and we left to go home. I drove to the airport so my car has been sitting in the airport parking lot for a couple months now and it needs to be ran. Nick got in my beetle taking the keys from me and driving to my house, safely I was surprised considering how tired he was. He was quiet and kept looking at me, smiling then going back to the road, always holding my hand and making sure I was warm enough.

"So is your mom going to be home?" he asked
"Um, she should be-" I started
"She's not" he said
"How do you know?" I asked
"Um, I don't" he asked looking around suspiciously
"Uh huh" I said really confused.

There was an awkward silence that grew between us and I wanted to kill it so bad, but then again I wanted to know if my mother is going to be home and if not, why? And how does he know?

"When we get settled in, would you like to go to dinner tonight?" he asked
"Sure, where to?" I asked trying to avoid the other subject knowing I'd get it eventually
"What about the 1789 Restaurant in D.C?" Nick asked
"How'd you know about that restaurant? That's in Georgetown, and plus that's really expensive! No!" I said smiling
"No it's not and trust me. I'm dating a Washitonian! I should know a little about D.C right?" he asked holding a restaurant guide of D.C
"You're too cute!" I said smiling and kissing his cheek

By now we were home and I was ready to get unpacked and start getting ready for dinner. I put away most of my clothes that I wouldn't need for the rest of the tour and kept the rest in my bag. Nick was unpacking some clothes and put them in a dresser drawer I cleared out for him. My mom always told me, "Laura, when women clean a dresser drawer out for a man, you know they must love him b/c women have a shit load of clothes!", it gets me every time thinking about that.

"So are you going to get ready for dinner before or after me?" Nick asked
"After" I said sitting on my bed and opening a magazine

I laid completely back when Nick hovered over top of me. He looked at me and kissed me smiling then getting off of me.

"I'll be back in like 10 minutes" he said grabbing his clothes and leaving.

I got up off the bed and decided on what to wear and I came up with my dress that I bought before I went on tour. I've been dying to wear it because I left it. So I placed my jewelry out when something told me not to put anything on my fingers. I was really tempted to put on my class ring but my conscious told me not to…so I didn't. Nick came in shortly after that with only a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair wet as can be. Trust me, I had to resist temptation at that moment.

"Next?" Nick asked coming up to me and kissing me
"That's me" I said pointing one finger up and bolting out of the room

I took my shower and when I walked back into my room, with my towel wrapped around me I didn't see Nick.

"Nick where are you?" I asked looking around

He jumped out at me from behind my door and we both were lying on the bed in our towels…naked. I was giggling that he threw me down but he was quiet suddenly.

"Uh, Laura, your towel isn't completely on…" he said getting kind nervous
"Oh" I said blushing
"I mean I'd get up but my towel is hardly on either" he said blushing too

I just giggled and smiled at him. I brought him down and kissed him as he was on top of me and I distracted him by kissing him and taking my towel and wrapping it around both of us. Nick pulled away and smiled.

"I like how you were sneaky about that" he said winking at me
"I know, but you know you like it" I said smiling seductively

He looked down at me and smiled wider. He shifted slightly and suddenly I felt something between my legs and my mental mind was going crazy. I was telling myself "OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THAT WHAT I THINK IT IS?!?!" then I was telling myself "Ok, Laura, chill. You're 18 years old, you're an adult, you're going to see one eventually…" then that freaked me out and I went back to the first one.

"You ok?" he asked
"Yeah, why?" I asked
"Nothing, you just seem nervous suddenly!" he said winking

He knew what he did and he did it purposefully! I just laughed about it and so did he.

"Ok, horndog we need to get dressed, so you have to get off of me" I said smiling
"That's what she said!" is what he said leaving me laughing

That night at the restaurant we were eating at the top restaurant in Washington D.C. It was elaborate with cream curtains flowing from the ceilings and it was dark out leaving the room with a more yellow tent to it. The tall French windows were leaving the stars visible that night and we were in the back at our own private table.

Nick and I were finishing up desert when the waiter comes and takes our plates from the main course. Nick and I were splitting a couple scoops of ice cream when Nick gets a brain freeze.

"OH MY HEAD! OWE!" he kept saying
"Nick are you ok?" I asked really concerned

He kept saying "Oh my head!" and I thought something was really wrong. A waiter came over and was talking to Nick and handed him something. Was it the bill, because right now is not the time to be handing him the bill! Suddenly, Nick sat up just fine and went back to eating ice cream with me.

What's up with him? He's been acting weird since we got off the flight….

The waiter came again but this time stood with 3 other waiters and the restaurant owner.

"Nick what's going on?" I asked

He looked at me and stood up, straightening his suit jacket and stood in front of me holding both of my hands as I looked up at him.

"Laura, you know that I want nothing more than the best for you and I love you with all of my heart right?" he asked
"Oh course, I love you and you love me. What's wrong Nick?" I asked really confused
"Laura, I'm the happiest man alive to be with you and any guy would be lucky to have you…but you keep coming back to me. So that’s why…" he said then getting down on one knee in front of me and saying
"…I was wondering if you'd be my wife forever. Will you marry me Laura?" he asked opening up the black box to reveal the ring.

(Author's Note: The ring is in the set picture with the dress…irony huh? Go back and look at it so you can see it :D)

"OH MY GOD!" I said starting to cry and smile
"Is that a yes?" he asked
"YES OF COURSE!" I said smiling and kissing him

He pulled away quickly to place the ring on my finger, slowly, and it perfectly fit. The waiters and the restaurant owner was clapping and cheering as Nick kissed me again. I was so happy I was going to be Mrs. Nick Jonas…I can finally call Nick all mine…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M BACK!!!! YEAH!!!! Sorry, i've been REALLY REALLY busy with senior year and college applications! I'll have to catch you all up later but i had my birthday on Wednesday so I'm officially 17 :) Well i hope you all enjoy and COMMENT ME TONS!!! :)
