Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 50

Today was officially one week until the wedding and I've dropped 40 lbs. in 2 weeks. Crazy right? Well I tried the new banana diet, it's awesome. It's taken a lot off of me and from what others say I look great but Nick isn't exactly happy with me. He thinks bananas shouldn't be the only thing in my diet, I mean they are but I have water and…more water. Yeah! I did get almost back to my size, I'm about 30 pounds away and I'm really excited.

I came in from my run to see Nick sitting at the breakfast island waiting for me.

"Hey baby" I said

I kissed his cheek and he didn't move a muscle.

"What's wrong?" I asked starting to eat another banana

He took the banana from my hand, shoved it down the sink, turned the garbage disposal on and stared at me furious.

"You haven't told me the truth, that's what's wrong" he said
"Nick what are you talking about?" I asked
"Your 'diet' supposedly consists of things WITH bananas but I come to find out all you've been eating is this dumb fruit" he said

I saw the veins in his neck pop out as he yelled at me and it was scaring me.

"You know, if you're going to lie to me like this, then I don't want to get married to you…" he said yelling and walking out of the kitchen
"NICK!" I said jumping in front of him and stopping him

I started to cry because he obviously didn't understand me.

"Just let me explain, please?" I asked pleading him

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch. He didn't understand the fact that being small lets your survive in Hollywood and it allows you to continue on with your career.

"You get 2 minutes to explain, or I'm leaving because I can't deal with this" he said
"Ok, well long story short, the day that I met with D.C. Flags and "went to the spa" with Peter…I was really getting in trouble for weighing too much. Peter basically told me that if I don't lose most of the weight, my career is over…so I did what I had to to keep it off. Nick you know this business and to be honest you've never fought a weight problem, I do though, I've fought it my whole life and when someone tells you, you can't do what you love because you are too FAT, you're going to do whatever it takes. Remember that saying, 'If you have a dream go after it, don't let anything stop you'? Well, that's best used here. I'm sorry that I lied to you, I'm sorry if I hurt you, I'm so so sorry but I had to do it so I could continue just one more time and be on stage." I said

He sat there still looking angry but I could tell he was thinking it over.

"Look, I understand about the industry and whatever but you should have done dieting the proper way. You could have killed yourself, and god, what the hell would I have done if you were gone, huh? You have no idea, how much you are my world. You are the one that makes me get up in the morning so I can see you everyday and you're the one who let's me go to bed, knowing you're in my arms, safe and are not going anywhere…"

He stood up and stared pacing…

"You have no fucking clue, obviously. I did all of what I did so we can start a family and be happy together. That way I can have my future and your future all together…as one. You have no idea how much, I cannot wait to do what we're about to do in one week. I just wish that you'd understand how much you mean-"

He was babbling so I stood up and kissed him. He kissed me hard and held me against him. I didn't want him to leave now nor a week when we both split our own ways.

"I'm so sorry" I said hugging him
"Just promise me, you're not going to kill yourself while I'm gone, or get yourself hurt" he said
"I promise…" I said smiling


It was the day of the wedding and my nerves we're going at least a hundred miles an hour.

"Good Morning, Mrs. Future Jonas" I heard

I opened my eyes to not see Nick. We were in our hotel room and I saw that Ali was right above my head.

"Whoa, you look so much better when I wake up when I look like when I wake up" I said tired
"Thanks…I guess?" she said smiling

I got up finally out of bed and saw there was a cart of food with a note on it across from the small table in the room.

"Good Morning My Love,

Well the day has finally arrived, the say I thought that I wouldn't ever see myself in. I'm getting ready to marry the most amazing girl I've ever met. Enough with the gooshy romantic stuff, I'll save that for later. Well, there is breakfast for you and Ali. Sorry I had to leave, I'm not allowed to see you awake before the ceremony, bad luck, but I must say you we're sleeping beautifully when I left. So eat up and get dressed, remember the ceremony is at noon. And Laura one more thing…

I love you…


I smiled as I finished reading the note and suddenly a mob of people came in. I looked at the clock it was 9:45… I was running so late.

I was thrown into the shower and my hair was up and done within 30 minutes, my make up was thrown on and I was thrown a t-shirt and shorts to put on with sandals.

I saw Ali carrying my dress and my chucks as I was shoved out.

