Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 40

As I walked through the doors of the house I took Nick's hand and walked up the stairs to find Ryan as fast as I could.

"Laura, come down here!" I heard Michelle say

I ignored her. I was packing my things with Ryan and Nick and get out. I still pulled Nick to the right and I shut the door to see Ryan down at the pool…tanning. I shook my head and smiled knowing her and I really were twins.

I opened the window and yelled down to her.

"Ryan, get your stuff together, I'm done with this show! We're leaving!" I said

She smiled and gave a thumb up. I saw her bolt from her chair taking her towel and lotion and ran into the house. I turned around to see Nick there and I kissed him. I wanted to only be his and not let anyone take me from him.

"Promise to be there?" I asked
"Laura, I promise with my life" he said
"Ok, go pack" I said

He ran around the stairs and onto the other side to his room to pack. I heard a knock at the door and it was Ryan. She locked the door behind her and I smiled at her. All she did was look at me and hug me tight.

"Laura, I'm so glad you realized what's best for you!" and she was most defiantly smiling.
"Me too, I love Nick and that's all I want in life is to be with him, write music with my girls and live my life to the fullest!" I said
"That's the Laura I'm best friends with" she said smiling

We instantly went to our closets and slammed everything into the suitcase. We were both scrambling to get our stuff from the bathroom and into our suitcase that we ran into each other.

"Uh, I guess we're rushing too much!" I said rubbing my head
"I agree" Ryan said rubbing her head also

We helped each other up and suddenly there was a knock at the door. We looked through the peephole and saw it was Nick. I unlocked the door, grabbed his shirt and dragged him into the room.

"Well, I mean I do like your aggressive side but, uh….what?" he said

I kissed him and said

"Just shut up and sit down!" and pushed him on the bed
"Ok" he said moving his suitcase towards the wall

Ryan and I kept scrambling until we both sat on our suitcases, zipped them up and threw them on the ground. Ryan put her clothes on I waited for her to put them overtop of her bikini. The three of us looked at each other and smiled knowing what we're about to endure.

"Ready?" I asked
"If you are" Nick said
"I'm always behind you Laura" Ryan said
"Let's go" I said

We walked down the stairs and I saw Michelle waiting at the bottom of the stairs. She had our contracts in hand and I was ready for war.

"Excuse me, where are you going?" she said
"I'm leaving with Nick and Ryan!" I said
"No you're not! Your contract binds you for 10 weeks, now get your asses upstairs and unpack" she said
"NO!" Ryan said pushing her out of the way

We ran out the door and there was a limo there.

"I'll pay you $300 if you take us to the airport now" I said handing him 3 $100 bills
"Sure!" he said taking the money and all 3 of us loading into the limo

As I looked back, Michelle was furious and she threw the contracts on the ground cussing us out. Today was my day, no matter what. No one is going to change my love and my best friend ever.


I was sitting on my couch in my new apartment, reading a book when the door rang. Nick and I looked at each other, causing us both to bushel our eyebrows together.

"Nick come to the door with me, I'm scared" I said
"haha ok" he said

We walked with him behind me and his hands wrapped around my waist staring out into the peephole.

"Who is it?" Nick whispered
"My mom! Oh SHIT!" I whispered/yelled
"Ignore her" he said pulling me from the door

We walked backwards slowly and into the bathroom. Oh, did I tell you? We moved in together. Crazy huh? That's what I said…living with Nick is interesting.

"She won't hear us in here" he said shutting the door

Nick didn't turn the lights on and he started kissing my neck. He knows I have a sweet spot that I literally just fall into his seduction and almost become this horny teenager. He knows how to do it and he does it way too often.

"LAURA ANN!!!" I hear banging through the door

I ignored her and continued to let Nick kiss my neck.

"IF YOU HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE CLUE, THE SHOW IS SUING YOU!" she said sliding something under the door.

I only knew that b/c I heard the linoleum have a ruffle.

"I'll be back soon, just get this shit fixed!" my mom yelled

My instincts checked in and I figured I'd take this moment to fire her. I let go of Nick, opened the bathroom door, walked to the front room door and opened it to see my mother there.


"Laura?" she started saying concerned
"WHAT?" I yelled through the door
"I just wanted the best for you…" she said
"It's too late for that mom…now go" I said then walking away from the door.


Sitting in the recording studio couch I was exhausted.

"You and I are totally on the same page" Ryan said almost sitting on my face
"Uhhh, I'm just exhausted" I said rubbing my eyes
"Why are you so tired?" she asked
"Just writing music, that's all. Nick has been on a writing run here lately. You know he's going to be going solo here in the next year or so?" I said
"Does this mean the end of the brothers?" she asked
"No, never! Nick just wants to write his own music for one album and then they'll be back to talking about lovebugs and world war 3" I said
"You're officially the biggest dork ever, you know that?" she said
"Well, duh" I said standing up and pulling my pants up
"Laura, you're next. Lay down the bass then the set and we're done" Nick said spinning in the control chair and smiling at me

After laying down the tracks, I was told to take a break. When I'm on break in the studio I have a tradition where I rock out like a maniac. I saw Ryan looking at me ready to watch me and I started jamming out and jumping up and down. Running into walls were my favorite as long as it didn't hurt. I was jumping up and down and pounding on the bass strings when I heard a cough.

