Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 54

Joe and I walked backstage and he was ahead of me, walking faster than I could keep up. I was starting to break a sweat and I was getting winded until I looked at him & pulled on his shoulders back to stop. My stomach was in a huge knot and I felt like I was about to be sick if something happened to Nick.

"Joe, what…what is wrong with Nick?" I asked panicking
"Oh, nothing. I said it to get you to walk faster. They were serving little turkey sandwiches and I wanted like 4 before anyone took one" he said smiling

I looked at Joe mad and I slapped him across the face. I ended up knocking the plate of sandwiches out of his hand.

"DON'T EVER JOKE ABOUT NICK!" I said pointing my finger at him

He held his cheek onto his jaw and looked at me shocked. I don't know what came over me but I had to do it. No one messes with my husband and gets away with it.

I made my way back to my dressing room and David was standing there.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked
"NOTHING! I DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" I said throwing my coat on and walking outside.

I had Nick's album early and I was the only one in the world who had it, I felt special to be honest. I had it on my iPod and I put it on once I had the copy. I was listening to "Conspiracy Theory", walking out of the dressing room and down the hall to go outside. I found myself calming down about Joe by listening to it and I was more like rocking out to it. As I walked down the hall to door I saw my reflection in the mirror and looked at it from the side.

"Am I gaining weight?" I asked myself
"Oh, whatever!" I said out loud and kept going

I stepped out into the star filled night and looked up at the sky. As if on cue rain started falling and Joe with David came running out. I was dancing around as Lady Gaga's "Telephone" came on and I was jumping around up and down. I saw Joe and he looked at me concerned.

"I'm sorry" he said
"YOU'RE WHAT?" I yelled as I heard Lady Gaga too much

I turned it down and put it on pause.

"As you were saying?" I said politely this time
"I'm sorry I scared you. I did want sandwiches but I am here for Nick" he said
"Why?" I asked smiling
"Checking up on you, that's all" he said
"There he goes again being all protective" I said
"Awesome show by the way" he said
"You stayed the whole time?" I asked
"DUH! Support my sister-in-law" he said smiling

David walked over with his hands in his pockets and looking really cold.

"Hey guys you want to go get some ice cream and get out of the rain?" he asked
"That sounds awesome!" I said smiling

We loaded up on the bus and got ice cream that night.

That night we were on our way to New York City and I was so excited. We were going to one of my favorite places on earth. I was singing Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" while playing my ukulele and studying for my physics test when I got a beep on my computer.

NJArmyMan<3LJ : Requests A Chat!

I instantly shoved the X-Large ice cream cone that Joe bought me into a bowl and sat back down to answer Nick's call.

"You and ice cream have got to be best friends while I'm away" he said smiling
"Well, it's your favorite" I said
"You eat it because you miss me?" he asked getting closer to the screen
"Yeah, and I miss sharing it with you" I said with a hunk of ice cream in my mouth.

He just smiled and looked at me. Staring into my eyes was his favorite thing.

"You know what I love most about your eyes, it's like they have a ring of hazel around your pupil, then the rest of your eyes are bluish-green. I love them" he said looking closer
"You're too cute. If you were here, I'd kiss you" I said smiling
"Well come here" he said smiling

I looked around to make sure David wasn't around and smiled at him.

"Seriously?" I asked
"Why not? My other troop members are napping and I called you to see where you're at, and I know David will get jealous…" he said winking

I smiled and giggled looking at him. He leaned closer and wiggled his finger for me to come closer to the screen. As I came closer it was almost as if we were touching on our foreheads when he smiled looking at me and said

"If I was with you right now, we'd already be kissing" he said smiling
"I know, but I'm waiting for you to make the move Mr. Jonas" I said

He raised one eyebrow and smiled giggling.

"C'mere" he said

We both slammed onto the computer and as if on cue the chorus to "Fireflies" came on and I could hear both of us smiling as we were kissing. Our kiss was interrupted from one of Nick's troops men going and knocking the computer off the stand it was on. It fell onto his bed and I saw what all went down next.

Nick got up and pushed this guy and he obviously (this other guy) was drunk. The guy kept pushing him back and soon they were fighting on the ground.

"NICK! NICK!!!" I kept yelling

He was ignoring me and he was really going at the guy. He just kept yelling at him.


I kept yelling for Nick to stop when their chief sergeant guy, came in and broke them up.


