Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 53

As I drove home from dropping Nick off I couldn't stop crying. I still couldn't grasp the concept that he was gone. For the next year I'd be alone and then there is no saying that he'd be back in that same period of time. I had the windows down and my convertible top down on my beetle and I couldn't bare the silence so I turned on the radio and that was the worst move.

"So, we're here with Joe Jonas on the Ryan Secrest show and we're here to talk about what's new with the Jonas Brothers…"

I heard that & I decided to just listen.

"Joe, my man, how are you?"
"I'm ok, today could have been better
"Really? Why?"

"Please Joe, don't say it, please don't say it" I said starting to cry harder.

"Um, it's a family matter. I think there is someone else in our family who should be explaining what's happened to us"

I breathed out, thankful Joe didn't say anything.

"Then who shall we ask?" Ryan asked
"What about Laura, your new sister-in-law?"

My eyes popped out of my head and I was shocked as hell.

"No, I'd just leave, leave her alone…" Joe tried
"Actually we're calling her now." Ryan said

I saw my phone light up in my lap and I wasn't going to answer it.


I listened just as Joe said it. I didn't answer and something told me I wouldn't be in peace for a while. People are going to find out that Nick is gone.

"Since Joe nor Laura are telling us what has happened, we ended up finding out ourselves what happened"

"WHY THE FUCK IS HE DOING THIS!!" I yelled as I kept on crying

"Can you just stop & respect my family?" Joe asked
"Well America, it ends up Mr. Nick Jonas is going to Afghanistan. He inlisted a while ago from what I hear but from some sources say, Nick traded places with her father so she can have him while he's gone.

Was that true? Did Nick seriously do that? Was that….his deal with the government?
I instantly called me dad, balling my eyes out.

"Laura are you ok, why are you in histarics?" he asked

The wind was blowing and I was speeding at probably close to 100 and I was screaming at my dad.


It was dead silent. And that meant it was true.

"DAD HOW COULD YOU TAKE MY HUSBAND FROM ME?" I yelled at him even more
"I'm sorry baby. I thought you just wanted to spend time with me" he said

I was beyond devastated right now. The minute I knew my dad said Nick and him traded spots I knew I was in for it…Nick was in Special Forces…and he was now really on the frontline.

Nick might die…and I think I'd never forgive my dad for that…


I was at the Record Company office catching the tour bus and I was miserable. My album is about to drop in a week and I'm not as excited as I should be.

I had my suitcases; pillow and 2 carry on bags of books and my guitar to my make-up and shower caddy supplies in another. I was content being by myself when I saw David roll his shit up to me.

"How are you?" he asked

I was silent. I just wanted the next 3 months to fly by so I didn't have to deal or talk with him longer than I had to.

"Ok, don't speak to me" he said

He slid down the wall and sat on the ground next to me. It was creepy the way he was near me again and I never wanted him that close to me ever, not life we were before. When the bus drove up I was glad that I didn't have to sit there in dead silence any longer.

"Thank the lord" I said to myself
"I heard that" David said taking my bag on the bus for me, pissed off

As I got on the bus it was like the nowhere nothing bus, but it wasn't the same. I saw the bus was designed for the two of us, allowing there to be 2 queen size beds in the back. I instantly went to the one that was painted purple and slammed the door. I had my stuff there on the bed, thanks to that ass whose name I refuse to mention. I unpacked and placed the stuff in the dresser drawers slowly. The bus driver came back to greet us.

"Hey y'all I'm Betsy your driver for your tour" she said

I turned and saw it was Betsy the bus driver I had for our last tour with the JoBros.

"BETSY! OH MY GOSH HOW ARE YOU?" I asked hugging her
"Great girl! How are you?" she asked
"I'm ok" I said

Betsy leaned down to me and whispered.

"If you want to talk, I'm here. I heard what happened and I'm sorry" she said
"It's ok, I'll defiantly talk though. He's doing this for us and our futures" I said
"Well as long as he knows what he's doing." She said

She leaned from me and looked at David.

"WELL, let's get goin now, shall we" she said turning and walking to the front of the bus

David and I looked at each other and I got up and wrapped my sweater around me and slammed the door shut again. I went back to unpacking. I was as the bottom of my clothes bag when I saw something there. I was a box wrapped in red wrapping paper with pink hearts.

I smiled and jumped on the bed digging into it. I opened to see it was from Nick. I realized Nick totally could have been sneaky about this because I've had this bag packed for about a week and I just added some of Nick's clothes and his cologne to the bag when I was about to leave.

I unwrapped the medium sized box easily and read the letter.

Oh Laura,
Well Congrats on your own tour baby! You made it on your own, minus that guy, who is your tourmate. What's his name…David Cantsing, no it's David Isamigit, no it's David Whobetterkeephishandsoffmywifeandcantsing!

I laughed at that, he was such a hoot, even if he was thousands of miles away.

