Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 45

I waited in the airport terminal with Nick beside me and to be honest I was being impatient. Our flight was delayed another 3 hours and I was about to have a panic attack with all the pressure I was under. I couldn't handle what I was about to endure. I was about to testify against my best friend's killer.

I was pacing back and forth in front of Nick and I was getting frustrated with myself.

"Laura, sit down" Nick said standing up
"No, pacing is helping" I said starting to breathe heavily and moving around him
"Ok, well if you stop pacing I'll buy you a cookie"

I stopped in my tracks…I like cookies.

"What type?" I asked looking over my shoulder behind me
"Chocolate Chip, your favorite" he said

I observed him and he was standing his usual with his hands in his pockets looking at me like I'm an angel.

"Well, it better be a big one" I said turning around to him

I walked into his arms and he hugged me. Stress was my best friend right now because I couldn't deal with this. If I testify wrong, he could walk away a free man and if I do it right, which I'm hoping, then he goes to jail. How long, I'm not sure yet.

"Come on, lets go get you your cookie" he said

We walked to the nearby Starbucks in the terminal and got my cookie and some coffee. When we made our way back to our seats and we waited patiently for our flight to be called again. I sat cross-legged with my head against Nick's shoulder. Leaning up to look at him, I lifted my head off his shoulder, broke a piece of the cookie and fed it to Nick.

We were having fun just kissing and smiling but I knew that we'd have to find something eventually to get us unbored.

"Ok, I spy something…gray" I said
"The plane" he said mono-tone
"Way to make this game exciting…"

He just looked at me smiling and kissed my cheek. He tightened his grip around my shoulders and brought me closer.

"You want to know something?" he asked
"What's that?"
"I realized, we're going to be having our anniversary in Washington D.C"
"You're right, that's where we met after all" I said just cuddling more into him

I looked at his bracelet he gave me and spun it slowly around my wrist. He gave me a diamond bracelet for our one year, and what did I have for him? Well, you're going to have to wait for that until tomorrow.

"I cannot thank anyone more than Ryan for us" he said
"Wait, why?" I asked
"Because if it weren't for her finding the contest, I'd probably be dating a girl not worth my time" he said

I just kissed him lightly after he said that. Ryan and him never really agreed but I was glad that he had peace with her now.

"Flight 387 to Washington D.C. is now boarding at Gate 3"

We both got up, grabbed our stuff and held each others hands as we walked to the gate. As we had our tickets checked and we walked on the plane I turned right to go to coach when Nick pulled me left.

"First Class?" I asked smiling
"It's our anniversary also, I figured we'd travel in style"

He smiled and laughed. I had my backpack on my back with everything in it when Nick looked at me and cracked a joke to relieve the stress off of me.

"Hey look, we're turtles!" he said pulling on the dropped straps.

I laughed so hard I started holding my stomach just watching him act like a bird more than a turtle. We sat down in our seats and Nick instantly pulled the seat divider up and scooted closer.

Guess this will be an interesting ride until we land.


"TAXI!" I yelled

One pulled up to our side as we stood at Reagan National Airport. We loaded our stuff and the taxi took off. Nick held me close to him, to keep me calm knowing I was home and the fact that I was within 2 days of seeing the man I hated most in the world right now.

"Westin Grand, NW" I said to the taxi driver

We were pulled out of the airport kiss and ride and was then taken onto the George Washington Memorial Parkway. I looked out the window as we passed by Roslyn, the Arlington Memorial Bridge and the Lincoln Memorial Circle. As we passed 22nd and 23rd street my nerves went away and a smile was planted on my face. I saw all of the old places the band and I use to go and hang out with. The coffee shops and the many music stores.

"Oh, see that coffee shop, there, that's where Ryan and I use to get a latte every Thursday. She would get hers with honey and mine with sugar and we use to dump them together and mix them. We liked it mixed but we wanted our separate cups so we'd pour it back into our cups. We would spill it everytime" I said laughing

Nick was staring at me smiling, I think he noticed I was happy again.

"Well we're going to have to go there while we're here" he said

He brushed a piece of hair out of my face and I smiled. He had a suttle smile and he leaned in and kissed me on my check for what seems like a good minute.

"I love you" I said
"Laura, you have no idea how much I love you" he said

I scooted closer to him and we cuddled until we arrived at the hotel.

"$9.50" the cab driver called

I handed him the money and Nick and I stepped out of the cab and grabbed our stuff out of the trunk. As we arrived into the hotel, Nick checked us in and we made our way up to our room. We got off of the elevator and I didn't notice that it was on the 17th floor. 17 stories up…yeah, I'm going to freak out if I look out the balcony.

