Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 49

"What do you mean special forces? Nick you can't go!" I said getting mad
"Laura, I have to. My country needs me" he said

He threw me off him and got up from the couch. I heard the bedroom door slam shut and lock…great, now I'm the bad guy! It's not my fault he signed up for the Army in the first place. I didn't want him to ever go and he pisses me off when he makes me be the bad guy in situations where I'm thinking about our future and our family's future. He on the other hand is not.

I grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and one of the couch pillows and laid back down. Sleeping seemed best right now and I could get away from reality for a little bit. It was hard to believe I was laughing with Ali just a few hours ago and now, I'm curled up under a blanket, making myself go to sleep so I can forget about our argument.

I eventually fell asleep and woke up Nick kissing my cheek.

"Laura, wake up" he said

My eyes opened slightly and I just stared at him. You could tell he was still angry but I blew it off. As I walked into the kitchen I saw that Nick ordered Chinese and left everything out. I grabbed a plate from the cabinet, placing the food on my plate and walked to the couch where he was sitting with a bottle of water in his hand. I curled up in the blanket and sat on the other end of the couch.

As I took a bite of my orange chicken he spoke.

"Why can't you accept the fact that I'm doing this for us?" he said very angry still
"Nick, I know you are…I just don't see why you couldn’t have asked me about it in the first place" I said very softly and slowly
"It's not your decision though Laura. You know what, whatever, maybe we shouldn't get married…" he said

I felt a lump in my throat form and it was killing me. Did he really just threaten that? To take away our wedding…

"Is that what you want?" I asked with my hands shaking
"Maybe it is" he said
"Well it's not what I want…" I said still soft spoken

He picked up a glass bottle and I saw what it was…alcohol. Great, he's using his fame and money for alcohol to settle this. It angered me even more about this, he knew about my dad being an alcoholic and he knew how I felt about drunk driving. I took the bottle from his hand, angrily, got up to the kitchen and slammed it into the sink.


I walked back to the couch and the roles obviously switched. Nick was looking at me wide-eyed and you could smell the alcohol on him.

"Ok, fine" he said

I sighed and finished my chicken and rice. The TV was on to "A Walk to Remember", Nick was sucking up big time now. I felt him go from one end of the couch, to the middle cushion to right next to me.

"I'm sorry Laura. Don't be mad at me…" he said kissing my neck
"Nick, it's not going to work" I said
"Please, don't be mad at me" he said
"Nick, I kind of have right to be" I said
"Ok, that's fair" he said

That night was really awkward. I hated it and I went to bed wanting tomorrow to come more than any day in my life.


I woke up this morning running late for my meeting for the tour. Nick was making breakfast when I ran out of the house.

"Later, love you" I said kissing his cheek
"Breakfast?" he asked
"Save me some, I'm late" I said

I had chucks on with my jeans and my old high school sweat shirt. When I got to my car I threw my stuff in the car, started it and pulled into the street without even buckling my seatbelt. I put my sunglasses on and started curing at all of the drivers that wouldn't move out of my way. I was getting pissed off the more I was driving and that isn't healthy when driving. I finally got to the record company headquarters and I ran into the elevator. When I got into the conference room I sat down, fixing my hair and saw my old manager Peter come in.

"Laura, darling, you look like shit!" he said shutting his phone
"Sorry, I woke up late" I said
"And you're fat!" he said
"Umm-" I started
"I'm calling your trainer to get your ass in shape before tour." He said writing it down

I was going to interrupt him when the president of D.C. Flags walked in and I saw the one person I hoped I'd never see again walk in.

