Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 37

FF 3 Weeks:

Today is the day that my "reality TV" show begins shooting. Can you tell I'm so enthused? Well I hope you noted the sarcasm… because I'm not. I was flown from peace and happiness to L.A where I was put into this house that was overpriced on the mountainside. When I arrived I saw that there were camera lights and cameras everywhere. Moving trucks full of wardrobe, hair supplies, food and other equipment for cameras were all stacked into the truck stacked high and very unorganized to be honest.

"Laura! Oh thank god, you're here! You're wanted in wardrobe and hair and make-up now!" the sound manager said grabbing my hand.

I looked back at the girls who were also pulled right behind me into the dressing areas in the house. I finally walked in and saw the house, with high-volt Spanish style ceilings. I loved the Spanish style the house was built on. I was thrown into a directors chair along with the girls surrounding me and was instantly having my hair curled.

"Honey, I love your hair! It's so soft chica!" the hair stylist said

It was a guy and to be honest he was most defiantly gay, which was really cool. Plus he had great hair!

"Aww thanks I just-" I started
"Shut up! I'm working!" he responded

On second thought, I take that back…he's kinda mean…

"Laura, this is what you'll be wearing, once Juan is done with your hair change here and change into this, the boys will be here soon" the wardrobe manager said

I looked at the clothes placed next to my chair to see a red dress with heals and a few accessories.

"Now, honey, make a fishy face. You need lost of lip gloss since you're center attention" Juan said

I puckered my lips and I saw Ryan just about ready to die laughing at the sight of my lips sticking out.

"Ok done! Now do not ruin my make up work I have done missy putting that dress on!" Juan said
"Promise!" I said smiling and being glad to get away from Juan

I began to walk to find a bathroom to change in when Juan spoke up.

"HONEY NO! YOU CHANGE RIGHT HERE!" he said tapping his foot and pointing

Oh my god…I have to change in front of everyone?....great! Well I guess here goes nothing. I slipped my shorts and t-shirt off and slipped the dress on. I slipped the red heals on and pulled my hair out of the back.

"So how do I look?" I asked as the girls were staring

Ryan looked over and she did a double look with her eyes growing huge.

"Oh my god! Laura, you look SEXY!" Sam yelled behind me
"Too bad I have a girlfriend!" she said smiling
"Baby, you make that dress hot! It's cause them ta-tas you got there" Juan said

I mean I did have D-cups but that's another story! The girls all finished up and we were all in dresses when the sound manager came running in talking in her head set to me.

"THANK GOD, YOU ALL NEED TO BE READY!!! THE GUYS ARE COMING IN 5!!!" she said pushing me into position

The girls were to walk into the room and then I was to walk in after them, well that's what I was told So we were walked into the room where the doors to the foyer were, which is where I would get the first glance at the guys.

Michelle, the sound manager, that's her name, walked by and was yelling "LET THEM COME IN ONE BY ONE!" she said

Now, I was getting more and more nervous. Why did I sign up for this? I love Nick…not some guys that VH1 picked out for me. We stood there for about 5 more minutes until Michelle walked and came to the girls and me.

"Alright, this is what's going to happen. The camera man is going to introduce you guys one by one but you, Laura you're going to walk in and welcome the guys to the house and then we'll break to do the next scene. Got it?" she asked
"Yep" or "Yes" all came from our mouths.

Suddenly the doors opened and Rachel made her way out into the foyer. She looked like she walked, stopped and posed smiling, saying her name and then walked to the side. Next was Annie and Halie, they did everything together and I'm sure the guys out there were like "TWINNNNNNNSSSS!" you know how guys are…. Sam then walked out into her punk attitude she carries and posed and said her name then stepping to the side. Then the host, who I still don't know who it was then said:

"And now the best friend, Ryan"

They moved me out of the way and let Ryan walk through and saying her name and her "role". But suddenly I was pushed into the center to let the doors open and suddenly as they opened my hair went flowing into the wind and I walked out smiling through the doors.

"Hey boys, I'm Laura and welcome to the house!" I said looking at some of the guys

When I went down the line evaluating them, I saw each one of their eyes grow wide…probably because of the dress, but when I almost got near the end I saw Nick standing there smiling. I smiled SO WIDE when I saw him there but I couldn't show it. He winked at me and I smiled at him, but I saw in the last 2 guys and I see the actor Sean Faris. Nick knows he's my dream actor, like he's the guy that I have always wanted to meet…and touch his abs.
I saw him and he winked at me and smiled, then my heart fluttered. WAIT, I love Nick! I'm here to be with Nick! Stop! I look and put one hand on my hip and the camera man does a shot going completely around me 360 degrees and me looking at the guys with one eyed arched. I smiled and spoke again.

"Ok well this isn't like other shows you see on tv where you have nicknames. When you're in a relationship you earn your nicknames, so I'm going to go by your names. Fair?" I asked
"Yes" or "Yep" or "So Fair!" came out of the boys mouths
"Alright, well as you can tell I'm not alone up here. My band mates are my best friends and they're going to be watching you when I'm not around, plus they're going to help me make my decision in the end." I said smiling
"Plus, we'll be living in the house so we'll see everything!" Ryan added
"So, why don't we go into the living room where I can get to know you all more" I said smiling

The camera cut and we made our way into the living room, well I guess shooting will begin here…
♠ ♠ ♠
i know it's short but the the next chapter is going to be LONG!!!!!! So how do you like it so far? Good? Bad? PLEASE tell me your feedback, i'd love to see how your reaction is on Nick being here, to fight for her love!!! :)

Comment and Message :)

Laura :)