"Ummm, Laura, what are you doing?" I heard Nick say

I stood there wide eyed and saw Ryan ready to burst out laughing

"Um, working on my ritual dance. Ryan has to do this class in African studies and her and I are working on our own dance. Extra credit for her" I said smiling still with the head phones on and giving a thumb up.

"Sure" he said winking at me as I still stood like a deer in headlights
"Lets start back with She's No Me from the top" he said taking the mike off

Ryan just looked at me through the glass and smiled. I sat down at the stool and put my bass back up.

"Ready" I said

Nick started the song and I closed my eyes drifting back into a bliss.


"Hey I have to leave to go pick something up" Ryan said
"Where are you going?" I asked just out of curiosity
"Um, it's nowhere" she said
"Sure…" I said

Her boyfriend and her broke up about 4 months ago and she's been talking to him lately and hooking up. He's using her and it's totally obvious and I keep telling her but she won't see it.

"Laura, just stay out. We're going to get back together" she said
"Ryan, I find that hard to believe. Nick tell her you agree" I said turning to him

We looked at him and he sat there shaking his head.

"I'm not getting into this" he said
"NICK!" I begged
"Laura, stop being a brat. You're just jealous I'm happy and having sex. Not like you all's relationship. Yours is like a damn soap opera. I hated Nick all along, did you listen to me? NO! You betrayed your best friend for your boyfriend. You really are a bitch…" she said walking out of the studio

I felt terrible and I was mad at Nick. He didn't defend me NOR our relationship. I know it is rocky and it really is like a soap opera but, I couldn't look at him right now.

"Laura" Nick said grabbing my arm
"Nick don't" I said trying to pull away
"No" he said pulling me into him
"Stop!" I said looking dead serious into his eyes

He instantly kissed me and I pushed him back.

"Laura, hold on" he said

I was facing the door and he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"I'm sorry babe, ok. You know I don't want to get in on drama and you know I'd defend you in everything." He said then kissing my cheek

He always found a way to make me feel amazing and loved.

"Fine you're forgiven…this time" I said turning around and kissing him
"Good, you ready to go then?" he asked
"Yep!" I said grabbing my coat and putting it on.

Nick and I walked out of the studio last that night, walking hand in hand. He kissed my head on the way to the car and tried his best to suck up and to be honest it was working.

"You want to get some Chinese?" Nick asked backing out of the spot
"Sure, that sounds, yummmmm, so good!" I said smiling

When we were home, Nick and I decided to eat dinner in bed and watch old re-runs of Kenan and Kel. We were both obsessed with that show growing up, so I bought all 4 seasons.

We were both finishing our fried rice when I get a call from a number didn't recognize on the house phone.

"Nick do you know this number?" I asked showing him the phone
"No, but I'll answer it" he said pausing the show and pulling me next to him closer.

"Hello?" he asked

There was a long silence that fell between the voice I couldn't hear and Nick. It was making me worried and I could tell something was wrong on his face.

"What room?" he asked

He grabbed the piece of paper on the end table and writing down "Room #1538.

Room 1583?

Is that a hotel room? Is someone visiting?

"Ok, thank you. We'll be right there" he said hanging up
"Nick what is it?" I asked looking towards him

He looked at me and moved the fried rice. He brought me closer but I persisted him tell me.

"Nick what's wrong?" I asked
"Laura, I just want to hold you when I tell you this ok?"

I did what he said and cuddled into him and he kissed me head.

"Laura, I don't know how you're going to take this but…Ryan is in the hospital" he said
"What?" I asked in shock
"Yeah, that guy she was dating. He raped her and from what the doctors told me…he tried to, literally chop her to pieces" he said

I looked at him and my eyes didn't blink but tears fell down my face.

"Is that her room?" I asked
"Yeah" he said
"Then let's go!" I said jumping of the bed and running to the closet.

I slipped on jeans, chucks, and a t-shirt. I was running around to find a hair tie to put my hair up when I tripped and landed flat on my face.

"Hey, slow down" Nick said helping me get up

I ran into the bathroom found a hair tie, sprayed some of my body spray and pulled my sweatshirt on. Nick was putting his chucks on when I walked out and we made out way into the foyer, grabbed our sweatshirts and ran to the car.

I can't believe my best friend and I fought right before she got hurt. This is al my fault, I really should have tried to stop her more…this is all my fault…
♠ ♠ ♠
I'M BACK!!!!! Yep, sorry i got grounded but i have to remind you guys this story is from my life. What happens has happened in real life, minus the Jonas Brothers.

I'd love for you guys to keep with me and comment lots :)

Comment and Message :)