"David Archuleta is your tour mate" Mr. Wilson the president said
"Excuse me?" I asked
"Yeah, we had to replace your fiancé with someone who was a solo male artist and he needed a tour."
"Are you serious?" I asked
"Stop acting like your life sucks Laura. You're not the only one suffering here." David said
"Whatever" I said
"You two HAVE to get along this tour, or at least make it seem like you do to the press. Neither one of you need bad feed. So be nice to each other because your reputations are on the line…" the president said slamming his file shut.
"Fine" I said
"Fine" he said
"Good, now tour starts in a month…" he said
"Wait, that can't happen. My wedding is in 3 weeks and I'll be on my honeymoon" I said
"Well it's going to have to cut into your honeymoon" David said
"Stay out of this asshole" I said
"He's right Laura, you WILL leave in a month or you're cut from the record." He said
"Plus didn't Nick sign up for the military, I heard he did that without your approval. Wouldn't it be fair game if you cut into HIS honeymoon?" David said smiling evilly.
"I'm not that cold. Plus, two wrongs don't make a right" I said
"You two need to calm down. Get along or your both going to wish you were never born" the president said leaving the room

I had to listen to Peter and his was complaining about me afterwards.

"Jesus Christ Laura! Your ass is the size of a whole couch cushion. We're going to the gym right now. Oh and I set you up for a spa day to get your face cleaned up and get yourself all cleaned up. You look like hell by the way. Oh and you have an appointment at the hair salon at 3 today. I hope you don't have anything planned because honey ou need some work!" Peter said

He kept babbling and I ignored him. David was staring at me and I pulled out my phone and excused myself.

"One second Peter, I need to call Nick and tell him where I'll be"

When I walked out I called Nick and he was pissed.

"I know Nick, I know…" I said calmly
"I swear to god, if that asshole touches you at all, and I mean at all, I'm going to kick his short ass"

I could tell Nick was beyond furious about this so I didn't tell him that Peter was telling me I was fat. I did gain about 50 lbs. since Ryan's death and I needed to get it off.

"Nick, it will be fine. Just calm down babe, but hey, Peter is taking my the spa as a relaxation help, ok. So invite Joe over or something. You know, have a guy day and don't wait up for me, I'll be gone all day baby ok?" I said
"Ok, I love you. I'm sorry about last night." He said
"I love you too and it's ok" I said
"Have fun beautiful" he said
"I will, love you" I said
"Love you more" he said

When I hung up with Nick I saw David standing behind me.

"So he calls you beautiful like I did…" he said looking at me
"Yeah, I didn't realize he did until now, I guess" I said
"Well, it's whatever. I think you're ugly now. I agree with Peter, you look like hell" he said taking a sip of his coffee in his hand and smiling

I took his coffee, threw the lid off and dunked his Venti Latte all over his head.

"Don't ever tell me I'm fat. I'll prove you wrong!"

I threw the cup on the ground and walked around him. Peter met me outside the office and he looked at David.

"Good, God! What happened to him?" he asked
"He dropped his coffee. What a klutz!" I said laughing and walking out with Peter.

After 4 hours in the gym I was so tired I felt like I was going to keal over. My trainer Joe, what a coincidence right, he sat next to me as I drank my propel water.

"You're doing good, for your first day." He said
"Yeah sure!" I said

When we got to the gym, Joe weighed me and I was shocked at what the scale read.


I really did let myself go, but I'm surprised Nick didn't say anything. No one said anything all along. Was my wedding dress going to fit after all this weight off?

"Joe you're not the one who's got to go get a wedding dress resized" I said breathing heavy.
"Haha, thank god for that" he said

I walked over to the scale and saw horror.


"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" I asked him
"You over worked yourself. Learn to pace yourself" he said
"Great!" I said

Today was just not my day. I found out, I really am fat like everyone says, I'm touring with David and I'm not with Nick right now…what else could go wrong?

After all day at the spa, my hair appointment and even a make over I came out from looking like crap to the old me.

When I walked into the apartment with bags of clothes Peter bought Nick's eyes dropped when he saw me wearing one of the dresses. I thought Nick was going to die.

"Hi" I said blushing

He walked to me as I stood in the doorway and he was biting his lip.

