Status: Completed :)

I Nick Jonas Hate the Bass Player

Chapter 56

"Laura, Hun, you've got to calm down" Kevin said hugging me as I sat on the floor against the wall.

I was in hysterics and I wasn't going to be dealing with Nick's death on top of my dad's. I can't be pregnant without him, especially since it’s his child I'm carrying.

"C'mon, let's stand up and visit him. He's at the hospital on base" Joe said

I wasn't budging because I was in still dead shock. So Joe and Kevin picking me both up was hard because I was dead weight and I wasn't helping at all. When I was finally up Joe kept his arm around my waist and grabbed my purse on the way out.

The car ride was silent, mostly because I wasn't in the mood to talk. I eventually stopped crying and I was just looking out the window.

"Laura, he's going to be ok" Kevin said

I ignored him. Neither of them knows I'm pregnant either so it should be one hell of a shock once they find out. I watched the trees pass by in a whip and they passed fast enough for me to begin to be dizzy. I looked forward and shifted my weight, just staring into space. We made it to the base gate where I handed Kevin my military I.D. and Kevin handed the guard both of their civilian licenses. He had them sign some papers and we eventually made it onto base. I passed all of the houses that were so cookie cutter, one exactly alike but a door color change was what made one stand out from another. We passed the elementary school and the commissary. We finally came up to the hospital and Kevin didn't even park the car and I jumped out of it and began running into the lobby. I know its not good since I'm pregnant and all but I needed to see that Nick was ok.

I ran into the lobby out of breath and I stopped at the nurses station at the bottom.

"Hello miss, can I help you?" the nurse asked
"Um, yes I'm looking for Private First Class Jonas" I said
"Give me one second miss" she said looking it up on the computer

Kevin and Joe came running in next to me and Kevin looked like he was going to kill me.

"DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!" he said mad and out of breath
"Sorry, I needed to know…" I said
"Room 451" she said handing me a slip of paper with the room number

I looked at the boys and we all walked to the Emergency doors, pushing the button for them to open and walked through. We walked at a semi-fast pace but I wanted to run to his room. We finally found the elevators after walking around for a good 10 minutes. As we rode up the elevator they were both looking at me concerned. I kept my hands on my stomach almost all of the time now and I think that they got a hint of what has happened.

We got off the floor and walked to find Nick's room. We heard screams and yells all on the floor. We passed by a room of a woman pleading the doctor to not cut her husbands legs off.


I felt a tear form and I just kept walking.

"Laura, don't let that freak you out. Nick's going to be fine" Joe said
"Don't say anything until I see him" I said

I wasn't going to jinx anything with what Joe or Kevin said. When we finally got to the other side of the floor we saw Nick's room number. We all stood there because I suddenly was terrified to see what I was to be expecting.

"Ladies first" Kevin said
"No, Kevin you go first, you're oldest…" I said looking down
"Ok" he said

He pushed the lever in for the door to open and he walked in first. Joe followed him and I just walked in the door and shut the door behind me.

"Hey Nick, how ya doin?" Kevin asked touching his feet that were under the blanket
"I'm…ok" I heard

I was leaning against the door and I was scared to see him now. I loved Nick to death but I didn't want to cry in front of him if he was deformed, you know? Kevin and Joe looked at me and then looked at Nick.

"We brought you a large present" Joe said
"What…what..*cough* what is it?" he asked

He sounded really groggy and tired but Joe waved for me to come over. I fixed myself quickly and walked over to where Joe was, very quietly. I saw Nick and he had gauze wrapped around his head with blood spots all over it. I finally saw his shaved head in person and he really did rock it well. I saw that he had a splint on his right leg.

When he saw me he was suddenly wide awake and opened his eyes smiling as a tear slid down my face.

"C'mere baby" he said with his arms out
"We'll leave you two be." Kevin said

Joe and Kevin filled out and it was suddenly Nick and I there alone. He looked at me wide eyed but I was so afraid of hurting him and I didn't want to touch him.

I walked over to his bed and he pat on the bed for me to sit next to him. He instantly rubbed my cheek and I kissed his fingers.

"C'mere baby" he said again

I leaned down and hugged him until he flinched from pain. Scared out of my mind I pulled back and a tear fell down my face again.

"Ok, I'm not touching you anymore" I said upset
"Baby, it's ok. I just wasn't expecting it, that's all" he said

I looked at him and he smiled.

"You look so beautiful" he said
"Ha, well its called the 'just got off a flight' look" I said giggling
"God I missed that laugh…" he said
"Nick I did miss you and I didn't want you home for this reason" I said
"I know baby" he said as he wiped my tear away

I placed my hand lightly on his stomach and he flinched.

"Nick can I see it?" I asked

He pushed the covers down to show he was only in a white t-shirt and his boxers. I lifted his shirt to see a huge amount of gauze against it.

"Nick what happened?" I asked severely concerned now
"I'll let the doctor tell you. I don't want to ever talk about what happened over there…" he said
"Ok baby…we don't have to talk about it…" I said stroking his face

He looked at me, staring, almost relieved that I was there.

"So when do you go back on tour?" he asked
"That's something I wanted to talk to you about.." I said
"Why?" he asked
"I'm…I'm getting out of the business. I just don't want it like I use to…" I said

He looked at me kinda shocked but he wanted to know more.