I saw Nick look at me and I was so scared for dear life for him. He walked over to his bed and covered the computer up but I could hear everything. Each side told their stories and the sergeant made a decision.

"Jonas, Stevens. You lose computer privileges for a month and a week without your beds. Give them to me now!"

I was scared at that point. Nick picked up the computer and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry baby. We'll figure out a way to talk" he said

The screen went black as the sergeant took the computer from me. Great! I had no way to talk to Nick, other than by letter…

I got up from my computer and walked back to my bedroom and grabbed the picture of Nick and me. I held it to my heart and a tear fell down my face. Now I had no reassurance that he was ok and that scared me half to death.

After that conversation over two weeks ago I became obsessed with printing pictures of Nick and I. I searched every website, photo album I had, online photo album, through Nick's flash drive I stole before he left and all of the pictures that I had on my computer. If I couldn't see Nick I was at least going to metaphorically think he's with me. Every night I slept in one of his button-up shirts and sprayed them with his cologne so I can wear them the next night. This was getting too much though, I wasn't able to see him and it was killing me.

We were literally half-way through the tour, 1 month down another month to go and I was excited beyond belief to get home. I was sitting on the couch crying, wearing one of Nick's shirts and looking out the window and watched as the tour bus drove down the road, watching the pouring rain fall down the window. My hand was in my hair and I was tired beyond belief. I closed my eyes and laid my head against the window. My hair was back in a headband and it was dirty so I probably should wash it before the show. I had a massive headache and I was super tired.

"Hey, are you ok?" David asked sitting next to me
"Just missing Nick, but not to be mean but I'd just like to be alone right now" I said

He smiled and rubbed my back.

"Ok, I understand" I said

He got up and started to walk away.

"Hey David" I said
"Yeah" he said turning back to me
"I never meant to hurt you. Nick, made me doing something mean to you and that's not me" I said
"It's ok, I see it, how you all love each other, you all deserve each other." He said smiling and walking back to his room

I smiled a little bit and went back to looking out the window and watching the rain fall.


The bus hit a pot hole and I woke up on the couch with a pillow and a blanket around me. I felt my boobs starting to hurt for some reason. I touched them and I stung back, almost like they were super sensitive. I held onto them lightly and stood up to see where David was. I stood up and my back was killing me.

"What did I do? Sleep on a piece of wood?" I asked out loud stretching

I walked to David and he was playing his guitar. I will admit David and I have gotten so much better along since we kinda talked everything out. I just wish it didn't end as bad. I sat back on his bed and he smiled as I came in.

"Heyyy" he said lightly
"Sorry, I just…I wanted to ask you something" I said

He looked at me long and hard and stared at me.

"Laura, are you pregnant?" he asked with a questioning face on

I jerked my head back, kinda shocked that he asked but I sat back and thought.

"I don't think so…" I said
"Well, this is such T.M.I, but when are you due?" he asked
"Um, let me go check to make sure"

I ran to get my planner out of my coach bag and opened it up to the month and searched it. I scanned the page of dates.

"Today's the 28th, right?" I asked
"Yep" David said coming in and sitting down on the bed

I scanned my fingers over each calendar square.

"14th, 15th, 16th …" I said

My finger stopped at the 18th and I saw the horror that grew in my eyes. I scanned the month before in frantic and counted the number of days.

"13TH!! 14TH!! 15th!! SHIT!!" I yelled in a panic
"Laura, calm down, are you ok?" David asked
"David…" I said starting to cry
"What?" he asked worried
"I'm a week late on my period! Nick and I had sex 4 times before he left…"

David's eyes were like "Damn! That many?" at first until he realized that this meant.

"Oh god, he's not here…" he said sitting down on the bed with my planner in his hands

He placed his head in his hands and sighed heavily. I was in hysterics at this point. I'm supposed to be happy to know that I was having a baby and Nick should be the with me to hear me freak, not David. I grabbed my stomach and crouched down to my legs. I cried holding myself knowing I might be having a little Jonas in the world, without Nick.

"Ok, let's not over analyze this! Let's just go get you a test, ok, that's all we need" he said
"O-O-Ok" I said trying to gather myself together.

David walked to Betsy and explained the situation. She screamed when she heard.


I laughed at her. She was a hilarious person when she got on her rolls and these were one of them.

