Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 44

After leaving the bowling alley Nick said we had one more place to go. He said we were going to the beach but I wonder why.

"So are you excited to know why we're going to the beach?" Nick asked as we drove down a treacherous, curvy road.

"Yeah, I mean the beach is my favorite place on earth. If I could I'd have a house right off the beach but, I'd have to worry about hurricanes and then there is hurricane insurance and all the sand that hits the house. Man that's be a lot of clean-"

I was obviously babbling and Nick had to stop me.

"Laura, haha, you need to stop babbling." He said smiling, looking at me and holding my hand while driving.

"No, it's completely adorable!"

I just smiled as we drove down the road in the dark night sky. I observed the beach that came upon our right where Nick pulled into the small parking area then shutting the engine off.

We sat there just looking at the moon. I remembered that I brought my toe nail polish to paint my toe nails so I decided to paint them there. I looked at Nick and spoke.

"So, if you had to choose to live at a beach house or in a big city like New York City, where would you live?" I asked

My feet were up on the dashboard and I smiled at Nick as I wiggled my toes to dry.

"You honestly want to know?" he asked
"Yes, of course"

He shifted his weight and turned to face me. His eyes sparkled into the moonlight and they were beautiful. He laced his hands on my left hand and smiled. He observed my rolled up jeans and now magenta painted toes with white polka dots on them and looked at me.

"I'll live anywhere as long as it's with you. If we're in Antarctica, fighting polar bears I'll protect you from the bears and keep you warm. If we lived in the city, I'd let you go shopping, to a limit because we'd run out of closet space and I'd want to spend everyday with you. If we lived at a beach house, I'd go out and clean the sand off every weekend and I'd make you romantic dinners on our deck and maybe let you throw a party here and there. If we lived in the country, I'd plow our fields…wait, try not to let us live in the country, but if we did, I'd do anything for you. As long as I'm with you, Laura, I'd live anywhere and do anything to have our lives normal."

When he finished, he looked from staring at the arm rest to looking at me as a tear of happiness escaped my eyes. I put my feet down and instantly leaned over and kissed him. This guy was thebest, no GREATEST guy I could ask for.

Nick pulled away and smiled at me. He ran his finger tips along my bare arm and it sent goose bumps up my arm.

"Are your nails dry?" he asked as our foreheads touched

I looked at them and put them up on the dashboard. I wiggled them and giggled looking at him.

"I think so" I said
"Well let's go walk on the beach. Leave your chucks" he said then taking his chucks off. He grabbed his coat in the back seat and rolled up his jeans. He stepped out of the car and walked to my door opening it.

I stepped out and we both stood there staring at each other. He pushed me lightly against the car and he lightly kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my hips and brought me closer.

"How about we get to what we came here for?" he asked

He bent down to let me jump on his back. I jumped on his back and he gave me a piggy back ride down the beach until we came across a life guard seat where we decided to both climb up and sit together looking up at the moon. I sat on Nick's lap and we cuddled looking out at sea.

I noticed him staring at me and it was making me feel secure and happy.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked looking at me
"Yeah" I said snuggling tighter into his chest and kissing his cheek.

He sat up and took his something out of his coat pocket. He pulled out a bracelet box and a baguette diamond bracelet was inside.

Nick looked at me as I stared at the bracelet. I had my hands over my mouth, shocked but excited.

"I know our 1 year is next weekend but I couldn't wait." He said
"Oh Nick, I absolutely love it!"

I took it out of the box, shut it and handed it to him to place it on my wrist.

"Happy 1 Year Anniversary Laura" he said smiling

He closed the clasp and I instantly kissed him. He was the greatest guy ever. We deepened the kiss and it excited me.

"I know it's not until Saturday but, are you excited for it?" I asked
"More than anything." He said smiling

We eventually got down from the life guard seat and started walking down the beach. Conversation filled us and it wasn't a lovey dovey conversation. We talked from politics to if we're going to buy a house.

"No, I want the bedroom aqua, you know beach themed" I said smiling
"Well, I want it like sand colored like the beach" he said back
"We're never going to decide are we?"

We stopped walking and smiled at each other. It was starting to get cold but I didn't want to say anything to Nick.

"You've got goose bumps. Here" he said taking off his leather coat and placing it around me.

I took the coat and smelled it. Polo Black his cologne was amazing.

"Come on, let's get you back to the car. Someone's getting sleepy on me" he said kissing me lightly

We walked with our hands around our waists and we made our way to the car. On the ride home I stared falling asleep slightly. I just decided to turn to face Nick and close my eyes. It was a semi-long drive back to the apartment and I told myself I wasn't going to fall asleep.

We stopped at a traffic light, I'm assuming and I could feel Nick looking at me. I could actually hear him smile but he slowly brushed his fingertips against my cheeks. Rubbing back and forth but he leaned over and kissed my head. I'm assuming he thought I was asleep but he spoke quietly.

"Marry me, that's all I want. You and me, forever baby"

He quickly kissed my head again and pushed on the accelerator.


On Tuesday I heard a knock at the door. I answered it fully excited thinking it was Nick but it wasn't.

"Miss Wagner" I saw a guy with an envelope
"Yes, may I help you?" I asked
"You've been subpoenaed"
"What for?" I asked
"Wright vs The District of Columbia"
"What's the charge?"
"Murder, 1st degree" the runner said
"Thank you" I said

I took the packet and opened it inside after shutting the door. It was Ryan's case, finally, it was going to trial. Looking at the papers, I felt a rush of emotion come over me. I started getting upset looking at all the papers spread out on the table.

I heard Nick come in and I sniffled and wiped my eyes to hide my emotions.

"Hey, what's all of this?" he said

He expected me to look up but I didn't, nor did I respond. He crouched down to look me in the eyes and saw I was crying.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong baby?" he asked touching my leg
"Ryan's trial came up" I said
"So what's all of the papers?" he asked

He stood up and looked at a lot of the papers and saw the one on top.

"Sobpoenaed? When?" he asked
"I have to be back in D.C. in 3 days. Trial starts on Monday" I said
"Do you want me to come?"
"If you want, but why don't you make the trip useful. Why don't you schedule another time to speak to the House about your foundation." I said
"You're right, I should. Baby, are you really ok though?"
"It's just a rush of emotions" I said

He just looked at me and kissed my head.

"We're going to get through the trial" he said
"I know" I said
"What ever happened to the studio sueing you for leaving?" he asked
"We made a compromise. I gave them a million, they wouldn't press charges or sue" I said
"A MILLION DOLLARS?" he asked angry
"Yeah, I only owe them ten more grand" I said standing up and walking into the kitchen to get something to drink
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?" he asked
"Nick I just did it ok? I'm sorry I didn't tell you but to be honest, until the day our checking accounts have both of our names on it, let me do what I want with my money" I said

I got a glass of iced tea and walked out of the kitchen.

"We'll see how this ends up" he said
"Yeah, we'll see how it goes…" I said leaving the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
i know it's short but there is going to be an intersting next few chapters for sure :) I hope you all enjoy :)

Formspring me:

PS:If you decide to Formspring me please don't mention the story. haha i don't need to explain that to my friends. lol