"So what are you going to do as an alternative?" he asked
"I'm…I'm going to be a teacher" I said smiling

He smiled and he obviously agreed.

"I couldn't be more proud of you" he said smiling

He pulled my shirt down to kiss me and it was what I've been waiting almost 2 months for. He kissed me slowly and passionately and it was truly romantic…minus the whole hospital and all.

He smiled at me and was staring into my eyes.

"I've got something else to tell you. I haven't told anyone because I wanted to tell you first." I said excited
"What is it?" he asked sitting up and holing my hands.

I took his hands and was pulling them lightly to place on my stomach when the doctor walked in.

"Hi, Private Jonas, I'm Dr. Jonas, haha isn't that a coincidence. I wanted to talked to your wife about what has occurred." He said looking at his clip board

Nick and I looked at each other and I shrugged then left the room with the doctor. Joe and Kevin were outside as well so we all listened in.

"Ok, so Private First-Class Jonas is much more stable then what it was when he came in. He was shot by a roadside bomb. He is the sole survivor. All of the other men in his convoy were killed…" I heard

I suddenly saw Alyssa and she came running to me.

"LAURA!!!" she cried in my shoulder
"Hey…Alyssa, what's wrong?" I asked
"James…he's…dead…" she said

I now understood what the doctor meant by the rest of Nick's convoy.

"Hey, I'm here" I said hugging her
"No, I need to go. I'll call you later" she said walking away

As she walked away I realized how blessed I am to have Nick. Being pregnant and I if I was alone then I don't know what I'd do.

"Ok, well as I was saying, that Nick, is very, very lucky. He had a blown shin that needs reconstructive surgery. He had slight bleeding in his brain and he has third degree burns on his stomach and all over his body. He will be here for some time but if he cooperates the recovery should be no more than a month to a month in a half." The doctor said

"Oh thank god!" I said grasping my chest
"He was extremely lucky Mrs. Jonas" he said
"Thanks you again Dr. Jonas" I said
"No problem miss" he said

As he walked off I told Joe and Kevin that I needed to talk to Nick some more and it wouldn't be too much longer.

"Hey beautiful" Nick said as I walked in
"Hey" I said walking in and sitting next to him

He kissed me and I smiled at him.

"The doctor told me what happened and I'm sorry about James" I said
"Look, I don't want to talk about this ever AGAIN!! DON'T EVER ASK ME ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED!!" he said
"Ok, ok, it's ok Nick" I said grabbing him and hugging him

He gripped me almost in a death grip and he started crying in my shoulder.

"Nick, honey…" I said

I rubbed his back and he pulled me onto his lap. He held me so tight against him and it really scared me. I tried to hang on to him until he was literally gripping me so hard it hurt.

"Nick, that hurts" I said

He kept trying to almost crush me…

"NICK!" I said trying to get up

I had to hit him to get him to stop. As I stood up a tear f shock fell down my face and I stood there with my hands at my side breathing in and out.

"I'm…I'm sorry baby" he said
"Nick…don't you ever hurt me like that…" I said
"I'm sorry, it'll never happen again…" he said

I ended up sitting back down on the bed and I was trying so hard to tell him about the pregnancy but now was the time.

"Hey Nick I've got some good news" I said smiling
"What is it?" he asked kinda excited

I took his hand and placed it on my stomach and held it there.

"Nick…I'm pregnant!" I said smiling

His eyes lit up and he suddenly had more energy then anything I could think of.

"REALLY?" he asked excited
"Yeah, I'm about a month along now and I've only told Ali. I wanted you to know before anyone knew yet" I said smiling

Nick smiled so much that a tear fell from his eye and he was smiling probably too big.

"I'm going to be a daddy?" he asked with a tear blinking out of his eye
"Yeah" I said smiling

He kissed me and brought me to him. He was smiling into the kiss and he bought me on top of him and he laughed. I giggled as he forced me to straddle him…on his hospital bed. We were making out when there was a knock at the door. I jumped off Nick and he grabbed his stomach in pain from my accidentally touching him.

"Hello PFC Jonas, time for a potty break!" she said way too excited
"Uhhh….I…..uh don't need a break…" he said with his hands over his crotch
"No, time to go" the nurse said flinging the covers off and seeing Nick's large….erection.
"Oh, I'll be back in about 10 minutes…" she said awkwardly walking out

We both looked at each other and tired not to laugh.

"Well, we know that part is working ok still…"
"Haha, oh god Nick…" I said laughing and kissing him one more time.
♠ ♠ ♠
So he's not dead so don't kill me :D Remember I'm just really getting started with this story. I've got so many ideas in mind you guys might forget this is a fan-fic haha, well i hope you like it...haha

Ok so i wanted to tell you all that on Thursday-Sunday i'm going to be gone in NYC with my school's music department. :D Haha i'm a band geek, truly :D I'll be updating hopefully on Tuesday when i get back so i can recover from lack of sleep. haha A trip from D.C to NYC is about 8 hours so there isn't very much sleep involved. haha

BUT don't forget about the banner contest. I've gotten quite a few and don't forget anyone can submit more than one :D

Comment & Message :D


-MsPigtails <-----400th Comment :D
-heart of gold;;
-ilyjnaman <-------- That made me laugh so hard!!! :D