"How about this, I'll go in and get you one. Plus, I need a cup of Joe. Do you all just want to come?" she asked/yelled from the front
"Sure" I said getting up

I looked in the mirror and saw I wasn't too much of a train wreck and just fixed my hair in a low pony tail, sunglasses and put one of Nick's hoodies on. As she got off the exit I stood next to David and he wrapped his arm around me.

"See these are moments I told you, I'm here for you for" he said smiling

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thanks so much David" I said

Betsy stopped the bus and we let her get off first and we followed out. David & I put sunglasses and our hoodies on as she locked the door.

"Ok, here is $20 to buy the test" I said giving Betsy the money
"Girl, no, I'm buying you this. You might need that for the baby" she said

I smiled and put the money back in my coach clutch. We walked into the gas station and Betsy separated from us and we just walked over to the chip isle. I wanted to Cheetos so I grabbed 3 bags, because I knew that I was going to eat them all. I like the puffy, swirls so I had to buy them once I saw them. David looked at me with his eyebrow arched and I couldn't read his eyes because of the sunglasses but his body language was saying.

"If you eat all of those you are SERIOUSLY pregnant."

I waiting until he walked away and I grabbed a 4th bag just for secret stash purposes. I came out with all candy and junk for myself and I was probably going to be gaining weight if I don't do anything the rest of tour. Betsy walked in front of my with a black bag in her hand and my two LARGE grocery bags with David's medium bag next to it in his hands. I smiled a little at that black bag. That box contains answers to whether I had a little Nick or a little Laura in me.

As we got on the bus all of us agreed that I needed to get something in my system before we do the test.

"Ok. Laura, what we're going to do is set the kit up in the bathroom and you eat and drink your heart out honey so the more you pee the better the reading. So when you go just pee in the cup and we'll wait the 7 minutes" she said
"Ok" I said nervous now.

Great now I've got mood swings, hunger cravings and now my boobs and back hurts.

David and I watched TV on the couch up front for a good hour, eating the Cheetos, M&M's, orange soda and Twizzlers when I felt my bladder scream at me. I got up and ran to the bathroom. I shut the door, pulled my pants down and sat down grabbing the cup and peed. I peed some in the cup and placed it in the sink so it didn't spill and finished my business in the toilet. As I finished I placed the test into the cup and set it on one of the shelves in the back. I washed my hands and David looked at me.

"It's soaking" I said
"Are you nervous?" he asked as I sat down
"Yeah…I'm terrified" I said looking at him
"Well, we're going to get you through this" he said

We went back to watching Ellen when the egg timer that David set, went off. David got up and started to walk with me but I thought of Nick.

"Um David, in respect for Nick can you just wait until I tell Nick first? He is the father" I said smiling
"Go ahead, I totally understand. If I was him, I'd want to know first" he said sitting back down

I walked to the back of the bus and took the walks of doom to the bathroom. As I opened and shut the door I looked at the cup from the distance and walked slowly to looking into the reader.

"Ok, - for negative and + for positive. Got it, ok you can do this Laura" I kept telling myself

I was scared to look at it and I eventually gave in and looked at it.

♠ ♠ ♠
Haha ok so i've got some announcements to make :D

First, I was wondering what you guys should think they should have. Boy, Girl, Twin, Triplets? Comment in the comment box & tell me what you think.

Second, I was wanting to run a contest. I was wondering if someone would like to make a banner that would PERMANENT in the layout. The winner will be a permanent friend on my friend list on my profile and will become the newest member of the I Nick Jonas Hate The Bass Player cast. I was also going to also endorse 2 of your stories for 2 weeks on my story, and profile where i will also read them in full.

Submit the URL link to the image in a message to me and please upload the finished product to either photobucket or tinypic. :D Good Luck, the contest ends in 2 weeks on April 21st :D

OK and the third, is that I have decided that any of you that comment on my story will be a friend on my profile. I randomly picked 6 of you to be up there for a week (go look :D) but if you'd want to be on my profile comment away. I got a message from Mibba saying "Congratulations, you have one of the Top profiles on Mibba". I was told that over 3,000 look at my profile and read my story every month. So if you want your name out there, comment my story. :D

Ok well that's all for now and well have fun reading this and tell me what you think. ENTER THE CONTEST!!!!


Commenters/VIP Loves
-heart of gold;;
-Decode Me 16
-Disenchanted Babe
-allie 103
-Ms Pigtails