So, I decided to be a little sneaky with my ways of being around you. I know you packed your laptop so I bought you a webcam, it's in the box and when I get really settled in we can Skype each other. Ok, get the webcam out and get the picture frame out. It's a picture of us in the snow, it's the same picture I packed with me. The main one I want you to see is the small square box, get that out.
I did so and I saw that it had ribbon with music notes on it. I threw off the ribbon to show a diamond music note necklace.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!!" I squealed as I saw it.
I took his other necklace off and placed the new necklace on.
"Oh, I LOVE IT" I said to myself.

Surprise! I know you say that I spoil you with a lot of jewelry but this is different. I love you baby. Music is our connection and don't forget, that…I love you.

Have Fun on Tour! I Love You!!


As I shut the note I smiled. Nick was closer to me then I thought, and it made sense why he was ok with leaving. We knew we were going to be ok for a short while from each other.

I lay with my guitar on the couch just strumming along to one of my songs I wrote and I saw David walk past.

"So, I think we need to find a median" he said
"If you want" I said

It's been 3 days on the road and I already miss Nick. I really just didn't want to talk to David at all but I would give him a compromise.

"Like this attitude you have it's like 'Oh let me bitch all the time' and 'Oh I hate David because I cheated on him and he did nothing to me'…"

He kept bitching and I was ignoring him because he wouldn't shut up about everything.
I was strumming my guitar more and I was attempting to tune him out.


I turned on my feet and started walking back to my room.

"God, I always loved how feisty you were"

I turned my head over my shoulder and looked at him disgusted. As I turned I saw the bulge in his pants were larger. Oh god, I turned him on….wonderful, JUST WONDERFUL!!!

"Well, I'm sorry but I'm married. You'll never get in my pants. Someone has already beat you too it" I said

I finally mad it back to my room and I turned on my computer. We were on our way to Philadelphia and we were only in Missouri so I had a feeling that we were a ways off. I laid so my feet were at the head of the bed and I rested my head on my hands. Once I signed in and saw the picture of Nick and I as my background I saw Skype blurped open.

NJArmyMan<3LJ:Requests A Chat!

I squealed and giggled as I was glad that my webcam was already on and I clicked on the conversation. As it opened I smiled so wide.

"Hey baby, how are you?" I heard

I saw Nick on the screen and it made me smile. Looking at his head I saw he had a buzz cut and he had the shampoo next to his computer.

"AHHH!!!" I said covering my mouth and giggling

He just smiled and looked up at me again.

"I miss you so much baby!" he said
"Nick you have no idea how much I miss you" I said

He smiled at me and an idea popped into my head.

"Ok Nick I want to do something, turn your head so that you're about to kiss me but turn your head to your right and place yourself on the edge. I'm going to do the opposite and take a picture, like in oovoo, that way you can always kiss me" I said smiling

He laughed and smiled.

"Ok, I'll look like a fool for your baby, but if I get a copy of that picture it's worth it" he said

I smiled and blew him a kiss.

"Ok, now I'm in working condition" he said smiling

He turned his head and faced the right of the screen as were adjusted. When I took the picture it came out perfect.

"Oh, I love it!" I said smiling

I sent it to Nick and he saw it.

"That's…amazing" he said looking at me

We ended up staying there and looking at each other, staring into each others eyes.

"So how have you been?" he asked
"I've been ok, just dealing with someone"

His face became stiff…

"If he touches you, I'm going to kill him" he said
"Nick, it's ok. I'm ok, plus I can kick anyone's ass if I need it" I said

He smiled and laughed.

"That's my girl!" he said winking

I stared at him and I looked over in the picture to see he had the shampoo bottle right by the computer.

"So, how's the shampoo bottle?" I asked smiling

He picked it up, undid the top and smelled it. Closing his eyes and breathing in the smell I smiled as my hand rested on my jaw.

"Makes me miss you more" he said
"Did you get my package?" he asked

I pulled the necklace out of my t-shirt and showed him.

"Nick, you're too good to me" I said looking at me
"No, it's called taking care of you" he said

Staring at him I remembered I needed to ask him the most important thing I needed from him.

"Nick, being serious, did you and my dad switch places as your 'government deal'?" I said placing the hands in the air in the quote marks.

His face went from happy to almost terrified.

"So! How's the weather?" he asked
"NICHOLAS!" I said getting angry

His head fell and then looked at me.

"Yes, what?" I asked getting mad
"Yes, your dad and I switched places" he said
"I'm sorry…" he said

A tear fell down my eyes and I looked away from him.

"I can't believe you…" I said sitting up and about to end the call
"WAIT!" he yelled
"Why?" I asked
"Because I want to tell you why…" he said
"Nick, you brought my dad back for my wedding. That's the ultimate gift a girl can ask for, but I didn't ask to have my husband taken away from me before we even had a chance to get our lives started" I said

A tear fell down my face and I couldn't look at him.

"Laura, I can't…I can't look at you when you cry" he said looking away
"Nick, I've got to go. The bus is almost at our first stop" I said
"Ok, well take care of yourself Laura" he said
"I'll try to" I said

Yeah I lied, we're still a good 8 hours away but I couldn't talk to him too much longer. He stared at me and I looked at something in the room so it wasn't so awkward.

"Laura…look at me"

I looked at him and he was there, seriousness in his face.