"Ali…where are we going?" I asked

When we got in the car I got the hint the church. Ali leaned over and hugged me and I hugged her smiling. I was so nervous, and I really totally was stressed out about the wedding. My mom wasn't going to be at the wedding, because well ever since that little fall out we had…it was, never talky-talky to each other.

"So are you excited?" she asked
"Yeah, mainly nervous" I said
"Why, you're marrying the guy you've been WAITING to marry." She said
"I know but it's the fact that now, no matter what happens we're together for life." I said smiling
"Oh, girlie, don't act like that's such a problem" she said giggling
"I know" I said smiling
"I can tell you love him so much" she said
"I do, he's my world, as I'm his" I said
"You two deserve each other" she said
"Thank You, so much. That's gives me so much reassurance to what I'm doing"

I looked out the window and watched busy D.C. streets pass me by. I was so excited and having an adrenaline rush just waiting to get married but I really wanted to get the hard part over with, the ceremony. With Nick being a semi-quiet person he has always had people staring at him when he's not performing so this will be aggravating for him.

The car stopped and the door was opened for me. My dress in its bag was pulled out after me with Ali by my side and my chucks in her hands. My chucks were glittery and silver and I loved them so much. It just said "me" on the whole outfit.

We walked into the cathedral and were on the look out to make sure neither that Nick nor none of the grooms men were there. We hung a left and went into the Sunday school rooms to get ready. I slipped my dress on and I saw the girls all there waiting in their gowns. Magenta dresses with green waistbands were what their dresses were, since my wedding colors were magenta and green. I finished getting my dress on and Ali started lacing the corset in the back. She yanked and yanked until it was tight against me.

I was smiling beyond belief to see I was in my wedding dress, finally. As I was having my shoes placed on and tied, I noticed Sam stared to cry.

"Sam, if you cry, I'm going to cry and ruin the make-up I paid someone to do, when I could have done it myself" I said starting to water up and giggling
"I can't help it. You're just so beautiful and I'm jealous" she said smiling and giggling
"Uh, you need to stop me from crying" I said fanning myself and giggling

When I looked at the girls, I suddenly had my veil placed on the back of my head and they all smiled and started crying.

"You guys!" I said smiling back and trying to fight tears.

When we got to the church it was 11:30 and it was 11:55 now, the ceremony was about to start. We were all laughing and smiling when the Dean (priest for all non-Catholics out there :D) came in.

"Laura, my child, are you ready?" he asked

I took a deep breath and smiled.


"Ok, the grooms men will walk out after I do. Just as we rehearsed ok?" he said

"That'd be fine" I said taking deep breaths

He left the room and left the door open. I could hear Nick near the door to the inside of the church and it was making me nervous.

"I'm so nervous Joe, what should I do? I'm so excited to see Laura though…" he said
"You know what, I'm going to go check up on her for you, ok?" he said

All of the girls along with I raced back to be acting like we weren't just listening and looked in the mirror. Joe came in and we all were staring at him. He saw me and his eyes grew huge and his mouth was wide open.

"Joe? Are you ok?" I asked

"You…You, look SO beautiful." He said stuttering
"Thank You Joe, but why are you here?" I asked blushing
"To check on you, for Nick." He said smiling that quirky smile that he made when he was nervous
"Well tell him that I love him" I said
"Ok" he said turning
"And Laura…" he said facing me again
"Yeah Joe?" I said smiling
"Nick, is so lucky to have you. Thank you so much for keeping him in line" he said smiling
"You're very welcome" I said smiling

Joe left the room and we all giggled and smiled now excited more than nervous. I heard Church organs begin knowing that the Dean and Nick with his grooms men had began walking down the isle. I was pulled out of the room with the girls by the wedding planner and were lined up with the bride's mates, which we're my girls, my maid of honor, who was Ali then I. The flowers were passed to each of us. It wasn't until I saw mine there was a note in them.

"Laura, I love you, will you marry me?"

I closed the note smiling and placed it in my boobs to keep up with and I looked down to see my purple daisies just as I asked for in my hand. When the girls left me I was getting beyond nervous and I was scared like none other at that point. The isle was extremely long where it would take a good five minutes to just get to the end, which is why I had something different up my sleeve.