Once we were in our room, I dropped my stuff by the closet and jumped onto the bed.
I started jumping up and down and Nick was right there watching me.

"Aren't you going to join me?" I asked
"Sure" he smiled saying

He took his shoes off and got on the bed with me. We both were just tall enough to not have our heads hit the ceiling. We were jumping and giggling when we both looked at each other and starting to count.

"1…2…3!!" I said as we both let ourselves fall and bounced right back up from the mattress. We both started busting out laughing as we laid on the bed out of breath and looking at each other.

Nick placed his hand around my jaw and kissed me as we both smiled into the kiss.
He pulled away and looked at me.

"So beautiful, what do you want to do this afternoon and tonight?" he asked
"Um, well, it's been a long time since I've been back here. I'm going to have to look one place up to see if they still have it." I said

Nick suddenly snapped his fingers and jumped off the bed and grabbed his phone.

"BE RIGHT BACK!" he yelled running out of the room
"Ok" I said to myself laughing

I got up and made the bed up from our jumping. I got both of our suitcases up on the bed and I put our clothes away. As I was about to start unload Nick's suitcase I saw an envelope that was on the side of his clothes. I opened it and saw something I don't think I was supposed to.

I saw pictures of him and Miley hanging out. I didn't jump to conclusions but I did have to sit down on the bed to look at them. I crossed my legs and sighed looking at them. I could feel my chest getting tighter but I just took deep breathes. Studying his face in the pictures was the hardest especially when I saw him smiling with her like he smiles with me. I wasn't going to be hysterical about this but I was upset. I wasn't even planning on telling him I knew about the pictures. I decided if anything else came up then I'd bring the pictures up. I placed the pictures back in the envelope and placed it back into the suitcase where I found it. I decided that I'd take a shower to try to get the tension off of me.

I got clothes out of my dresser drawer and got 2 towels along with my shower stuff. As I locked the door I started the water and let my hair out of the clip. Once I was fully undressed I got into the shower and relaxed under the water. I heard the room door open and shut assuming that Nick was back in the room.

"Hey babe, can I come in?" Nick asked knocking on the door
"Hold on a sec. Don't come in until I tell you to." I said

I jumped out of the shower, unlocked the door and jumped back into the shower and shutting the curtain.

"Alright, come in" I said as I put shampoo in my hand

I heard the door open then shut and I heard the toilet seat drop. I'm assuming that Nick was sitting on the toilet.

"So what did you run out so fast for?" I asked
"Well, I…uh, it was nothing, BUT I did manage to get us tickets to go do something you absolutely love tonight."

I stuck my head out of the shower and responded "And what is that?"

"Well I got us tickets to see Phantom of the Opera…" he said smiling at me

He knew I loved Broadway and anything that involved singing and dancing.

"Are you serious?" I asked
"Yep, at the Kennedy Center at 7:30. Which means we have a little over an hour to get ready" he said then starting to smile
"What are you smiling at?" I asked
"Your shampoo in your hair…it smells amazing" he said

I rinsed my hair out and finished my shower. I thought that Nick was gone when I flew the curtain open and saw Nick there. I screamed and threw the curtain back.

"AHHHHH!" I said
"HAHAHAHA!!" was all I heard from Nick.
"Can I have a towel?" I asked extending my hand from the shower.

He handed me a towel and I wrapped it around my body.

"You're a butt" I said throwing the curtain back
"Sorry, I didn't know you were done" he said smiling
"Sure…" I said stepping out.


That night we were seated in the Kennedy Center and Nick was finicky. He was always moving something around like his legs or his hands. I was wearing a beautiful dress and my hair was done up, almost like I was going to the Grammys or something. Nick was wearing his tux and with him being uncomfortable was making me worried.

"Hun, are you ok?" I asked rubbing his cheeks
"Uh…yeah, yeah" he said kissing me
"Sure?" I asked
"Yep" he said smiling without teeth and sighing and still wiggling his leg.

I kept looking at him and he wasn't looking at me.

"Nick, seriously, what is wrong with you?" I said

He looked at me and opened to say something.


Suddenly, the show music began and he just looked at me.

"You love me, right? No matter what?" he said
"Nick, of course. What is this all about?" I said
"We'll talk about this later…" he said

I was excited walking in being able to see my favorite Broadway musical of all time but suddenly there was a knot in my stomach. The biggest knot, I think I've ever felt in my life. And to think it's the day before our anniversary…this cannot end well.


At intermission it didn't take me but 3 seconds to get up. Everything was confusing me at this point, the pictures, Nick asking me if he loved me and especially Nick being weird. Once the lights came on, I got up out of my seat and literally ran up the isle. Nick was right behind me.