"You might be mad at me now but please, take care of yourself" he said
"Like I said I'd try Nick" I said sniffling
"I love you, so much" he said
"I love you too Nick" I said

I shut the webcam off and shut the computer. I was mad at him but now I was mad at myself for making him and I fight. I got up and walked out of my room.

"Trouble in paradise?" he asked

I went to the kitchen area and grabbed a bottle of water.

"I'll prove to all of you, I'm fine on my own!"


I decided to sign up for online college classes because I was getting bored on the road and I needed some job security incase the music industry falls through.

I'm majoring in Earth-Science, the study of the earth and whatnot because I've always loved physics. So why not get a great degree where I can study just that and the planet we call home?

I was working on my Oceanography paper when I got a video message waiting for me. I stared at it as it blinked:

NJArmyMan<3LJ:Sent You A Video Message!

I smiled as I opened it and saw it was Nick, in his tent, with James.

"Hey babe! I just stopped by and decided to leave you a message and tell you I'm doing ok. James and I have become really good friends and we've bonded a lot. "

"Hey Laura! I just wanted to tell you I've been a fan for a long time!"

I smiled as Nick laughed, he was happy and if he was then I was.

"Well, I know you're probably sitting there, with a bowl of ice cream, working on homework…I know you too well, but I just wanted to tell you that I'm doing good, I'm making you proud and…I love you."

I looked over at the ice cream bowl and smiled with no teeth…he was right. He knew me too well.

"I heard from Ali, you're getting your degree in Earth-Science and know, I'm proud of you. So, so extremely proud of you. Well I've got to go baby but I wanted to show you something before I left…"

He opened up his coat and pulled something from the left inside coat pocket. It was a folded piece of paper and as he unfolded it I said there were 2 pieces of paper. He held one to me the picture we took on Skype and the other was the "I Love You Laura" sign he held up before he left.

"I wanted you to know you're always on my heart. No matter what. I love you and I hope you are doing great. Bye beautiful!" he said

I saw him lean forward and then the screen went black. Even though we were fighting before it just made everything twenty times better. I went back to my paper and smiled knowing he knew I had my ice cream and my homework in hand. Now I couldn't wait to get him home.

The next day was our first show, in Philadelphia. As I got off the bus I saw we were in the stadium itself. I walked to the stage and smiled, this all brought back memories. The stage was almost like the last and the instruments were all in the same place. Now all I was missing was Nick…

I walked to the microphone and smiled looking out to the crowd.

"Can you believe we filled all of these seats?" he asked
"Yeah, it's…crazy, how we're that famous" I said
"Look, up at the banner" he said

I saw it was him and I opposite to each other and to be honest they put a good picture of me up there.

"LOVE IT!" I said smiling and giggling

David and I stood there looking out into the audience, in silence when he grabbed my left hand.

"Look, I'm not hitting on you or anything but you're one of my best friends still. I'm here if you need me…" he said
"Thanks" I said turning to him then looking back to the crowd.
"Well time for dress rehersal…" he said turning to me
"Let's do this!" I said smiling, letting go of his hand and walking to back stage.

The show that night started out with David first and I was "the main attraction" well that's what I told myself. I was in a black dress, and flats to match. My hair was in a beach wave and I felt like I had too much make-up on.

I was pushed onto a lift and within 30 seconds I began to be rose up through the stage. Everyone knew my opening was the drum beat from "We Rock" from camp rock. I decided to always open with drums for Ryan. As I turned around I smiled as I placed the mike to my mouth.


A roar of screams came over and I was excited beyond belief now. As I was about to start a song I saw the whole floor sets all had R.I.P Ryan t-shirts on. I missed the cue as I was staring at the girls in the front row.

"Hold on a sec" I said turning around to the band and telling them to stop

I turned to the girls in the front row and smiled.

"What are you alls names?" I asked
"Well, we're in a band and we're called Silent Lady" a girl yelled
"I wanted to thank you for wearing your shirts, thank you so much" I said
"Meet me after the show!" I said smiling at them

I moved back to the microphone stand and started one of the songs I wrote for Ryan.

(Author's Note: I know it's by someone else, full credit to Hillary Duff)

"This song is called 'Someone's Watching Over Me'" I said

The guitars started and I sat on a stool. I saw David come out with his acoustic guitar and sat next to me.

"Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
To this moment to my dreams

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

It doesn't matter what people say
And it doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself and you'll fly high
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself and follow your heart

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even when it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
That someone's watching over
Someone's watching over
Someone's watching over me

Someone's watching over me"

I finished the song and smiled…my life is really awesome and happy.

When the concert ended I walked off and I saw Joe waiting there for me.

"Laura, I've got to talk to you…it's about Nick" he said
♠ ♠ ♠
HEY GUYS!!!! You all are amazing, well beyond amazing. I have never felt so loved in my life! I wish i could thank all of you all for this :) Well sorry to keep you hanging but it's up to your interpertation to take the ending, but remember, this isn't an ordinary story and THE STORY IS NOT ENDING ANYTIME SOON! :D. If anything i'm just getting started :)

Well Comment and Message like you all have been doing SO MUCH!!! Thanks so so SO much you guys :)


Commenters/VIP Loves
-heart of gold;;
-Ms Pigtails