I knew it was my time when "At Last" by Etta James came on. I wanted to feel like I was floating and still be remembering it was a wedding after all.

"Atttttttt Lasssst…my lovvve has come along"

I heard the song ring in my ear and it was my cue.

When I appeared I saw the crowd and remembered looking from the balcony earlier and saw that this was going to be a long walk. I was nervous beyond belief but the walk was long enough that I couldn't see Nick. As I was walking I was smiling to everyone and my face was red as a tomato. I hated all these people staring at me, I didn't mind it on stage but right now, it gave me the hee bee gee bees. I came closer and I saw Nick was in sight and I saw a smile was already plastered on his face as a smile was on mine as well. The closer I got I realized that Nick was really shocked, almost as if he didn't think this was real. I saw Joe and Kevin along with Frankie standing there behind him smiling also with a shocked face on theirs.

I finally was at Nick's side and the music stopped and everyone sat down. Nick kept staring at me through the veil so he placed it gently behind me and his eyes grew even bigger. When I smiled I saw a tear fall from his eye and he was smiling wider then I've ever seen him before, probably even bigger than the infamous "Jonas Smile".

"Hey" I whispered
"Hey" he whispered back

The ceremony began with a hymm and readings from the Old Testament and Psalms but it came to the part that Nick and I had been waiting over 3 years to do.

The priest stood to me as he had his hands in mine. Frankie had the rings on the pillow and I was beyond excited at this point.

"Laura Ann Wagner, will you take Nicholas Jerry Jonas here present, for your lawful wedded husband according to the rite of our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church?" the priest said

"I will"

"Repeat after me" he said

My eyes never left Nick's and I felt if I tore them apart I was going to lose him from me.

"I, Laura Ann Wagner take you, Nicholas Jerry Jonas for my husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

I took Nick's ring from Frankie and placed it in my hands and finished

"With this ring I thee wed, and pledge thee my troth." And slid the ring on his finger

The priest turned to Nick and repeated the same thing.

"Nicholas Jerry Jonas, will you take Laura Ann Wagner here present, for your lawful wedded wife according to the rite of our Holy Mother, the Catholic Church?"

"I will"

"Repeat after me" he said

"I, Nicholas Jerry Jonas take you, Laura Ann Wagner for my wife/husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."

Nick took the ring from Frankie and he walked off. Nick looked me in the eyes, placed his finger around the ring that was around my finger and slid it on my finger

"With this ring I thee wed, and pledge thee my troth."

"You may now exchange a kiss"

Nick smiled and kissed me lightly and we both smiled into the kiss.

After the Nuptial blessing from the priest, we all joined in the sign of peace where we shook hands with everyone and returned to our spots. Nick and I decided to not do a communion part of the wedding because we weren't really catholic at heart but we were getting married in a catholic church so we had to go along with their ceremonies.

After getting back to our places we all joined in the Lord's Prayer as we blessed our now new marriage, our family and friends and the church. After a final blessing, the priest said the words I was dying to hear.

"The mass has now ended. Go with peace. I now pronounce in the name of God, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Jonas"

Nick and I ran up the isle and we were so excited that this was it, we were finally married. Our marriage license was done last week and this means we're finally, together. Nick and I jumped into the limo as we saw people start crowding around and watching us leave for the reception. We both stood from the sun roof and waved as people watched us leave.

When we sat down in our seats Nick and I instantly kissed. I was so ecstatic that we were finally together forever.

"God, I can't believe we're married" Nick said putting his arm around me
"I know" I said smiling

He stared at me and I saw that sparkle in his eyes and it caused y heart to skip a beat.

"You look so beautiful" he said
"Thank you, but you look more handsome then me" I said giggling
"Come're" he said kissing my neck

He started kissing my neck slowly and at first I giggled but it slowly started turning both Nick and I on a little. I pushed the button for the divider for the driver and the passangers to go up. Nick stopped and looked at me, dead serious but I just whispered to him.

"Nick can our first time not be in a limo?" I asked
"I was thinking the same thing babe…" he said smiling

He kissed my neck one more time, kissed my cheek and we held each other as we rode around town to kill time until the reception started.
♠ ♠ ♠
AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! They're MARRIED! Can you believe it? aha i can't :D Well I hope you all enjoyed the rather LONG chapter :D

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