Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 47

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas I-I-I would love to marry you" I said smiling and crying

I assumed he was going to pull out the original ring he had when he purposed before but he didn't. He brought out a blue box with white ribbon around it and I squealed knowing what company makes a blue box and he opened the ring box to reveal my ring. Tears could not begin to explain how happy I was. Nick and I were finally getting married, well we had to get married otherwise we couldn't be an "army family" and move together.

He slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up and spun me around. I was smiling and crying so much my face was getting stiff but Nick didn't care. We were both so ecstatic about the whole thing. Once he placed me down, I wiped my eyes and Nick turned to Jeff. He handed Nick the bouquet of flowers but this time they were roses and handed them to me. Suddenly, cameras were going off and Nick and I were forced together and smiling, was this planned?

"Relax baby, I told them they had to wait until after I asked…" he said hugging my waist

I just smiled and relaxed slowly. Once they were done with their pictures we walked back the way we came by the Capitol Building and walked hand in hand up the street.

"I love you" he said bringing me closer to his hip
"I love you so, so, much" I said looking at him smiling wide.

We were walking up Pennsylvania Avenue close together in the setting sun in Washington D.C. He looked at me smiling and I looked back

"What?" I asked

He stopped walking and pulled me against him where he was standing against the gate fence that lined the street. He brought me closer to his chest and smiled looking at me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and smiled.

"You know I never did kiss you back there" he said smiling
"Really? Well I'd like one" I said smiling
"Just one?"
"Ok more than one" I said smiling

He smiled wide, with that Jonas grin that makes my heart flip and kissed me….amazingly. Words cannot describe that kiss; it was as if I was so speechless that I'm even lost on what to say now.

We placed each others fore heads together and looked at each other breathless.

"I can't wait until you're legally mine" he said smiling
"No can I wait until you're legally mine" I said

I kissed him again and we continued on our way to the White House. We were only a block away and it was exciting me.

When we came upon it Nick stood by me and smiled holding me hand.

"I'm going to get us there, whether it takes me 5 or 50 years." He said
"Nick, you're amazing. If we don't make it, I'll still be happy you're with me" I said
"No, I promised you you'd be the First Lady and that’s what I'm going to give you" he said

I just looked at him and smiled. When I kissed him it was now different. Our love was so strong and I'm glad that we are getting married, so, so glad.

"So, when do we want the wedding?" he asked as we continued to walk up Pennsylvania Avenue to the hotel.
"Well, when are you being deployed?" I asked

He stopped walking and looked down. When he looked up you saw stress and hurt in his eyes.

"2 Months"

"2 MONTHS!? We're planning a wedding in 2 months?" I asked shocked
"Uh, yeah…" he said scratching his head

I looked at him, now stressed out and just smiled without teeth.

"Well, we'll make it work, somehow" I said smiling
"That's my girl" he said kissing my head.

We made our way back to the hotel and went to sleep together as finally fiancés.


On Monday I got up and was nervous beyond belief. I was in the bathroom, doing my hair and make up when Nick came in wearing his suit.

"You ready for today?" he asked
"No, but it's whatever" I said

I looked away from putting my mascara on and turned to Nick. I put a lot more make-up on then I usually do. I put it on like I use to when I would go on stage and I had to make myself not seem so nervous.

"You look beautiful" he said wide-eyed and smiling
"Thanks, but it's not helping my nerves" I said

He kissed my neck and smiled.

"Just calm baby, you'll do fine" he said
"Thanks" I said

I closed my mascara and walked out of the bathroom of the hotel room. I had a dress suit skirt on and an aqua dress shirt on. I found my Christian Louboutin heals, sliding my feet into them and I turned to Nick who was standing in front of me with a single Hershey kiss in his hand giving it to me.

"Eat it, it'll calm you down" he said
"Fine" I said sighing

I placed the kiss into my mouth after being in the foil and when I was about to bite it Nick kisses me and smiles. When he pulls away I saw my red lipstick on his lips.

