Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 52

I couldn't sleep at all. When I looked at the clock I saw it read a time too early for me.


I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen and started the coffee pot. Today was the day…the day Nick left. I sat at the breakfast island and placed my head on the counter top. I had to figure out a way to not cry. At least not until he was about to leave…

I heard the pot ding and I got up and poured a cup and added my creamer and sugar to taste. I walked over to the couch and turned on the TV. I sat criss-cross with a pillow in my lap, letting my coffee cup rest in on the pillow. As I flipped channels I came across E! I saw on the guide "E! True Hollywood Story" was on and I loved watching it so I continued to watch. As it returned from a commercial I saw it was about Nick.

Karma right?

I watched as I saw young Nick, Joe and Kevin at the ages of 14 and older fill the TV. As I saw Nick as a young kid I smiled…that was my husband. I smiled and laughed at a lot of the videos they showed but as he got older and I started recognizing how much he looks like himself now, I started to cry. When I saw Nick on the cover of the Lines, Vines & Trying Times album he looked almost the same, just slightly older now, but I stared into the picture's eyes seeing him there. I kept staring at the TV and a silent tear fell down my face. My throat got tight and I felt my eyes begin to burn. I realized at that point that this was the only way I could see Nick…all the time. I began to cry a little harder as I stared at the TV. I was going to miss him so, incredibly much.

I set the DVR to record the show and I continued to watch the show. When I saw they started talking about Nick and I, I smiled as I cried. There were pictures of us on tour from when we were seventeen and some personal I remember Nick put on the Jonas Brothers website. I felt someone kiss my neck and I turned around to see Nick there.

"Stop crying beautiful" he said as a tear fell down his face

I placed the coffee down on the coffee table and ran around the couch to get to him. We instantly hugged each other. I gripped him so tight cried in his neck.

"NICK DON'T GO!" I sobbed in his neck
"I…I have to" Nick said fighting back tears

He smelt my hair and wrapped his arms around me more.

"I'm going to miss the raspberry smell in your hair" he whispered
"I'm going to miss your Polo Black" I said

I was griping him so tight I began to shake. Nick picked me up and carried me back to the bedroom. He shut the TV off before leaving and he walked slowly kissing me to the room. He placed me on the bed and hovered over me. I looked at his military dog tag and cupped it in my hand.

"You're my hero" I said as a tear fell from my face

I stared into his eyes and his tear fell onto my face.

"You're my hero. I'm doing all of this for you and me." He said

I pulled him down with his dog tag and kissed him lightly. Nick placed his arms above my head and he hovered extremely close to my face.

"What are you worried about most?" he asked

I looked him dead in the eye and tried to speak without bursting into tears.

"You…dying and I might end up a widow" I said

Nick pushed a piece of hair out of my face and rubbed my cheeks with the back of his fingers.

"I'm going to come back, I promise you" he said

Another tear fell down my face and he kissed it as it fell down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry I'm putting you through this…" he said

He looked at me, kissed me and got up to go to the bathroom.

"Bowling night." I said weakly

He turned and looked at me strange as I sat up in bed and looked at him.

"I want a family bowling night when you become president. Promise me that?" I asked

He smiled and looked at me on the verge of another breakdown.

"I promise." He said

I got up and walked with him to the bathroom. Shutting the door I turned he turned to me and I walked to the shower and started it. I decided in that split second that I wasn't going to be alone with him here.

I walked to him and he looked slightly down to meet my eyes. Being 2 inches shorter than him was great in moments like these. I kissed him and lifted his shirt above his head and stared at him. You saw his eyes were getting extremely red but I had to do one thing before we left for a long period of time. Looking at him I stood up on my toes slightly and kissed his heart. As a tear fell I smiled looking at him.

He lifted my shirt off and kissed my heart.

"I love you so much" he said
"I love you more" I said
"I highly doubt that…" he said

He brought me to him and he started giggling.

"What's so funny?" I asked
"The thought of you and I being parents. I had a flash image of you and me with our kids, washing the car and getting water and bubbles everywhere. We even had a Dalmatian…" he said

I smiled at that thought hoping and praying that it does come true. That's…it's perfect.

He looked back at me and slipped my panties down. I pushed Nick's boxers down and he smiled.

"Guess this is our last time for a long time huh?" Nick asked as we stood under the water
"Yeah, but we've got to make it count" I said then kissing him

I got dressed separately from Nick and I changed into a pair of Bermuda jean shorts,a yellow t-shirt, and a white cardigan. I put my hair in a beach wave look and put on my sandals. I grabbed my coach wristlet, sprayed my perfume and walked out of the bedroom. When I walked out I saw Nick fixing his uniform and his back towards me. A tear fell down my face and I put my hand over my mouth as I was so proud of him. I covered my mouth and attempted to not mess up my make-up. He turned around and saw me there.

