Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 38

As the cameras were off I walked over to all of the guys and shook their hands and hugged them. Being a lady was all I wanted to do right now, since I was going to be having 12 guys all over me within the next 10 weeks.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked the first guys who stood tall, broad shoulders and a very, very chiseled body.
"Tristan, and I must admit you are extremely beautiful" and kissed my cheek
"Thank You" I said smiling

I moved onto the next guy but I saw Nick's eyes grow when I looked at him after that guy kissed my cheek.

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked a blond haired guy, he reminded me of Paul Walker ;)
"I'm Steve" he said smiling
"Well it's very nice to meet you" I said smiling back

I ran through almost all of the guys, from what I can remember. There is Tristan, Steve, Kevin, Carter, James, Derek, Allen, Matt, Drew, Alex, Nick and Sean. When I got to Nick, I was smiling and I extended my hand. No one knew we really were together again…

"Hi, what's your name?" I asked Nick
"Nick, but you already know that" he said
"True, we had some memories on tour together" I said smiling
"You look so beautiful" he said smiling back at me
"Thank You" I said

He brought me into a hug and I smelled his cologne. The sent calmed me and I loved how my heart skipped a beat, just at the thought of his arms around me.

I had to pull away to not make it obvious that I want Nick. I winked at him and moved onto Sean.

"Well well, if it isn't Sean Faris" I said smiling
"Well I am in the presence of the greatest bass player in one of the hottest girl punk bands in the country. Plus, I must admit she looks extremely beautiful and sexy right now" he said winking
"Why thank you." I said

He grabbed the small of my back and brought me into him. My heart beat raced knowing he threw me onto his body. My face hit the nook of his neck and I could smell his cologne…Polo Blue, the opposite of what Nick wore, which is Polo Black.

"You gave Nick over here a hug, I just wanted mine" he said running his hand down to my butt

I looked at Nick when Sean wasn't looking and Nick was furious and on fire. His fists were in balls and you could start to see his knuckles.

"Well, there will be plenty of more time for us to do that later" I said walking away
"Give me a chance" he said
"I will" I said walking away not facing the guys

I could feel about 12 eyes staring at my rear end, if you know what I mean and I had a feeling if the show wanted me to be dressed in these skimpy clothes I'd have to get use to it.

So have we gone over who the host is? Well, it's Miley. It wasn't my choice but it's not like I'd really want her here either.

"Ok boys, Laura and Ryan will explain what to do next." Miley said

Ryan and I stood next to each other and smiled.

"Ok boys so, if you're going to have a chance with my best friend you're going to have to go through me first but you have to have some qualities that you'll learn along the way" Ryan said
"It's true, there is one guy here that has known what it's like to date me and he's standing among you all fighting again for my heart." I said trying not to make it obvious it was Nick

Then all the 11 other guys turned and looked at Nick. He grew beat red and put his hands in his pockets to try not to make the matter worse.

"So what we're going to do, is let you all fight fairly for her. There will be some rules and we'll explain that later" Ryan said
"For right now, you have 15 minutes to go upstairs and get unpacked. The beds are labeled who you're sharing your room with, so go!" I said smiling

Then all 12 of the guys ran up the massive staircase and ran both to the left and the right to where the bedrooms were.

Ryan and I looked around to see only us. I was confused, where was the other girls. I saw Michelle walk by and I asked

"Where is the rest of my band?" I asked
"Oh, they were cut from the show. We realized that you only need your best friend, plus you 2 are the face of Nowhere Nothing. It makes sense girls" she said walking away with a plant

We looked at each other…lost. We've never been separated as a band…ever.

"What are we going to do Laura?" Ryan asked
"Well, we're going to have to continue because we sign that stupid contract." I said
"I guess you're right" she said

Miley came over to us and started talking. It wasn't until I noticed she was wearing an EXTREMELY skimpy skirt and a v-neck shirt…all I thought was:

Isn't this MY dating show? What's she gaining out of this?

"So I have to admit there are a LOT of hot guys here" Miley said
"Yeah, too bad they're all fighting for Laura and not you" Ryan said laughing in her face

I wanted to laugh so bad, but I didn't want to be rude. The 2 of them have hated each other for a while and it doesn’t surprise me that she'd bite Miley like that!

"Guy, just leave it alone. We're here to help me out" I said smiling
"True, I'm here for you Laura" Miley said

I swear she had her fingers crossed behind her back…

"Laura you know I'm here!" Ryan said

I believed her. I always do…

"Excuse me Ryan and Laura, we need you all to come into the living room. This is where you're going to give their first challenge" Michelle said
"Awesome" I said taking Ryan's hand and pulling her before she could say anything else to Miley

We walked into the living room and saw a table with 2 chairs set behind it. We sat together and crossed our legs being briefed on what was next.