"What?" he asked confused
"You…*giggle*…you have lipstick on your lips" I said

I licked my thumb and wiped it lightly on his lips wiping it off. I had to resist the urge to make out with him at that instant but I was eating my Hershey kiss so I stopped myself.

"You ready?" he asked grabbing my suit coat
"Huhhhhhh, yeah, lets go" I said

I grabbed my purse and Nick and I walked out of the hotel room.

Once we arrived at the Court House I was in full freak out. I could feel my pulse go from my neck to my ear and it was pounding like a drum in the mountains. My face was pail and my arms and hands got cold and clammy. We walked up the marble stairs outside the courthouse and I was freaking out. I suddenly broke out into tears.

"I can't do this Nick…" I said out of breath and crying
"It's ok baby. Just breathe for me" he said looking at me

I took a deep breathe in and turned to go back up the stairs. As we walked into the courthouse we walked together hand in hand to the front desk.

"How can I help you?" the secretary asked
"Yes we need the courtroom for Wright vs. The District of Columbia" I said
"Ah, yes Miss Wagner, or shall I say Mrs. Jonas. Congratulations I must add and its courtroom 30. Go down this hall here and it's the last one on the right" she said
"Thank you for the wishes and the courtroom" Nick said taking my hand

Every step I took the click of my heals were making the pulse in my neck get louder and louder. I gripped onto Nick's hand tight and he brought his hands around my waist and we kept walking. I didn't want to do this or see anything here. I don't know why the courts needed me anyways.

We walked in and we saw the girls sitting in the front pew before the swinging gate to get to the plaintiff and defendant tables. They were all smiling and saw me. A smile instantly plastered my face seeing my best friends in the world there, to let a piece of our greatest friend go. I saw Ryan's parents at the end, her mom smiled at me and I smiled back. Nick and I walked to the left pew and we sat towards the inside of the isle. Nick kept his hand in mine as I sat there calming down. Ali, ahh, Ali, my twin who I haven't talked to since the bowling party sat next to me.

"Laura, I can read you. You'll be fine, so calm down" she said smiling
"Thanks Ali" I said smiling

Nick held my hand tighter and smiled.

After another 2 hours the trial was going well. I was calm and breathing calmly but I was hoping that they wouldn't call me to the stand.

"I'd like to call Miss Laura Wagner to the stand!" the District Attorney for D.C said


I stood up and walked past the swinging gate and over to the stand. I stepped slowly onto the podium and sat into the chair.

"Raise your right hand" the bailiff said

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth so help you god?"
"I do" I said

The trial began and I was starting to flip out. Nick was staring at me and I calmed down.

"Miss Wagner, what was your relationship to Miss Marino?"
"She was my childhood best friend and band mate" I said
"And how did you know the defendant?" the lawyer asked

I took a deep breath looking at him, but looked back to Nick. I smiled as he calmed me down.

"He was Ryan's boyfriend" I said
"And what did you know about this boy?"
"He was abusive to my best friend and he was suing her right before her death for sex. She was always so vulnerable…" I said
"You say right before she died, how soon before?" he asked
"Well I don't know the exact hours but we were recording that night she was killed. We were recording our new album and my boyf- fiancé Nick Jonas was producing it." I said

I had to correct myself and I better had done it then and practiced it. It's gonna take some time.

"Tell us how that night went…" he said
"Well, as I said we were recording that night and I had just finished my part of one song when Ryan said she was leaving to pick something up. I knew she was going to his house so I basically confronted her about it. He had her so brainwashed that she was going to be with him that she traded me. We said some not kinda words back and forth and she left. I didn't know that, at that moment was going to be my last seeing my best friend alive…" I said getting teary-eyed, looking down at my hands and sniffled in.

"You said not kind words, can you tell us what they were?" he asked

I looked at the lawyer, eyes glassed over, shocked. Its bad enough I had to mentally remember what she said but now I have to recite it?

