Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 36

After band practice I drove by the grocery store. I needed to do something to kill time because I didn't want to be at home, being alone. I walked in wearing my sweatpants, sweatshirt and adidas sandals with socks on, just going casual and trying to keep out of the public eye. I walked down over into the produce when I felt someone tap me.

"Laura, is that you?" I heard

I turned to see Joe, smiling and holing his arms out in a hug.

"Joe!" I said leaping on him and hugging him
"How are you? I've missed you so much!" he whispered while hugging me

I smiled and let go looking at him. He had a strange look on his face and I figured it was him just waiting for a response.

"I've been good. Just gearing up for graduation soon but just studying for mid-terms." I said
"No, there's something about you that's also wrong." He said holding onto my waist

I didn't know what he was talking about. He knew about the marriage break up and how I'd never really be able to see Nick ever again, so what was he asking about?

"Laura, why are you so much smaller under these clothes?" he asked
"Excuse me?" I asked
"Laura, you don't look healthy" he said

I didn't think I looked bad, but then again I haven't really eaten nor looked in a mirror in a while.

"Joe, I'm not starving myself but, since the whole break up I've just been out of it. I'm always sleeping, going to school, reading, doing homework, then going back to sleep…" I said
"Ryan's told me you haven't been with it, even when she came to visit you" he said
"I know, I was…stressed with my mom" I said
"Why don't you move out?" he asked
"Well, I would but in Washington D.C I'd be considered a runaway…so it's against the law until I'm fully out of school" I said
"I understand…you know that you always will have our house to run to…and I know that someone in particular will be happy to see you" he said winking
"I think that'd make two of us!" I said smiling and giggling
"I'm glad I can get you laughing…" he said smiling
"Thanks Joe" I said
"No problem!" he said
"Wait why are you in D.C?" I asked
"Visiting Holly, duh!" he said smiling
"So does that mean Nick is here?" I asked
"No he's in L.A with Kevin and Ashley" he said
"Oh, I understand…" I said

There was an awkward pause that fell between us… it was killing me, it truly was

"You know he's tried emailing you…but has never had the courage to hit send?" he said
"Really?" I asked looking up at him from the ground
"Yes, and he punched me in the face once for almost hitting send for him too." He said
"That's not good!" I said
"Yeah, he's not the same Nick but we're working on it" he said
"I'm sorry…" I said
"Laura, huh, don't apologize, it's not like you asked for this" he said
"I know but…" I started
"Just don't blame yourself!" he said
"If you say so…" I said
"Well I have to go ok, if you need me call me. I'll pick up" he said
"Ok, I love you Joe" I said hugging him
"I love you too Laura" he said pulling away

The next time I'd see any of them…would be my graduation day…


"Girls gather around, gather around!" my mom said standing outside my house

We were standing in the Orange caps and gowns all in white heal standing in the sinking wet June grass. The 5 of us girls stood hands behind each others backs smiling that this day finally came. Being on tour and worrying we weren't going to go to graduation and finally being able to say, "We finished!"

"Mom, can we hurry this up, we're going to be late!" I said smiling
"Ok, fine! Ready 1, 2, 3!!!" my mom said taking the picture of us

The after party was at my house and all the girls were coming over to celebrate with their families. We wanted to all be together for one more time…

We all loaded up into the separate cars and made our way to the school. I was driving when I got a text message and Ryan smiled at the ringtone…I hadn't heard that ringtone in 5 months…

Congrats Laura! I'm so proud of you…I miss you…

"LAURA!!! HE MISSES YOU!!!" Ryan said
"I know but I can't let my mom know I'm responding" I said
"I'm going to respond for you!" she said
"What are you going to say?" I asked
"You'll see" she said

I was afraid of what she was going to say but I trusted her. We made our way into the parking lot, parking with 5 other cars around mine from the families of the girls and ran into the school. The girls and I were running to the back cafeteria where we lined up in alphabetical order that we were out of breathe when we arrived. Since I was in the back of the alphabet and the girls we're all in the middle or beginning I had no one to really talk to…

"So, today's the day…" was all I heard next to me

I looked over and saw Nick. My face grew bright and smiled like none other. He wore a blue suit with my favorite purple tie that I loved ever so much with his hair a little shorter but still with his imitated Elvis hair-do. I jumped into his arms and hugged him so tight…

"OH NICK!!" I almost screamed
"LAURA!!" he yelled into my shoulder

The room was super loud with all the talking so it was hard for people to hear us. Nick pulled away and looked at me into my eyes, they sparkled when I looked at him and it was the greatest feeling again. Within seconds he leaned in and kissed me leaving suddenly a loud room clapping and cheering. Nick tickled my bottom lip with his tongue leaving me wanting more but I wasn't going to make out with him in front of my whole senior class… he pulled away and girls we're in shock who it was.

