Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 4

After taking a nap from being upset I woke up with my novel on my face. Just like I thought I fell asleep reading. I looked down and saw I was in a t-shirt and gym shorts that were yellow. I opened the curtain and looked out to see no one out in the hall but the bus was moving and I heard Nick’s little T.V. in his bunk so I knew that I had to watch what I said for the next 10 minutes.

I got up and looked though my suitcase. Tonight was the performance night and it was out first together…and I was going to barf I was so nervous. I decided on a green summer dress and green chucks. I’d curl my hair wavy and stick a green headband in my hair.

Jumping out of my bunk I slipped on my tennis shoes and put my hair up in a messy bun.

“Oh Laura you’re up, we have sound check in 10 minutes.” Anne said holding my shoulder
“Awesome, um let me just go brush my teeth and I’ll get over to the stage.” I said smiling and walking into the bathroom

I walked in and had the toothpaste on my toothbrush. As I started brushing Nick came in. I was so glad that I was busy because it gave me an excuse to not say something.

“I…um…Laura I just wanted to say sorry.” Nick said
“For what?” I asked with a toothpaste mouth
“For saying you were out for attention.” He said
“Oh” I said going back to brushing

I didn’t know what to say to that because personally I could think of like 10 more things he could apologize for.

“Yeah, so no response on your behalf?” he asked
“I have toothpaste in my mouth, can you wait a minute” I said in an attitude
“You know what forget it!” Nick said walking away

This is so stupid. He was just being nice and because I have toothpaste in my mouth he blows up on me. What the heck?

I finished up and ran to the stage. I finally got there and I just sat on the stage. I grabbed a guitar, not looking to see who’s it was, and just strummed it. I laid down on the set and just closed my eyes thinking about the Nick thing. I heard footsteps and someone kicked me lightly.

“That’s my guitar. Get off of it!” Nick said furious
“Oh sorry, I didn’t know.” I said trying not to start anything
“Whatever, just get the hell off of my guitar.” He said

I put the guitar down and was just pissed off because he was so dramatic. I walked over to Sam and she handed me her guitar and I just denied her.

“I’m not in the mood anymore.” I said holding my hand up

I walked over to my bass and just sat there and lay on the floor again. The floor was cool and I was running a hot fever, probably because I was boiling mad.

I didn’t know what I ever did to Nick. I kept thinking that he hated girls but he doesn’t treat Anne or the other girls like me. It’s like he’s got something out for me. I don’t know what it is but I’m going to find out.

I had paper and a pen always with my bass in case for inspiration but this time I just decided to write the devil himself a letter:

Well I don’t know where to start with this letter but I feel as though I have to write this to just explain my feelings towards this whole situation. Well, first off I want to say I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ve jumped down your throat. I really am not a mean person and I’m more of a positive person in life. You are an amazing person and I know that we can get past this situation and try to make the best of it. I don’t understand why you do not like me and I wish that I understood why. I know your break up with Selena was hard for you but even though we are fighting (more like you hate me) just know that I am here for support and I have 2 shoulders that you can cry on. Well we’re about to start sound check and I hope that you understand just a little where I’m coming from.

Love Always Your Friend,

I folded the note in half and walked over to his guitar and placed it so he could see it blatantly.

“COMING!” I said running back to my bass

After rehersing 4 songs we were done. As we changed to the Jonas Brothers set on the higher risers I saw the guys coming out. I looked over at Sam to see her grinning like crazy since she was in breathing distance of Joe...again. I just covered the mike and laughed uncontrollably. Ryan and I knew exactly what her problem was and we couldn’t help ourselves.

I looked back to the mike and my guitar and looked down to see Nick staring up and me…almost as though he had been staring at me for a while. I just waved and smiled at him. He just got up and turned around so he didn’t face me.

“Fine then!” I said…I thought to myself but I accidentally said it in the mike

He turned around and everyone was looking at me and my face turned instantly to a red tomato.

“Sorry I was thinking something and I said it out loud I guess. It's for a play, uh, i'm writing. It's a song, it goes like 'Fine then i'm going to town' ” I said dancing with my guitar and acting like a complete dork.

Nick just stared at me even longer this time, to the point that the song started and he missed the cue to start.

He is really confusing me with is motives…I’m really lost. He stares and me, almost like he’s thinking deeply but he then hates me within two seconds. Talk about bipolar much.

FF to Performance:

I had my dress on and I finished applying mascara before we went on…on the side of the stage. The lights dimmed cueing us to run out and get ready. I walked over to my bass and strapped on. When the lights came back on we had screams galore. I looked at Sam on my left and she smiled at me. We all were so shocked people knew who we were. Our youtube channel has grown so big that we were up to 1 million viewers per video. As I looked over I saw a piece of paper with my name on it. Anne was talking so I leaned down and stuck it in my guitar strap pocket.

We played 2 songs then we came to the song that I had to sing. I hate big crowds officially. Anne was so relaxed when I saw her up there. I saw the fans that had my name on posters. That moment when I read “Laura you’re my idol!” and “Laura I love you!” I knew then that I was in the right place at the right time.

“How are you guys doing tonight?” I asked

There was a roar of screams and I was given goose bumps that made me laugh.

“So are we different looking in real life?” I asked
“YES!” was a loud scream I heard

Sam walked over and handed me her guitar. I smiled adjusting the mike and just breathed to speak.

“Alright how about we sing a song?” I asked
“Laura, let’s play I Wanna Be A Unabomber” Hailey said
“Alright, you guys ready?” Ryan screamed into her set mike!

I wanna be a unabomber
History teacher you're a goner
It's no fun to sit at home
Watching Beverly Hills 90210
(Oh yeah) Oh no
(Oh yeah) Oh no

I hate all the kids at school
They all think that they're so cool
They just like to sit and taunt me
Turn those kids into salami

(Oh yeah) Oh no
(Oh yeah) Oh no

Where's my friend she (I don't know)
Maybe it's between your toes
(She said Monday ???)
Looks like your head ???

I wanna be a unabomber
History teacher you're a goner
It's no fun to sit at home
Watching Beverly Hills 90210

After finishing the song we ran off stage and I saw Joe and Kevin standing there with smiles on their faces.

“That song was so catchy!” Kevin said
“Thanks!” I said
“Get out there or you’re going to miss your cue!” I said to Joe and Kevin

I didn’t see Nick so I didn’t think anything of it. The girls and I walked back to the dressing rooms and just drank water. I sat on a stool when I remembered that note that was in my bass strap.

“Guys I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back” I said taking the paper and walking out.

I ran to the bathroom hoping no one was in there, and thank the lord because there was no one. I did have to pee so I peed as I read the letter.

You seem like a really nice girl, trust me, you do but personally I find you really annoying. I don’t normally like girls like you and I’d never really consider a girl like you to date. I know you are saying we should be friends but I truly don’t think that I can do that. I’m sorry for being so blunt but I think you need to know the truth. I’m sorry but I don’t like you in any form of a friendship.


I closed the note and I was pissed off. He decided to tell me this the night of my first performance…EVER! And he thinks he can just not be friends with me? I see how it is. If he wants to play this game I can too!

I just got up and walked out of the bathroom, checking myself before I left, and I knew exactly what I was going to do. I had a plan and I was hoping that it was going to work, I just needed help from the girls I call my family.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY EARTH DAY! Being the wannabe meteorologist i ask you all to comment so we can save that was a lame do the lame dance!

"LAME LAME LAME LAME LAME!" (just jump up and down and pump your arms up and down and say lame!)

Yeah so i'm working on AP Lang homework and updating so i hope you all enjoy!

Comments and Messages Please!

Laura :)