"Ok so their challenge is to be 'show and tell' you can make the rules but make them simple enough so they won't have to work to hard" Michelle said walking away

"Well, what should the rules be?" Ryan asked
"OH, I've got it! Ok so they have to bring 4 things, one that describes their personality, one thing that's their passion, one thing that's their guilty pleasure and one thing to give to us to remember them by" I said
"That's perfect! See that's why we're best friends!" she said smiling

We wrote the rules down and we both went looking for our items. I got paper and markers, where Ryan stole my idea and we both drew a sun on paper…because we're happy, but I drew bubbles and hearts on mine because I'm bubby and caring.

Michelle came to us and asked if we needed anything so we took her up on her offer.

"Actually, for the challenge Ryan needs her drum sticks, I need my bass and we both need a pint of Ben and Jerry's" I said
"With spoons!" Ryan added
"Awesome, girls I can tell we're already going to be good friends" she said smiling

She was right, she was really cool and nice. I was really going to enjoy having her around. She came back with our stuff and she handed me a whistle.

"What do I need a whistle for?" I asked
"To call the boys down" she said smiling

Ryan and I both had one, so we got up from our chairs and ran, in our 5 inch heals and ran to the bottom of the stairwell.

"Ok what are we going to say?" Ryan whispered
"Just be like 'Boys time to come down!'" I said
"Ok, ready?" she asked
"1…2…3!" we both whispered

We both blew the whistles and screamed:


…and ran off like little school girls. We were both laughing so hard when the guys came back down and we were getting weird looks, minus Nick. He remembered those times when we would laugh uncontrollably.

I saw him looking at me smiling and I smiled back.

"Ok, so boys you were called down here because you're going to be starting your first challenge" Ryan said
"Since we don't know that much about most of you, we decided that we're going to have a 'show and tell'." I said smiling

They all started clapping and smiling when Ryan interrupted…

"But wait there are rules" she said
"You have to have 4 items. One that describes your personality, one thing that is one of your passions, one thing that's your guilty pleasures and one thing to give to us to help us remember you by and saying that we should pick you for my date" I said
"Now, you can only use things in the house, what you've brought or you can make something with materials in the house also" Ryan said
"You have 30 minutes, so…." I said looking at her
"On your mark…" she said
"Get set!" I said
"GO!!!" we both yelled

All of the guys ran off except Nick. Ryan and I were laughing at them when I saw that he was standing there.

"Excuse me, Laura. Can I talk to you a minute?" Nick asked smiling
"Sure" I said getting up and taking my shoes off because my feet started to hurt

I walked over to him barefoot and he smiled as I walked closer. For one I was back to being the same height as him and two I think because he was glad we were semi-alone.

"You look beautiful" he said holding my waist
"Thank you, you have no idea what that means from you" I said smiling
"You really do, but I know this isn't you" he said
"Nick you know me too well." I said starting to frown
"But hey, I know I'm going to win this thing in the end" he said
"Absolutely" I said smiling

He leaned in and kissed my cheek and pulled away. He was wearing his white shirt, jeans and white chucks…one of my favorite outfits that he changed into and he smiled at me.

"You didn't have to do that" I said smiling
"I've wanted to do more than that since I've got here but that's all I can do right now" he said winking at me
"Well wait until we can a single date" I said winking
"You know I'm going to fight like hell for those!" he said smiling
"Well Nick, go work on your show and tell" I said smiling
"Oh, it's already done. I know I'll win your heart" he said

He started walking away and smiling then running up the stairs. I turned to Ryan and she smiled at me. We both smiled and screamed.

"Oh My God!!!" we both said jumping up and down
"That was, so…..i don't know but I'm jealous!" she said
"Don't be girlie!" I said smiling

"Girls I need you all to change into wardrobe" Michelle said coming to us
"Ok" we both said walking into the wardrobe room

We sat down and saw our outfits laid out for us on the chairs and we instantly changed into them. Mine was [url=] pink and white[/url] while Ryan's was white. Juan curled our hair again but this time had us both in headbands. It was really, really cute I must admit.

"Alright Chicas! You are set, go get your man!" he said slapping my butt as I left the chair

What is up with everyone thinking I'm hot/sexy? Nick is the only one I'd come close to feeling comfortable hearing that from. Ryan and I sat down and started playing a game of hangman together kinda bored while the guys worked hard. They had 5 more minutes, so we figured we'd have a little fun and eat our ice cream.

"Ok, so it's 2 words, 4 letters each" Ryan said
"Ok, uhhh I" I said

Slowly as she filled it in I was down to:

"_ ic_ Nic_"

Once I saw that I realized what it said…

"Pick Nick" I whispered

She shook her head and looked at me concerned, as if worried I wouldn't pick Nick.