"Ryan started with telling me 'Laura, just stay out. We're going to get back together' but I told her 'Ryan, I find that hard to believe. Nick tell her you agree' and I said that turning to Nick my fiancé. He just said 'I'm not getting into this' and I just begged him to stop her because I had a feeling she wasn't safe. I was right though in the end but before she left she said…"

I started balling my face out remembering the times that Ryan and I fought weren't worth it now. I messed up, I should have run after her and I should have done something for her.

"She said 'Laura, stop being a brat. You're just jealous I'm happy and having sex. Not like you all's relationship. Yours is like a damn soap opera. I hated Nick all along, did you listen to me? NO! You betrayed your best friend for your boyfriend. You really are a bitch…' and she walked out of the studio." I said

The lawyer handed me tissues and looked at the judge, feeling sympathy

"No further comments…" he said walking away

I was told to step down and to walk back to my seat. I had 2 tissues in my hand and I instantly found myself protected by Nick who was teary eyed and instantly kissed my head.

"Laura, this is my entire fault. I didn't listen to you and I was selfish…" he whispered

I looked at him shocked and for the first time…I actually partially agreed with him.

"Let's not talk about this right now, ok?" I asked kissing his cheek.

The trial was EXTREMELY fast, considering it was media based. At the end of the day, Nick and I left with the girls and Mr. and Mrs. Marino from the courthouse.

"Oh Laura" Mrs. Marino said hugging me

We were both hugging tight and trying not to cry.

"Well-" she sniffled
"I need to get back to work and you need to catch a flight back to California" she said smiling
"Thanks for everything Mrs. Marino" I said
"You're welcome, oh and congratulations!" she said smiling
"Thank you!" I said

We all separated our own ways. Nick and I got back to California that night. We were both tired completely and ready to go to bed.

"How about I make you dinner?" Nick asked rubbing my hair as we lay in bed under the covers.
"Sure" I said smiling slyly

My eyes were blood shot and I had a breakout headache pounding in my head. The light bothered me and all I wanted to do was sleep. After watching another 30 minute infomercial, Nick came in will chili and 2 pieces of cornbread.

"Cornbread?" I whispered smiling and sitting up
"Yeah, I know your southern girl side would want them" he said

He placed the tray on my lap and smiled.

"Be right back, I need to get mine" he said smiling

I was so glad that I had Nick here to take care of me. It's kinda like we already were married you know taking care of someone in sickness or in health.

When he came in he sat next to me and sat as close as he could to me. I smiled as we began to eat and I was listening to the infomercial.

"So, I wanted to ask you something…" Nick said
"Yes?" I whispered
"I was wondering if you'd like to get married at the National Cathedral like we said we wanted to." He said
"Oh course" I said as my voice warmed up
"Ok, because they have a whole week open next month and, I was wondering what date you wanted so we can set the date" he said
"Set the date?" I asked smiling
"Yes, set the date"

I smiled knowing this really was real. I was going to marry Nick Jonas…finally.

"Sure, what week is it?" I asked
"The week of April 11th-17th" he said
"Well Friday's are more expensive along with Sundays, Saturdays and Mondays. What about the Thursday, what date is that?" I asked
"April 15th…" he said looking at the schedule the church gave him
"April 15th, that sounds wonderful!" I said kissing him
"I'll go call the church now…" he said getting up
"Nick-" I said as he stood up
"Yeah!" he said excited
"Its 10 PM in DC right now…" I said
"Right, I'll call them tomorrow morning!" he said

I smiled at his excitement. Nick got up and smiled walking to the closet.

"What are you smiling at?" I asked
"Well, I wanted to show you something…" he said
"What is it?" I asked taking a bite of the ridiculously good cornbread

He walked over with something in his hand. I opened it to see dog tags, but this time…they weren't his diabetes, it was his Army tag.

"Nick Jonas, 435 Freído Lane Apt. L. Los Angeles, California Blood Type: O Positive"

I read aloud.

"I'm O Positive" I said smiling
"So we can save each other…" he said leaning over me and kissing me
"Exactly" I said smiling
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHHH!!!! So the date is set, Nick's leaving and planning a wedding in a month? Talk about crazy! :) lol I hope you all enjoy it and TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!

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