"I won't be able to come to the party tonight but can I come see you later tonight? Like sneak in?" he asked
"Yeah, try around 12:00 AM b/c we have all night grad-party" I said
"Ok, I'll wait for you." He said winking

He left the line up due to the procession about to be starting, within 5 more minutes I was waling my way down to our gym, about to become an adult…


After going to All Night Grad Party and driving home from the amusement park I was sitting on my bed, reading a book with my glasses on. I rarely wear my glasses but knowing how dry my contacts were getting from all the crying that occurred today.

I was reading "Daughter of Fortune" by Isabelle Allende. It's been my mission of loneliness to read all of Oprah's Book List book's…I was on the year 2000's picks and I'm almost done. I was reading the last sentence in the paragraph when I heard a knock at the window. I looked up from the world I had created mentally in the book and saw my fantasy come from my window.

I smiled putting the book down on my bed and jumping up and over to the window. I smiled when I saw his smile glowing at me with happiness. I opened the window slowly not allowing the creaking of old windows bother my mom who was sleeping nor my other family. As I opened the window I leaned out of the window to see Nick suspended in a harness with Joe and Kevin on the ground holding the rope.

"Hi guys!" I waved whispering down to them
"Hey!" they both said

I looked back at Nick and I pulled him in through the window and almost tripped over my chair by the window. Nick and I looked at each other, smiling and just couldn't look away.

"I LOVE YOU!" he said then kissing me and causing me to grab onto him

The kissing became heavier and more aggressive until we hear something.

"Pssst! Your mom is coming Laura!" Joe whisper-yelled
"OH NO!" I said

Nick jumped out the window and was lowered to the ground. I shut the window and closed the blinds then jumping on my bed looking as if I never left my book.

"Hey Honey!" my mom said coming in
"Hey mom!" I said smiling

She sat down on my bed and had a smile on her face that was really interesting.

"Mom, why are you so happy?" I asked seriously curious
"Well I have some good news!" she said
"What is it?" I asked
"Well I know you've been getting over Nick so the record company felt that after you 2 were ripped apart of your reputation we had to take drastic measures…" she said
"And what are those measures?" I asked

She paused holding her silence in and smiling. She had her hands to her mouth and smiling…

"You're going to have your own reality dating show!" she said clapping

My heart sank…I was falling more and more with Nick now that he's come back and my mother had to go and throw this in my face.

"Mom, that's great!" I said lying straight to her face
"Yeah, and the girls will be around the house there to help you make your decision. Oh and you're going to be living in a lavish house in Los Angeles for 12 weeks…you're going to be a star!" she said
"Mom, I'm a musician now. I'm already famous, I don't need anymore fame!" I said trying to be innocent and nice without wanting to break her neck
"Honey, this is the last resort, or the record company is going to start selling you girls as sluts since you all are 18 now. Look at what that did for Miley? She's doing great but her reputation isn't so hot…just stop thinking about yourself and think about everybody, ok?" she asked

I wanted to kill her, absolutely kill her. Miley was sold into a slut without choice but neither was she told she had to fall in love on a reality T.V. show!

"Ok mom, I'll do it" I said faking a smile and giving her the cue to leave
"Oh goody!" she said leaving the room smiling

Ok so you'd think that at 18 I'd move out right? Well remember in the beginning of my tale I told you she was our band's co-manager? Yep, you got it! She controls me and our next 3 albums…

I looked out my window to see the boys gone so I decided to text him but there was a text waiting…

"Sorry had to go, your mom almost spotted my car. I love you and I'll see you tomorrow night. I love you…forever"

I smiled and responded knowing I had him and that no matter how this reality show ended up, I wasn't going to be in love with who I have to choose.
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so it's a short filler and it's the build up to next chapter. This is actually true i read an article that sad that Miley Cyrus had to choose between having a reality love TV series or be sold as a slut...i guess she chose the slut, b/c they're selling her horribly. Anyways, next chapter we see everyones reaction to Laura's mom's decision as co-manager of the band...

Laura :)