"Ryan, I'm going to pick Nick! You don't need to worry!" I said
"Yeah, I trust you on that" she said

Suddenly Miley came down with the guys and we hid the ice cream and the hangman paper.

"Hello boys" I said standing up with Ryan and placing our things on the table.
"Hey" I heard in unison

"So we felt it was only fair that we have items just as you have items. We're pretty much twins and we are best friends so we have similar items." I said
"So first we have the personality. We're both sunny and happy people and Laura is just so damn bubbly I swear, a bottle of bubbles seriously would be jealous!" she said smiling
"Well Ryan is my backbone when being bubbly isn't so good." I said smiling
"Then we both have our instruments because our band is our passion and our lives and no one can change that" Ryan said
"My bass is like where I can escape along with my guitar but it's my musician journal. Singing is a relaxation tip for me" I said
"Finally we have our Ben & Jerry's is our guilty pleasure" I said taking a bite

We sat down and I smiled at Nick seeing that he was smiling wide and I knew that if it was him and I would be helping eating it, with someone wanting some.

"Ok let's start with Tristian" I said

I was bored out of my mind!!! These boys are boring as hell and obviously it's really Nick. So let's talk about Nick's and when he came up.

"Why hello Nick" I said just as I did the other boys
"Hello Laura" he said
"And what do you have for your 4 items?" I asked
"Well for my personality I got this Quiet sign, because I'm really shy and quiet but once you get to know me, you wish I'd shut up" he said smiling

It sometimes was the truth, but cute.

"Then my passion is music and my guitar. Being part of the Jonas Brothers has changed my life for the better" he said smiling and placing his guitar next to him
"And what's your guilty pleasure?" I asked writing something down then looking at him

He sighed, placed his hands in his pockets and said

"You, Laura…you're my guilty pleasure"

Ryan and I looked at each other shocked and when I looked back at him he was right at the table and he instantly kissed me.

REMEMBER: these guys think we only went out once… and he's fighting to get me back

Suddenly, Sean, being Sean Faris, coughed and was waiting for us to finish. Nick pulled away and I opened my eyes slowly and he said

"And my gift to you, is that I wrote a song for you" he said walking backwards and grabbing his guitar.

"You know this song, because I wrote it for you when we were on tour" he said winking

What song did he sing? Turn Right….yep my heart melted when that happened. He was glowing and to be honest I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. When he finished, he blew a kiss with his lips and walked back to the line up. Sean was next and he stepped forward.

"Can I ask you Laura to come to me" he asked
"Um, sure" I said looking at Ryan then him

I walked to him and he looked me in the eyes…bad idea…and he spoke

"Look, I'm an actor, I don't have a fancy guitar to swoon you over with nor do we have history like going on tour but to be honest. I think you're so beautiful and I saw you in concert and all I ever wanted to do was meet you and possibly be with you." He said then looking down

"I saw you when Nick was a jerk. I was at the show where you weren't bouncing around like I always saw you and I watched you cry on stage when you thought it wasn't obvious. He broke your heart twice, why would you want to get back with a heart breaker, when I can give you so much more" he said

He rubbed my cheek and kissed my forehead. My eyes were the size of Saturn because I was in so much shock. Nick looked over at me and I saw the fire in his eyes, as if he wanted to murder Sean.

I just walked away and sat back in my seat. I didn't know what to say and I sure as hel didn't know what to do…

"Ok Laura and I are going to go talk about who the winners are and we'll be right back" Ryan said for me

We got up and left to go up the stairs and talk about it but I was more like shoved into the room.

"OK SEAN HAS TO GO!" Ryan said
"Girls, sorry to burst your bubble, but this is how it really happens" Michelle said coming in
"What?" I asked confused
"You don't pick the winners, we do! We decide who you get in the end…sorry but that's how it goes" she said
"Michelle, I thought you were our friend" I said
"Honey it's called acting!" she said

I sat in shock, there was nothing I could do about it…I signed the damn contract…

"Fine then who won?" I asked
"Nick, Sean and Tristian" she said
"Where is this date?" I asked
"Dinner and then a date on the pier" she said
"Fine!" I said angry
"Honey, don't you dare go down there pissed off, because I'll sue your ass for more than you make" she said

She walked to the door and opened it but before she shut it yelled


…and slammed the door shut… this is one of the few times I'm allowed to say this……...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok, my story was reported again. I honestly have no idea why but what does it mean when the report is "wrong type"...i have 3 days it was reported...some one help?

Anyone want to make a banner? That'd be amazing! :)

Comment and Message:)