"Laura, wait!" I heard

I didn't know why I was running but I just knew that what he had to say was going to be terrible or flat out bad.

I stopped in the middle of the lobby and I was suddenly pulled at the waist against someone.

"Laura, chill out, come here" he said

He pulled us to one of the Victorian couches that were in the main lobby and sat down.

"What has gotten into you?" he asked
"I should ask you the same thing…" I said
"Laura, I don't want to talk about this right now" he said
"Fine…" he said

He sighed and he had his hands on my legs.

"Laura, I did something you didn't know about and now I'm not sure how to tell you…" he started
"Nick, if you cheated on me can you just tell me" I said closing my eyes and sighing
"Laura, what? No…I inlisted in the Army" he said

I opened my eyes wide and let my head fall to face him.

"WHAT?" I asked looking at him shocked
"Yeah and um…remember how everyone talks about how I'm wanting to run for president?" he said
"Yeah, but that's just a nickname" I said looking at him and smiling

He wasn't smiling. Something wasn't right about this…

"Nick, what's the problem?" I asked
"Laura, you're going to go on tour by yourself, because I'm being deployed to Afghanistan…"

All I did was stare there wide eyed…

"So, what's that mean to you being nicknamed the President?" I asked
"Laura, you need military experience to really be come president and I feel like I need to do something for our country. I mean now that I'm old enough to…" he said

How could he be so selfish? He didn't even think what would happen to us obviously if something happened to him.

"Nick, how could you do this to me?" I asked feeling that tightness in my chest erupt.

He realized that this was going to be hard for me.

"Oh, Laura, I'm…I'm so sorry" he said rubbing my arm
"So you didn't think about us making this decision!" I said
"Yes…I mean….no…I mean, huh, no" he said looking down

I felt a tear fall starting to well up. Letting Nick consult me right now was not what I wanted, so I got up and started walking out of the Kennedy Center.

"Laura where are you going?" Nick asked
"Home!" I said
"Why are you going to go to California? You need to be here for the trial!" he said
"Laura, please don't do this…" he said grabbing my arm
"Nick, I'll meet you back at the hotel. I need to be away from you right now" I said

I yanked my arm from him and walked out. I made my way up F Street and I passed the normal attractions a native Washingtonian would know. The Verizon Center, Spy Museum, Shakespeare Theatre Company and the MCI Center where they played my heavenly sport of Ice Hockey. I kept crying because I was so hurt that Nick didn't even consider me in his decision. I was so hurt for the fact that if he gets killed…I CANT DO THAT! I CAN'T BURY MY BOYFRIEND!! I JUST CAN'T!

I came upon Ryan and I's favorite Greek restaurant in town, Zola. Nick and I hadn't eaten before the show so I decided to eat myself. I got a gyro to go and I walked the longest I have in a long time. I made a left on 9th street and another left onto Pennsylvania Avenue. I walked a good 3 quarters of a mile until I go to Constitution Avenue then to finally get to 1st street, where Ryan and I went every single Sunday. The Supreme Court building…I sat on the stairs and ate my gyro. I felt alone and to be honest I was hungry too but I was worrying about being alone AFTER I ate. After throwing my foil away I managed to just sit on the stairs of the Supreme Court and cry. I lost my best friend in the whole world, my boyfriend was being shipped to Afghanistan and I'm going on tour without him. Tonight, I looked beautiful and I felt beautiful and it ended up a train wreck.

I finally made it back to the hotel and Nick was sitting on the bed in this boxers and a t-shirt with his back to me. I saw the stack of 30 used tissues and the box next to him…he was crying.

"I thought you'd finish watching the show" I said trying to hold back tears
"It's not the same without you there…" he said looking over his shoulder but not at me
"Um, I'm going to go down to the pool, I'll be back in 30 minutes" I said breathing heavy and picking my dress up.

"I never did tell you that you looked beautiful tonight…" he said
"Thanks, but Nick that can't change anything…" I said suddenly breaking into tears.

I walked to the dresser, refusing to look at the mirror knowing he would be staring, grabbed my bathing suit, a pair of shorts, a t-shirt and I grabbed my flip-flops as I got into the bathroom.

I just started balling my eyes out once I was in the bathroom. Why didn't he tell me when he did it? Did I not deserve the truth? After changing into my pink adidas shorts, a white t-shirt and my black adidas flip-flops I ran out of the hotel room before I could see him. I couldn't do this, especially if he didn't think about our future.
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DUN DUN DUN!!!!! lmao! Well, i bet you've NEVER heard that one in a fan-fic have you? I know, i thought it was pretty clever myself. lol Well I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and PLEASE COMMENT!!! Tell me what you think :)

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