Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 35

I sat on my bed that night looking at my ring. It sparkled under the ceiling light that hung from my ceiling giving a clear white cast onto my room. I tilted my finger from side to side observing the ring's sparkle and shine, just admiring the idea of what that ring represents.

Nick came out of my bathroom door only in a towel around his waist and shaking his hair. The steam and heat that escaped from the bathroom flooded my room instantly, but the sight of Nick made my stomach flip. He walked over to me and put his town hands on both sides of me and leaned into me.

"Hello, Mrs. Nick Jonas" he said looking at me and smiling
"Hello, Mr. Nick Jonas" I said looking at him and holding his jaw line

Nick leaned in and kissed me lightly and began to kiss me heavier. He wrapped my arms around my waist, bringing me forward and then lifting me off the bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto his neck for what seemed like dear life. He started kissing my neck and I started feeling wild and daring with Nick. He then slammed me against the wall and kissed me more.

"Nick, we might be getting married but we can't go any farther" I said panting and looking at him
"Why not, we're going to get married?" he said
"We're not married yet, you never know…something could happen" I said
"Like what?" he asked
"I don't know, I'm just scared that something bad is going to happen" I said
"Ok, I guess you're right…" he said putting me down and walking away
"…but wouldn't you want me and you to share this one thing together the rest of our lives, even if something did happen?" he asked
"Yes, I do but I don't feel very comfortable being in the house that I grew up in either…" I said
"Ok, well, I want you to know that I only want you and I want you and I to share this for the rest of our lives" he said
"ok, I understand" I said walking back over to my bed and lying down sideways

Nick walked back into the bathroom to change and he shut the door muffly. Did I make the wrong decision? I mean, I'm 18 years old, not 25 and I love Nick but I honestly don't want my first time in my childhood room. I adored the ring again in the light and smiled at it, admiring its glow. I just could not believe that I was going to be marrying Nick Jonas.

Nick came out of he bathroom with boxers and a tight shirt on…I tried not to stare.

"I see you over there looking at me" he said standing at my desk looking through his suitcase
"No, I wasn't" I said innocently
"Oh yes you were, you're eyes were burning a hole in my neck" he said turning to me and smiling
"Well what if I was? What's my punishment?" I said trying to tease him yet again
"Well, there is one thing I'd want to do but you turned me down so I guess we'll just have to wait for your punishment" he said winking at me

He climbed into bed next to me and I got under my sheets to cuddle with him. He brought me close against him and I liked it…a lot. Our foreheads touched leaving me able to feel his breath hit my neck and send goose bumps down my body even under a heavy blanket.

"I love you so much" Nick said looking into my eyes
"I love you so much" I said placing a hand on Nick's jaw and lightly kissing him

He kissed me lightly back and I slowly brought my arms around his neck bringing him closer.

"I'm so glad we're getting married" he said panting
"Why?" I asked giggling and panting as well
"Mainly because we'll have a house to our own, a little puppy you've been dying to get and we can start a family of our own. I want to create memories together that aren't from the tour, but from our everyday lives. Not that I hate the memories we have now I just want to create the personal ones. I want to throw bubbles in your face from washing dishes together or getting drenched with water from washing to car outside…I want you Laura" Nick said never looking away

That touched me truly, I was speechless and dumbfounded but I felt the same way…

"Nick I feel the same way! I cannot wait to marry you." I said kissing him
"I'm so glad. We'll tell everyone in the morning" Nick said smiling
"Ok, good night Mr. Jonas" I said
"God night Mrs. Jonas" he said kissing my forehead


"NO! NO ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!" is what my mom screamed
"But mom we want to get married!" I said starting to cry
"No, you two are entirely too young! Nick has changed you in s many ways that I don't like, if it wasn't for me sending you on that stupid tour then you'd be back here, finishing high school like a normal girl and having a normal boyfriend!" she said throwing a book against the wall…she was angry
"Mom, don't blame Nick…" I said
"Oh now you're defending him? No! As long as you're still in school, I'm in charge of you, not yourself! You might be 18 but you're not in control yet! You're not finishing the tour!" she said running off
"MOM YOU CAN'T DO THAT!!!" I yelled following her up the stairs
"LAURA I CAN DO WHATEVER THE HELL I WANT!" she said looking at me dead I the eye
"Mom, why are you doing this to me? It's not like I'm pregnant! I just want to get married!" I said
"I'm not letting you make a mistake like I did, your father and I married young and it was one of the biggest mistakes of my life!" she said
"I'm not you mom! I know Nick's the one!" I said
"Well, if that's the case you can't see each other again!" she said
"WHAT? MOM WHY?" I asked starting to cry
"Because he's influencing you in ways I don't like!" she said

I stood there and was in shock…my dream was over, the band was over, Nick and I were…over. Silent tears ran down my face…I never should have told my mom about the marriage…it ruined everything.