"Uh…um, yeah" he said blushing and staring not at my face

To tease him I walked closer to him and pressed myself against him. I kissed his cheek then his jaw and slowly working my way to his neck.

"God, you're killing me" he said in a whisper pant
"So am I forgiven?" I whispered
"Yes and you're so evil…" he said

I pulled apart from him and bent over to grab the bags on the floor when he shouted.

"NO! Let me get that"

Within seconds he had the bags picked up and practically ran to the bedroom with them.

I know how to tease him, that's for sure. It's a girl's best weapon.

Lying in bed that night Nick had his arm around me and I noticed he was staring up at the ceiling.

"Babe, what's wrong?" I asked
"Nothing" he said
"Nick tell me" I said sitting up and starting at him
"Laura, I'm scared" he said
"Scared for what silly" I said smiling
"Of dying…" he said

My smile fell and seriousness fell between us.

"Nick, if that happens then we'll work it out." I said
"Laura, you keep saying 'we'll work it out' but if I die, I'm not going to be here to 'work it out'. You'll be burying me in Arlington, with all of my other colleges." He said
"Nick, please don't think like this" I said hugging him for dear life.
"Laura, I have to. I need to make sure you're prepared for all of this" he said
"But I won't let that happen to you" I said
"You're just going to have to trust me" he said
"I know…" I said

He laid there and looked down at me and picked up my left hand. I smiled as he spun it around and closed his fingers in with mine.

"God, I can't wait until we get married" he said
"Nor can I"
"What are you most excited about?" he asked
"Spending as much time as I can with you before you leave" I said
"Well there's one thing I can't wait until…" he said

I hit him knowing exactly what he meant.

"NICK!" I said
"LAURA!" he said back
"Haha, I love you and stop thinking so negatively" I said
"Ok, fine. I love you too"

We both fell asleep that night peacefully and Nick not being negative.

The next morning waking up I walked into the bathroom and saw myself. I really was fat and ugly. I looked at my face and was disgusted. Looking under the sink I pulled the scale out and I saw what it read.


"God, I've got to do something" I told myself

I got off the scale and went to my closet and changed into yoga pants and a t-shirt. Nick was awake and was lost.

"Hey where are you going?" he asked
"For a run, is that ok?" I asked
"Why are you going running, you don't need to exercise." He said
"Nick, I don't want to argue about this with you but I need to go run." I said
"Ok, whatever. Eat something before you run" he said

I ignored him and just went for my run. I was going to force myself so run until I was exhausted. I'm tired of being told I was fat and if it meant I had to quit eating and work out non-stop then that's what I'll do.

I was running down the hill from our apartment when I tripped and rolled down the hill to stop in the middle of traffic. A car stopped in front of me and I was panicking about everything. I was shook up about everything until I saw who it was.

"ARE YOU OK!? Oh, it's you…I should have hit you" David said
"Yeah, whatever. I'm trying to not be FAT like you say I am!" I said
"Get out of the fucking road you cheating bitch!" he said in his car now
"MOVE!" he said
"FINE!" I said and ran across the street to go back down the next hill

When I came back into the house Nick was there waiting for me. It felt good to have a good burn and come back. I kissed him as I came in and he was sitting there mono-tone.

"What's wrong babe?" I asked
"I saw David almost hit you…" he said
"Nick, don't worry about it"
"No, I'm worried about tour with you…" he said
"Nick don't be" I said
"Well I am" he said

I kissed him and hugged him.

"Nick don't worry. I'm a big girl, literally" I said smiling
"No you're fine." He said
"Well, moving on, what do we have to do today?" I asked
"Finalize wedding plans" he said smiling
"That's what I have been waiting for!" I said kissing him and going to shower.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so this is something i know everyone faces everyday, image, and guess what i'm told i'm fat too but hey, i say live your life to the fullest and i decided to add this one it :)

So i'm trying some thing *NEW* this chapter and i'm going to list everyone who commented on the last chapter. I'll do this for now on, so if you want your name on the list, COMMENT :)