"I'm so proud of you" I said smiling as I cried

He stood there, fixing his sleeves and smiling at me. He walked to me and smiled.

"No, I'm proud of you" he said
"Why?" I asked smiling, trying to hide my glassed over eyes
"I'm proud that you've accepted this and…you're ok with all of this, just so I can be selfish" he said
"Nick as long as you come back to me, I'm ok" I said

He kissed me lightly and separated from me.

"Ok, time to go" he said

He picked up his duffle and placed on his hat.

"Ready?" he asked taking my hand
"If you are" I said

We took our last steps together in our apartment and drove to the base.

When we arrived everyone was standing around. A lot of the soldiers were young and some were older but most were around Nick's age.

"Excuse me?" I asked a girl about my age
"Yes" she said smiling
"Can you take a picture of my husband and I?" I asked her giving her my camera
"Absolutely" she said

Nick placed both his arms around my waist and I placed my hand on his chest, showing the ring and smiled.

"Oh, you two are so cute." She said
"Thanks so much" I said
"Oh…Oh my god, you're Nick and Laura Jonas! Can we have a picture with you?" the girl asked pointing to her husband.
"Sure" I said smiling

They crowded around us and another woman took the picture.

"Thanks so much" she said
"James" the other guy said shaking Nick's hand
"Nick" he said

I was looking at the two of them when the girl looked at me.

"I'm Alyssa" she said hugging me
"Laura" I said smiling
"Are you scared?" she whispered
"More than anything" I said
"So am I…" she said

Nick turned to me and interrupted us.

"Can I borrow her for a few minutes?" he asked Alyssa
"Absolutely. I need to keep up with James. Here, Laura, here's my number. We should have lunch" she said smiling

She handed me her number on a piece of paper and I slipped it in my pocket.

"So what did you need me for?" I asked smiling

He sat down on the bench and patted for me to sit on his lap. I cradled into him and he smiled.

"This" he said wrapping his arms around my waist.

I sat there loving his smell, and his hair that I ran my fingers through a million times in that sitting. I knew that it was going to be the last time that I saw this much hair on his head.

After Nick and I talking and laughing about life and everything when they said the words I didn't want to hear.

5 Minutes until we ship out! Wrap things up!

Nick and I looked at each other and suddenly my face went from happy to sad. With emotions erupting through me I felt a tear form in my eyes.

"Oh god Laura" he said

He instantly kissed me and hugged me tighter than ever. Lifting me up off the floor and spinning me around while kissing me. He put me down and let go…

"I have to go" he said acting strong and fighting tears
"Ok" I said as I blinked three tears out of my eyes

Nick picked up his duffle and flung it over his shoulder.

"Oh, I almost forgot" I said sniffling and still fighting back more tears

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out a small bottle of my raspberry shampoo with a piece of red ribbon on it.

"Here, it's so you never forget what I smell like" I said

A tear blinked out of his eye and he smiled at me. He kissed me one last time, long and passionately then let. He just kept smiling at me, that wide Jonas smirk. He placed the shampoo bottle into his coat and walked to the plane. As I saw him walk up the stair of the plane he stopped at the top and blew a kiss to me. I caught it and blew one back. He caught it and placed it on his heart. He got into the plane and I felt miserable.

The planes jet's started and the propellers started turning and I started balling my face out. I've only been Mrs. Nick Jonas for 3 days, I'm going on tour with the worst asshole in the world and I've not even gone on my honeymoon. My life is TOTALLY not set.

Tears were falling so much more as I saw the plane move and a ton of hands start waving in the windows. I caught Nick and he wrote something on a paper.


I smiled as I cried more and cried as the plane turned to the right and made it's way down the runway and up into the air, disappearing into the span of the sky.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys, ok i have a couple rants to say so PLEASE read all of it.

Ok, so i got a very nasty message from a reader(I'm assuming) and she was complaining to me about how i don't write sex scenes like i did in my other stories. I just wanted to clarify something, this story is a way for me to put many things i've been through in my life and as many of you knew, i was raped. Personally, i was beyond offended at this girl coming to me, complaining about how I'm a horrible writer and how I'm making all of this up. I'm not here to prove anything to anyone or make something up, if you've got a problem with my writing, PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I at least respect her for speaking her mind which is why i will NOT say her name but i must say that this girl is not very mature about this subject. This, i cannot even put into words offended me. I cried reading this, because i feel this girl doesn't understand.

Huh, ok rant #2, you know you're getting popular when people start stealing your ideas. I have to say this and i'll say it loud and clear.


I don't want to be a bitch but when i heard that there are not 1, not even 2 but 5 stories that are scaringly similar to mine, i was boiling mad. I don't get mad easily either, so you know who you all are, you've been reported. I hate having to be mean but these chapters take me a long time, especially since i'm about to graduate in june, i don't have time to just sit down and write for 5 hours. So, please respect me and my ideas.

Thanks so much you guys, i'm sorry you all had to read this. :/

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