"Now go downstairs, unpack your bags and go tell Nick goodbye. We don't need him here any longer!" she said

I pivoted on my feet and walked down the stairs to see Nick crying just as I was. He knew what this meant…

"Oh Nick!" I said leaping for his arms and hugging him tight
"Laura, I'm so sorry" he cried weaping into my shoulder
"No I'm so sorry Nick!" I said

"LAURA HURRY UP!" my mom yelled

I looked at Nick and he didn't want to let go.

"Kiss me Nick!" I said

He kissed me for the last time so passionately. You felt both our tears fall down our cheeks knowing that this would be the last time I'd ever see Nick, probably forever.

"I will never stop loving you!" he whispered
"I'll never stop either!" I said kissing him once more

"TIME IS UP! NICK LEAVE!" my mother yelled

I started to cry harder and almost out of control. The look on his face was of pain and depression…he was dying just like I was. He blew me a kiss and grabbed his bags from the door, that my mother put there and opened the door. He looked back just for one glance…

"I'll never forget you…ever!" Nick said and walked out the door.


6 months later:

I sit everyday in my window sill knowing I messed my own life up. My time on tour was cut and the girls are still on tour with the guys, without me. It's not the same from what I hear, Halie had to learn bass in 2 days and to all our songs to fill the gap and fans were really hurt that I wasn't there, they didn't know why but they knew I wasn't there…

From what I hear, Nick is depressed just as much of not more than me. Ryan said he looks pale, he hardly eats and all he wants to do is stay in his bunk. She thinks my mom made us break up…no one knew about the marriage. Ryan said Nick doesn't talk anymore and all he does is writes in this book, she keeps trying to steal it to see what's in it but, he's protective of it.

I can't talk to them so I email them, that's the only way my life is ok with them. The tour is almost over and they'll be coming home in a few days. I'm so glad I can see my best friends and have a life again. At least we'll be able to graduate together, that was our main concern…

Nick has been on my mind for months and I've wrote him a letter everyday hoping my life would end up like Noah and Allie in The Notebook, somehow we'd me matched up together and spend the rest of our lives together.

"Laura" my mom said knocking on my door.

I wiped away the tears and fixed myself so she doesn't know I was crying.

"Yes mom" I said opening the door
"You have a visitor" she said
"Who is it?" I asked
"I don’t know but I'll send them up" she said
"Ok" I said closing the door

Who could it be? Was it Nick? No, she wouldn't let him up here or even in the house. I heard a knock on the door and I go running to see Ryan standing there.

"OH MY GOD RYAN!" I yelled and hugged her
"Laura, I'm so glad you're safe" she said

We stood in the hall hugging for about a minute then I let go and brought her in my room. She sat down on my bed as I shut the door.

"So how was tour?" I asked
"It was good the performing part…" she said looking away
"What? What is it?" I asked
"It's just Nick…he, huh, he is just not doing well." She said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"Do you have your computer up?" she asked
"Yeah" I said

She opened my MAC and brought up the internet. She was making me worried about Nick and his health. She pulled up the Ocean Up website and I saw the newest headline.

"Nick Jonas Collapses on Stage! World Tour = CANCELED!"

"RYAN WHAT HAPPENED?" I asked starting to cry
"He went into diabetic shock…he quit eating, he became isolated…he just went into a depression." She said
"Because of my mom making us break up…" I said
"Laura, I know about the marriage proposal…" she said
"Oh, how?" I asked
"Nick, he told me b/c he needed someone to talk to about it all…so he talked to me" she said
"Well I guess you know it all" I said
"Let me see the ring" she said

I went over to my dresser and pulled the ring out of my jewelry box. I haven't looked at it in months and it was killing me holding it.

"Here" I said handing it to her

She stared in amazement…

"Laura, this is so beautiful" she said
"I know, too bad I can't wear it…" I said
"I'm really sorry about what happened" she said
"Yeah I know, but my mom won't let me see him ever again. Guess I'll have to move on right?" I said
"No, you have to get back with Nick!" she said
"Ryan, my mom won't let me! I've got 4 more months until graduation…she's controlling me!" I said
"Well don't let her!" she said
"I can't disrespect her!" I said
"WHY NOT?" she yelled
"BECAUSE SHE'S MY MOM!" I yelled back

She stood up and walked over to me. I was tired of being held back from what I wanted to be and who I wanted to be with.

"Laura, do what you want…but know he'll always be waiting" she said
"I know" I said
"Band practice is at 5 so if you're allowed to come by, come" she said
"Ok, I will" I said

She left without a hug or anything…great now I lost both of my important people in my life…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm back :) So my story was reported, i'm going to have to check it out :)

Well here's an installment until i see what's wrong :)
